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- library(ggplot2)
- library(plotly)
- library(randomForest)
- library(e1071)
- library(rpart)
- library(pdp)
- # Helper function to log messages
- log_message <- function(message, verbose = TRUE) {
- if (verbose) {
- cat(sprintf("[%s] %s\n", Sys.time(), message))
- }
- }
- # Helper function to save the plot
- save_plot <- function(save_path, create_dir, figsize) {
- dir_name <- dirname(save_path)
- if (!dir.exists(dir_name)) {
- if (create_dir) {
- dir.create(dir_name, recursive = TRUE)
- log_message(sprintf("Directory created: %s", dir_name))
- } else {
- warning("The directory specified in save_path does not exist. The plot will not be saved.")
- log_message("Failed to save plot - directory does not exist")
- return(FALSE)
- }
- }
- dev.copy2pdf(file = save_path, width = figsize[1], height = figsize[2])
- log_message(sprintf("Plot saved to %s", save_path))
- return(TRUE)
- }
- # Helper function for decision boundary plot
- plot_decision_boundary <- function(model, X, y, color = "blue", plot_params = list()) {
- grid_range <- apply(X, 2, range)
- grid <- expand.grid(
- X1 = seq(grid_range[1, 1], grid_range[2, 1], length.out = 200),
- X2 = seq(grid_range[1, 2], grid_range[2, 2], length.out = 200)
- )
- grid$Prediction <- predict(model, grid)
- p <- ggplot(grid, aes(x = X1, y = X2)) +
- geom_tile(aes(fill = Prediction), alpha = 0.3) +
- geom_point(data =, aes(x = X[, 1], y = X[, 2], color = y)) +
- scale_color_manual(values = plot_params$boundary_colors) +
- ggtitle("Decision Boundary") +
- labs(x = plot_params$xlab, y = plot_params$ylab) +
- plot_params$theme
- if (plot_params$contour) {
- p <- p + geom_contour(aes(z = as.numeric(Prediction)), color = "black")
- }
- return(p)
- }
- # Main plotting function
- plot_model <- function(
- model,
- y = NULL,
- X = NULL,
- plot_type = "residual",
- figsize = c(10, 6),
- color = "blue",
- save_path = NULL,
- plot_params = list(),
- interactive = FALSE,
- verbose = TRUE,
- create_dir = FALSE,
- ...
- ) {
- log_message("Starting plot_model function", verbose)
- if (!inherits(model, c("lm", "glm", "lme4", "randomForest", "svm", "rpart"))) {
- stop("This function supports objects of class 'lm', 'glm', 'lme4', 'randomForest', 'svm', and 'rpart'. Please provide a valid model object.")
- }
- valid_plot_types <- c("residual", "qq", "scale_location", "cooks", "residual_leverage", "cooks_leverage", "partial_dependence", "decision_boundary")
- if (!plot_type %in% valid_plot_types) {
- stop(paste("Unsupported plot_type. Choose from:", paste(valid_plot_types, collapse = ", ")))
- }
- if (!is.numeric(figsize) || length(figsize) != 2) {
- stop("figsize must be a numeric vector of length 2.")
- }
- if (!is.character(color) || length(color) != 1) {
- stop("color must be a single character string.")
- }
- default_params <- list(
- main = "",
- xlab = "X-axis",
- ylab = "Y-axis",
- theme = theme_minimal(),
- boundary_colors = c("red", "blue"),
- contour = TRUE
- )
- plot_params <- modifyList(default_params, plot_params)
- old_par <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
- on.exit(par(old_par), add = TRUE)
- tryCatch({
- plot_data <- data.frame(
- Fitted = if (inherits(model, "randomForest")) predict(model, X) else fitted(model),
- Residuals = if (inherits(model, "randomForest")) y - predict(model, X) else residuals(model),
- StdResiduals = if (inherits(model, c("lm", "glm", "lme4"))) rstandard(model) else NULL,
- Leverage = if (inherits(model, c("lm", "glm", "lme4"))) hatvalues(model) else NULL,
- CookD = if (inherits(model, c("lm", "glm", "lme4"))) cooks.distance(model) else NULL
- )
- if (!interactive) {
- par(mfrow = c(2, 2), oma = c(0, 0, 2, 0))
- if (plot_type == "partial_dependence" && inherits(model, "randomForest")) {
- pd <- partial(model, pred.var = names(X), grid.resolution = 50, plot = TRUE)
- if (!is.null(save_path) && save_plot(save_path, create_dir, figsize)) {
- log_message("Returning plot object", verbose)
- return(invisible(recordPlot()))
- }
- } else if (plot_type == "decision_boundary" && inherits(model, "svm")) {
- plot(model, X, y)
- if (!is.null(save_path) && save_plot(save_path, create_dir, figsize)) {
- log_message("Returning plot object", verbose)
- return(invisible(recordPlot()))
- }
- } else {
- plot_number <- switch(
- plot_type,
- "residual" = 1,
- "qq" = 2,
- "scale_location" = 3,
- "cooks" = 4,
- "residual_leverage" = 5,
- "cooks_leverage" = 6
- )
- plot(
- model,
- which = plot_number,
- main = plot_params$main,
- xlab = plot_params$xlab,
- ylab = plot_params$ylab,
- ...
- )
- if (!is.null(save_path) && save_plot(save_path, create_dir, figsize)) {
- log_message("Returning plot object", verbose)
- return(invisible(recordPlot()))
- }
- }
- } else {
- log_message("Creating interactive plot", verbose)
- interactive_plot <- switch(
- plot_type,
- "residual" = ggplot(plot_data, aes(Fitted, Residuals)) +
- geom_point(color = color, ...) +
- ggtitle("Residual Plot") +
- labs(x = plot_params$xlab, y = plot_params$ylab) +
- plot_params$theme,
- "qq" = ggplot(plot_data, aes(sample = StdResiduals)) +
- geom_qq(color = color, ...) +
- geom_qq_line(color = "red") +
- ggtitle("QQ Plot") +
- labs(x = plot_params$xlab, y = plot_params$ylab) +
- plot_params$theme,
- "scale_location" = ggplot(plot_data, aes(Fitted, sqrt(abs(StdResiduals)))) +
- geom_point(color = color, ...) +
- ggtitle("Scale-Location Plot") +
- labs(x = plot_params$xlab, y = plot_params$ylab) +
- plot_params$theme,
- "cooks" = ggplot(plot_data, aes(seq_along(CookD), CookD)) +
- geom_bar(stat = "identity", color = color, ...) +
- ggtitle("Cook's Distance Plot") +
- labs(x = plot_params$xlab, y = plot_params$ylab) +
- plot_params$theme,
- "residual_leverage" = ggplot(plot_data, aes(Leverage, StdResiduals)) +
- geom_point(color = color, ...) +
- ggtitle("Residuals vs Leverage Plot") +
- labs(x = plot_params$xlab, y = plot_params$ylab) +
- plot_params$theme,
- "cooks_leverage" = ggplot(plot_data, aes(Leverage, CookD)) +
- geom_point(color = color, ...) +
- ggtitle("Cook's Distance vs Leverage Plot") +
- labs(x = plot_params$xlab, y = plot_params$ylab) +
- plot_params$theme,
- "partial_dependence" = if (inherits(model, "randomForest")) {
- pd <- partial(model, pred.var = names(X), grid.resolution = 50)
- ggplot(pd, aes(x = X, y = yhat)) +
- geom_line(color = color, ...) +
- ggtitle("Partial Dependence Plot") +
- labs(x = plot_params$xlab, y = plot_params$ylab) +
- plot_params$theme
- } else {
- stop("Partial dependence plots are only supported for 'randomForest' models.")
- },
- "decision_boundary" = if (inherits(model, "svm")) {
- plot_decision_boundary(model, X, y, color = color, plot_params = plot_params, ...)
- } else {
- stop("Decision boundary plots are only supported for 'svm' models.")
- }
- )
- interactive_plot <- ggplotly(interactive_plot, tooltip = c("x", "y", "text"))
- log_message("Returning interactive plot object", verbose)
- return(interactive_plot)
- }
- }, error = function(e) {
- log_message(sprintf("An error occurred: %s", e$message), verbose)
- stop(e)
- })
- log_message("plot_model function completed", verbose)
- }
- # Usage
- # model <- lm(mpg ~ wt, data = mtcars)
- # plot_model(model, plot_type = "residual")
- # plot_model(model, plot_type = "qq")
- # plot_model(model, plot_type = "scale_location")
- # plot_model(model, plot_type = "cooks")
- # plot_model(model, plot_type = "residual_leverage")
- # plot_model(model, plot_type = "cooks_leverage")
- # model_rf <- randomForest(mpg ~ wt + hp, data = mtcars)
- # plot_model(model_rf, X = mtcars[, c("wt", "hp")], plot_type = "partial_dependence")
- # model_svm <- svm(Species ~ ., data = iris)
- # plot_model(model_svm, X = iris[, -5], y = iris$Species, plot_type = "decision_boundary")
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