

Nov 25th, 2012
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  1. [11/25/12 14:16:25] D2BS 400612: Error message box, caption: "Diablo II Error", message:
  2. Halt
  3. Location : , line #361
  4. Expression : Unrecoverable internal error 6ff5dbd7
  5. D2Client.DLL loaded at: 0x6fab0000.
  6. D2Common.DLL loaded at: 0x6fd50000.
  7. D2Gfx.DLL loaded at: 0x6fa80000.
  8. D2Lang.DLL loaded at: 0x00020000.
  9. D2Win.DLL loaded at: 0x6f8e0000.
  10. D2Net.DLL loaded at: 0x00420000.
  11. D2Game.DLL loaded at: 0x02640000.
  12. D2Launch.DLL loaded at: 0x6fa40000.
  13. Fog.DLL loaded at: 0x6ff50000.
  14. BNClient.DLL loaded at: 0x6ff20000.
  15. Storm.DLL loaded at: 0x6fbf0000.
  16. D2Cmp.DLL loaded at: 0x6fe10000.
  17. D2Multi.DLL loaded at: 0x6f9d0000.
  18. [11/25/12 14:16:25] D2BS 400612: EXCEPTION!
  19. *** 0xc0000005 at 0x6f9b8ac8 (Ordinal10013 in Unknown line 0)
  20. D2BS loaded at: 0x06e30000
  21. Registers:
  22. EIP: 0x6f9b8ac8, ESP: 0x0563ff64
  23. CS: 0x0023, DS: 0x002b, ES: 0x002b, SS: 0x002b, FS: 0x0053, GS: 0x002b
  24. EAX: 0x02080eb0, EBX: 0x01d67000, ECX: 0x768532e4, EDX: 0x02080eb0, ESI: 0x01d67000, EDI: 0x0001ffff, EBP: 0x00000000, FLG: 0x00010202
  25. Stack Trace:
  26. Ordinal10013+0x6f9b8990
  28. End of stack trace.
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