
Pain from cracked memory orb

Sep 10th, 2024
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  1. I remembered that I still had a memory orb from one of the safes in the Fillydelphia Ministry of Magic vault -- the orb from the safe which had also held a cloak. (Judging from Xenith’s reaction and recent griffin-related experience, I deduced that it had been a zebra stealth cloak.) I decided abruptly that I didn’t want to spend the wait laying sweaty and wiped on Calamity’s porch. So I floated out the memory orb and focused on it.
  3. And immediately knew it was a mistake, remembering that the orb had come from a ruined box and was likely damaged itself, but it was too late.
  5. My body exploded, every nerve being flayed as I was burned over and over without dying. I knew my real body must be screaming and thrashing, but the pain was too intense to even fear for my safety. In fact, falling from the cliff side and being dashed on the ground below would be a mercy.
  7. A thousand white-hot knives sliced through my brain.
  9. An eyeblink or an eternity later, the pain stopped as abruptly as it started. And I was no longer myself…
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