
summary gpt

Feb 22nd, 2023
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  2. chatgpt is a large language model developed by openAI. it uses AI ((i think everyone knows there what AI is, right?)) technologies called natural language processing (NLP) to understan and generate human-like text. its designed to have conversations with humans that are informative and realistic. it is based on GPT-3 and therefor has a deep understandng of language and to generate text that is grammatically correct and also meaningful. It is trained on a huge variety of websites, books,... and therefore cant speak about current news and stuff like this. its knowledge is massive and it can discuss about most topics existing, but it is limited to knowledge of a certain point of time. ((like when something happens today it can only speak about it as soon as it gets a new update with learning material about today, yk?))
  3. One of the most impressive things is, how it can adapt to language, the way of speaking, tone,... of the person talking with it and changes the answers according to this. it can also understand humor and sarcasm.
  4. it can be used in games for natural dialoges, in the support section of a company, in therapy, as a general information source,...
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