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- @ECHO OFF & setlocal enableDelayedExpansion & mode 120,55 & call :macros & call :init
- :main
- call :updateToggleButtons
- IF defined category (
- SET "script[list]=!scriptInfo[%category%][list][%page%]!"
- ) else (
- FOR /L %%G in (%dispMin%, 1, %dispMax%) DO (
- if /i "!searching!" equ "true" (
- FOR /F "tokens=2,7 delims==" %%a in ("!scriptInfo[%%G]!") DO FOR %%X in ("%%~a" "%%~b") DO IF /I "!searchThis!" == "%%~X" set "script[list]=!script[list]! %%G"
- IF "!script[list]!" == "" ECHO %esc%[%sbyp1%;%sbxp1%HNo results...
- set /a "dispMin=1", "dispMax=20"
- ) else SET "script[list]=!script[list]! %%G"
- )
- )
- set "clickable=1"
- FOR %%# in (%script[list]%) DO (
- set /a "clickable[!clickable!]=%%#", "clickable+=2"
- SET "disp[line]=!disp[line]!!line[%%#]!%ESC%[2B"
- )
- set "searching=false"
- set "catSearch=false"
- set "searchThis="
- echo %esc%[1;1H%topl%%esc%[0m%esc%[3;0H%template%%botl%%esc%[0m%esc%[48;5;7m%esc%[38;5;16m%button[1]%%button[2]%%button[3]%%button[4]%%button[5]%%button[6]%%button[7]%%button[8]%%button[9]%%button[10]%%button[11]%%esc%[0m%toggleDisplay%%esc%[0m%searchBox%%esc%[2;1H³ ID ³ Name ³ Catagory ³ Author ³ Description ³%ESC%[4;1H%disp[line]%
- SET "disp[line]="&SET "script[list]="
- for /f "tokens=1-3" %%W in ('"bin\Mouse.exe"') do set /a "mouseC=%%W,mouseX=%%Y,mouseY=%%X"
- %ifUserClicksButton[1]% ( IF defined category ( IF %page% NEQ 0 ( SET /A "page-=1" ) ) else IF %dispMin% NEQ 1 ( SET /A "dispMin-=20", "dispMax-=20" ) )
- %ifUserClicksButton[2]% ( IF defined category ( SET /A "page+=1" ) else ( SET /A "dispMin+=20", "dispMax+=20" ) )
- %ifUserClicksButton[3]% ( del /f /q "%~dp0\master.txt" & ( call :checkDownloadMethod "" "%~dp0\master.txt" ) )
- %ifUserClicksButton[4]% ( SET "page=1" & SET "category=game" & set "catSearch=true" )
- %ifUserClicksButton[5]% ( SET "page=1" & SET "category=utilities" & set "catSearch=true" )
- %ifUserClicksButton[6]% ( SET "page=1" & SET "category=example" & set "catSearch=true" )
- %ifUserClicksButton[7]% ( SET "page=1" & SET "category=tools" & set "catSearch=true" )
- %ifUserClicksButton[8]% ( SET "category=" & set "catSearch=false" )
- %ifUserClicksButton[9]% ( SET "page=1" & SET "category=library" & set "catSearch=true" )
- %ifUserClicksButton[10]% ( SET "page=1" & SET "category=graphics" & set "catSearch=true" )
- %ifUserClicksButton[11]% ( SET "page=1" & SET "category=devtools" & set "catSearch=true" )
- %ifUserToggles[0]SET_TOGGLE%
- %ifUserToggles[1]SET_TOGGLE%
- %ifUserToggles[2]SET_TOGGLE%
- %ifUserToggles[3]SET_TOGGLE%
- %ifUserToggles[4]SET_TOGGLE%
- %ifUserClicksSearchBar% ( set /a "dispMax=script_count" & set "searching=true" & set /p "searchThis=%esc%[%sbyp1%;%sbxp1%HSearch: " )
- set /a "scriptButton=mouseY - 2"
- REM echo %esc%[48;1HIF %mouseX% LEQ 92 ( IF %mouseY% LEQ 43 (
- IF %mouseX% LEQ 92 ( IF %mouseY% LEQ 43 (
- echo !clickable[%scriptButton%]!
- CALL :GET_INFO & ( IF %mouseC% EQU 1 ( CALL :GET_RECURSE ) else ( CALL :GET_DISP ) )
- pause
- REM )
- ) )
- FOR %%# in (%script[list]%) DO set /a "clickable[!clickable!]="
- goto :main
- :createSearchBar x y c
- set /a "searchBox[Xmin]=%~1","searchBox[Xmax]=%~1 + 92","searchBox[Ymin]=%~2","searchBox[Ymax]=%~2 + 2", "sbxp1=%~1+1", "sbyp1=%~2+1"
- set "ifUserClicksSearchBar=if ^!mouseY^! geq ^!searchBox[Ymin]^! if ^!mouseY^! leq ^!searchBox[Ymax]^! if ^!mouseX^! geq ^!searchBox[Xmin]^! if ^!mouseX^! leq ^!searchBox[Xmax]^!"
- goto :eof
- :createToggle
- if not defined toggleBoxTemplate set "toggleBoxTemplate=ÚÄÄÄ¿%esc%[B%esc%[5D³ ³%esc%[B%esc%[5DÀÄÄÄÙ%esc%[2A"
- set /a "toggleArray=%~4 - 1", "togX=%~2", "togY=%~3", "oX=togX + 1", "oY=togY + 1", "up1=togY - 1", "ov1=oX", "togCol=%~5"
- ( if "%~6" neq "" ( set /a "defaultToggle=%~6" ) else ( set /a "defaultToggle=0" )) & set /a "currentToggle=defaultToggle"
- set "toggleBoxes=%esc%[%up1%;%ov1%H%~1%esc%[%togY%!!%togX%H" & set "toggleOverlay=%esc%[%oY%;%oX%H"
- for /l %%a in (0,1,%toggleArray%) do (
- set "toggleBoxes=!toggleBoxes!%toggleBoxTemplate%"
- if %currentToggle% equ %%a ( set "toggle[%%a]=%esc%[38;5;%~5mÛÛÛ" ) else set "toggle[%%a]=%esc%[38;5;16mÛÛÛ"
- set "toggleOverlay=!toggleOverlay!!toggle[%%a]!%esc%[0m³³"
- set /a "toggleX[%%a]=(%%a + 1) * 5 + %~2 - 6"
- )
- set /a "toggleX[%~4]=(%~4 + 1) * 5 + %~2 - 6"
- for /l %%a in (0,1,%toggleArray%) do (
- set /a "n=%%a + 1"
- for %%n in (!n!) do (
- set "ifUserToggles[%%a]SET_TOGGLE=if ^!mouseY^! geq ^!toggleY[min]^! if ^!mouseY^! leq ^!toggleY[max]^! if ^!mouseX^! geq ^!toggleX[%%a]^! if ^!mouseX^! lss ^!toggleX[%%n]^! set currentToggle=%%a"
- )
- )
- set /a "toggleY[min]=%~3 - 1", "toggleY[max]=%~3 + 1"
- set "toggleOverlay=!toggleOverlay:~0,-1!"
- set "toggleDisplay=^!toggleBoxes^!^!toggleOverlay^!"
- goto :eof
- :updateToggleButtons
- set "toggleOverlay=%esc%[%oY%;%oX%H"
- for /l %%a in (0,1,%toggleArray%) do (
- if !currentToggle! equ %%a ( set "toggle[%%a]=%esc%[38;5;%togCol%mÛÛÛ" ) else set "toggle[%%a]=%esc%[38;5;16mÛÛÛ"
- set "toggleOverlay=!toggleOverlay!!toggle[%%a]!%esc%[0m³³"
- )
- set "toggleOverlay=%toggleOverlay:~0,-1%"
- goto :eof
- :createButton
- set /a "buttons+=1", "len=0"
- set /a "button[X][%buttons%]=%~1", "button[Y][%buttons%]=%~2"
- set "s=%~3#" & ( for %%P in (8192 4096 2048 1024 512 256 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1) do ( if "!s:~%%P,1!" NEQ "" ( set /a "len+=%%P" & set "s=!s:~%%P!" ))) & set /a "len[%%e]=len" 2>nul
- set /a "e=len&1", "len+=(((~(0-e)>>31)&1)&((~(e-0)>>31)&1))+1", "len+=(((~(1-e)>>31)&1)&((~(e-1)>>31)&1))", "back=len + 2"
- set "buttonWidth=" & (for /l %%a in (1,1,%len%) do set "buttonWidth=!buttonWidth!Ä")
- set "button[%buttons%]=%esc%[!button[Y][%buttons%]!;!button[X][%buttons%]!HÚ%buttonWidth%¿%esc%[%back%D%esc%[B³ %~3 ³%esc%[%back%D%esc%[BÀ%buttonWidth%Ù"
- set /a "button[%buttons%][Xmin]=%~1-1","button[%buttons%][Xmax]=%~1 + len","button[%buttons%][Ymin]=%~2-1","button[%buttons%][Ymax]=%~2 + 1"
- set "ifUserClicksButton[!buttons!]=if ^!mouseY^! geq ^!button[%buttons%][Ymin]^! if ^!mouseY^! leq ^!button[%buttons%][Ymax]^! if ^!mouseX^! geq ^!button[%buttons%][Xmin]^! if ^!mouseX^! leq ^!button[%buttons%][Xmax]^!"
- goto :eof
- :checkDownloadMethod
- if %currentToggle%==3 (
- set /a rnd=%random% & ( bitsadmin /transfer BgetUI!rnd! /download /priority HIGH "%~1" "%~2" >nul ) & set rnd=
- ) else if %currentToggle%==0 (
- cscript //NoLogo //e:Jscript "%~dp0\bin\download.js" "%~1" "%~2"
- ) else if %currentToggle%==4 (
- "%~dp0\curl\curl.exe" -s "%~1" -o "%~2"
- ) else if %currentToggle%==1 (
- Powershell.exe -command "[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12;(New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('%~1','%~2')"
- ) else if %currentToggle%==2 (
- cscript //NoLogo //e:VBScript "%~dp0\bin\download.vbs" "%~1" "%~2"
- )
- goto :eof
- FOR /F "tokens=1-9 delims==" %%a in ("!clickable[%scriptButton%]!") DO (
- (
- echo %%a
- echo %%b
- echo %%c
- echo %%d
- echo %%e
- echo %%f
- echo %%g
- echo %%h
- echo %%i
- )>scriptInfo.txt
- SET "scriptInfo[temp][fileName]=%%~e"
- SET "scriptInfo[temp][name]=%%~b"
- SET "scriptInfo[temp][scriptLocation]=%%~c"
- SET "scriptInfo[temp][author]=%%~g"
- SET "scriptInfo[temp][hash]=%%~f"
- SET "scriptInfo[temp][description]=%%~d"
- SET "scriptInfo[temp][Date]=%%~i"
- )
- FOR %%G in (Author Filename Date) DO (
- SET "scriptInfo[disp]=!scriptInfo[disp]!%ESC%[3G%%G : class="re0">!scriptInfo[temp][%%G]!%ESC%[0K%ESC%[1B"
- )
- ECHO %ESC%[49d!scriptInfo[disp]!
- SET "scriptInfo[disp]="
- :get_recurse
- title Downloading %scriptInfo[temp][fileName]% by %scriptInfo[temp][author]%
- if not exist %script_location%\%scriptInfo[temp][name]% ( md "%script_location%\%scriptInfo[temp][name]%" ) else goto :eof
- call :checkDownloadMethod "%scriptInfo[temp][scriptLocation]%" "%script_location%\%scriptInfo[temp][name]%\%scriptInfo[temp][fileName]%"
- FOR %%Q in (hash description author) DO (
- ECHO !scriptInfo[temp][%%Q]!>%script_location%\%scriptInfo[temp][name]%\%%Q.txt"
- )
- if "%scriptInfo[temp][fileName]:~-4%"==".cab" (
- echo Extracting...
- call :cab "%script_location%\%scriptInfo[temp][name]%\%scriptInfo[temp][fileName]%" "%script_location%\%scriptInfo[temp][name]%"
- ) else if "!scriptInfo[temp][fileName]:~-4!"==".zip" (
- echo Extracting...
- call :unzip "%script_location%\%scriptInfo[temp][name]%\%scriptInfo[temp][fileName]%" "%script_location%\%scriptInfo[temp][name]%"
- )
- goto :eof
- :unzip
- set zip=%~1
- set unzip_path=%~2
- set zip=!zip:\\=\!
- set /a ziprand=%random%
- set unzip_path=!unzip_path:\\=\!
- echo ZipFile="!zip!">"%~dp0\temp\unzip!ziprand!.vbs"
- echo ExtractTo="!unzip_path!">>"%~dp0\temp\unzip!ziprand!.vbs"
- echo set objShell = CreateObject^("Shell.Application"^)>>"%~dp0\temp\unzip!ziprand!.vbs"
- echo set FilesInZip=objShell.NameSpace(ZipFile).items>>"%~dp0\temp\unzip!ziprand!.vbs"
- echo objShell.NameSpace^(ExtractTo^).CopyHere^(FilesInZip^)>>"%~dp0\temp\unzip!ziprand!.vbs"
- echo Set fso = Nothing>>"%~dp0\temp\unzip!ziprand!.vbs"
- echo Set objShell = Nothing>>"%~dp0\temp\unzip!ziprand!.vbs"
- cscript //NOLOGO "%~dp0\temp\unzip!ziprand!.vbs"
- if exist "%~dp0\temp\unzip!ziprand!.vbs" del /f /q "%~dp0\temp\unzip!ziprand!.vbs"
- if not exist "!unzip_path!\package" md "!unzip_path!\package"
- move /Y "!zip!" "!unzip_path!\package"
- set ziprand=
- set zip=
- set unzip_path=
- exit /b
- :cab
- set cab=%~1
- set cab_path=%~2
- set cab=!cab:\\=\!
- set cab_path=!cab_path:\\=\!
- expand "!cab!" -F:* "!cab_path!" >nul
- if not exist "!cab_path!\package" md "!cab_path!\package"
- move /Y "!cab!" "!cab_path!\package"
- set cab=
- set cab_path=
- exit /b
- :macros
- (set \n=^^^
- %= This creates an escaped Line Feed - DO NOT ALTER =%
- )
- ( for /f %%a in ('echo prompt $E^| cmd') do set "esc=%%a" ) & <nul set /p "=!esc![?25l"
- goto :eof
- :init
- SET /A "game[col]=9","utilities[col]=10","tools[col]=11","library[col]=12","graphics[col]=13","example[col]=5","devtools[col]=7"
- if not exist %~dp0scripts md %~dp0scripts
- set "map=?=(c)+((d)-(c))*((v)-(a))/((b)-(a))"
- set "script_location=%~dp0scripts"
- call :createButton 93 8 "Prev Page"
- call :createButton 106 8 "Next Page"
- call :createButton 93 12 "Update list"
- CALL :CREATEBUTTON 93 24 "Games"
- CALL :CREATEBUTTON 93 16 "Utilities"
- CALL :CREATEBUTTON 93 20 "Examples"
- CALL :CREATEBUTTON 93 28 "Tools"
- CALL :CREATEBUTTON 93 36 "Libraries"
- CALL :CREATEBUTTON 93 32 "Graphics"
- CALL :CREATEBUTTON 93 40 "Dev-Tools"
- call :createSearchBar 1 44 10
- call :createToggle "JS PS VBS BITS CURL" 93 3 5 12 3
- IF not exist master.txt (
- call :checkDownloadMethod "" "%~dp0\master.txt"
- )
- for /f "tokens=1-9 delims=," %%a in ('findstr /b /c:"[#]," "%~dp0master.txt"') do (
- set /a "script_count+=1"
- ECHO %ESC%[27;55H%ESC%[38;2;0;!script_count!;!script_count!mLoading !script_count!
- REM ID name scriptLocation description fileName hash author category dateAdded
- SET "scriptInfo[!script_count!]="%%~a"="%%~b"="%%~c"="%%~d"="%%~e"="%%~f"="%%~g"="%%~h"="%%~i""
- IF not defined scriptInfo[%%~h][page] (
- SET "scriptInfo[%%~h][page]=0"
- SET "scriptInfo[Category][%%~h]=-1"
- )
- SET /A "scriptInfo[Category][%%~h]+=1","check=scriptInfo[Category][%%~h] %% 20"
- IF !check! EQU 0 SET /A "scriptInfo[%%~h][page]+=1"
- FOR /F %%X in ("!scriptInfo[%%~h][page]!") DO SET "scriptInfo[%%~h][list][%%X]=!scriptInfo[%%~h][list][%%X]! !script_count!"
- FOR %%G in ("5=!script_count!=2" "17=%%~b=8" "14=%%~h=27" "21=%%~g=43" "25=%%~d=66") DO (
- FOR /F "tokens=1-4 delims==" %%A in ("%%~G=!script_count!") DO (
- SET "temp[script]=%%B"
- IF defined %%B[col] SET "col[temp]=%ESC%[38;5;!%%B[col]!m"
- SET "line[%%D]=!line[%%D]!%ESC%[%%CG!col[temp]!!temp[script]:~0,%%A!%ESC%[0m"
- SET "col[temp]="
- )
- )
- )
- set /a "dispMin=1", "dispMax=20","page=1"
- for /l %%a in (1,1,%dispMax%) do set "template=!template!ÃÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´%esc%[B%esc%[92D³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³%esc%[B%esc%[92D"
- echo %esc%[0m & CLS
- goto :eof
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