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- Major "Fated" Matt:
- The aliens are tired of the thrashing we've been giving em, so they've landed on our very doorstep and are melting their way through the blast doors as I speak. Every one of you has comrades who've been shot to pieces by these motherfuckers, half of em are so goddam bandaged up in the infirmary we're not sure if they're still in there, and the other half are racing back here as fast as they receive our distress signal, but it's not gonna be in time. You know it, I know it, and those slimy intruders busting down our walls sure know it. All of your missions have been important, but humanity's last hope fades here if you don't hold the line today.
- Phoenix (@A bird), you've been with us since before you first stared down the maw of that outsider's plasma rifle and told him to blink first. Your month plus stay in the infirmary was worth it; we used the key we decoded from its stunned form to take back Russia from the aliens just last month - you can bet they've come calling as a direct result of that. You've kept countless soldiers on the front lines with a timely spray of your medicine, and you're our anchor today. I may not understand the mumbo jumbo shit you learned from your stint in Vahlen's psychic development chambers, but damn if seeing you make a muton piss his pants don't never get old. Vigilo Confido!
- Glitterboy (fipindustries), I don't even know why you're here. The runt of the litter, you had countless opportunities to call it quits when the commander literally never picked you for a mission. You hit the books when our lance corporal base training regime went live, and you were among the first to volunteer your limbs in service of humanity to Shen. That's a sacrifice not soon forgotten. You may still shit yourself if a sectoid so much as says "Boo!" when not in sight of a commanding officer, but I'll be damned if you don't aren't our shining star of the Shogun MEC class by now. Damn proud of you son. Vigilo Confido!
- @Justiego, you haven't even earned your call sign yet after your recent addition to our ranks and prompt sacrifice of your limbs for the cause, and you're here amongst our best to hold the line in our priceless Jaeger suit. When you are In the Zone your combat performance is simply sublime; line 'em up and knock em down today, soldier! Vigilo Confido!
- @Dawn, it feels a little narcissistic for me to comment on your combat performance, so let me just say you're damn lucky @profDEADPOOL isn't able to lift that autorifle right now or your piddling 2 less aim than him wouldn't cut it for a mission of this caliber. Your orders are to sprint ahead of the squad and soak all incoming fire for the team. Hopefully the literal mountain of armor you're carrying might even let you live to see another day. Vigilo Confido!
- Solo (@ishamoridin), we're counting on your trick shots today to knock out key enemy material before it can be wielded against us. I've seen you be a veritable ghost on the field in that camo of yours, the aliens'll never know what hit 'em. Vigilo Confido!
- Commodore (@Michael), we may not have a battlecruiser in dock today but you're the closest thing we got to a human capital ship. Time your dose of your drugs well today, and you'll make us all proud. You and I've been together since XCOM's very first mission - let's kill some teeth! Vigilo Confido!
- Snack (@pita), you've got some big shoes to fill today. We're counting on your flak rockets to keep our internal airspace clear from their flyers. Sure am damn glad we rescued you a couple months back, time to repay the favor. Vigilo Confido!
- Big Daddy (@Scynths), you were literally our first chop and you're our most experienced MEC pilot to date. You've shrugged off the heaviest hits we've taken so far and come back swinging - we'll need you to lead your greener MEC wingmen to victory today. Vigilo Confido!
- @Wonkyth, you're a goddam hero for stepping up to the plate today. Our rax were so void of able-bodied soldiers that when we asked our fresh-faced recruits without a mission to their name who could step up and fill out our squad, you were the only one willing to take the plunge. Your base training regimen should serve you in good stead - all of the practice missions should have you be amply familiar with this turf. Do us proud, soldier. Vigilo Confido!
- Squad pics/mission briefing:
- Loadout:
- Medic/Psionic/Rifleman: A bird
- Aurora Armor and Psi Screen to boost up your Will to terrifying heights (97, aside from Matt at 73 the next highest is 46!) for raw psionic might. Gauss Rifle and Neural Gunlink for solid mundane offensive output, and Psi Grenades for crippling debuffing of a gigantic area. Your smoke grenades are infused with Combat Drugs to simultaneously force multiply squad effectiveness and defenses.
- MEC lineman: fipindustries
- Alloy Carbide Plating gives a bit of staying power so you can use your Collateral Damage and Proximity Mine Launcher to limit alien movement and blast away their cover. Targeting Module combines with your Hit and Run for devastating flanking should the opportunity arise, and you've got the tools to make your own luck.
- MEC sniper: justiego
- In the Zone to let you empty a full spray every other round combines with your Railgun and High-Cap Mags to make you a potent threat. A turn of setup is more than worth enabling a tide of holo-enhanced rounds.
- Utility biotank: Dawn
- My Reinforced Armor, Grit, Inspired Tenacity, Steadfast, and Will to Survive combine into a formidable wall to stymy the alien advance. If unmolested I can lay down suppressive fire, but I'm really just there to keep the heat off y'all alongside Scynths.
- Utility antimechanical: ishamoridin
- Your anti-material strike rifle is your main offensive threat, but you pack a host of utility powers in Disabling Shot, Smoke Grenade, First Aid, Reconnaissance, and more to keep the squad informed and outmaneuvering our foes.
- Psionic reckless charger: Michael
- While Elliott's biotank build might be better suited to holding off waves of advancing aliens than Michael's LEEROY JENKINS! tactics, Elliott should've thought of that before getting laid up in the infirmary. On the plus side your frankly ridiculous offensive output courtesy of your alloy cannon along with (Aggression, Run and Gun, Adrenal Neurosympathy, Close Encounters, Rapid Fire, a bajillion gene mods and other stuff) may be able to hold an entire flank, and you still won't go down easy with your Aegis armor and Regenerator Vest. You'll be able to take your beloved Combat Stims once during the fight to massively increase your mobility and tankiness for a few turns, let's hope it counts.
- Squad leader, overwatch infantry, god amongst men: Matt
- The most experienced member of the squad (and trailing only Wildbow and profDEADPOOL for most missions total, due to some bad injury breaks), Matt is the definition of our A team. Every officer perk optimized towards lategame A-team dominance, stuff to the gills with the finest of gene mods, outfitted with our first and only Pulse Laser weapon of the campaign, and a rather mundane set of gear compared to everyone else, Matt's turns are going to be shoot a thing and kill it, then go on overwatch, basically saying 'the next two aliens I see that do ANYTHING are dead'. Countless xenos aiming lethal shots at squadmates have been pasted as Matt spins around and puts a bullet between their eyes. This will actually be Matt's _first_ mission with any weapon of the laser side of the tree, forsaking his trusty ballistic and then gauss heritage for the raw critical chance Pulse puts in his hands. Merely hitting these buggers isn't good enough for Matt, he's going to headshot them consistently.
- Panic button: Pita
- While Pita's sustainable offense and Smoke and Chem grenade utility are not to be scoffed at, his true value this mission is in his 4 flak-augmented rocket shots. Sometimes we just don't have the time to deal with a squad of seekers or floaters that threatens to flank and execute vulnerable extended squad members. That's when Pita whips out his Recoilless Rifle and launches a rocket straight into their midst. Hasn't scattered a rocket into killing a teammate yet, and today's not a good day to start!
- Literal brick wall: Scynths
- While Scynths packs plenty of offensive threat with his Kinetic Strike Module, Flamethrower and Laser Lance (unfortunately his grenade launcher is not _quite_ ready for this fight, wasting his Grenadier and Tandem Warheads perks), his true value lies in the sheer quantity of armor he's layered around himself. Eclipsing even Dawn's impression of a fortress, Scynths can wade into the toughest of aliens and take the worst they can slug out while laying down the melee range pain.
- Baby faced rookie: Wonkyth
- Wonkyth you're a fucking hero. You've got In the Zone, just follow Justiego's lead and try not to get headshot to survive the day. I should have a wave of blue shirt XCOM security personnel coming to give you some cover early on.
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