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- color = Color(int red, int green, int blue, int alpha)
- color
- .red [int]
- .green [int]
- .blue [int]
- .alpha [int]
- point = Point(int x, int y)
- point
- .x [int]
- .y [int]
- size = Size(int w, int h)
- size
- .w [int]
- .h [int]
- image = Image(string imgdata)
- image
- .Resize(Size size)
- .Crop(Point topleft, Point bottomright)
- Align
- .Top
- .Left
- .Center
- .Right
- .Center
- .Left
- .Center
- .Right
- .Bottom
- .Left
- .Center
- .Right
- ClickType
- .Press
- .LongPress
- .Release
- MenuBarButton
- .Return
- .Home
- .Menu
- ToastLocation
- .Top
- .Center
- .Bottom
- PopupType
- .OK
- .OKCancle
- PopupResult
- .OK
- .Cancle
- surface
- .DrawLine(Point start, Point end, Color color)
- .DrawRect(Point topleft, Point bottomright, Color color [, bool outlineonly])
- .DrawPoly(Point point1, Point point2, Point point3, ...)
- .DrawCircle(Point center, int radius)
- .DrawText(Point point, Align align, int size, Color color)
- .ScreenWidth
- .ScreenHeight
- statusbar
- .text [string]
- .AddItem(VGUIElement element)
- .RemoveItem(VGUIElement element)
- menubar
- .callback [function]
- gui
- .Create(string name)
- .Destroy(VGUIElement element)
- icon = gui.Create("icon")
- icon
- .image [Image]
- .callback [function]
- list = gui.Create("list")
- list
- .header [string]
- .AddItem(string text)
- .footer [string]
- .callback [function]
- notification = gui.Create("notification")
- notification
- .text [string]
- .callback [function]
- .Push()
- toast = gui.Create("toast")
- toast
- .text [string]
- .location [ToastLocation]
- .callback [function]
- .Push()
- popup = gui.Create("popup")
- popup
- .title [string]
- .text [string]
- .type [PopupType]
- .callback [function]
- .Push()
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