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- os.loadAPI("button")
- p = peripheral.find("tile_blockcapacitorbank_name")
- m = peripheral.find("monitor")
- r = peripheral.find("BigReactors-Reactor")
- t = peripheral.find("BigReactors-Turbine")
- local steamReactor = r.isActivelyCooled()
- local menuType = "Reactor"
- local numCapacitors = 3
- local turnOnAt = 50
- local turnOffAt = 90
- local targetSpeed = 1840
- local energy = 0
- local energyStored = 0
- local energyMax = 0
- local energyStoredPercent = 0
- local timerCode
- local mode = "Automatic"
- local RFProduction = 0
- local fuelUse = 0
- local coreTemp = 0
- local reactorOnline = false
- local rodLevel = 0
- local turbineOnline = false
- local turbineRotorSpeed = 0
- local turbineRFGen = 0
- local turbineFluidRate = 0
- local turbineInductor = false
- local OptFuelRodLevel = 0
- function autoMenu()
- m.setTextScale(1)
- button.clearTable()
- button.setTable("Automatic", autoMode, "", 3, 13, 6, 6)
- button.setTable("Manual", manualMode, "", 15, 25, 6, 6)
- if steamReactor then
- button.setTable("Reactor", reactorMenu, "", 5, 18, 19, 19)
- button.setTable("Turbine", turbineMenu, "", 22, 35, 19, 19)
- end
- button.screen()
- checkMode()
- menuMode()
- end
- function manualMenu()
- m.setTextScale(1)
- button.clearTable()
- button.setTable("Automatic", autoMode, "", 3, 13, 6, 6)
- button.setTable("Manual", manualMode, "", 15, 25, 6, 6)
- button.setTable("Online", online, "", 3, 13, 8, 8)
- button.setTable("Offline", offline, "", 15, 25, 8, 8)
- button.setTable("0", setRods, 0, 11,14, 10, 10)
- button.setTable("10", setRods, 10, 5,8, 12, 12)
- button.setTable("20", setRods, 20, 11,14, 12, 12)
- button.setTable("30", setRods, 30, 17,20, 12, 12)
- button.setTable("40", setRods, 40, 5,8, 14, 14)
- button.setTable("50", setRods, 50, 11,14, 14, 14)
- button.setTable("60", setRods, 60, 17,20, 14, 14)
- button.setTable("70", setRods, 70, 5,8, 16, 16)
- button.setTable("80", setRods, 80, 11,14, 16, 16)
- button.setTable("90", setRods, 90, 17,20, 16, 16)
- button.setTable("+", rodPlus, "", 23, 25, 12, 12)
- button.setTable("-", rodMinus, "", 23, 25, 16, 16)
- if steamReactor then
- button.setTable("Reactor", reactorMenu, "", 5, 18, 19, 19)
- button.setTable("Turbine", turbineMenu, "", 22, 35, 19, 19)
- end
- button.screen()
- checkMode()
- reactorOnOff()
- menuMode()
- end
- function turbineAutoMenu()
- m.setTextScale(1)
- button.clearTable()
- button.setTable("Automatic", autoMode, "", 3, 13, 6, 6)
- button.setTable("Manual", manualMode, "", 15, 25, 6, 6)
- button.setTable("Reactor", reactorMenu, "", 5, 18, 19, 19)
- button.setTable("Turbine", turbineMenu, "", 22, 35, 19, 19)
- button.screen()
- checkMode()
- menuMode()
- end
- function turbineManualMenu()
- m.setTextScale(1)
- button.clearTable()
- button.setTable("Automatic", autoMode, "", 3, 13, 6, 6)
- button.setTable("Manual", manualMode, "", 15, 25, 6, 6)
- button.setTable("Reactor", reactorMenu, "", 5, 18, 19, 19)
- button.setTable("Turbine", turbineMenu, "", 22, 35, 19, 19)
- button.setTable("Online", setTurbineOnline, "", 3, 13, 8, 8)
- button.setTable("Offline", setTurbineOffline, "", 15, 25, 8, 8)
- button.setTable("Coils On", coilsOn, "", 3, 13, 10, 10)
- button.setTable("Coils Off", coilsOff, "", 15, 25, 10, 10)
- button.screen()
- checkMode()
- turbineOnOff()
- coilsOnOff()
- menuMode()
- end
- function reactorMenu()
- menuType = "Reactor"
- displayScreen()
- end
- function turbineMenu()
- menuType = "Turbine"
- displayScreen()
- end
- function online()
- r.setActive(true)
- --button.flash("Online")
- end
- function offline()
- r.setActive(false)
- --button.flash("Offline")
- end
- function setTurbineOnline()
- t.setActive(true)
- --button.flash("Online")
- end
- function setTurbineOffline()
- t.setActive(false)
- --button.flash("Offline")
- end
- function reactorOnOff()
- button.setButton("Online", r.getActive())
- button.setButton("Offline", not r.getActive())
- end
- function turbineOnOff()
- button.setButton("Online", t.getActive())
- button.setButton("Offline", not t.getActive())
- end
- function coilsOnOff()
- button.setButton("Coils On", t.getInductorEngaged())
- button.setButton("Coils Off", not t.getInductorEngaged())
- end
- function coilsOn()
- t.setInductorEngaged(true)
- end
- function coilsOff()
- t.setInductorEngaged(false)
- end
- function menuMode()
- if steamReactor then
- if menuType == "Reactor" then
- button.setButton("Reactor", true)
- button.setButton("Turbine", false)
- else
- button.setButton("Reactor", false)
- button.setButton("Turbine", true)
- end
- end
- end
- function setRods(setLevel)
- print("Setting Rod Level: "..setLevel)
- button.flash(tostring(setLevel))
- r.setAllControlRodLevels(setLevel)
- fuelRodLevel()
- end
- function rodPlus()
- button.flash("+")
- r.setAllControlRodLevels(rodLevel+1)
- fuelRodLevel()
- end
- function rodMinus()
- button.flash("-")
- r.setAllControlRodLevels(rodLevel-1)
- fuelRodLevel()
- end
- function checkMode()
- button.toggleButton(mode)
- end
- function manualMode()
- mode = "Manual"
- manualMenu()
- end
- function autoMode()
- mode = "Automatic"
- displayScreen()
- end
- function comma_value(amount)
- local formatted = amount
- local swap = false
- if formatted < 0 then
- formatted = formatted*-1
- swap = true
- end
- while true do
- formatted, k = string.gsub(formatted, "^(%d+)(%d%d%d)", '%1,%2')
- if k == 0 then
- break
- end
- end
- if swap then
- formatted = "-"..formatted
- end
- return formatted
- end
- function displayEn()
- m.clear()
- m.setCursorPos(1,1)
- --print("Energy Use: "
- m.write("Energy Use: ")
- if energy < 0 then
- m.setTextColor(
- else
- m.setTextColor(
- end
- m.write(comma_value(math.floor(energy)).. "RF/t")
- m.setTextColor(colors.white)
- m.setCursorPos(1,2)
- m.write("Energy Stored: "..energyStoredPercent.."%")
- if menuType == "Reactor" then
- m.setCursorPos(1,3)
- m.write("Reactor is: ")
- if reactorOnline then
- m.setTextColor(
- m.write("Online")
- else
- m.setTextColor(
- m.write("Offline")
- end
- m.setTextColor(colors.white)
- m.setCursorPos(22,1)
- if steamReactor then
- m.write("Steam: ")
- m.setTextColor(
- m.write(comma_value(math.floor(RFProduction)).."MB/t")
- else
- m.write("RF Gen: ")
- m.setTextColor(
- m.write(comma_value(math.floor(RFProduction)).."RF/t")
- end
- m.setTextColor(colors.white)
- m.setCursorPos(22,2)
- m.write("Core Temp: "..math.floor(coreTemp).."c")
- m.setCursorPos(22,3)
- m.write("Fuel Use: "..fuelUse.."MB/t")
- else
- m.setCursorPos(1,3)
- m.write("Turbine is: ")
- if turbineOnline then
- m.setTextColor(
- m.write("Online")
- else
- m.setTextColor(
- m.write("Offline")
- end
- m.setCursorPos(1,4)
- m.setTextColor(colors.white)
- m.write("Reactor is: ")
- if reactorOnline then
- m.setTextColor(
- m.write("Online")
- else
- m.setTextColor(
- m.write("Offline")
- end
- m.setTextColor(colors.white)
- m.setCursorPos(22,1)
- m.write("RFGen: ")
- m.setTextColor(
- m.write(comma_value(math.floor(turbineRFGen)).."RF/t")
- m.setTextColor(colors.white)
- m.setCursorPos(22,2)
- m.write("Rotor: "..comma_value(math.floor(turbineRotorSpeed)).." RPM")
- m.setCursorPos(22,3)
- m.write("Steam: "..comma_value(turbineFluidRate).."MB/t")
- end
- end
- function checkEn()
- local tempEnergy = 0
- energyStored = p.getEnergyStored()
- energyMax = p.getMaxEnergyStored()
- energyStoredPercent = math.floor((energyStored/energyMax)*100)
- RFProduction = r.getEnergyProducedLastTick()
- fuelUse = r.getFuelConsumedLastTick()
- fuelUse = math.floor(fuelUse*100)
- fuelUse = fuelUse/100
- coreTemp = r.getFuelTemperature()
- reactorOnline = r.getActive()
- tempEnergy = p.getEnergyStored()
- sleep(0.1)
- energy = (p.getEnergyStored()-tempEnergy)/2
- energy = energy*numCapacitors
- if steamReactor then
- turbineOnline = t.getActive()
- turbineRotorSpeed = t.getRotorSpeed()
- turbineRFGen = t.getEnergyProducedLastTick()
- turbineFluidRate = t.getFluidFlowRate()
- end
- end
- function fuelRodLevel()
- rodLevel = r.getControlRodLevel(0)
- --print(rodLevel)
- m.setCursorPos(30,5)
- m.write(tostring(rodLevel).."%")
- m.setBackgroundColor(colors.white)
- m.setCursorPos(28,6)
- m.write(" ")
- for i = 1,10 do
- m.setCursorPos(28,i+6)
- m.setBackgroundColor(colors.white)
- m.write(" ")
- m.setBackgroundColor(colors.yellow)
- m.write(" ")
- if rodLevel/10 >= i then
- m.setBackgroundColor(
- else
- m.setBackgroundColor(colors.yellow)
- end
- m.write(" ")
- m.setBackgroundColor(colors.yellow)
- m.write(" ")
- m.setBackgroundColor(colors.white)
- m.write(" ")
- end
- m.setCursorPos(28,17)
- m.write(" ")
- m.setBackgroundColor(
- end
- function turbineInductorDisplay()
- turbineInductor = t.getInductorEngaged()
- m.setCursorPos(30,5)
- if turbineInductor then
- m.write("On")
- else
- m.write("Off")
- end
- m.setBackgroundColor(colors.gray)
- m.setCursorPos(28,6)
- m.write(" ")
- for i = 1,7 do
- m.setCursorPos(28,i+6)
- m.setBackgroundColor(colors.gray)
- m.write(" ")
- m.setBackgroundColor(colors.lightGray)
- m.write(" ")
- if i % 2 == 0 then
- m.setBackgroundColor(colors.gray)
- end
- m.write(" ")
- m.setBackgroundColor(colors.gray)
- m.write(" ")
- if i % 2 ~= 0 then
- m.setBackgroundColor(colors.lightGray)
- end
- m.write(" ")
- m.setBackgroundColor(colors.lightGray)
- m.write(" ")
- m.setBackgroundColor(colors.gray)
- m.write(" ")
- end
- for i = 8,10 do
- m.setCursorPos(28,i+6)
- m.setBackgroundColor(colors.gray)
- m.write(" ")
- m.setBackgroundColor(colors.lightGray)
- m.write(" ")
- if turbineInductor then
- m.setBackgroundColor(
- else
- m.setBackgroundColor(
- end
- m.write(" ")
- m.setBackgroundColor(colors.gray)
- m.write(" ")
- if turbineInductor then
- m.setBackgroundColor(
- else
- m.setBackgroundColor(
- end
- m.write(" ")
- m.setBackgroundColor(colors.lightGray)
- m.write(" ")
- m.setBackgroundColor(colors.gray)
- m.write(" ")
- end
- m.setCursorPos(28,17)
- m.write(" ")
- m.setBackgroundColor(
- end
- function getClick()
- local event, side, x, y = os.pullEvent("monitor_touch")
- button.checkxy(x,y)
- end
- function findOptFuelRods()
- m.clear()
- r.setActive(false)
- checkEn()
- displayEn()
- fuelRodLevel()
- while r.getFuelTemperature() > 99 do
- for i= 1,3 do
- checkEn()
- displayEn()
- fuelRodLevel()
- m.setCursorPos(3,6)
- m.write("Finding Optimal Rod Level")
- m.setCursorPos(3,7)
- m.write("Core Temp: "..r.getFuelTemperature())
- m.setCursorPos(3,8)
- m.write("Waiting for 99c")
- sleep(1)
- end
- end
- while r.getHotFluidAmount() > 10000 do
- for i = 1,3 do
- checkEn()
- displayEn()
- fuelRodLevel()
- m.setCursorPos(3,6)
- m.write("Finding Optimal Rod Level, please wait....")
- m.setCursorPos(3,7)
- m.write("Fluid Amount: "..comma_value(r.getHotFluidAmount()).."mb")
- m.setCursorPos(3,8)
- m.write("Waiting for 10,000mb")
- sleep(1)
- end
- end
- r.setAllControlRodLevels(99)
- r.setActive(true)
- while r.getFuelTemperature() < 100 do
- for i = 1,5 do
- checkEn()
- displayEn()
- fuelRodLevel()
- m.setCursorPos(3,6)
- m.write("Set all rod levels to 99")
- m.setCursorPos(3,7)
- m.write("Waiting 5 seconds...")
- sleep(1)
- end
- end
- for i = 1,5 do
- checkEn()
- displayEn()
- fuelRodLevel()
- m.setCursorPos(3,6)
- m.write("Set all rod levels to 99")
- m.setCursorPos(3,7)
- m.write("Waiting 5 seconds...")
- sleep(1)
- end
- local tempMB = r.getEnergyProducedLastTick()
- print(tempMB.."MB/t of steam")
- local tempRodLevels = math.floor(2000/tempMB)
- print("2000/"..tempMB.." = "..tempRodLevels)
- tempRodLevels = 100-tempRodLevels+5
- print("Adding 5 to Rod Levels: "..math.floor(tempRodLevels))
- r.setAllControlRodLevels(math.floor(tempRodLevels))
- print("Waiting 10 seconds to confirm...")
- for i = 1,10 do
- checkEn()
- displayEn()
- fuelRodLevel()
- m.setCursorPos(3,6)
- m.write("Estimated Level: "..tempRodLevels)
- m.setCursorPos(3,7)
- m.write("Waiting 10 seconds...")
- sleep(1)
- end
- tempMB = r.getEnergyProducedLastTick()
- while tempMB > 2000 do
- tempRodLevels = tempRodLevels+1
- r.setAllControlRodLevels(math.floor(tempRodLevels))
- print("Setting Rod Levels to: "..tempRodLevels)
- for i = 1,5 do
- checkEn()
- displayEn()
- fuelRodLevel()
- m.setCursorPos(3,6)
- m.write("Getting below 2000mb/t")
- m.setCursorPos(3,7)
- m.write("Currently at: "..tempMB)
- sleep(1)
- end
- tempMB = r.getEnergyProducedLastTick()
- end
- while tempMB < 2000 do
- tempRodLevels = tempRodLevels -1
- r.setAllControlRodLevels(math.floor(tempRodLevels))
- print("Setting Rod Levels to: "..tempRodLevels)
- for i = 1,5 do
- checkEn()
- displayEn()
- fuelRodLevel()
- m.setCursorPos(3,6)
- m.write("Getting Above 2000mb/t")
- m.setCursorPos(3,7)
- m.write("Currently at: "..tempMB)
- sleep(1)
- end
- tempMB = r.getEnergyProducedLastTick()
- end
- OptFuelRodLevel = tempRodLevels
- end
- function autoReactor()
- if not steamReactor then
- r.setAllControlRodLevels(0)
- if energyStoredPercent < turnOnAt then
- if not reactorOnline then
- online()
- end
- end
- if energyStoredPercent > turnOffAt then
- if reactorOnline then
- offline()
- end
- end
- else
- r.setAllControlRodLevels(OptFuelRodLevel)
- if energyStoredPercent < turnOnAt then
- --online()
- setTurbineOnline()
- coilsOn()
- end
- if energyStoredPercent > turnOffAt then
- --if turbineRotorSpeed > 1800 then
- -- offline()
- --else
- -- online()
- --end
- setTurbineOnline()
- coilsOff()
- end
- if turbineRotorSpeed > targetSpeed then
- offline()
- else
- online()
- end
- end
- end
- function displayScreen()
- -- repeat
- checkEn()
- displayEn()
- if menuType == "Reactor" then
- fuelRodLevel()
- if mode == "Automatic" then
- autoMenu()
- autoReactor()
- else
- manualMenu()
- end
- else
- turbineInductorDisplay()
- if mode == "Automatic" then
- turbineAutoMenu()
- autoReactor()
- else
- turbineManualMenu()
- end
- end
- timerCode = os.startTimer(1)
- local event, side, x, y
- repeat
- event, side, x, y = os.pullEvent()
- print(event)
- if event == "timer" then
- print(timerCode..":"..side)
- if timerCode ~= side then
- print("Wrong Code")
- else
- print("Right Code")
- end
- end
- until event~= "timer" or timerCode == side
- if event == "monitor_touch" then
- print(x..":"..y)
- button.checkxy(x,y)
- end
- -- until event ~= "timer"
- end
- if steamReactor then
- findOptFuelRods()
- end
- while true do
- displayScreen()
- end
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