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- local versionMajor = "2"
- local versionMinor = "5"
- local component = require("component")
- local gpu = component.gpu
- local event = require("event")
- local ser = require("serialization")
- local computer = require("computer")
- local unicode = require("unicode")
- local screenWidth, screenHeight = gpu.getResolution()
- local gui = {}
- local colorScreenBackground = 0xC0C0C0
- local colorScreenForeground = 0x000000
- local colorTopLineBackground = 0x0000FF
- local colorTopLineForeground = 0xFFFFFF
- local colorBottomLineBackground = 0x0000FF
- local colorBottomLineForeground = 0xFFFFFF
- local colorFrameBackground = 0xC0C0C0
- local colorFrameForeground = 0x000000
- local colorButtonBackground = 0x0000FF
- local colorButtonForeground = 0xFFFFFF
- local colorButtonClickedBackground = 0x00FF00
- local colorButtonClickedForeground = 0xFFFFFF
- local colorButtonDisabledBackground = 0x000000
- local colorButtonDisabledForeground = 0xFFFFFF
- local colorTextBackground = 0x000000
- local colorTextForeground = 0xFFFF00
- local colorInputBackground = 0x0000FF
- local colorInputForeground = 0xFFFFFF
- local colorProgressBackground = 0x000000
- local colorProgressForeground = 0x00FF00
- local colorProgressNumberForeground = 0xFFFF00
- local colorListBackground = 0x0000FF
- local colorListForeground = 0xFFFFFF
- local colorListActiveBackground = 0x00FF00
- local colorListActiveForeground = 0xFFFF00
- local colorListDisabledBackground = 0x000000
- local colorListDisabledForeground = 0xFFFF00
- local colorVProgressBackground = 0x000000
- local colorVProgressForeground = 0x00FF00
- local colorVSliderBackground = 0x000000
- local colorVSliderForeground = 0x00FF00
- local colorChartBackground = 0x000000
- local colorChartForeground = 0x00FF00
- local displayed = false
- local compGui
- local tmpStr
- local l
- function gui.Version()
- return versionMajor .. "." .. versionMinor, versionMajor, versionMinor
- end
- function gui.checkVersion(major, minor)
- if major > tonumber(versionMajor) then
- compGui = gui.newGui("center", "center", 40, 9, true, nil, 0xFF0000, 0xFFFF00)
- gui.displayGui(compGui)
- gui.newLabel(compGui, "center", 1, "!Wrong Gui version!")
- gui.newLabel(compGui, "center", 3, string.format("Need version %d.%d",major, minor))
- gui.newLabel(compGui, "center", 5, string.format("Installed version is v %d.%d",versionMajor, versionMinor))
- gui.newHLine(compGui, 1, 6, 38)
- gui.newButton(compGui, "center", 7, "exit", gui.exit)
- while true do
- gui.runGui(compGui)
- end
- else
- if minor > tonumber(versionMinor) then
- compGui = gui.newGui("center", "center", 40, 9, true, nil, 0xFF0000, 0xFFFF00)
- gui.displayGui(compGui)
- gui.newLabel(compGui, "center", 1, "!Wrong Gui version!")
- gui.newLabel(compGui, "center", 3, string.format("Need version %d.%d",major, minor))
- gui.newLabel(compGui, "center", 5, string.format("Installed version is v %d.%d",versionMajor, versionMinor))
- gui.newHLine(compGui, 1, 6, 38)
- gui.newButton(compGui, "center", 7, "exit", gui.exit)
- while true do
- gui.runGui(compGui)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function gui.clearScreen()
- gpu.setBackground(colorScreenBackground)
- gpu.setForeground(colorScreenForeground)
- gpu.fill(1, 1, screenWidth, screenHeight, " ")
- gpu.setBackground(colorTopLineBackground)
- gpu.setForeground(colorTopLineForeground)
- gpu.fill(1, 1, screenWidth, 1, " ")
- gpu.setBackground(colorBottomLineBackground)
- gpu.setForeground(colorBottomLineForeground)
- gpu.fill(1, screenHeight, screenWidth, 1, " ")
- end
- function gui.setTop(text)
- gpu.setBackground(colorTopLineBackground)
- gpu.setForeground(colorTopLineForeground)
- gpu.set( (screenWidth / 2) - (unicode.len(text) / 2), 1, text)
- end
- function gui.setBottom(text)
- gpu.setBackground(colorBottomLineBackground)
- gpu.setForeground(colorBottomLineForeground)
- gpu.set( (screenWidth / 2) - (unicode.len(text) / 2), screenHeight, text)
- end
- local function saveBackground(x,y,w,h)
- local buffer = {}
- for i = x,x + w do
- for j = y,y + h do
- local ch,fc,bc = gpu.get(i,j)
- local tmp = {i,j,ch,fc,bc}
- table.insert(buffer, tmp)
- end
- end
- return buffer
- end
- local function restoreBackground(buff)
- for k,v in pairs(buff) do
- gpu.setBackground(v[5])
- gpu.setForeground(v[4])
- gpu.set(v[1], v[2], v[3])
- end
- end
- function gui.closeGui(guiID)
- -- print("restoring" .. guiID.num)
- -- os.sleep(1)
- restoreBackground(guiID.buffer)
- = true
- end
- -- displays the gui frame, if set or just clears the display area
- local function _displayFrame(guiID)
- if == true then
- -- print("saving" .. guiID.num)
- guiID.buffer = saveBackground(guiID.x, guiID.y, guiID.width, guiID.height)
- = false
- -- os.sleep(1)
- end
- gpu.setBackground(
- gpu.setForeground(guiID.fg)
- gpu.fill(guiID.x, guiID.y, guiID.width, guiID.height, " ")
- if guiID.frame == true then
- gpu.fill(guiID.x, guiID.y, 1, guiID.height, "║")
- gpu.fill(guiID.x + guiID.width - 1, guiID.y, 1, guiID.height, "║")
- gpu.fill(guiID.x, guiID.y, guiID.width, 1, "═")
- gpu.fill(guiID.x, guiID.y + guiID.height - 1, guiID.width, 1, "═")
- gpu.set(guiID.x, guiID.y, "╔")
- gpu.set(guiID.x + guiID.width - 1 , guiID.y, "╗")
- gpu.set(guiID.x, guiID.y + guiID.height - 1 , "╚")
- gpu.set(guiID.x + guiID.width - 1 , guiID.y + guiID.height - 1, "╝")
- if guiID.text then
- gpu.set(guiID.x + math.floor((guiID.width/2)) - math.floor((unicode.len(guiID.text)/2)), guiID.y, guiID.text)
- end
- end
- end
- -- displays a frame
- local function _displayAFrame(guiID, frameID)
- if guiID[frameID].visible == true then
- gpu.setBackground(
- gpu.setForeground(guiID.fg)
- gpu.fill(guiID[frameID].x, guiID[frameID].y, 1, guiID[frameID].height, "║")
- gpu.fill(guiID[frameID].x + guiID[frameID].width - 1, guiID[frameID].y, 1, guiID[frameID].height, "║")
- gpu.fill(guiID[frameID].x, guiID[frameID].y, guiID[frameID].width, 1, "═")
- gpu.fill(guiID[frameID].x, guiID[frameID].y + guiID[frameID].height - 1, guiID[frameID].width, 1, "═")
- gpu.set(guiID[frameID].x, guiID[frameID].y, "╔")
- gpu.set(guiID[frameID].x + guiID[frameID].width - 1 , guiID[frameID].y, "╗")
- gpu.set(guiID[frameID].x, guiID[frameID].y + guiID[frameID].height - 1 , "╚")
- gpu.set(guiID[frameID].x + guiID[frameID].width - 1 , guiID[frameID].y + guiID[frameID].height - 1, "╝")
- if guiID[frameID].text then
- gpu.set(guiID[frameID].x + math.floor((guiID[frameID].width/2)) - math.floor((unicode.len(guiID[frameID].text)/2)+1), guiID[frameID].y, "╡" .. guiID[frameID].text .. "┝")
- end
- end
- end
- --display a horizontal line
- local function _displayHLine(guiID, lineID)
- gpu.setBackground(
- gpu.setForeground(guiID.fg)
- gpu.fill(guiID[lineID].x, guiID[lineID].y, guiID[lineID].width, 1, "═")
- end
- -- displays a checkbox
- local function _displayCheckbox(guiID, checkboxID)
- if guiID[checkboxID].visible == true then
- gpu.setBackground(
- gpu.setForeground(guiID.fg)
- local x = 0
- x =guiID.x + guiID[checkboxID].x
- if guiID[checkboxID].status == true then
- gpu.set(x, guiID[checkboxID].y, "[√]")
- else
- gpu.set(x, guiID[checkboxID].y, "[ ]")
- end
- end
- end
- -- displays a radio button
- local function _displayRadio(guiID, radioID)
- if guiID[radioID].visible == true then
- gpu.setBackground(
- gpu.setForeground(guiID.fg)
- local x = 0
- x =guiID.x + guiID[radioID].x
- if guiID[radioID].status == true then
- gpu.set(x, guiID[radioID].y, "(x)")
- else
- gpu.set(x, guiID[radioID].y, "( )")
- end
- end
- end
- -- displays a label
- local function _displayLabel(guiID, labelID)
- if guiID[labelID].visible == true then
- gpu.setBackground(guiID[labelID].bg)
- gpu.setForeground(guiID[labelID].fg)
- local x = 0
- if guiID[labelID].x == "center" then
- x = guiID.x + math.floor((guiID.width / 2)) - math.floor((unicode.len(guiID[labelID].text)) / 2)
- else
- x =guiID.x + guiID[labelID].x
- end
- gpu.fill(x, guiID[labelID].y, guiID[labelID].l , 1, " ")
- gpu.set(x, guiID[labelID].y, guiID[labelID].text)
- end
- end
- -- displays a time label
- local function _displayTimeLabel(guiID, labelID)
- if guiID[labelID].visible == true then
- gpu.setBackground(guiID[labelID].bg)
- gpu.setForeground(guiID[labelID].fg)
- local x = guiID.x + guiID[labelID].x
- gpu.set(x, guiID[labelID].y,"%H:%M", os.time()))
- end
- end
- -- displays a date label
- local function _displayDateLabel(guiID, labelID)
- if guiID[labelID].visible == true then
- gpu.setBackground(guiID[labelID].bg)
- gpu.setForeground(guiID[labelID].fg)
- local x = guiID.x + guiID[labelID].x
- if guiID[labelID].frm == false then
- gpu.set(x, guiID[labelID].y,"%d/%m/%Y"))
- elseif guiID[labelID].frm == true then
- gpu.set(x, guiID[labelID].y,"%A %d. %B %Y"))
- end
- end
- end
- local function splitWords(Lines, limit)
- while #Lines[#Lines] > limit do
- Lines[#Lines+1] = Lines[#Lines]:sub(limit+1)
- Lines[#Lines-1] = Lines[#Lines-1]:sub(1,limit)
- end
- end
- local function wrap(str, limit)
- local Lines, here, limit, found = {}, 1, limit or 72, str:find("(%s+)()(%S+)()")
- if found then
- Lines[1] = string.sub(str,1,found-1) -- Put the first word of the string in the first index of the table.
- else Lines[1] = str end
- str:gsub("(%s+)()(%S+)()",
- function(sp, st, word, fi) -- Function gets called once for every space found.
- splitWords(Lines, limit)
- if fi-here > limit then
- here = st
- Lines[#Lines+1] = word -- If at the end of a line, start a new table index...
- else Lines[#Lines] = Lines[#Lines].." "..word end -- ... otherwise add to the current table index.
- end)
- splitWords(Lines, limit)
- return Lines
- end
- -- displays a multi line label
- local function _displayMultiLineLabel(guiID, labelID)
- if guiID[labelID].visible == true then
- gpu.setBackground(guiID[labelID].bg)
- gpu.setForeground(guiID[labelID].fg)
- gpu.fill(guiID[labelID].x, guiID[labelID].y, guiID[labelID].w, guiID[labelID].h, " ")
- local text = wrap(guiID[labelID].text, guiID[labelID].w)
- for i = 1, #text do
- if i > guiID[labelID].h then break end
- gpu.set(guiID[labelID].x, guiID[labelID].y + i - 1, text[i])
- end
- end
- end
- -- displays a button
- local function _displayButton(guiID, buttonID)
- if guiID[buttonID].visible == true then
- if guiID[buttonID].active == true then
- gpu.setBackground(colorButtonClickedBackground)
- gpu.setForeground(colorButtonClickedForeground)
- elseif guiID[buttonID].enabled == false then
- gpu.setBackground(colorButtonDisabledBackground)
- gpu.setForeground(colorButtonDisabledForeground)
- else
- gpu.setBackground(colorButtonBackground)
- gpu.setForeground(colorButtonForeground)
- end
- local x = 0
- if guiID[buttonID].x == "center" then
- x = guiID.x + math.floor((guiID.width / 2)) - math.floor((guiID[buttonID].lenght / 2))
- else
- x = guiID.x + guiID[buttonID].x
- end
- gpu.fill(x, guiID[buttonID].y, guiID[buttonID].lenght, 1, " ")
- gpu.set(x, guiID[buttonID].y, guiID[buttonID].text)
- end
- end
- -- displays a text
- local function _displayText(guiID, textID)
- if guiID[textID].visible == true then
- gpu.setBackground(colorTextBackground)
- gpu.setForeground(colorTextForeground)
- local x = 0
- if guiID[textID].x == "center" then
- x = guiID.x + math.floor((guiID.width / 2)) - math.floor((guiID[textID].fieldLenght) / 2)
- else
- x = guiID.x + guiID[textID].x
- end
- gpu.fill(x, guiID[textID].y , guiID[textID].fieldLenght, 1, " ")
- tmpStr = guiID[textID].text
- if guiID[textID].hide == true then
- tmpStr = ""
- for i = 1, unicode.len(guiID[textID].text) do
- tmpStr = tmpStr .."*"
- end
- end
- gpu.set(x, guiID[textID].y, string.sub(tmpStr, 1, guiID[textID].fieldLenght))
- end
- end
- -- displays a vertical slider
- local function _displayVslider(guiID, sliderID)
- if guiID[sliderID].visible == true then
- gpu.setBackground(colorVSliderBackground)
- gpu.setForeground(colorVSliderForeground)
- local x = 0
- x = guiID.x + guiID[sliderID].x
- gpu.fill(x, guiID[sliderID].y , guiID[sliderID].lenght + 2, 1, " ")
- gpu.setBackground(colorButtonBackground)
- gpu.setForeground(colorButtonForeground)
- gpu.set(x, guiID[sliderID].y, "-")
- gpu.set(x + guiID[sliderID].lenght + 1, guiID[sliderID].y, "+")
- x = x + 1
- local proz = math.floor(100 / guiID[sliderID].max * guiID[sliderID].value)
- if proz > 100 then
- proz = 100
- if guiID[sliderID].func then
- guiID[sliderID].func(guiID, sliderID)
- end
- end
- local pos = math.floor(guiID[sliderID].lenght / 100 * proz)
- gpu.setBackground(colorVSliderForeground)
- gpu.setForeground(colorVSliderBackground)
- gpu.fill(x, guiID[sliderID].y , pos, 1, " ")
- gpu.setBackground(colorVSliderBackground)
- gpu.setForeground(colorVSliderForeground)
- gpu.fill(x + pos, guiID[sliderID].y , guiID[sliderID].lenght - pos, 1, " ")
- end
- end
- -- displays a progress bar
- local function _displayProgress(guiID, progressID)
- if guiID[progressID].visible == true then
- gpu.setBackground(colorProgressForeground)
- gpu.setForeground(colorProgressBackground)
- local x = 0
- if guiID[progressID].x == "center" then
- x = guiID.x + math.floor((guiID.width / 2)) - math.floor((guiID[progressID].lenght) / 2)
- else
- x = guiID.x + guiID[progressID].x
- end
- local proz = math.floor(100 / guiID[progressID].max * guiID[progressID].value)
- if proz > 100 then
- proz = 100
- if guiID[progressID].finished == false and guiID[progressID].func then
- guiID[progressID].func(guiID, progressID)
- end
- guiID[progressID].finished = true
- end
- local pos = math.floor(guiID[progressID].lenght / 100 * proz)
- gpu.fill(x, guiID[progressID].y , pos, 1, " ")
- gpu.setBackground(colorProgressBackground)
- gpu.setForeground(colorProgressForeground)
- gpu.fill(x + pos, guiID[progressID].y , guiID[progressID].lenght - pos, 1, " ")
- gpu.setBackground(
- gpu.setForeground(guiID.fg)
- if guiID[progressID].displayNumber == true then
- gpu.fill(x, guiID[progressID].y - 1, guiID[progressID].lenght, 1, " ")
- gpu.set(x + (math.floor(guiID[progressID].lenght / 2)) - 1, guiID[progressID].y - 1, proz .. "%")
- end
- end
- end
- -- displays a vertical progress bar
- local function _displayVProgress(guiID, progressID)
- if guiID[progressID].visible == true then
- local x = 0
- if guiID[progressID].x == "center" then
- x = guiID.x + math.floor((guiID.width / 2)) - math.floor((guiID[progressID].lenght) / 2)
- else
- x = guiID.x + guiID[progressID].x
- end
- local proz = math.floor(100 / guiID[progressID].max * guiID[progressID].value)
- if proz > 100 then
- proz = 100
- if guiID[progressID].finished == false and guiID[progressID].func then
- guiID[progressID].func(guiID, progressID)
- end
- guiID[progressID].finished = true
- end
- local pos = math.floor(guiID[progressID].lenght / 100 * proz)
- for i = 1, guiID[progressID].width do
- if guiID[progressID].direction == 0 then
- gpu.setBackground(colorProgressForeground)
- gpu.setForeground(colorProgressBackground)
- gpu.fill(x+i-1, guiID[progressID].y , 1, pos, " ")
- gpu.setBackground(colorProgressBackground)
- gpu.setForeground(colorProgressForeground)
- gpu.fill(x+i-1, guiID[progressID].y + pos, 1, guiID[progressID].lenght - pos, " ")
- end
- if guiID[progressID].direction == 1 then
- gpu.setBackground(colorProgressBackground)
- gpu.setForeground(colorProgressForeground)
- gpu.fill(x+i-1, guiID[progressID].y, 1, guiID[progressID].lenght, " ")
- gpu.setBackground(colorProgressForeground)
- gpu.setForeground(colorProgressBackground)
- gpu.fill(x+i-1, guiID[progressID].y + guiID[progressID].lenght - pos , 1, pos, " ")
- end
- end
- end
- end
- -- display list
- local function _displayList(guiID, listID)
- if guiID[listID].visible == true then
- if guiID[listID].enabled == true then
- gpu.setBackground(colorListBackground)
- gpu.setForeground(colorListForeground)
- else
- gpu.setBackground(colorListDisabledBackground)
- gpu.setForeground(colorListDisabledForeground)
- end
- gpu.fill(guiID[listID].x, guiID[listID].y, guiID[listID].width, guiID[listID].height, " ")
- gpu.fill(guiID[listID].x, guiID[listID].y, guiID[listID].width, 1, "═")
- if guiID[listID].text then
- gpu.set( guiID[listID].x + (guiID[listID].width/2) - (unicode.len(guiID[listID].text)/2), guiID[listID].y, "╡" .. guiID[listID].text .. "┝")
- end
- if guiID[listID].active + guiID[listID].height - 3 > #guiID[listID].entries then
- l = #guiID[listID].entries
- else
- l = guiID[listID].active + guiID[listID].height - 3
- end
- gpu.fill(guiID[listID].x, guiID[listID].y +guiID[listID].height - 1, guiID[listID].width, 1, "═")
- gpu.set(guiID[listID].x, guiID[listID].y + guiID[listID].height - 1, "[<]")
- gpu.set(guiID[listID].x + guiID[listID].width - 3, guiID[listID].y + guiID[listID].height - 1, "[>]")
- for v = guiID[listID].active, l do
- if v == guiID[listID].selected then
- gpu.setBackground(colorListActiveBackground)
- gpu.setForeground(colorListActiveForeground)
- else
- if guiID[listID].enabled == true then
- gpu.setBackground(colorListBackground)
- gpu.setForeground(colorListForeground)
- else
- gpu.setBackground(colorListDisabledBackground)
- gpu.setForeground(colorListDisabledForeground)
- end
- end
- gpu.fill(guiID[listID].x, guiID[listID].y + v - guiID[listID].active + 1, guiID[listID].width, 1 , " ")
- gpu.set(guiID[listID].x + 1, guiID[listID].y + v - guiID[listID].active + 1, guiID[listID].entries[v] )
- end
- end
- end
- -- displays a chart
- local function _displayChart(guiID, chartID)
- if guiID[chartID].visible == true then
- gpu.setBackground(colorChartBackground)
- gpu.setForeground(colorChartForeground)
- for x = 1, #guiID[chartID].data do
- local proz = math.floor(100 / guiID[chartID].max * guiID[chartID].data[x])
- local dotPos = guiID[chartID].height - math.floor( guiID[chartID].height / guiID[chartID].max * guiID[chartID].data[x])
- for y = 1, guiID[chartID].height do
- if dotPos == y then
- gpu.setBackground(colorChartForeground)
- else
- gpu.setBackground(colorChartBackground)
- end
- gpu.set(x + guiID[chartID].x, y + guiID[chartID].y, " ")
- end
- end
- end
- end
- -- display the gui and all widgets
- function gui.displayGui(guiID)
- _displayFrame(guiID)
- for i = 1, #guiID do
- if guiID[i].type == "label" then
- _displayLabel(guiID, i)
- elseif guiID[i].type == "multiLineLabel" then
- _displayMultiLineLabel(guiID, i)
- elseif guiID[i].type == "button" then
- _displayButton(guiID, i)
- elseif guiID[i].type == "text" then
- _displayText(guiID, i)
- elseif guiID[i].type == "progress" then
- _displayProgress(guiID, i)
- elseif guiID[i].type == "vprogress" then
- _displayVProgress(guiID, i)
- elseif guiID[i].type == "list" then
- _displayList(guiID, i)
- elseif guiID[i].type == "frame" then
- _displayAFrame(guiID, i)
- elseif guiID[i].type == "hline" then
- _displayHLine(guiID, i)
- elseif guiID[i].type == "checkbox" then
- _displayCheckbox(guiID, i)
- elseif guiID[i].type == "radio" then
- _displayRadio(guiID, i)
- elseif guiID[i].type == "vslider" then
- _displayVslider(guiID, i)
- elseif guiID[i].type == "chart" then
- _displayChart(guiID, i)
- end
- end
- end
- function gui.displayWidget(guiID, widgetID)
- if guiID[widgetID].type == "label" then
- _displayLabel(guiID, widgetID)
- elseif guiID[widgetID].type == "multiLineLabel" then
- _displayMultiLineLabel(guiID, widgetID)
- elseif guiID[widgetID].type == "button" then
- _displayButton(guiID, widgetID)
- elseif guiID[widgetID].type == "text" then
- _displayText(guiID, widgetID)
- elseif guiID[widgetID].type == "progress" then
- _displayProgress(guiID, widgetID)
- elseif guiID[widgetID].type == "vprogress" then
- _displayVProgress(guiID, widgetID)
- elseif guiID[widgetID].type == "list" then
- _displayList(guiID, widgetID)
- elseif guiID[widgetID].type == "frame" then
- _displayAFrame(guiID, widgetID)
- elseif guiID[widgetID].type == "hline" then
- _displayHLine(guiID, widgetID)
- elseif guiID[widgetID].type == "checkbox" then
- _displayCheckbox(guiID, widgetID)
- elseif guiID[widgetID].type == "radio" then
- _displayRadio(guiID, widgetID)
- elseif guiID[widgetID].type == "vslider" then
- _displayVslider(guiID, widgetID)
- elseif guiID[widgetID].type == "chart" then
- _displayChart(guiID, widgetID)
- end
- end
- function gui.exit()
- gpu.setBackground(0x000000)
- gpu.setForeground(0xFFFFFF)
- gpu.fill(1, 1, screenWidth, screenHeight, " ")
- os.exit()
- end
- local guiCounter = 0
- -- need to be called first to setup a new dialog
- function gui.newGui(x, y, w, h, frame, text, bg, fg)
- local tmpTable = {}
- tmpTable["type"] = "gui"
- if x == "center" then
- tmpTable["x"] = math.floor((screenWidth / 2) - (w / 2))
- else
- tmpTable["x"] = x
- end
- if y == "center" then
- tmpTable["y"] = math.floor((screenHeight / 2) - (h / 2))
- else
- tmpTable["y"] = y
- end
- tmpTable["bg"] = bg or colorFrameBackground
- tmpTable["fg"] = fg or colorFrameForeground
- tmpTable["width"] = w
- tmpTable["height"] = h
- tmpTable["frame"] = frame
- if text then
- tmpTable["text"] = "╡" .. text .. "┝"
- end
- tmpTable["buffer"] = {}
- tmpTable["num"] = guiCounter
- guiCounter = guiCounter + 1
- tmpTable["new"] = true
- displayed = false
- return tmpTable
- end
- -- checkbox
- function gui.newCheckbox(guiID, x, y, status, func)
- local tmpTable = {}
- tmpTable["type"] = "checkbox"
- tmpTable["status"] = status or false
- tmpTable["y"] = y + guiID.y
- tmpTable["visible"] = true
- tmpTable["enabled"] = true
- tmpTable["x"] = x
- tmpTable["func"] = func
- table.insert(guiID, tmpTable)
- return #guiID
- end
- -- radio button
- function gui.newRadio(guiID, x, y, func)
- local tmpTable = {}
- tmpTable["type"] = "radio"
- tmpTable["status"] = false
- tmpTable["y"] = y + guiID.y
- tmpTable["visible"] = true
- tmpTable["enabled"] = true
- tmpTable["x"] = x
- tmpTable["func"] = func
- table.insert(guiID, tmpTable)
- return #guiID
- end
- -- label
- function gui.newLabel(guiID, x, y, text, bg, fg, l)
- local tmpTable = {}
- tmpTable["type"] = "label"
- tmpTable["y"] = y + guiID.y
- tmpTable["text"] = text
- tmpTable["lenght"] = unicode.len(text)
- tmpTable["bg"] = bg or
- tmpTable["fg"] = fg or guiID.fg
- tmpTable["visible"] = true
- tmpTable["x"] = x
- tmpTable["l"] = l or unicode.len(text)
- table.insert(guiID, tmpTable)
- return #guiID
- end
- -- time label
- function gui.newTimeLabel(guiID, x, y, bg, fg)
- local tmpTable = {}
- tmpTable["type"] = "timelabel"
- tmpTable["y"] = y + guiID.y
- tmpTable["bg"] = bg or
- tmpTable["fg"] = fg or guiID.fg
- tmpTable["visible"] = true
- tmpTable["x"] = x
- table.insert(guiID, tmpTable)
- return #guiID
- end
- -- date label
- function gui.newDateLabel(guiID, x, y, bg, fg, frm)
- local tmpTable = {}
- tmpTable["type"] = "datelabel"
- tmpTable["y"] = y + guiID.y
- tmpTable["bg"] = bg or
- tmpTable["fg"] = fg or guiID.fg
- tmpTable["visible"] = true
- tmpTable["x"] = x
- tmpTable["frm"] = frm or false
- table.insert(guiID, tmpTable)
- return #guiID
- end
- -- multi line label
- function gui.newMultiLineLabel(guiID, x, y, w, h, text, bg, fg)
- local tmpTable = {}
- tmpTable["type"] = "multiLineLabel"
- tmpTable["y"] = y + guiID.y
- tmpTable["text"] = text
- tmpTable["bg"] = bg or
- tmpTable["fg"] = fg or guiID.fg
- tmpTable["visible"] = true
- tmpTable["x"] = x + guiID.x
- tmpTable["w"] = w
- tmpTable["h"] = h
- table.insert(guiID, tmpTable)
- return #guiID
- end
- -- button
- function gui.newButton(guiID, x, y, text, func)
- local tmpTable = {}
- tmpTable["type"] = "button"
- tmpTable["y"] = y + guiID.y
- tmpTable["text"] = "[" .. text .. "]"
- tmpTable["lenght"] = unicode.len(tmpTable.text)
- tmpTable["visible"] = true
- tmpTable["enabled"] = true
- tmpTable["active"] = false
- tmpTable["func"] = func
- tmpTable["x"] = x
- table.insert(guiID, tmpTable)
- return #guiID
- end
- -- text input field
- function gui.newText(guiID, x, y, lenght, text, func, fieldLenght, hide)
- local tmpTable = {}
- tmpTable["type"] = "text"
- tmpTable["x"] = x
- tmpTable["y"] = y + guiID.y
- tmpTable["text"] = text
- tmpTable["lenght"] = lenght
- tmpTable["visible"] = true
- tmpTable["enabled"] = true
- tmpTable["func"] = func
- if fieldLenght then
- tmpTable["fieldLenght"] = fieldLenght
- else
- tmpTable["fieldLenght"] = lenght
- end
- table.insert(guiID, tmpTable)
- tmpTable["hide"] = hide or false
- return #guiID
- end
- -- progressbar
- function gui.newProgress(guiID, x, y, lenght, maxValue, value, func, number)
- local tmpTable = {}
- tmpTable["type"] = "progress"
- tmpTable["x"] = x
- tmpTable["y"] = y + guiID.y
- tmpTable["lenght"] = lenght
- tmpTable["visible"] = true
- tmpTable["enabled"] = true
- tmpTable["max"] = maxValue
- tmpTable["value"] = value
- tmpTable["func"] = func
- tmpTable["finished"] = false
- tmpTable["displayNumber"] = number or false
- table.insert(guiID, tmpTable)
- return #guiID
- end
- -- vertical progress
- function gui.newVProgress(guiID, x, y, lenght, width, maxValue, value, func, direction)
- local tmpTable = {}
- tmpTable["type"] = "vprogress"
- tmpTable["x"] = x
- tmpTable["y"] = y + guiID.y
- tmpTable["lenght"] = lenght
- tmpTable["width"] = width
- tmpTable["visible"] = true
- tmpTable["enabled"] = true
- tmpTable["max"] = maxValue
- tmpTable["value"] = value
- tmpTable["func"] = func
- tmpTable["direction"] = direction or 0
- tmpTable["finished"] = false
- table.insert(guiID, tmpTable)
- return #guiID
- end
- -- vertical slider
- function gui.newVSlider(guiID, x, y, lenght, min, max, value, func)
- local tmpTable = {}
- tmpTable["type"] = "vslider"
- tmpTable["x"] = x
- tmpTable["y"] = y + guiID.y
- tmpTable["lenght"] = lenght
- tmpTable["visible"] = true
- tmpTable["enabled"] = true
- tmpTable["min"] = min
- tmpTable["max"] = max
- tmpTable["value"] = value
- tmpTable["func"] = func
- table.insert(guiID, tmpTable)
- return #guiID
- end
- -- list
- function gui.newList(guiID, x, y, width, height, tab, func, text)
- local tmpTable = {}
- tmpTable["type"] = "list"
- tmpTable["x"] = x + guiID.x
- tmpTable["y"] = y + guiID.y
- tmpTable["width"] = width
- tmpTable["height"] = height
- tmpTable["visible"] = true
- tmpTable["enabled"] = true
- tmpTable["func"] = func
- tmpTable["selected"] = 1
- tmpTable["active"] = 1
- tmpTable["entries"] = tab
- tmpTable["text"] = text
- table.insert(guiID, tmpTable)
- return #guiID
- end
- --frame
- function gui.newFrame(guiID, x, y, width, height, text)
- local tmpTable = {}
- tmpTable["type"] = "frame"
- tmpTable["x"] = x + guiID.x
- tmpTable["y"] = y + guiID.y
- tmpTable["width"] = width
- tmpTable["height"] = height
- tmpTable["visible"] = true
- tmpTable["enabled"] = true
- tmpTable["text"] = text
- table.insert(guiID, tmpTable)
- return #guiID
- end
- -- hline
- function gui.newHLine(guiID, x, y, width)
- local tmpTable = {}
- tmpTable["type"] = "hline"
- tmpTable["x"] = x + guiID.x
- tmpTable["y"] = y + guiID.y
- tmpTable["width"] = width
- tmpTable["visible"] = true
- tmpTable["enabled"] = true
- table.insert(guiID, tmpTable)
- return #guiID
- end
- -- chart
- function gui.newChart(guiID, x, y, minValue, maxValue, data, lenght, height, bg, fg)
- local tmpTable = {}
- tmpTable["type"] = "chart"
- tmpTable["y"] = y + guiID.y
- tmpTable["lenght"] = lenght
- tmpTable["height"] = height
- tmpTable["bg"] = bg or
- tmpTable["fg"] = fg or guiID.fg
- tmpTable["visible"] = true
- tmpTable["x"] = x + guiID.x
- tmpTable["data"] = data
- tmpTable["min"] = minValue
- tmpTable["max"] = maxValue
- table.insert(guiID, tmpTable)
- return #guiID
- end
- function gui.getSelected(guiID, listID)
- return guiID[listID].selected, guiID[listID].entries[guiID[listID].selected]
- end
- function gui.setSelected(guiID, listID, selection)
- if selection<= #guiID[listID].entries then
- guiID[listID].selected = selection
- _displayList(guiID, listID)
- end
- end
- function gui.setMax(guiID, widgetID, maxValue)
- guiID[widgetID].max = maxValue
- _displayProgress(guiID, widgetID)
- end
- function gui.setChartData(guiID, chartID, data)
- guiID[chartID].data = data
- _displayChart(guiID, chartID)
- end
- function gui.setValue(guiID, widgetID, value)
- guiID[widgetID].value = value
- if guiID[widgetID].type == "progress" then
- _displayProgress(guiID, widgetID)
- end
- if guiID[widgetID].type == "vprogress" then
- _displayVProgress(guiID, widgetID)
- end
- if guiID[widgetID].type == "vslider" then
- _displayVslider(guiID, widgetID)
- end
- end
- function gui.resetProgress(guiID, progressID)
- guiID[progressID].finished = false
- _displayProgress(guiID, progressID)
- end
- -- sets the text of a widget
- function gui.setText(guiID, widgetID, text, refresh)
- guiID[widgetID].text = text
- if guiID[widgetID].type == "text" then
- if refresh == nil or refresh == true then
- _displayText(guiID, widgetID)
- end
- end
- if guiID[widgetID].type == "label" then
- if refresh == nil or refresh == true then
- _displayLabel(guiID, widgetID)
- end
- end
- if guiID[widgetID].type == "multiLineLabel" then
- if refresh == nil or refresh == true then
- _displayMultiLineLabel(guiID, widgetID)
- end
- end
- -- gui.displayGui(guiID)
- end
- function gui.getText(guiID, widgetID)
- return guiID[widgetID].text
- end
- function gui.getCheckboxStatus(guiID, widgetID)
- return guiID[widgetID].status
- end
- function gui.setEnable(guiID, widgetID, state, refresh)
- guiID[widgetID].enabled = state
- if refresh == nil then
- gui.displayGui(guiID)
- end
- if refresh == true then
- gui.displayWidget(guiID, widgetID)
- end
- end
- function gui.setPosition(guiID, widgetID, x, y, refresh)
- guiID[widgetID].x = x
- guiID[widgetID].y = y
- if refresh == nil then
- gui.displayGui(guiID)
- end
- if refresh == true then
- gui.displayWidget(guiID, widgetID)
- end
- end
- function gui.setSize(guiID, widgetID, w, h, refresh)
- guiID[widgetID].width = w
- guiID[widgetID].height = h
- guiID[widgetID].w = w
- guiID[widgetID].h = h
- guiID[widgetID].lenght = w
- if refresh == nil then
- gui.displayGui(guiID)
- end
- if refresh == true then
- gui.displayWidget(guiID, widgetID)
- end
- end
- function gui.setVisible(guiID, widgetID, state, refresh)
- if state == false then
- guiID[widgetID].visible = state
- guiID[widgetID].enabled = state
- elseif state == true then
- guiID[widgetID].visible = state
- end
- if refresh == nil then
- gui.displayGui(guiID)
- end
- if refresh == true then
- gui.displayWidget(guiID, widgetID)
- end
- end
- function gui.setBackground(guiID, widgetID, color)
- guiID[widgetID].bg = color
- if guiID[widgetID].type == "label" then
- _displayLabel(guiID, widgetID)
- end
- end
- function gui.setForeground(guiID, widgetID, color)
- guiID[widgetID].fg = color
- if guiID[widgetID].type == "label" then
- _displayLabel(guiID, widgetID)
- end
- end
- function gui.clearList(guiID, listID)
- guiID[listID].entries = {}
- end
- function gui.insertList(guiID, listID, value)
- table.insert(guiID[listID].entries, value)
- _displayList(guiID, listID)
- end
- function gui.removeList(guiID, listID, entry)
- table.remove(guiID[listID].entries, entry)
- _displayList(guiID, listID)
- end
- function gui.renameList(guiID, listID, entry, newName)
- guiID[listID].entries[entry] = newName
- _displayList(guiID, listID)
- end
- function gui.getRadio(guiID)
- for i = 1, #guiID do
- if guiID[i].type == "radio" then
- if guiID[i].status == true then
- return i
- end
- end
- end
- return -1
- end
- function gui.setRadio(guiID, radioID)
- for i = 1, #guiID do
- if guiID[i].type == "radio" then
- guiID[i].status = false
- end
- end
- guiID[radioID].status = true
- return -1
- end
- function gui.setCheckbox(guiID, checkboxID, status)
- guiID[checkboxID].status = status
- end
- local function runInput(guiID, textID)
- local inputText = guiID[textID].text
- gpu.setBackground(colorInputBackground)
- gpu.setForeground(colorInputForeground)
- local x = 0
- if guiID[textID].x == "center" then
- x = guiID.x + math.floor((guiID.width / 2)) - math.floor((guiID[textID].fieldLenght) / 2)
- else
- x =guiID.x + guiID[textID].x
- end
- local loopRunning = true
- while loopRunning == true do
- gpu.fill(x, guiID[textID].y, guiID[textID].fieldLenght, 1, " ")
- tmpStr = inputText
- if guiID[textID].hide == true then
- tmpStr = ""
- for i = 1, unicode.len(inputText) do
- tmpStr = tmpStr .."*"
- end
- end
- if unicode.len(tmpStr) + 1 > guiID[textID].fieldLenght then
- tmpStr = string.sub(tmpStr, unicode.len(tmpStr) - guiID[textID].fieldLenght + 2, unicode.len(tmpStr))
- end
- gpu.set(x, guiID[textID].y, tmpStr .. "_")
- local e, _, character, code = event.pullMultiple(0.1, "key_down", "touch")
- if e == "key_down" then
- if character == 8 then -- backspace
- inputText = string.sub(inputText, 1, unicode.len(inputText) - 1)
- elseif character == 13 then -- return
- guiID[textID].text = inputText
- if guiID[textID].func then
- guiID[textID].func(guiID, textID, inputText)
- end
- loopRunning = false
- elseif character > 31 and character < 128 and unicode.len(inputText) < guiID[textID].lenght then
- inputText = inputText .. string.char(character)
- end
- elseif e == "touch" then
- if character < x or character > (x + guiID[textID].fieldLenght) or guiID[textID].y ~= code then
- guiID[textID].text = inputText
- _displayText(guiID, textID)
- if guiID[textID].func then
- guiID[textID].func(guiID, textID, inputText)
- end
- loopRunning = false
- computer.pushSignal("touch", _, character, code)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function gui.runGui(guiID)
- if displayed == false then
- displayed = true
- gui.displayGui(guiID)
- end
- -- events with out touch
- for i = 1, #guiID do
- if guiID[i].type == "timelabel" then
- _displayTimeLabel(guiID, i)
- elseif guiID[i].type == "datelabel" then
- _displayDateLabel(guiID, i)
- end
- end
- local ix = 0
- local e, _, x, y, button = event.pull(0.1, "touch")
- if e == nil then
- return false
- end
- for i = 1, #guiID do
- if guiID[i].type == "button" then
- if guiID[i].x == "center" then
- ix = guiID.x + math.floor((guiID.width / 2)) - math.floor((guiID[i].lenght / 2))
- else
- ix = guiID.x + guiID[i].x
- end
- if x >= ix and x < (ix + guiID[i].lenght) and guiID[i].y == y then
- if guiID[i].func and guiID[i].enabled == true then
- guiID[i].active = true
- gui.displayGui(guiID)
- os.sleep(0.05)
- guiID[i].active = false
- gui.displayGui(guiID)
- guiID[i].func(guiID, i)
- end
- end
- elseif guiID[i].type == "timelabel" then
- _displayTimeLabel(guiID, i)
- elseif guiID[i].type == "checkbox" then
- ix = guiID.x + guiID[i].x + 1
- if x == ix and guiID[i].y == y then
- if guiID[i].enabled == true then
- if guiID[i].status == true then
- guiID[i].status = false
- else
- guiID[i].status = true
- end
- if guiID[i].func then
- guiID[i].func(guiID, i, guiID[i].status)
- end
- _displayCheckbox(guiID, i)
- end
- end
- elseif guiID[i].type == "radio" then
- ix = guiID.x + guiID[i].x + 1
- if x == ix and guiID[i].y == y then
- if guiID[i].enabled == true then
- for c = 1, #guiID do
- if guiID[c].type == "radio" then
- guiID[c].status = false
- if guiID[i].func then
- guiID[i].func(guiID, i, guiID[i].status)
- end
- _displayRadio(guiID, c)
- end
- end
- guiID[i].status = true
- if guiID[i].func then
- guiID[i].func(guiID, i, guiID[i].status)
- end
- _displayRadio(guiID, i)
- end
- end
- elseif guiID[i].type == "text" then
- if guiID[i].x == "center" then
- ix = guiID.x + math.floor((guiID.width / 2)) - math.floor((guiID[i].lenght / 2))
- else
- ix = guiID.x + guiID[i].x
- end
- if x >= ix and x < (ix + guiID[i].fieldLenght) and guiID[i].y == y then
- if guiID[i].enabled == true then
- runInput(guiID, i)
- end
- end
- elseif guiID[i].type == "list" and guiID[i].enabled == true then
- if x == guiID[i].x +1 and y == guiID[i].y + guiID[i].height - 1 then
- guiID[i].active = guiID[i].active - guiID[i].height + 2
- if guiID[i].active < 1 then
- guiID[i].active = 1
- end
- gpu.setBackground(colorListActiveBackground)
- gpu.setForeground(colorListActiveForeground)
- gpu.set(guiID[i].x, guiID[i].y + guiID[i].height - 1, "[<]")
- guiID[i].selected = guiID[i].active
- -- _displayList(guiID, i)
- if guiID[i].func then
- gpu.setBackground(colorButtonClickedBackground)
- gpu.setForeground(colorButtonClickedForeground)
- gpu.set(guiID[i].x, guiID[i].y + guiID[i].height - 1, "[<]")
- os.sleep(0.05)
- gpu.setBackground(colorListBackground)
- gpu.setForeground(colorListForeground)
- gpu.set(guiID[i].x, guiID[i].y + guiID[i].height - 1, "[<]")
- guiID[i].func(guiID, i, guiID[i].selected, guiID[i].entries[guiID[i].selected])
- end
- end
- if x == guiID[i].x + guiID[i].width - 2 and y == guiID[i].y + guiID[i].height - 1 then
- if guiID[i].active + guiID[i].height - 2 < #guiID[i].entries + 1 then
- guiID[i].active = guiID[i].active + guiID[i].height - 2
- guiID[i].selected = guiID[i].active
- end
- gpu.setBackground(colorListActiveBackground)
- gpu.setForeground(colorListActiveForeground)
- gpu.set(guiID[i].x + guiID[i].width - 3, guiID[i].y + guiID[i].height - 1, "[>]")
- -- _displayList(guiID, i)
- if guiID[i].func then
- gpu.setBackground(colorButtonClickedBackground)
- gpu.setForeground(colorButtonClickedForeground)
- gpu.set(guiID[i].x + guiID[i].width - 3, guiID[i].y + guiID[i].height - 1, "[>]")
- os.sleep(0.05)
- gpu.setBackground(colorListBackground)
- gpu.setForeground(colorListForeground)
- gpu.set(guiID[i].x + guiID[i].width - 3, guiID[i].y + guiID[i].height - 1, "[>]")
- guiID[i].func(guiID, i, guiID[i].selected, guiID[i].entries[guiID[i].selected])
- end
- end
- if x > guiID[i].x - 1 and x < guiID[i].x + guiID[i].width and y > guiID[i].y and y < guiID[i].y + guiID[i].height - 1 then
- if guiID[i].active + y - guiID[i].y - 1 <= #guiID[i].entries then
- guiID[i].selected = guiID[i].active + y - guiID[i].y - 1
- -- _displayList(guiID, i)
- if guiID[i].func then
- guiID[i].func(guiID, i, guiID[i].selected, guiID[i].entries[guiID[i].selected])
- end
- end
- end
- _displayList(guiID, i)
- elseif guiID[i].type == "chart" and guiID[i].enabled == true then
- _displayChart(guiID, i)
- elseif guiID[i].type == "vslider" and guiID[i].enabled == true then
- ix = guiID.x + guiID[i].x
- if x == ix and y == guiID[i].y and guiID[i].value > guiID[i].min then
- local v = guiID[i].value - 1
- gui.setValue(guiID, i, v)
- elseif x == ix + guiID[i].lenght and y == guiID[i].y and guiID[i].value < guiID[i].max then
- local v = guiID[i].value + 1
- gui.setValue(guiID, i, v)
- end
- if guiID[i].func then
- guiID[i].func(guiID, i, guiID[i].value)
- end
- _displayVslider(guiID, i)
- end
- end
- -- gui.displayGui(guiID)
- end
- local errorGui = gui.newGui("center", "center", 40, 10, true, "ERROR", 0xFF0000, 0xFFFF00)
- local errorMsgLabel1 = gui.newLabel(errorGui, "center", 3, "")
- local errorMsgLabel2 = gui.newLabel(errorGui, "center", 4, "")
- local errorMsgLabel3 = gui.newLabel(errorGui, "center", 5, "")
- local errorRunning = false
- local errorExit = true
- local errorCloseButton = gui.newButton(errorGui, "center", 8, " fechar ", function ()
- if errorExit then
- gui.exit()
- end
- errorRunning = false
- end)
- function gui.showError(msg1, msg2, msg3, close)
- errorGui[errorMsgLabel1].text = msg1 or ""
- errorGui[errorMsgLabel2].text = msg2 or ""
- errorGui[errorMsgLabel3].text = msg3 or ""
- errorExit = close ~= true
- if close == true then
- errorGui[errorCloseButton].text = "[ fechar ]"
- else
- errorGui[errorCloseButton].text = "[ sair ]"
- end
- gui.displayGui(errorGui)
- errorRunning = true
- while errorRunning do
- gui.runGui(errorGui)
- end
- gui.closeGui(errorGui)
- end
- function gui.checkHardware(comp, msg)
- if component.isAvailable(comp) == false then
- compGui = gui.newGui("center", "center", 40, 8, true, nil, 0xFF0000, 0xFFFF00)
- gui.displayGui(compGui)
- gui.newLabel(compGui, "center", 1, "!Component missing!")
- gui.newLabel(compGui, "center", 3, msg)
- gui.newHLine(compGui, 1, 5, 38)
- gui.newButton(compGui, "center", 6, "exit", gui.exit)
- while true do
- gui.runGui(compGui)
- end
- end
- end
- local msgRunning = true
- local function msgCallback()
- msgRunning = false
- end
- local msgGui = gui.newGui("center", "center", 40, 10, true, "Info")
- local msgLabel1 = gui.newLabel(msgGui, "center", 3, "")
- local msgLabel2 = gui.newLabel(msgGui, "center", 4, "")
- local msgLabel3 = gui.newLabel(msgGui, "center", 5, "")
- local msgButton = gui.newButton(msgGui, "center", 8, "ok", msgCallback)
- function gui.showMsg(msg1, msg2, msg3)
- msgGui[msgLabel1].text = msg1 or ""
- msgGui[msgLabel2].text = msg2 or ""
- msgGui[msgLabel3].text = msg3 or ""
- gui.displayGui(msgGui)
- msgRunning = true
- while msgRunning == true do
- gui.runGui(msgGui)
- end
- gui.closeGui(msgGui)
- end
- local yesNoRunning = true
- local yesNoValue = false
- local function yesNoCallbackYes()
- yesNoRunning = false
- yesNoValue = true
- end
- local function yesNoCallbackNo()
- yesNoRunning = false
- yesNoValue = false
- end
- local yesNoGui = gui.newGui("center", "center", 40, 10, true, "Pergunta")
- local yesNoMsgLabel1 = gui.newLabel(yesNoGui, "center", 3, "")
- local yesNoMsgLabel2 = gui.newLabel(yesNoGui, "center", 4, "")
- local yesNoMsgLabel3 = gui.newLabel(yesNoGui, "center", 5, "")
- local yesNoYesButton = gui.newButton(yesNoGui, 3, 8, "Sim", yesNoCallbackYes)
- local yesNoNoButton = gui.newButton(yesNoGui, 33, 8, "Não", yesNoCallbackNo)
- function gui.getYesNo(msg1, msg2, msg3)
- yesNoRunning = true
- yesNoGui[yesNoMsgLabel1].text = msg1 or ""
- yesNoGui[yesNoMsgLabel2].text = msg2 or ""
- yesNoGui[yesNoMsgLabel3].text = msg3 or ""
- gui.displayGui(yesNoGui)
- while yesNoRunning == true do
- gui.runGui(yesNoGui)
- end
- gui.closeGui(yesNoGui)
- return yesNoValue
- end
- -- File handling
- function gui.splitString(str, sep)
- local sep, fields = sep or ":", {}
- local pattern = string.format("([^%s]+)", sep)
- str:gsub(pattern, function(c) fields[#fields+1] = c end)
- return fields
- end
- local function convert( chars, dist, inv )
- return string.char( ( string.byte( chars ) - 32 + ( inv and -dist or dist ) ) % 95 + 32 )
- end
- function gui.string2key(str)
- local tmpTable = {}
- for i = 1, unicode.len(str) do
- tmpTable[i] = string.byte(str,i)
- end
- while #tmpTable < 5 do
- table.insert(tmpTable,100)
- end
- return tmpTable
- end
- function gui.crypt(str, k, inv)
- if not k then
- k = {1,2,3,4,5}
- end
- while #k < 5 do
- table.insert(k,100)
- end
- local enc= "";
- for i=1,#str do
- if(#str-k[#k] >= i or not inv)then
- for inc=0,3 do
- if(i%4 == inc)then
- enc = enc .. convert(string.sub(str,i,i),k[inc+1],inv);
- break;
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if(not inv)then
- for i=1,k[#k] do
- enc = enc .. string.char(math.random(32,126));
- end
- end
- return enc;
- end
- --// exportstring( string )
- --// returns a "Lua" portable version of the string
- local function exportstring( s )
- s = string.format( "%q",s )
- -- to replace
- s = string.gsub( s,"\\\n","\\n" )
- s = string.gsub( s,"\r","\\r" )
- s = string.gsub( s,string.char(26),"\"..string.char(26)..\"" )
- return s
- end
- --// The Save Function
- function gui.saveTable(tbl,filename )
- local charS,charE = " ","\n"
- local file,err
- -- create a pseudo file that writes to a string and return the string
- if not filename then
- file = { write = function( self,newstr ) self.str = self.str..newstr end, str = "" }
- charS,charE = "",""
- -- write table to tmpfile
- elseif filename == true or filename == 1 then
- charS,charE,file = "","",io.tmpfile()
- -- write table to file
- -- use here rather than io.output, since in windows when clicking on a file opened with io.output will create an error
- else
- file,err = filename, "w" )
- if err then
- print ("Gui-lib: Error saving table " .. filename .." -> " .. err)
- return nil,err
- end
- end
- -- initiate variables for save procedure
- local tables,lookup = { tbl },{ [tbl] = 1 }
- file:write( "return {"..charE )
- for idx,t in ipairs( tables ) do
- if filename and filename ~= true and filename ~= 1 then
- file:write( "-- Table: {"..idx.."}"..charE )
- end
- file:write( "{"..charE )
- local thandled = {}
- for i,v in ipairs( t ) do
- thandled[i] = true
- -- escape functions and userdata
- if type( v ) ~= "userdata" then
- -- only handle value
- if type( v ) == "table" then
- if not lookup[v] then
- table.insert( tables, v )
- lookup[v] = #tables
- end
- file:write( charS.."{"..lookup[v].."},"..charE )
- elseif type( v ) == "function" then
- file:write( charS.."loadstring("..exportstring(string.dump( v )).."),"..charE )
- else
- local value = ( type( v ) == "string" and exportstring( v ) ) or tostring( v )
- file:write( charS..value..","..charE )
- end
- end
- end
- for i,v in pairs( t ) do
- -- escape functions and userdata
- if (not thandled[i]) and type( v ) ~= "userdata" then
- -- handle index
- if type( i ) == "table" then
- if not lookup[i] then
- table.insert( tables,i )
- lookup[i] = #tables
- end
- file:write( charS.."[{"..lookup[i].."}]=" )
- else
- local index = ( type( i ) == "string" and "["..exportstring( i ).."]" ) or string.format( "[%d]",i )
- file:write( charS..index.."=" )
- end
- -- handle value
- if type( v ) == "table" then
- if not lookup[v] then
- table.insert( tables,v )
- lookup[v] = #tables
- end
- file:write( "{"..lookup[v].."},"..charE )
- elseif type( v ) == "function" then
- file:write( "loadstring("..exportstring(string.dump( v )).."),"..charE )
- else
- local value = ( type( v ) == "string" and exportstring( v ) ) or tostring( v )
- file:write( value..","..charE )
- end
- end
- end
- file:write( "},"..charE )
- end
- file:write( "}" )
- -- Return Values
- -- return stringtable from string
- if not filename then
- -- set marker for stringtable
- return file.str.."--|"
- -- return stringttable from file
- elseif filename == true or filename == 1 then
- file:seek ( "set" )
- -- no need to close file, it gets closed and removed automatically
- -- set marker for stringtable
- return file:read( "*a" ).."--|"
- -- close file and return 1
- else
- file:close()
- return 1
- end
- end
- --// The Load Function
- function gui.loadTable( sfile )
- local tables, err, _
- -- catch marker for stringtable
- if string.sub( sfile,-3,-1 ) == "--|" then
- tables,err = loadstring( sfile )
- else
- tables,err = loadfile( sfile )
- end
- if err then
- print("Gui-lib: Error loading table " ..sfile .. " -> " ..err)
- return _,err
- end
- tables = tables()
- for idx = 1,#tables do
- local tolinkv,tolinki = {},{}
- for i,v in pairs( tables[idx] ) do
- if type( v ) == "table" and tables[v[1]] then
- table.insert( tolinkv,{ i,tables[v[1]] } )
- end
- if type( i ) == "table" and tables[i[1]] then
- table.insert( tolinki,{ i,tables[i[1]] } )
- end
- end
- -- link values, first due to possible changes of indices
- for _,v in ipairs( tolinkv ) do
- tables[idx][v[1]] = v[2]
- end
- -- link indices
- for _,v in ipairs( tolinki ) do
- tables[idx][v[2]],tables[idx][v[1]] = tables[idx][v[1]],nil
- end
- end
- return tables[1]
- end
- function gui.sepString(str)
- local tmpTable = {}
- for i = 1, unicode.len(str) do
- tmpTable[i] = string.char(string.byte(str,i))
- end
- return tmpTable
- end
- return gui
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