

Nov 3rd, 2024
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  1. Not at all what they expected.
  2. The leader spoke through a megaphone. “Stop where
  3. you are. Lie down on the floor, face down. On the floor,
  4. NOW!”
  5. He continued to stride toward them, as if not hearing,
  6. or caring.
  7. The SWATs tensed up. They never saw anything like
  8. this.
  9. Closer and closer he came.
  10. The leader made another command decision. “Drop
  11. him.”
  12. The corridor was abruptly filled with crackling
  13. thunder. The rounds tore into Terminator’s chest.
  14. Stomach.
  15. Face.
  16. Thighs.
  17. His leather jacket, already punctured in two dozen
  18. places, was now ripped to shreds as the rounds hit him.
  19. The SWAT leader grasped for the obvious in the face
  20. of the impossible, thinking the guy must be wearing
  21. body armor. So he lifted his sights and fired directly
  22. into the suspect’s face. His head should have been
  23. taken apart like a ripe melon. Instead, it simply rocked
  24. slightly, and a tear in the cheekbone spouted blood.
  25. Still the man kept coming toward them!
  26. The SWATs did what they were trained to do.
  27. Hold the trigger down.
  28. “Aim for the face!” the leader shouted, thinking
  29. somehow his bullet must have been defective. But a
  30. man next to him shouted with a trace of fear in his
  31. voice, “I am!”
  32. Terminator smoothly drew his .45. His internal scanner
  34. OVERRIDE—DISABLE ONLY. Without particular
  35. hurry, as if he were glancing at the shelves in a
  36. supermarket, he selected his targets. He shot the nearest
  37. man in the left thigh. As he screamed and dropped,
  38. Terminator bent down and picked up the shrieking
  39. man’s tear-gas launcher. It was one of those new rotary
  40. jobs that held twelve rounds in a big drum. Terminator
  41. shot the next SWAT square in the chest with the tear
  42. gas launcher. The gas canister hit the man’s body armor
  43. and didn’t penetrate. But it was like getting slugged in
  44. the stomach with a full-swing from a baseball bat. The
  45. SWAT folded double and hit the tiles, gasping.
  46. Terminator was an image from Hell, a tall figure in
  47. shredded black leather, streaked with blood. One eye
  48. was now a bloody socket, the metal eye-servos glinting.
  49. The flesh of one cheek hung down in tatters, revealing
  50. the chrome cheekbone beneath. The whole front of his
  51. jacket was blown open, revealing his metal chest.
  52. Some of the remaining SWATs were close enough to
  53. see all this. It was too much to see. Even in the heat
  54. of battle, even against the grain of their training, they
  55. began to fall back. One turned to run and—
  56. KA-POW! A gas canister nailed him in the back,
  57. sending him sprawling. Terminator fired three gas
  58. grenades into the lobby. It filled rapidly with the white
  59. gas, cutting the visibility to a few feet. It was total
  60. pandemonium.
  61. The SWAT leader crouched in the fog, white
  62. knuckling his rifle, completely at a loss for what was
  63. happening. Terminator loomed suddenly out of the mist
  64. right in front of him.
  65. Before the team leader could react, there was an
  66. explosion and a white flash and a dull thud as Terminator’s
  67. bullet drilled in his leg. As he screamed and dropped the
  68. rifle to clutch his leg, Terminator ripped his gas mask
  69. off. The SWAT leader fell back, writhing to the floor,
  70. choking and gagging, mindlessly clutching his ruptured
  71. thigh, trying to stem the trickle of blood.
  72. Terminator walked up to two SWATs at the front doors.
  73. POW-POW. Leg and leg. He snatched off their masks as
  74. they fell.
  75. Then, the gunfire stopped. Nobody could see anything.
  76. Screams and whimpers echoed in the smoke.
  77. Smoke boiled out the front door as a figure emerged.
  78. Firing the tear-gas launcher with one hand, Terminator
  79. launched all remaining rounds among the police vehicles.
  80. Unprotected officers ran back, choking and half blind,
  81. slamming into cars and tripping over each other.
  82. It was a total rout.
  83. At the SWAT van, one of the men was rapidly handing
  84. out the remaining masks to unprotected cops. A figure
  85. appeared out of the smoke beside him. He looked up as
  86. Terminator handed him the empty launcher. Instinctively,
  87. he grasped it. Then Terminator ripped off his mask,
  88. grabbed his flak vest with one hand, and sailed him out
  89. into the mist. The cyborg strode the length of the van and
  90. climbed into the driver’s seat. No keys in the ignition.
  91. He flipped down the sun visor.
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