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- Estern Script Pack - by CTahmid
- ---------------------------------------------------------------
- Torture Kill Script:
- luac getglobal game
- luac getfield Players
- luac getfield LocalPlayer
- luac getfield Character
- luac getfield Head
- luac getglobal Instance
- luac getfield new
- luac pushstring Fire
- luac pushvalue -4
- luac pcall 2 1 0
- luac emptystack
- -sleep 6000
- luac getfield Players
- luac getfield LocalPlayer
- luac getfield Character
- luac getfield Torso
- luac getglobal Instance
- luac getfield new
- luac pushstring Explosion
- luac pushvalue -4
- luac pcall 2 1 0
- luac emptystack
- -msg Executed Torture Kill Script
- Floating Script:
- luac getglobal game
- luac getfield Players
- luac getfield LocalPlayer
- luac getfield Character
- luac getfield Head
- luac getglobal Instance
- luac getfield new
- luac pushstring BodyVelocity
- luac pushvalue -4
- luac pcall 2 1 0
- -msg Executed 'Float' Script!
- -sleep 2000
- luac getglobal game
- luac getfield Players
- luac getfield LocalPlayer
- luac getfield Character
- luac getfield Head
- luac getfield BodyVelocity
- luac getfield Destroy
- luac pushvalue -2
- luac pcall 1 0 0
- -msg Stop floating!
- Pingu Script:
- -msg PINGU Script made by Deflex!11
- -sleep 2500
- smusic 250359780 1
- -sleep 10
- skybox rbxassetid://517488434
- animate me 248335946
- jumpanim me 248335946
- -msg done executing!
- Ignited Foxy Script:
- -msg Executing...
- -sleep 4
- morph LocalPlayer 506538529 506538579
- -sleep 1
- ssing LocalPlayer 178565662
- -msg Enjoy
- emptystack
- Krabby Car Script:
- -msg krabby_car _script
- -sleep 20
- charapp _LocalPlayer_1331
- -sleep 8000
- morph LocalPlayer 430886075 430886185
- -sleep 20
- emptystack
- -msg youre_krabby_patty_rider_now ....
- Patrick Script:
- -msg patrix_teh_star
- -sleep 20
- charapp LocalPlayer 1331
- -sleep 8000
- morph LocalPlayer 430263083 430263092
- -sleep 500
- fly LocalPlayer -6
- -sleep 20
- emptystack
- -msg enjoy_being_dumb_as_patrick
- MLG Can Can Script:
- -msg MLG_CAN_CAN
- -sleep 20
- charapp LocalPlayer 1331
- -sleep 8000
- morph LocalPlayer 430452142 430452215
- -sleep 500
- ssong 430452215 1
- -sleep 20
- emptystack
- -msg you_can_quickscope_scubz_nae
- SCP-173 Script:
- -msg spooky_doll_hehe
- -sleep 20
- charapp LocalPlayer 1331
- -sleep 8000
- morph LocalPlayer 430348199 430348224
- -sleep 500
- smusic 229173952 1
- -sleep 20
- fly LocalPlayer 8
- -sleep 20
- ws LocalPlayer 100
- -sleep 20
- colorcorrection Saturation -1
- -sleep 20
- emptystack
- -msg go_spook_some_people
- DatBoi/Kermit Script:
- -msg Congrats :D
- morph LocalPlayer 516819717 516819728
- -sleep 1
- animate LocalPlayer 248335946
- pe LocalPlayer 414729895
- fly LocalPlayer 27
- -msg Maybe some sounds?
- sing LocalPlayer 441091381
- eyerape
- -sleep 3777
- clearlg
- ws LocalPlayer 77
- -msg Executed!
- emptystack
- Illuminati Script:
- -msg Running Illuminati Script
- headhat LocalPlayer 438530093 438530120
- -sleep 1
- ff LocalPlayer
- -sleep 2
- pe LocalPlayer 208253379
- -sleep 0.1
- neon LocalPlayer
- -msg Almost done
- ssing LocalPlayer 250719912
- emptystack
- Teapot Script:
- -msg very small TEAPOT HACKOR Script
- -sleep 2
- charapp LocalPlayer 1311
- -sleep 9000
- ff LocalPlayer
- neon LocalPlayer
- -sleep 1
- ws LocalPlayer 77
- -msg Executed!
- emptystack
- Nightmare Foxy Script:
- -msg Fnaf Nigtmare Foxy Script
- -sleep 2
- morph LocalPlayer 465753189 465753209
- -sleep 1
- ssing LocalPlayer 178565662
- -msg Enjoy
- emptystack
- Nightmare Bonnie Script:
- -msg Fnaf Nightmare Bonnie Script
- -sleep 2
- morph LocalPlayer 448864532 448864556
- -sleep 1
- ssing LocalPlayer 178565662
- -msg Enjoy
- emptystack
- Mr Krabs Script:
- -msg Simple Mr Krab Script. Sugestion by neonecho. Give him love.
- emptystack
- morph LocalPlayer 430261661 430261673
- smusic 427265119 1
- emptystack
- Kick Script (might be broken idk):
- -msg kick player by Aeka
- luac emptystack
- luac getglobal game
- luac getfield Workspace
- luac getfield PLAYERNAMEHERE
- luac getfield Remove
- luac pushvalue -4
- luac pcall 2 1 0
- luac emptystack
- -msg removed player from the game
- Unff Player:
- -msg unff player
- luac emptystack
- luac getglobal game
- luac getfield Workspace
- luac getfield PLAYERNAMEHERE
- luac pushstring ForceField
- luac getfield Remove
- luac pushvalue -4
- luac pcall 2 1 0
- luac emptystack
- -msg rip player's forcefield
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