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- #
- """
- PIDDLE (Plug-In Drawing, Does Little Else)
- 2D Plug-In Drawing System
- By...
- Magnus Lie Hetland
- Andy Robinson
- Joseph J. Strout
- and others
- """
- import sys
- import string
- inch = 72 # 1 PIDDLE drawing unit == 1/72 imperial inch
- cm = inch/2.54 # more sensible measurement unit
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # StateSaver
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class StateSaver(object):
- def __init__(self, canvas):
- self.canvas = canvas
- self.defaultLineColor = canvas.defaultLineColor
- self.defaultFillColor = canvas.defaultFillColor
- self.defaultLineWidth = canvas.defaultLineWidth
- self.defaultFont = canvas.defaultFont
- def __del__(self):
- self.canvas.defaultLineColor = self.defaultLineColor
- self.canvas.defaultFillColor = self.defaultFillColor
- self.canvas.defaultLineWidth = self.defaultLineWidth
- self.canvas.defaultFont = self.defaultFont
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Color
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class Color(object):
- """This class is used to represent color. Components red, green, blue
- are in the range 0 (dark) to 1 (full intensity)."""
- def __init__(self, red=0, green=0, blue=0):
- "Initialize with red, green, blue in range [0-1]."
- _float = float
- d = self.__dict__
- d["red"] = _float(red)
- d["green"] = _float(green)
- d["blue"] = _float(blue)
- def __setattr__(self, name, value):
- raise TypeError("piddle.Color has read-only attributes")
- def __mul__(self,x):
- return Color(*x,*x,*x)
- def __rmul__(self,x):
- return Color(*x,*x,*x)
- def __div__(self,x):
- return Color(,,
- def __rdiv__(self,x):
- return Color(,,
- def __add__(self,x):
- return Color(,,
- def __sub__(self,x):
- return Color(,,
- def __repr__(self):
- return "Color(%1.2f,%1.2f,%1.2f)" % (,,
- def __hash__(self):
- return hash( (,, )
- def __cmp__(self,other):
- try:
- dsum = 4** + 2** +
- except:
- return -1
- if dsum > 0: return 1
- if dsum < 0: return -1
- return 0
- def myisstring(obj):
- if sys.version_info[0] > 2:
- return isinstance(obj, str)
- else:
- return isinstance(obj, basestring)
- def HexColor(val):
- """This class converts a hex string, or an actual integer number,
- into the corresponding color. E.g., in "AABBCC" or 0xAABBCC,
- AA is the red, BB is the green, and CC is the blue (00-FF)."""
- if myisstring(val):
- val = string.atoi(val,16)
- factor = 1.0 / 255
- return Color(factor * ((val >> 16) & 0xFF),
- factor * ((val >> 8) & 0xFF),
- factor * (val & 0xFF))
- # color constants -- mostly from HTML standard
- aliceblue = HexColor(0xF0F8FF)
- antiquewhite = HexColor(0xFAEBD7)
- aqua = HexColor(0x00FFFF)
- aquamarine = HexColor(0x7FFFD4)
- azure = HexColor(0xF0FFFF)
- beige = HexColor(0xF5F5DC)
- bisque = HexColor(0xFFE4C4)
- black = HexColor(0x000000)
- blanchedalmond = HexColor(0xFFEBCD)
- blue = HexColor(0x0000FF)
- blueviolet = HexColor(0x8A2BE2)
- brown = HexColor(0xA52A2A)
- burlywood = HexColor(0xDEB887)
- cadetblue = HexColor(0x5F9EA0)
- chartreuse = HexColor(0x7FFF00)
- chocolate = HexColor(0xD2691E)
- coral = HexColor(0xFF7F50)
- cornflower = HexColor(0x6495ED)
- cornsilk = HexColor(0xFFF8DC)
- crimson = HexColor(0xDC143C)
- cyan = HexColor(0x00FFFF)
- darkblue = HexColor(0x00008B)
- darkcyan = HexColor(0x008B8B)
- darkgoldenrod = HexColor(0xB8860B)
- darkgray = HexColor(0xA9A9A9)
- darkgreen = HexColor(0x006400)
- darkkhaki = HexColor(0xBDB76B)
- darkmagenta = HexColor(0x8B008B)
- darkolivegreen = HexColor(0x556B2F)
- darkorange = HexColor(0xFF8C00)
- darkorchid = HexColor(0x9932CC)
- darkred = HexColor(0x8B0000)
- darksalmon = HexColor(0xE9967A)
- darkseagreen = HexColor(0x8FBC8B)
- darkslateblue = HexColor(0x483D8B)
- darkslategray = HexColor(0x2F4F4F)
- darkturquoise = HexColor(0x00CED1)
- darkviolet = HexColor(0x9400D3)
- deeppink = HexColor(0xFF1493)
- deepskyblue = HexColor(0x00BFFF)
- dimgray = HexColor(0x696969)
- dodgerblue = HexColor(0x1E90FF)
- firebrick = HexColor(0xB22222)
- floralwhite = HexColor(0xFFFAF0)
- forestgreen = HexColor(0x228B22)
- fuchsia = HexColor(0xFF00FF)
- gainsboro = HexColor(0xDCDCDC)
- ghostwhite = HexColor(0xF8F8FF)
- gold = HexColor(0xFFD700)
- goldenrod = HexColor(0xDAA520)
- gray = HexColor(0x808080)
- grey = gray
- green = HexColor(0x008000)
- greenyellow = HexColor(0xADFF2F)
- honeydew = HexColor(0xF0FFF0)
- hotpink = HexColor(0xFF69B4)
- indianred = HexColor(0xCD5C5C)
- indigo = HexColor(0x4B0082)
- ivory = HexColor(0xFFFFF0)
- khaki = HexColor(0xF0E68C)
- lavender = HexColor(0xE6E6FA)
- lavenderblush = HexColor(0xFFF0F5)
- lawngreen = HexColor(0x7CFC00)
- lemonchiffon = HexColor(0xFFFACD)
- lightblue = HexColor(0xADD8E6)
- lightcoral = HexColor(0xF08080)
- lightcyan = HexColor(0xE0FFFF)
- lightgoldenrodyellow = HexColor(0xFAFAD2)
- lightgreen = HexColor(0x90EE90)
- lightgrey = HexColor(0xD3D3D3)
- lightpink = HexColor(0xFFB6C1)
- lightsalmon = HexColor(0xFFA07A)
- lightseagreen = HexColor(0x20B2AA)
- lightskyblue = HexColor(0x87CEFA)
- lightslategray = HexColor(0x778899)
- lightsteelblue = HexColor(0xB0C4DE)
- lightyellow = HexColor(0xFFFFE0)
- lime = HexColor(0x00FF00)
- limegreen = HexColor(0x32CD32)
- linen = HexColor(0xFAF0E6)
- magenta = HexColor(0xFF00FF)
- maroon = HexColor(0x800000)
- mediumaquamarine = HexColor(0x66CDAA)
- mediumblue = HexColor(0x0000CD)
- mediumorchid = HexColor(0xBA55D3)
- mediumpurple = HexColor(0x9370DB)
- mediumseagreen = HexColor(0x3CB371)
- mediumslateblue = HexColor(0x7B68EE)
- mediumspringgreen = HexColor(0x00FA9A)
- mediumturquoise = HexColor(0x48D1CC)
- mediumvioletred = HexColor(0xC71585)
- midnightblue = HexColor(0x191970)
- mintcream = HexColor(0xF5FFFA)
- mistyrose = HexColor(0xFFE4E1)
- moccasin = HexColor(0xFFE4B5)
- navajowhite = HexColor(0xFFDEAD)
- navy = HexColor(0x000080)
- oldlace = HexColor(0xFDF5E6)
- olive = HexColor(0x808000)
- olivedrab = HexColor(0x6B8E23)
- orange = HexColor(0xFFA500)
- orangered = HexColor(0xFF4500)
- orchid = HexColor(0xDA70D6)
- palegoldenrod = HexColor(0xEEE8AA)
- palegreen = HexColor(0x98FB98)
- paleturquoise = HexColor(0xAFEEEE)
- palevioletred = HexColor(0xDB7093)
- papayawhip = HexColor(0xFFEFD5)
- peachpuff = HexColor(0xFFDAB9)
- peru = HexColor(0xCD853F)
- pink = HexColor(0xFFC0CB)
- plum = HexColor(0xDDA0DD)
- powderblue = HexColor(0xB0E0E6)
- purple = HexColor(0x800080)
- red = HexColor(0xFF0000)
- rosybrown = HexColor(0xBC8F8F)
- royalblue = HexColor(0x4169E1)
- saddlebrown = HexColor(0x8B4513)
- salmon = HexColor(0xFA8072)
- sandybrown = HexColor(0xF4A460)
- seagreen = HexColor(0x2E8B57)
- seashell = HexColor(0xFFF5EE)
- sienna = HexColor(0xA0522D)
- silver = HexColor(0xC0C0C0)
- skyblue = HexColor(0x87CEEB)
- slateblue = HexColor(0x6A5ACD)
- slategray = HexColor(0x708090)
- snow = HexColor(0xFFFAFA)
- springgreen = HexColor(0x00FF7F)
- steelblue = HexColor(0x4682B4)
- tan = HexColor(0xD2B48C)
- teal = HexColor(0x008080)
- thistle = HexColor(0xD8BFD8)
- tomato = HexColor(0xFF6347)
- turquoise = HexColor(0x40E0D0)
- violet = HexColor(0xEE82EE)
- wheat = HexColor(0xF5DEB3)
- white = HexColor(0xFFFFFF)
- whitesmoke = HexColor(0xF5F5F5)
- yellow = HexColor(0xFFFF00)
- yellowgreen = HexColor(0x9ACD32)
- # special case -- indicates no drawing should be done
- transparent = Color(-1, -1, -1)
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Font
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class Font(object):
- "This class represents font typeface, size, and style."
- def __init__(self, size=12, bold=0, italic=0, underline=0, face=None):
- # public mode variables
- d = self.__dict__
- d["bold"] = bold
- d["italic"] = italic
- d["underline"] = underline
- # public font size (points)
- d["size"] = size
- # typeface -- a name or set of names, interpreted by the Canvas,
- # or "None" to indicate the Canvas-specific default typeface
- d["face"] = face
- def __cmp__(self, other):
- """Compare two fonts to see if they're the same."""
- if self.face == other.face and self.size == other.size and \
- self.bold == other.bold and self.italic == other.italic \
- and self.underline == other.underline:
- return 0
- else:
- return 1
- def __repr__(self):
- return "Font(%d,%d,%d,%d,%s)" % (self.size, self.bold, self.italic, \
- self.underline, repr(self.face))
- def __setattr__(self, name, value):
- raise TypeError("piddle.Font has read-only attributes")
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # constants needed for Canvas.drawFigure
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- figureLine = 1
- figureArc = 2
- figureCurve = 3
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # key constants used for special keys in the onKey callback
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- keyBksp = '\010' # (erases char to left of cursor)
- keyDel = '\177' # (erases char to right of cursor)
- keyLeft = '\034'
- keyRight = '\035'
- keyUp = '\036'
- keyDown = '\037'
- keyPgUp = '\013'
- keyPgDn = '\014'
- keyHome = '\001'
- keyEnd = '\004'
- keyClear = '\033'
- keyTab = '\t'
- modShift = 1 # shift key was also held
- modControl = 2 # control key was also held
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Canvas
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class Canvas(object):
- """This is the base class for a drawing canvas. The 'plug-in renderer'
- we speak of are really just classes derived from this one, which implement
- the various drawing methods."""
- def __init__(self, size=(300,300), name="PIDDLE"):
- """Initialize the canvas, and set default drawing parameters.
- Derived classes should be sure to call this method."""
- # defaults used when drawing
- self.defaultLineColor = black
- self.defaultFillColor = transparent
- self.defaultLineWidth = 1
- self.defaultFont = Font()
- # set up null event handlers
- # onClick: x,y is Canvas coordinates of mouseclick
- def ignoreClick(canvas,x,y): pass
- self.onClick = ignoreClick
- # onOver: x,y is Canvas location of mouse
- def ignoreOver(canvas,x,y): pass
- self.onOver = ignoreOver
- # onKey: key is printable character or one of the constants above;
- # modifiers is a tuple containing any of (modShift, modControl)
- def ignoreKey(canvas,key,modifiers): pass
- self.onKey = ignoreKey
- # size and name, for user's reference
- self.size, = size,name
- #------------ canvas capabilities -------------
- def isInteractive(self):
- "Returns 1 if onClick, onOver, and onKey events are possible, 0 otherwise."
- return 0
- def canUpdate(self):
- "Returns 1 if the drawing can be meaningfully updated over time \
- (e.g., screen graphics), 0 otherwise (e.g., drawing to a file)."
- return 0
- #------------ general management -------------
- def clear(self):
- "Call this to clear and reset the graphics context."
- pass
- def flush(self):
- "Call this to indicate that any commands that have been issued \
- but which might be buffered should be flushed to the screen"
- pass
- def save(self, file=None, format=None):
- """For backends that can be save to a file or sent to a
- stream, create a valid file out of what's currently been
- drawn on the canvas. Trigger any finalization here.
- Though some backends may allow further drawing after this call,
- presume that this is not possible for maximum portability
- file may be either a string or a file object with a write method
- if left as the default, the canvas's current name will be used
- format may be used to specify the type of file format to use as
- well as any corresponding extension to use for the filename
- This is an optional argument and backends may ignore it if
- they only produce one file format."""
- pass
- def setInfoLine(self, s):
- "For interactive Canvases, displays the given string in the \
- 'info line' somewhere where the user can probably see it."
- pass
- #------------ string/font info ------------
- def stringWidth(self, s, font=None):
- "Return the logical width of the string if it were drawn \
- in the current font (defaults to self.font)."
- raise NotImplementedError('stringWidth')
- def fontHeight(self, font=None):
- "Find the height of one line of text (baseline to baseline) of the given font."
- # the following approximation is correct for PostScript fonts,
- # and should be close for most others:
- if not font: font = self.defaultFont
- return 1.2 * font.size
- def fontAscent(self, font=None):
- "Find the ascent (height above base) of the given font."
- raise NotImplementedError('fontAscent')
- def fontDescent(self, font=None):
- "Find the descent (extent below base) of the given font."
- raise NotImplementedError('fontDescent')
- #------------- drawing helpers --------------
- def arcPoints(self, x1,y1, x2,y2, startAng=0, extent=360):
- "Return a list of points approximating the given arc."
- # Note: this implementation is simple and not particularly efficient.
- xScale = abs((x2-x1)/2.0)
- yScale = abs((y2-y1)/2.0)
- x = min(x1,x2)+xScale
- y = min(y1,y2)+yScale
- # "Guesstimate" a proper number of points for the arc:
- steps = min(max(xScale,yScale)*(extent/10.0)/10,200)
- if steps < 5: steps = 5
- from math import sin, cos, pi
- pointlist = []
- step = float(extent)/steps
- angle = startAng
- for i in range(int(steps+1)):
- point = (x+xScale*cos((angle/180.0)*pi),
- y-yScale*sin((angle/180.0)*pi))
- pointlist.append(point)
- angle = angle+step
- return pointlist
- def curvePoints(self, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4):
- "Return a list of points approximating the given Bezier curve."
- bezierSteps = min(max(max(x1,x2,x3,x4)-min(x1,x2,x3,x3),
- max(y1,y2,y3,y4)-min(y1,y2,y3,y4)),
- 200)
- dt1 = 1. / bezierSteps
- dt2 = dt1 * dt1
- dt3 = dt2 * dt1
- xx = x1
- yy = y1
- ux = uy = vx = vy = 0
- ax = x4 - 3*x3 + 3*x2 - x1
- ay = y4 - 3*y3 + 3*y2 - y1
- bx = 3*x3 - 6*x2 + 3*x1
- by = 3*y3 - 6*y2 + 3*y1
- cx = 3*x2 - 3*x1
- cy = 3*y2 - 3*y1
- mx1 = ax * dt3
- my1 = ay * dt3
- lx1 = bx * dt2
- ly1 = by * dt2
- kx = mx1 + lx1 + cx*dt1
- ky = my1 + ly1 + cy*dt1
- mx = 6*mx1
- my = 6*my1
- lx = mx + 2*lx1
- ly = my + 2*ly1
- pointList = [(xx, yy)]
- for i in range(bezierSteps):
- xx = xx + ux + kx
- yy = yy + uy + ky
- ux = ux + vx + lx
- uy = uy + vy + ly
- vx = vx + mx
- vy = vy + my
- pointList.append((xx, yy))
- return pointList
- def drawMultiLineString(self, s, x,y, font=None, color=None, angle=0):
- "Breaks string into lines (on \n, \r, \n\r, or \r\n), and calls drawString on each."
- import math
- import string
- h = self.fontHeight(font)
- dy = h * math.cos(angle*math.pi/180.0)
- dx = h * math.sin(angle*math.pi/180.0)
- s = string.replace(s, '\r\n', '\n')
- s = string.replace(s, '\n\r', '\n')
- s = string.replace(s, '\r', '\n')
- lines = string.split(s, '\n')
- for line in lines:
- self.drawString(line, x, y, font, color, angle)
- x = x + dx
- y = y + dy
- #------------- drawing methods --------------
- # Note default parameters "=None" means use the defaults
- # set in the Canvas method: defaultLineColor, etc.
- def drawLine(self, x1,y1, x2,y2, color=None, width=None):
- "Draw a straight line between x1,y1 and x2,y2."
- raise NotImplementedError('drawLine')
- def drawLines(self, lineList, color=None, width=None):
- "Draw a set of lines of uniform color and width. \
- lineList: a list of (x1,y1,x2,y2) line coordinates."
- # default implementation:
- for x1, y1, x2, y2 in lineList:
- self.drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2 ,color,width)
- # For text, color defaults to self.lineColor.
- def drawString(self, s, x,y, font=None, color=None, angle=0):
- "Draw a string starting at location x,y."
- # NOTE: the baseline goes on y; drawing covers (y-ascent,y+descent)
- raise NotImplementedError('drawString')
- # For fillable shapes, edgeColor defaults to self.defaultLineColor,
- # edgeWidth defaults to self.defaultLineWidth, and
- # fillColor defaults to self.defaultFillColor.
- # Specify "don't fill" by passing fillColor=transparent.
- def drawCurve(self, x1,y1, x2,y2, x3,y3, x4,y4,
- edgeColor=None, edgeWidth=None, fillColor=None, closed=0):
- "Draw a BΓ©zier curve with control points x1,y1 to x4,y4."
- pointlist = self.curvePoints(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4)
- self.drawPolygon(pointlist,
- edgeColor=edgeColor,
- edgeWidth=edgeWidth,
- fillColor=fillColor, closed=closed)
- def drawRect(self, x1,y1, x2,y2, edgeColor=None, edgeWidth=None, fillColor=None):
- "Draw the rectangle between x1,y1, and x2,y2. \
- These should have x1<x2 and y1<y2."
- pointList = [ (x1,y1), (x2,y1), (x2,y2), (x1,y2) ]
- self.drawPolygon(pointList, edgeColor, edgeWidth, fillColor, closed=1)
- def drawRoundRect(self, x1,y1, x2,y2, rx=8, ry=8,
- edgeColor=None, edgeWidth=None, fillColor=None):
- "Draw a rounded rectangle between x1,y1, and x2,y2, \
- with corners inset as ellipses with x radius rx and y radius ry. \
- These should have x1<x2, y1<y2, rx>0, and ry>0."
- x1, x2 = min(x1,x2), max(x1, x2)
- y1, y2 = min(y1,y2), max(y1, y2)
- dx = rx*2
- dy = ry*2
- partList = [
- (figureArc, x1, y1, x1+dx, y1+dy, 180, -90),
- (figureLine, x1+rx, y1, x2-rx, y1),
- (figureArc, x2-dx, y1, x2, y1+dy, 90, -90),
- (figureLine, x2, y1+ry, x2, y2-ry),
- (figureArc, x2-dx, y2, x2, y2-dy, 0, -90),
- (figureLine, x2-rx, y2, x1+rx, y2),
- (figureArc, x1, y2, x1+dx, y2-dy, -90, -90),
- (figureLine, x1, y2-ry, x1, y1+rx)
- ]
- self.drawFigure(partList, edgeColor, edgeWidth, fillColor, closed=1)
- def drawEllipse(self, x1,y1, x2,y2, edgeColor=None, edgeWidth=None, fillColor=None):
- "Draw an orthogonal ellipse inscribed within the rectangle x1,y1,x2,y2. \
- These should have x1<x2 and y1<y2."
- pointlist = self.arcPoints(x1, y1, x2, y2, 0, 360)
- self.drawPolygon(pointlist,edgeColor, edgeWidth, fillColor, closed=1)
- def drawArc(self, x1,y1, x2,y2, startAng=0, extent=360,
- edgeColor=None, edgeWidth=None, fillColor=None):
- "Draw a partial ellipse inscribed within the rectangle x1,y1,x2,y2, \
- starting at startAng degrees and covering extent degrees. Angles \
- start with 0 to the right (+x) and increase counter-clockwise. \
- These should have x1<x2 and y1<y2."
- center = (x1+x2)/2, (y1+y2)/2
- pointlist = self.arcPoints(x1, y1, x2, y2, startAng, extent)
- # Fill...
- self.drawPolygon(pointlist+[center]+[pointlist[0]],
- transparent, 0, fillColor)
- # Outline...
- self.drawPolygon(pointlist, edgeColor, edgeWidth, transparent)
- def drawPolygon(self, pointlist,
- edgeColor=None, edgeWidth=None, fillColor=None, closed=0):
- """drawPolygon(pointlist) -- draws a polygon
- pointlist: a list of (x,y) tuples defining vertices
- closed: if 1, adds an extra segment connecting the last point to the first
- """
- raise NotImplementedError('drawPolygon')
- def drawFigure(self, partList,
- edgeColor=None, edgeWidth=None, fillColor=None, closed=0):
- """drawFigure(partList) -- draws a complex figure
- partlist: a set of lines, curves, and arcs defined by a tuple whose
- first element is one of figureLine, figureArc, figureCurve
- and whose remaining 4, 6, or 8 elements are parameters."""
- pointList = []
- for tuple in partList:
- op = tuple[0]
- args = list(tuple[1:])
- if op == figureLine:
- pointList.extend( [args[:2], args[2:]] )
- elif op == figureArc:
- pointList.extend(apply(self.arcPoints,args))
- elif op == figureCurve:
- pointList.extend(apply(self.curvePoints,args))
- else:
- raise TypeError("unknown figure operator: " + op)
- self.drawPolygon(pointList, edgeColor, edgeWidth, fillColor, closed=closed)
- # no colors apply to drawImage; the image is drawn as-is
- def drawImage(self, image, x1,y1, x2=None,y2=None):
- """Draw a PIL Image into the specified rectangle. If x2 and y2 are
- omitted, they are calculated from the image size."""
- raise NotImplementedError('drawImage')
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # utility functions #
- def getFileObject(file):
- """Common code for every operation takes a string
- or a potential file object and assures that a valid fileobj is returned"""
- if file:
- if myisstring(file):
- fileobj = open(file, "wb")
- else:
- if hasattr(file, "write"):
- fileobj = file
- else:
- raise Exception('Invalid file argument to save')
- else:
- raise Exception('Invalid file argument to save')
- return fileobj
- class AffineMatrix(object):
- # A = [ a c e]
- # [ b d f]
- # [ 0 0 1]
- # self.A = [a b c d e f] = " [ A[0] A[1] A[2] A[3] A[4] A[5] ]"
- def __init__(self, init=None):
- if init:
- if len(init) == 6 :
- self.A = init
- if type(init) == type(self): # erpht!!! this seems so wrong
- self.A = init.A
- else:
- self.A = [1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0] # set to identity
- def scale(self, sx, sy):
- self.A = [sx*self.A[0], sx*self.A[1], sy*self.A[2], sy * self.A[3], self.A[4], self.A[5] ]
- def rotate(self, theta):
- "counter clockwise rotation in standard SVG/libart coordinate system"
- # clockwise in postscript "y-upward" coordinate system
- # R = [ c -s 0 ]
- # [ s c 0 ]
- # [ 0 0 1 ]
- co = math.cos(PI*theta/180.0)
- si = math.sin(PI*theta/180.0)
- self.A = [self.A[0] * co + self.A[2] * si,
- self.A[1] * co + self.A[3] * si,
- -self.A[0]* si + self.A[2] * co,
- -self.A[1]* si + self.A[3] * co,
- self.A[4],
- self.A[5] ]
- def translate(self, tx, ty):
- self.A = [ self.A[0], self.A[1], self.A[2], self.A[3],
- self.A[0]*tx + self.A[2]*ty + self.A[4],
- self.A[1]*tx + self.A[3]*ty + self.A[5] ]
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