
game variables

Dec 13th, 2022
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  1. abilities
  2. achievements
  3. action
  4. alignments
  5. ambiance
  6. ammunition
  7. animation
  8. appearance
  9. applications
  10. applications_block
  11. applications_closed
  12. applications_event
  13. applications_event_catch
  14. applications_event_conditional
  15. applications_event_data
  16. applications_event_debug
  17. applications_event_dispatch
  18. applications_event_error
  19. applications_event_exception
  20. applications_event_failure
  21. applications_event_finally
  22. applications_event_handler
  23. applications_event_id
  24. applications_event_listener
  25. applications_event_log
  26. applications_event_loop
  27. applications_event_loop_
  28. applications_event_loop_abort
  29. applications_event_loop_break
  30. applications_event_loop_clear
  31. applications_event_loop_continue
  32. applications_event_loop_discard
  33. applications_event_loop_exit
  34. applications_event_loop_ignore
  35. applications_event_loop_reset
  36. applications_event_loop_restart
  37. applications_event_loop_retry
  38. applications_event_loop_return
  39. applications_event_loop_save
  40. applications_event_message
  41. applications_event_parameters
  42. applications_event_queue
  43. applications_event_result
  44. applications_event_source
  45. applications_event_success
  46. applications_event_target
  47. applications_event_throw
  48. applications_event_timestamp
  49. applications_event_try
  50. applications_event_type
  51. applications_event_warning
  52. applications_exited
  53. applications_hidden
  54. applications_iconified
  55. applications_interrupt
  56. applications_killed
  57. applications_launched
  58. applications_maximized
  59. applications_minimized
  60. applications_notify
  61. applications_opened
  62. applications_paused
  63. applications_restored
  64. applications_resumed
  65. applications_running
  66. applications_suspended
  67. applications_terminated
  68. applications_wait
  69. areas
  70. armor
  71. armors
  72. arms
  73. artifacts
  74. attack
  75. attacks
  76. avatar
  77. background
  78. backpack
  79. badges
  80. battles
  81. blocks
  82. bonuses
  83. boosters
  84. boots
  85. boss
  86. bows
  87. branch
  88. bronze
  89. buffs
  90. bugs
  91. bullet
  92. bullets
  93. bushes
  94. bypass
  95. cactus
  96. camera
  97. camouflage
  98. camp
  99. camps
  100. candle
  101. candles
  102. cannons
  103. captain
  104. captains
  105. card
  106. cards
  107. carrots
  108. castles
  109. cat
  110. catacombs
  111. cave
  112. caves
  113. centaur
  114. centaurs
  115. ceremonies
  116. ceremony
  117. challenges
  118. chamber
  119. chambers
  120. champion
  121. champions
  122. character
  123. character_area
  124. character_boomerang
  125. character_boomerang_distance
  126. character_boomerang_speed
  127. character_charisma
  128. character_class
  129. character_climb
  130. character_climb_distance
  131. character_climb_height
  132. character_coordinates
  133. character_crouch
  134. character_crouch_distance
  135. character_crouch_height
  136. character_crystals
  137. character_dash
  138. character_dash_distance
  139. character_dash_speed
  140. character_date
  141. character_deaths
  142. character_dexterity
  143. character_direction
  144. character_dive
  145. character_dive_depth
  146. character_dive_time
  147. character_double_dash
  148. character_double_dash_distance
  149. character_double_dash_speed
  150. character_double_jump
  151. character_double_jump_distance
  152. character_double_jump_height
  153. character_equipment
  154. character_fall
  155. character_fall_distance
  156. character_fall_height
  157. character_fly
  158. character_fly_distance
  159. character_fly_speed
  160. character_gems
  161. character_gender
  162. character_glide
  163. character_glide_distance
  164. character_glide_speed
  165. character_gold
  166. character_grapple
  167. character_grapple_cooldown
  168. character_grapple_distance
  169. character_grapple_speed
  170. character_health
  171. character_hookshot
  172. character_hookshot_cooldown
  173. character_hookshot_distance
  174. character_hookshot_speed
  175. character_hover
  176. character_hover_distance
  177. character_hover_height
  178. character_intelligence
  179. character_inventory
  180. character_jetpack
  181. character_jetpack_cooldown
  182. character_jetpack_distance
  183. character_jetpack_fuel
  184. character_jetpack_refill
  185. character_jetpack_speed
  186. character_jump
  187. character_jump_dash
  188. character_jump_dash_distance
  189. character_jump_dash_height
  190. character_jump_distance
  191. character_jump_height
  192. character_kills
  193. character_level
  194. character_location
  195. character_mana
  196. character_map
  197. character_name
  198. character_parachute
  199. character_parachute_deploy
  200. character_parachute_distance
  201. character_parachute_retract
  202. character_parachute_speed
  203. character_points
  204. character_quests
  205. character_rank
  206. character_ratio
  207. character_score
  208. character_sector
  209. character_skills
  210. character_sneak
  211. character_sneak_distance
  212. character_sneak_speed
  213. character_speed
  214. character_spells
  215. character_sprint
  216. character_sprint_distance
  217. character_sprint_speed
  218. character_stamina
  219. character_status
  220. character_status_buffs
  221. character_status_daze
  222. character_status_debuffs
  223. character_status_effects
  224. character_status_silence
  225. character_status_sleep
  226. character_status_stun
  227. character_strength
  228. character_swim
  229. character_swim_distance
  230. character_swim_speed
  231. character_teleport
  232. character_teleport_cancel
  233. character_teleport_cancel_message
  234. character_teleport_cooldown
  235. character_teleport_cost
  236. character_teleport_cost_message
  237. character_teleport_count
  238. character_teleport_count_message
  239. character_teleport_delay
  240. character_teleport_delay_message
  241. character_teleport_direction
  242. character_teleport_direction_message
  243. character_teleport_disabled
  244. character_teleport_distance
  245. character_teleport_enabled
  246. character_teleport_error
  247. character_teleport_exit
  248. character_teleport_fail
  249. character_teleport_fail_message
  250. character_teleport_interrupt
  251. character_teleport_interrupt_message
  252. character_teleport_limit
  253. character_teleport_limit_message
  254. character_teleport_location
  255. character_teleport_location_message
  256. character_teleport_menu
  257. character_teleport_message
  258. character_teleport_mode
  259. character_teleport_range
  260. character_teleport_resume
  261. character_teleport_resume_message
  262. character_teleport_retry
  263. character_teleport_retry_message
  264. character_teleport_start
  265. character_teleport_start_message
  266. character_teleport_stop
  267. character_teleport_stop_message
  268. character_teleport_success
  269. character_teleport_success_message
  270. character_teleport_target
  271. character_teleport_target_message
  272. character_teleport_time
  273. character_teleport_time_message
  274. character_teleport_wait
  275. character_teleport_wait_message
  276. character_teleport_warning
  277. character_time
  278. character_tokens
  279. character_transform
  280. character_transform_cooldown
  281. character_transform_duration
  282. character_transform_time
  283. character_transform_type
  284. character_triple_dash
  285. character_triple_dash_distance
  286. character_triple_dash_speed
  287. character_triple_jump
  288. character_triple_jump_distance
  289. character_triple_jump_height
  290. character_wall_climb
  291. character_wall_climb_distance
  292. character_wall_climb_height
  293. character_wall_jump
  294. character_wall_jump_distance
  295. character_wall_jump_height
  296. character_wisdom
  297. character_xp
  298. character_zone
  299. characters
  300. charms
  301. chat
  302. checkpoints
  303. chest
  304. chests
  305. chief
  306. chiefs
  307. chimney
  308. chimneys
  309. choices
  310. church
  311. churches
  312. city
  313. clan
  314. clans
  315. claws
  316. clothes
  317. club
  318. clubs
  319. coast
  320. coasts
  321. code
  322. codes
  323. coins
  324. collectibles
  325. collision
  326. colors
  327. combination
  328. combinations
  329. combos
  330. command
  331. commands
  332. compass
  333. compasses
  334. competition
  335. competitions
  336. conditions
  337. connection
  338. continent
  339. continents
  340. controllers
  341. controls
  342. conversations
  343. cops
  344. cord
  345. cords
  346. corridor
  347. corridors
  348. council
  349. councils
  350. counsel
  351. counsellor
  352. counsellors
  353. counsels
  354. count
  355. counters
  356. counts
  357. course
  358. courses
  359. cove
  360. covers
  361. cow
  362. cows
  363. crafting
  364. crate
  365. crates
  366. creature
  367. creatures
  368. crest
  369. crests
  370. cross
  371. crosses
  372. crown
  373. crowns
  374. crystal
  375. crystals
  376. culture
  377. cultures
  378. cup
  379. cups
  380. currency
  381. curse
  382. curses
  383. customer
  384. customers
  385. customization
  386. cut
  387. cuts
  388. cutter
  389. cutters
  390. cyborg
  391. cyborgs
  392. dagger
  393. daggers
  394. dance
  395. dances
  396. darts
  397. data
  398. day
  399. days
  400. deacon
  401. deacons
  402. deck
  403. deer
  404. deers
  405. defenses
  406. dessert
  407. desserts
  408. destination
  409. destinations
  410. dialogue
  411. diamond
  412. diamonds
  413. dice
  414. dictator
  415. dictators
  416. difficulty
  417. dig
  418. digger
  419. diggers
  420. digging
  421. digs
  422. dining
  423. dinner
  424. dinners
  425. direction
  426. directions
  427. director
  428. directors
  429. dirt
  430. dirts
  431. disguise
  432. disguises
  433. dish
  434. dishes
  435. dock
  436. docks
  437. doctor
  438. doctors
  439. dodges
  440. doll
  441. dolls
  442. door
  443. doors
  444. dungeons
  445. effects
  446. enchantments
  447. endings
  448. enemies
  449. enemy
  450. enhancements
  451. environment
  452. equipment
  453. events
  454. experience
  455. exploration
  456. factions
  457. features
  458. flags
  459. food
  460. formulas
  461. gadgets
  462. game
  463. game_board
  464. game_cheat
  465. game_cheat_code
  466. game_cheat_disabled
  467. game_cheat_enabled
  468. game_cheat_menu
  469. game_cheat_warning
  470. game_credits
  471. game_credits_count
  472. game_credits_disabled
  473. game_credits_enabled
  474. game_credits_exit
  475. game_credits_list
  476. game_credits_menu
  477. game_credits_roll
  478. game_credits_roll_direction
  479. game_credits_roll_pause
  480. game_credits_roll_speed
  481. game_credits_roll_start
  482. game_credits_roll_stop
  483. game_credits_roll_unpause
  484. game_debug
  485. game_debug_disabled
  486. game_debug_enabled
  487. game_debug_menu
  488. game_debug_mode
  489. game_debug_warning
  490. game_difficulty
  491. game_help
  492. game_hint
  493. game_load
  494. game_mode
  495. game_music
  496. game_mute
  497. game_options
  498. game_over
  499. game_pause
  500. game_quit
  501. game_quit_abort
  502. game_quit_cancel
  503. game_quit_confirm
  504. game_quit_discard
  505. game_quit_exit
  506. game_quit_ignore
  507. game_quit_message
  508. game_quit_no
  509. game_quit_ok
  510. game_quit_retry
  511. game_quit_return
  512. game_quit_save
  513. game_quit_yes
  514. game_restart
  515. game_rules
  516. game_save
  517. game_sound
  518. game_speed
  519. game_time
  520. game_unpause
  521. game_update
  522. game_update_available
  523. game_update_installed
  524. game_update_message
  525. game_version
  526. game_volume
  527. gameover
  528. gameplay
  529. garments
  530. gear
  531. gems
  532. goals
  533. graphics
  534. groups
  535. guides
  536. hand
  537. hardware
  538. hats
  539. health
  540. heroes
  541. hidden
  542. houses
  543. identities
  544. interactions
  545. interfaces
  546. inventory
  547. items
  548. jump
  549. jumps
  550. keys
  551. ladders
  552. languages
  553. leaderboard
  554. level
  555. levels
  556. life
  557. lifeplayer
  558. lighting
  559. lives
  560. locations
  561. loser
  562. luck
  563. map
  564. maps
  565. materials
  566. mechanics
  567. menu
  568. modes
  569. modifications
  570. monsters
  571. mounts
  572. movement
  573. multiplayer
  574. music
  575. narration
  576. narrative
  577. navigation
  578. objectives
  579. objects
  580. obstacles
  581. online
  582. opponents
  583. options
  584. outfits
  585. overworld
  586. particles
  587. paths
  588. perks
  589. personalization
  590. phrases
  591. physics
  592. platform
  593. platforms
  594. player
  595. player_hand
  596. player_turn
  597. players
  598. plot
  599. points
  600. portals
  601. powers
  602. powerup
  603. powerups
  604. preferences
  605. progress
  606. puzzles
  607. quest
  608. quests
  609. races
  610. ranks
  611. realms
  612. reputation
  613. resources
  614. rewards
  615. roles
  616. rook
  617. rooms
  618. rounds
  619. run
  620. runes
  621. save
  622. scenery
  623. scenes
  624. score
  625. score_board
  626. screen
  627. secrets
  628. sections
  629. seeds
  630. sequences
  631. settings
  632. shields
  633. sidekicks
  634. signs
  635. skill
  636. skills
  637. skins
  638. sound
  639. sounds
  640. speed
  641. spell
  642. spells
  643. stats
  644. status
  645. stealth
  646. story
  647. storyline
  648. strategy
  649. styles
  650. subtitles
  651. supplies
  652. tasks
  653. teams
  654. textures
  655. themes
  656. time
  657. tools
  658. traits
  659. transportation
  660. traps
  661. treasures
  662. trophies
  663. tunnels
  664. uniforms
  665. upgrades
  666. vehicles
  667. villains
  668. visuals
  669. volume
  670. weapons
  671. widgets
  672. winner
  673. world
  674. worlds
  675. wounds
  676. x
  677. xp
  678. y
  679. z
  680. zones
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