

Jun 5th, 2023
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text 1.29 KB | Cybersecurity | 0 0
  1. Requirements Before Set-up:
  2. Node.JS v16+ installed.
  3. Code Editor: VSC(recommended), Sublime, Atom, etc.
  4. Set-up: Bot
  5. Go to your Discord Developers Applications and create a new bot | You can use an existing one.
  6. Go to the "Bot" section and scroll down till you see "Privileged Gateway Intents".
  7. Select both Presence Intent, Server Members Intent, and Message Content Intents.
  9. Linux Set-up:
  10. Extract the code in a folder, Right Click anywhere and click on Open in Terminal.
  11. After opening write npm init then, spam Enter, until you see Is this OK? (yes) Press Enter again.
  12. Next, you'll have to install discord.js, in that same terminal type npm install discord.js@13.1.0 chalk, this will install discord.js and chalk.
  13. Start the bot by typing node . or node index.js
  14. linuxDistro
  16. Set-up: Script
  17. Run the launch file and wait for all the packages to be installed.
  18. Navigate to the config folder, right click on the config.json file.
  19. Open the file either on Notepad or a code editor i.e VSC (Visual Studio Code).
  20. Make sure to add your ID for the commands to work.
  21. Fill in ALL the gaps.
  22. Save.
  23. Extra:
  24. disableEveryone | Default set to true, add your user ID | Makes sure no one else can use the tool. Set to false if you wish.
  25. disable
  27. Start-up:
  28. Navigate to the "src" folder, and run the presser.bat file.
Tags: readme
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