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- // PLEASE NOTE: Not all files are included, spisifically alot of the wgpu helper functions
- // ===================================================================================================
- //
- // ===================================================================================================
- pub struct Model
- {
- pub meshes: Vec<Mesh>,
- pub materials: HashMap<u64, Material>
- }
- impl Model
- {
- pub fn vertex_layout() -> wgpu::VertexBufferLayout<'static>
- {
- Vertex::layout()
- }
- pub fn from_glb(bytes: &[u8], device: &wgpu::Device, queue: &wgpu::Queue) -> Result<Self, String>
- {
- let data = match gltf::Gltf::from_slice(bytes)
- {
- Ok(ok) => ok,
- Err(e) => return Err(e.to_string())
- };
- let mut buffer_data: Vec<Vec<u8>> = Vec::new();
- for buffer in data.buffers()
- {
- match buffer.source()
- {
- gltf::buffer::Source::Bin =>
- {
- if let Some(blob) = data.blob.as_deref()
- {
- buffer_data.push(blob.into());
- };
- }
- gltf::buffer::Source::Uri(_uri) =>
- {
- return Err("URI's are not implemented yet".into())
- }
- }
- }
- let Some(mesh) = data.meshes().next() else { return Err("glb file must have a mesh".into()); };
- let meshes: Result<_, String> = mesh.primitives().map(|p| Mesh::from_primitive(p, &buffer_data, device)).collect();
- let mut materials = HashMap::new();
- for m in mesh.primitives().map(|p| p.material())
- {
- let id = get_gltf_material_id(m.clone());
- if materials.get(&id).is_none()
- {
- let material = match Material::from_glb(m, &buffer_data, device, queue)
- {
- Ok(ok) => ok,
- Err(e) => return Err(e)
- };
- materials.insert(id, material);
- }
- }
- match meshes
- {
- Ok(ok) => Ok(Self {
- meshes: ok,
- materials,
- }),
- Err(err) => Err(err)
- }
- }
- }
- pub struct Mesh
- {
- pub vertex_buffer: wgpu::Buffer,
- pub index_buffer: wgpu::Buffer,
- pub index_count: u32,
- pub material_id: u64,
- }
- impl Mesh
- {
- pub fn from_primitive<'a>(primitive: gltf::Primitive<'a>, buffer_data: &Vec<Vec<u8>>, device: &wgpu::Device) -> Result<Self, String>
- {
- let reader = primitive.reader(|buffer| Some(&buffer_data[buffer.index()]));
- let mut vertices: Vec<Vertex> = match reader.read_positions()
- {
- Some(p) =>|p| Vertex::new(p, Vec2::ZERO, Vec3::ZERO)),
- None => return Err("Mesh needs vertex positions".into())
- }.collect();
- println!("{:?}", vertices);
- match reader.read_colors(0)
- {
- Some(cs) =>
- {
- cs.into_rgb_f32().enumerate().for_each(|(i, c)| vertices[i].color = c);
- },
- None => {}
- };
- match reader.read_tex_coords(0)
- {
- Some(uvs) =>
- {
- uvs.into_f32().enumerate().for_each(|(i, uv)| { vertices[i].uv = uv});
- },
- None => {}
- }
- let indices: Vec<u32> = match reader.read_indices()
- {
- Some(i) => i.into_u32(),
- None => return Err("Mesh does not have an index buffer".into())
- }.collect();
- let vertex_buffer = make_vertex_buffer(VertexBufferDescriptor {
- data: &vertices,
- device,
- additional_usages: None,
- label: None
- });
- let index_buffer = make_index_buffer(IndexBufferDescriptor {
- data: IndexType::U32(&indices),
- device,
- additional_usages: None,
- label: None
- });
- let material_id = get_gltf_material_id(primitive.material());
- Ok(Self {
- vertex_buffer,
- index_buffer,
- index_count: indices.len() as u32,
- material_id,
- })
- }
- }
- pub struct MaterialTexture
- {
- pub texture: wgpu::Texture,
- pub view: wgpu::TextureView,
- pub sampler: wgpu::Sampler,
- pub bind_group: wgpu::BindGroup,
- }
- impl MaterialTexture
- {
- pub fn layout(device: &wgpu::Device) -> wgpu::BindGroupLayout
- {
- make_bind_group_layout(device, None, &[
- EntryType::Texture {
- visibility: wgpu::ShaderStages::FRAGMENT,
- view_dim: wgpu::TextureViewDimension::D2,
- sample_type: wgpu::TextureSampleType::Float { filterable: true }
- },
- EntryType::Sampler {
- visibility: wgpu::ShaderStages::FRAGMENT,
- binding_type: wgpu::SamplerBindingType::Filtering
- }
- ])
- }
- pub fn new(texture: wgpu::Texture, device: &wgpu::Device) -> Self
- {
- let view = make_default_texture_view(&texture);
- let sampler = make_pixel_sampler(device);
- let layout = Self::layout(device);
- let bind_group = make_bind_group(device, &layout, None, [
- wgpu::BindingResource::TextureView(&view),
- wgpu::BindingResource::Sampler(&sampler)
- ]);
- Self
- {
- texture,
- view,
- sampler,
- bind_group
- }
- }
- }
- pub struct Material
- {
- pub color: Color,
- pub texture: Option<MaterialTexture>
- }
- impl Material
- {
- pub fn from_glb(mat: gltf::Material, buffer_data: &Vec<Vec<u8>>, device: &wgpu::Device, queue: &wgpu::Queue) -> Result<Self, String>
- {
- let color = mat.pbr_metallic_roughness().base_color_factor();
- let texture = match mat.pbr_metallic_roughness().base_color_texture()
- {
- Some(texture) =>
- {
- let source = texture.texture().source().source();
- match source
- {
- Source::View { view, mime_type } =>
- {
- let parent_buffer_data = &buffer_data[view.buffer().index()];
- let data = &parent_buffer_data[view.offset()..view.offset() + view.length()];
- let mime_type = mime_type.replace('/', ".");
- let image = image::load_from_memory_with_format(
- data,
- image::ImageFormat::from_path(mime_type).unwrap(),
- ).unwrap();
- let rgba = image.to_rgba8();
- let texture = make_rgba_texture(MakeRgbaTextureDescriptor {
- rgba: &rgba,
- device,
- queue,
- label: None,
- additional_usages: None
- });
- Some(MaterialTexture::new(texture, device))
- },
- Source::Uri { uri: _, mime_type: _ } => return Err("Texture URI's not supported".into()),
- }
- }
- None => None,
- };
- Ok(Self
- {
- color: Color::from_vec4(color.into()),
- texture,
- })
- }
- }
- fn get_gltf_material_id(mat: gltf::Material) -> u64
- {
- let mut hasher = DefaultHasher::new();
- mat.index().hash(&mut hasher);
- hasher.finish()
- }
- #[derive(ecs::Resource)]
- pub struct ModelRenderer
- {
- color_pipeline: wgpu::RenderPipeline,
- texture_pipeline: wgpu::RenderPipeline,
- camera_uniform: wgpu::Buffer,
- camera_bind_group: wgpu::BindGroup,
- color_uniform: wgpu::Buffer,
- color_bind_group: wgpu::BindGroup,
- // TEMP
- model: Model,
- }
- impl ModelRenderer
- {
- pub fn new(state: &WgpuState) -> Self
- {
- let device = &state.device();
- let camera_uniform = make_uniform_buffer(UniformBufferDescriptor {
- label: None,
- device,
- data: Mat4::ZERO,
- additional_usages: Some(BufferUsages::COPY_DST)
- });
- let camera_layout = make_bind_group_layout(&state.device(), None, &[
- EntryType::Uniform(ShaderStages::VERTEX),
- ]);
- let camera_bind_group = make_bind_group(&state.device, &camera_layout, None, [
- camera_uniform.as_entire_binding(),
- ]);
- let color_uniform = make_uniform_buffer(UniformBufferDescriptor {
- label: None,
- device,
- data: Vec4::ZERO,
- additional_usages: Some(BufferUsages::COPY_DST)
- });
- let color_layout = make_bind_group_layout(&state.device(), None, &[
- EntryType::Uniform(ShaderStages::VERTEX),
- ]);
- let color_bind_group = make_bind_group(&state.device, &color_layout, None, [
- color_uniform.as_entire_binding(),
- ]);
- let color_pipeline = make_color_render_pipeline(state, &camera_layout, &color_layout);
- let texture_pipeline = make_texture_render_pipeline(state, &camera_layout, &color_layout);
- let model = Model::from_glb(include_bytes!("../../assets/models/test_slab.glb"), &device, &state.queue()).unwrap();
- Self
- {
- color_pipeline,
- texture_pipeline,
- camera_uniform,
- camera_bind_group,
- color_uniform,
- color_bind_group,
- model
- }
- }
- pub fn draw(&self, state: &WgpuState, view_proj: &Mat4, depth_texture: &DepthTexture, view: &wgpu::TextureView)
- {
- state.queue().write_buffer(&self.camera_uniform, 0, bytemuck::bytes_of(view_proj));
- for mesh in &self.model.meshes
- {
- let mut encoder = make_command_encoder(&state.device());
- let material = self.model.materials.get(&mesh.material_id).unwrap();
- state.queue().write_buffer(&self.color_uniform, 0, bytemuck::bytes_of(&material.color.as_vec4()));
- let mut render_pass = make_render_pass(&mut encoder, view, Some(depth_texture));
- if let Some(texture) = &material.texture
- {
- render_pass.set_pipeline(&self.texture_pipeline);
- render_pass.set_bind_group(2, &texture.bind_group, &[]);
- }
- else
- {
- render_pass.set_pipeline(&self.color_pipeline);
- }
- render_pass.set_bind_group(0, &self.camera_bind_group, &[]);
- render_pass.set_bind_group(1, &self.color_bind_group, &[]);
- render_pass.set_vertex_buffer(0, mesh.vertex_buffer.slice(..));
- render_pass.set_index_buffer(mesh.index_buffer.slice(..), wgpu::IndexFormat::Uint32);
- render_pass.draw_indexed(0..mesh.index_count, 0, 0..1);
- drop(render_pass);
- state.queue().submit(std::iter::once(encoder.finish()));
- }
- }
- }
- pub fn make_color_render_pipeline(state: &WgpuState, camera_layout: &wgpu::BindGroupLayout, color_layout: &wgpu::BindGroupLayout) -> wgpu::RenderPipeline
- {
- let shader = &state.device().create_shader_module(include_spirv!(env!("color_mesh_shader.spv")));
- make_render_pipeline(&state.device(), state.surface_config(), &RenderPipelineInfo {
- shader,
- vs_main: "vs_main",
- fs_main: "fs_main",
- opacity: Opacity::Opaque,
- vertex_buffers: &[&Model::vertex_layout()],
- bind_groups: &[&camera_layout, &color_layout],
- label: None,
- has_depth_texture: true
- })
- }
- pub fn make_texture_render_pipeline(state: &WgpuState, camera_layout: &wgpu::BindGroupLayout, color_layout: &wgpu::BindGroupLayout) -> wgpu::RenderPipeline
- {
- let shader = &state.device().create_shader_module(include_spirv!(env!("texture_mesh_shader.spv")));
- let model_texture_layout = MaterialTexture::layout(&state.device());
- make_render_pipeline(&state.device(), state.surface_config(), &RenderPipelineInfo {
- shader,
- vs_main: "vs_main",
- fs_main: "fs_main",
- opacity: Opacity::Opaque,
- vertex_buffers: &[&Model::vertex_layout()],
- bind_groups: &[&camera_layout, &color_layout, &model_texture_layout],
- label: None,
- has_depth_texture: true
- })
- }
- // ===================================================================================================
- //
- // ===================================================================================================
- #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
- pub struct MakeRgbaTextureDescriptor<'a>
- {
- pub rgba: &'a ImageBuffer<Rgba<u8>, Vec<u8>>,
- pub device: &'a wgpu::Device,
- pub queue: &'a wgpu::Queue,
- pub label: Option<&'a str>,
- pub additional_usages: Option<wgpu::TextureUsages>,
- }
- pub fn make_rgba_texture(desc: MakeRgbaTextureDescriptor) -> wgpu::Texture
- {
- let MakeRgbaTextureDescriptor {
- rgba,
- device,
- queue,
- label,
- additional_usages
- } = desc;
- let dim = rgba.dimensions();
- let usage = wgpu::TextureUsages::TEXTURE_BINDING | wgpu::TextureUsages::COPY_DST | match additional_usages {
- Some(u) => u,
- None => wgpu::TextureUsages::empty()
- };
- let texture_size = wgpu::Extent3d {
- width: dim.0,
- height: dim.1,
- depth_or_array_layers: 1,
- };
- let texture = device.create_texture(&wgpu::TextureDescriptor {
- size: texture_size,
- mip_level_count: 1,
- sample_count: 1,
- dimension: wgpu::TextureDimension::D2,
- format: wgpu::TextureFormat::Rgba8UnormSrgb,
- usage,
- label,
- view_formats: &[],
- });
- let copy_texture = wgpu::ImageCopyTexture {
- texture: &texture,
- mip_level: 0,
- origin: wgpu::Origin3d::ZERO,
- aspect: wgpu::TextureAspect::All
- };
- let data_layout = wgpu::ImageDataLayout {
- offset: 0,
- bytes_per_row: Some(4 * dim.0),
- rows_per_image: Some(dim.1),
- };
- queue.write_texture(copy_texture, &rgba, data_layout, texture_size);
- texture
- }
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