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Jun 18th, 2017
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  1. Estern Script Pack - by CTahmid
  2. ---------------------------------------------------------------
  3. Torture Kill Script:
  4. luac getglobal game
  5. luac getfield Players
  6. luac getfield LocalPlayer
  7. luac getfield Character
  8. luac getfield Head
  9. luac getglobal Instance
  10. luac getfield new
  11. luac pushstring Fire
  12. luac pushvalue -4
  13. luac pcall 2 1 0
  14. luac emptystack
  15. -sleep 6000
  16. luac getfield Players
  17. luac getfield LocalPlayer
  18. luac getfield Character
  19. luac getfield Torso
  20. luac getglobal Instance
  21. luac getfield new
  22. luac pushstring Explosion
  23. luac pushvalue -4
  24. luac pcall 2 1 0
  25. luac emptystack
  26. -msg Executed Torture Kill Script
  28. Floating Script:
  29. luac getglobal game
  30. luac getfield Players
  31. luac getfield LocalPlayer
  32. luac getfield Character
  33. luac getfield Head
  34. luac getglobal Instance
  35. luac getfield new
  36. luac pushstring BodyVelocity
  37. luac pushvalue -4
  38. luac pcall 2 1 0
  39. -msg Executed 'Float' Script!
  40. -sleep 2000
  41. luac getglobal game
  42. luac getfield Players
  43. luac getfield LocalPlayer
  44. luac getfield Character
  45. luac getfield Head
  46. luac getfield BodyVelocity
  47. luac getfield Destroy
  48. luac pushvalue -2
  49. luac pcall 1 0 0
  50. -msg Stop floating!
  52. Pingu Script:
  53. -msg PINGU Script made by Deflex!11
  54. -sleep 2500
  55. smusic 250359780 1
  56. -sleep 10
  57. skybox rbxassetid://517488434
  58. animate me 248335946
  59. jumpanim me 248335946
  60. -msg done executing!
  62. Ignited Foxy Script:
  63. -msg Executing...
  64. -sleep 4
  65. morph LocalPlayer 506538529 506538579
  66. -sleep 1
  67. ssing LocalPlayer 178565662
  68. -msg Enjoy
  69. emptystack
  71. Krabby Car Script:
  72. -msg krabby_car _script
  73. -sleep 20
  74. charapp _LocalPlayer_1331
  75. -sleep 8000
  76. morph LocalPlayer 430886075 430886185
  77. -sleep 20
  78. emptystack
  79. -msg youre_krabby_patty_rider_now ....
  81. Patrick Script:
  82. -msg patrix_teh_star
  83. -sleep 20
  84. charapp LocalPlayer 1331
  85. -sleep 8000
  86. morph LocalPlayer 430263083 430263092
  87. -sleep 500
  88. fly LocalPlayer -6
  89. -sleep 20
  90. emptystack
  91. -msg enjoy_being_dumb_as_patrick
  93. MLG Can Can Script:
  94. -msg MLG_CAN_CAN
  95. -sleep 20
  96. charapp LocalPlayer 1331
  97. -sleep 8000
  98. morph LocalPlayer 430452142 430452215
  99. -sleep 500
  100. ssong 430452215 1
  101. -sleep 20
  102. emptystack
  103. -msg you_can_quickscope_scubz_nae
  105. SCP-173 Script:
  106. -msg spooky_doll_hehe
  107. -sleep 20
  108. charapp LocalPlayer 1331
  109. -sleep 8000
  110. morph LocalPlayer 430348199 430348224
  111. -sleep 500
  112. smusic 229173952 1
  113. -sleep 20
  114. fly LocalPlayer 8
  115. -sleep 20
  116. ws LocalPlayer 100
  117. -sleep 20
  118. colorcorrection Saturation -1
  119. -sleep 20
  120. emptystack
  121. -msg go_spook_some_people
  123. DatBoi/Kermit Script:
  124. -msg Congrats :D
  125. morph LocalPlayer 516819717 516819728
  126. -sleep 1
  127. animate LocalPlayer 248335946
  128. pe LocalPlayer 414729895
  129. fly LocalPlayer 27
  130. -msg Maybe some sounds?
  131. sing LocalPlayer 441091381
  132. eyerape
  133. -sleep 3777
  134. clearlg
  135. ws LocalPlayer 77
  136. -msg Executed!
  137. emptystack
  139. Illuminati Script:
  140. -msg Running Illuminati Script
  141. headhat LocalPlayer 438530093 438530120
  142. -sleep 1
  143. ff LocalPlayer
  144. -sleep 2
  145. pe LocalPlayer 208253379
  146. -sleep 0.1
  147. neon LocalPlayer
  148. -msg Almost done
  149. ssing LocalPlayer 250719912
  150. emptystack
  152. Teapot Script:
  153. -msg very small TEAPOT HACKOR Script
  154. -sleep 2
  155. charapp LocalPlayer 1311
  156. -sleep 9000
  157. ff LocalPlayer
  158. neon LocalPlayer
  159. -sleep 1
  160. ws LocalPlayer 77
  161. -msg Executed!
  162. emptystack
  164. Nightmare Foxy Script:
  165. -msg Fnaf Nigtmare Foxy Script
  166. -sleep 2
  167. morph LocalPlayer 465753189 465753209
  168. -sleep 1
  169. ssing LocalPlayer 178565662
  170. -msg Enjoy
  171. emptystack
  173. Nightmare Bonnie Script:
  174. -msg Fnaf Nightmare Bonnie Script
  175. -sleep 2
  176. morph LocalPlayer 448864532 448864556
  177. -sleep 1
  178. ssing LocalPlayer 178565662
  179. -msg Enjoy
  180. emptystack
  182. Mr Krabs Script:
  183. -msg Simple Mr Krab Script. Sugestion by neonecho. Give him love.
  184. emptystack
  185. morph LocalPlayer 430261661 430261673
  186. smusic 427265119 1
  187. emptystack
  189. Kick Script (might be broken idk):
  190. -msg kick player by Aeka
  191. luac emptystack
  192. luac getglobal game
  193. luac getfield Workspace
  194. luac getfield PLAYERNAMEHERE
  195. luac getfield Remove
  196. luac pushvalue -4
  197. luac pcall 2 1 0
  198. luac emptystack
  199. -msg removed player from the game
  201. Unff Player:
  202. -msg unff player
  203. luac emptystack
  204. luac getglobal game
  205. luac getfield Workspace
  206. luac getfield PLAYERNAMEHERE
  207. luac pushstring ForceField
  208. luac getfield Remove
  209. luac pushvalue -4
  210. luac pcall 2 1 0
  211. luac emptystack
  212. -msg rip player's forcefield
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