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- //FILES: Black Ops 2 - GSC Studio.exe & updater.exe
- //Main thread:
- //Made by: iMCSx
- //DUMPING by: BaSs_HaXoR
- //MD5: 97A0E0CDCA3B3731A26BAE29E0BB5D9C
- //SHA-1: D7EFF54CE95334B1EA9389CB966FDDB209566031
- File Version Info Size=2220 -> 08ACh
- Translations : 000004b0 Language : Neutral
- CompanyName = iMCS Productions
- FileDescription = Black Ops 2 - GSC Studio
- FileVersion =
- InternalName = Black Ops 2 - GSC Studio.exe
- LegalCopyright = Copyright © iMCS Productions 2014
- LegalTradeMarks =
- OriginalFilename = Black Ops 2 - GSC Studio.exe
- ProductName = Black Ops 2 - GSC Studio
- ProductVersion =
- ProductVersion =
- PE Size / File Size: 758.00 KB (776192 bytes) // Portable Executable 32 .NET Assembly
- ###################################
- Used:
- ##)Inno Setup Packer (HOW TO: innounp.exe setup.exe -x) (inno setup unpacker via CMD)
- ##)SuppressIldasmAttribute (HOW TO:
- -#)(MODIFY IN: CFF Explorer)
- ##)ConfuserEX.v0.2.0-custom (a.k.a. leached rofl) (HOW TO: Nofuser (468 Control-flow objects))
- -#)Internal renamer used (non-de4dot)
- ###################################
- -------------------------------------------------------------
- ----- #Strings <-- TWO Metadata Streams -----
- ----- #US -----
- ----- #GUID -----
- ----- #Blob <-- TWO Metadata Streams -----
- ----- #Strings <-- TWO Metadata Streams -----
- ----- #Blob <-- TWO Metadata Streams -----
- ----- #Schema -----
- -------------------------------------------------------------
- ==============================================================
- #Strings
- SuppressIldasmAttribute.System.Runtime.CompilerServices..ctor
- VirtualProtect.kernal32.dll
- ResolveEventArgs.System
- ValueType
- Object
- ==============================================================
- The system cannot find message text for message number 0x2350 in the message fil
- e for Application.
- (c) 2013 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
- C:\Users\BaSs_HaXoR\Desktop>innounp.exe setup.exe -x
- ; Version detected: 5500
- #1 {app}\Black Ops 2 - GSC Studio.exe
- Reading slice C:\Users\BaSs_HaXoR\Desktop\setup.exe
- #2 {app}\updater.exe
- #3 {app}\DevExpress.BonusSkins.v13.1.dll
- #4 {app}\DevExpress.Data.v13.1.dll
- #5 {app}\DevExpress.Office.v13.1.Core.dll
- #6 {app}\DevExpress.Printing.v13.1.Core.dll
- #7 {app}\DevExpress.RichEdit.v13.1.Core.dll
- #8 {app}\DevExpress.Sparkline.v13.1.Core.dll
- #9 {app}\DevExpress.Utils.v13.1.dll
- #10 {app}\DevExpress.XtraBars.v13.1.dll
- #11 {app}\DevExpress.XtraEditors.v13.1.dll
- #12 {app}\DevExpress.XtraPrinting.v13.1.dll
- #13 {app}\DevExpress.XtraRichEdit.v13.1.dll
- #14 {app}\DevExpress.XtraTreeList.v13.1.dll
- #15 {app}\CCAPI.dll
- #16 {app}\Irony.dll
- #17 {app}\Ookii.Dialogs.dll
- #18 install_script.iss
- (Dissassembler)-->Module contains multiple #String heaps.
- -> Generic check : EXE STICKER ( 502 bytes ) like DotFix FakeSigner or PeStubOEP - * Name : Black Ops 2 - GSC Studio.
- /*<!--XML:
- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
- <assembly xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1" manifestVersion="1.0">
- <assemblyIdentity version="" name=""/>
- <trustInfo xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v2">
- <security>
- <requestedPrivileges xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v3">
- <requestedExecutionLevel level="asInvoker" uiAccess="false"/>
- </requestedPrivileges>
- </security>
- </trustInfo>
- </assembly>
- -->
- */
- //PWN_MainICON
- 0003284A: 6mOb Q
- 0004C39D: CorExeMain
- 0004C3EC: Strings
- 0004C42C: Strings
- 0004C44F: Schema
- 0004F3CE: d 1 I2
- 0004FFCE: r 1 I2
- 00067B9D: l 3 m 5 n 7 p
- 00067BAF: s B x C y Q
- 0006B10E: exe mscorlib SuppressIldasmAttribute
- 0006B12E: CompilerServices
- 0006B22F: Assembly
- 0006B241: Reflection
- 0006B438: VirtualProtect
- 0006B638: ResolveEventArgs System
- 0006B7AD: ValueType
- 0006BCCF: Object
- 0006BE41: Stream
- 0006E673: Generic T
- 0006E6FA: Header value
- 0006E70C: PtrToIncludes
- 0006E724: PtrTousingAnimTrees
- 0006E739: CodeSectionStart
- 0006E748: RefStrings
- 0006E759: GscFunctions
- 0006E76F: ExternalFunctions
- 0006E79F: NumofRefStrings
- 0006E7B2: NumOfFunctions
- 0006E7CD: NumOfExternalFunctions
- 0006E7DF: NumofIncludes
- 0006E7F2: NumOfAnimTrees
- 0006EF81: Irony Grammar
- 0006EF8F: Parsing
- 0007231D: ParseTree
- 00072AAF: 1 ParseTreeNode
- 000730BD: 2 tree
- 00073844: NamePtr
- 00073850: NamePtr
- 0007385C: Unknown
- 00073868: Unknown
- 00073876: NumOfRefs
- 00073884: NumOfRefs
- 00073AFC: IncludePtr
- 00073B0B: IncludePtr
- 00073B1B: NumOfParams
- 00073B2B: NumOfParams
- 00073D51: NumofParameters
- 00073D65: NumofParameters
- 00073EE7: Position
- 00073EF4: Position
- 00074078: second
- 00074083: second
- 000741F9: JumpRangePos
- 0007420A: JumpRangePos
- 00074BA2: 1 XtraForm
- 00074BC4: XtraEditors IContainer
- 00074BDA: ComponentModel
- 00074C28: 1 LabelControl HyperLinkEdit PictureEdit EventArgs
- 00074CDA: Forms FormClosingEventArgs OpenLinkEventArgs
- 00074D1B: Controls MouseEventArgs Dispose disposing
- 00074DA7: TextEdit SimpleButton
- 00074E33: ComboBoxEdit SpinEdit
- 00075038: 2 ListBoxControl DragEventArgs
- 00075142: PreviewKeyDownEventArgs
- 000753AD: PanelControl CheckEdit
- 00075432: LookFor
- 00075442: ReplaceMode
- 00075471: ReplaceMode KeyPressEventArgs KeyEventArgs
- 000755DC: MemoEdit
- 000756D6: Keys Keys
- 00075940: predicate
- 00076D64: commentStart commentEnd startOffset endOffset
- 00076D75: CommentStart
- 00076D84: CommentEnd
- 00076D94: StartOffset
- 00076DB9: EndOffset GetHashCode Equals obj
- 00077D18: Offset
- 00077D23: Offset
- 00077D2E: Length
- 00077D39: Length
- 00077F99: ToString
- 0007801F: EventHandler
- 0007802C: Document
- 00078039: Document
- 00078044: Anchor
- 00078051: Location
- 0007805E: Location
- 00078072: DocumentChanged
- 00078089: DocumentChanged
- 0007810D: IsEnabled
- 0007811B: IsEnabled
- 00078130: IsEnabledChanged
- 00078148: IsEnabledChanged
- 000781D0: LineNumber
- 000781E1: ColumnNumber
- 0007820B: CanToggle document location isEnabled
- 0007828C: Control
- 00078320: Drawing Graphics Point
- 00078839: MulticastDelegate object method Invoke sender e BeginInvoke IAsyncResult AsyncCallback callback EndInvoke result
- 000788C5: Bookmark bookmark
- 00078A77: ObjectModel lineTracker
- 00078A83: Factory
- 00078A8F: Factory
- 00078FB3: Removed
- 00078FC2: Removed
- 0007923B: Bookmarks
- 00079249: Bookmarks
- 000792EA: Xml XmlElement element bookmarks
- 000793E2: XmlDocument
- 00079A8E: TextEditorProperties
- 00079AA7: TextEditorProperties
- 00079AB5: UndoStack
- 00079AC2: ReadOnly
- 00079ACF: ReadOnly
- 00079AE6: FormattingStrategy
- 00079AFD: FormattingStrategy
- 00079B14: TextBufferStrategy
- 00079B27: FoldingManager
- 00079B40: HighlightingStrategy
- 00079B59: HighlightingStrategy
- 00079B6D: BookmarkManager
- 00079B80: MarkerStrategy
- 00079B9A: LineSegmentCollection
- 00079BB9: TotalNumberOfLines
- 00079F8E: LineLengthChanged
- 00079FB6: LineLengthChanged
- 00079FCB: LineCountChanged
- 00079FE3: LineCountChanged
- 00079FF3: LineDeleted
- 0007A006: LineDeleted
- 0007A016: TextContent
- 0007A026: TextContent
- 0007A035: TextLength
- 0007A30F: UpdateQueue
- 0007A48A: UpdateCommited
- 0007A4A0: UpdateCommited
- 0007A4BD: DocumentAboutToBeChanged
- 0007A4DD: DocumentAboutToBeChanged
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- 0007A50E: TextContentChanged
- 0007AE77: LineManager
- 0007AE87: LineManager
- 0007AE9A: MarkerStrategy
- 0007AEB1: TextBufferStrategy
- 0007AEC4: FoldingManager
- 0007AED8: BookmarkManager
- 0007B1B6: CaretLine
- 0007B1C4: CaretLine
- 0007B1DF: AutoInsertCurlyBracket
- 0007B1FA: AutoInsertCurlyBracket
- 0007B20E: HideMouseCursor
- 0007B222: HideMouseCursor
- 0007B237: IsIconBarVisible
- 0007B24C: IsIconBarVisible
- 0007B264: AllowCaretBeyondEOL
- 0007B27C: AllowCaretBeyondEOL
- 0007B294: ShowMatchingBracket
- 0007B2AC: ShowMatchingBracket
- 0007B2C1: CutCopyWholeLine
- 0007B2D6: CutCopyWholeLine
- 0007B2FE: TextRenderingHint TextRenderingHint
- 0007B328: TextRenderingHint
- 0007B341: MouseWheelScrollDown
- 0007B35A: MouseWheelScrollDown
- 0007B371: MouseWheelTextZoom
- 0007B388: MouseWheelTextZoom
- 0007B39B: LineTerminator
- 0007B3AE: LineTerminator
- 0007B3C2: LineViewerStyle
- 0007B3D6: LineViewerStyle
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- 0007B400: ShowInvalidLines
- 0007B415: VerticalRulerRow
- 0007B42A: VerticalRulerRow
- 0007B439: ShowSpaces
- 0007B448: ShowSpaces
- 0007B455: ShowTabs
- 0007B462: ShowTabs
- 0007B474: ShowEOLMarker
- 0007B486: ShowEOLMarker
- 0007B49E: ConvertTabsToSpaces
- 0007B4B6: ConvertTabsToSpaces
- 0007B4CE: ShowHorizontalRuler
- 0007B4E6: ShowHorizontalRuler
- 0007B4FC: ShowVerticalRuler
- 0007B512: ShowVerticalRuler
- 0007B528: Encoding Encoding
- 0007B541: Encoding
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- 0007B565: EnableFolding
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- 0007B58D: ShowLineNumbers
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- 0007B5A9: TabIndent
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- 0007B5D1: IndentationSize
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- 0007B5F1: IndentStyle
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- 0007B625: DocumentSelectionMode
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- 0007B64E: FontContainer
- 0007B667: BracketMatchingStyle
- 0007B680: BracketMatchingStyle
- 0007B69C: SupportReadOnlySegments
- 0007B6B8: SupportReadOnlySegments
- 0007C456: Text offset length text
- 0007C6BC: FoldMarker
- 0007C6D0: FoldingStrategy
- 0007C6E4: FoldingStrategy
- 0007CE67: FoldingsChanged
- 0007CE7E: FoldingsChanged
- 0007D0EA: Compare x y
- 0007D3C6: IComparable
- 0007D3D3: FoldType
- 0007D3E0: FoldType
- 0007D3EE: StartLine
- 0007D3FE: StartColumn
- 0007D40A: EndLine
- 0007D418: EndColumn
- 0007D425: IsFolded
- 0007D432: IsFolded
- 0007D43F: FoldText
- 0007D49C: InnerText foldText isFolded startLine startColumn endLine endColumn foldType CompareTo o
- 0007DEE4: Extensions
- 0007DEF3: Properties
- 0007E5F2: DigitColor
- 0007E601: DigitColor
- 0007E617: EnvironmentColors
- 0007E6BE: Extensions
- 0007E842: DefaultTextColor
- 0007EB95: RegularFont
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- 0007EBC4: BoldItalicFont
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- 0007EBE7: DefaultFont
- 0007EBF7: DefaultFont
- 0007EC79: defaultFont
- 0007EFD1: HasForeground
- 0007EFE3: HasBackground
- 0007EFF7: Italic
- 0007F00B: BackgroundColor
- 0007F0DC: el defaultColor color bold italic backgroundcolor systemColor systemBackgroundColor
- 0007F436: BackgroundImage
- 0007F6A9: curSpan span blockSpanOn
- 0007F752: Exception message innerException SerializationInfo
- 0007F78D: Serialization StreamingContext info context
- 0007F8FC: XmlReader
- 0007FA02: ValidationEventArgs
- 0007FA14: Schema
- 0007FB0D: ArrayList
- 0007FB2A: Collections Hashtable
- 0007FB46: HighlightingDefinitions
- 0007FB52: Manager
- 0007FCC7: DictionaryEntry
- 0007FCDF: DefaultHighlighting
- 0007FED7: ReloadSyntaxHighlighting
- 0007FEF7: ReloadSyntaxHighlighting
- 0008033A: KeyWords
- 0008034A: PrevMarkers
- 0008035A: NextMarkers
- 00080369: Delimiters
- 0008037D: EscapeCharacter
- 0008038C: IgnoreCase
- 0008039A: Reference
- 00080856: MarkMarker mark
- 000809CF: RuleSet
- 000809DB: RuleSet
- 000809EA: IgnoreCase
- 000809F6: StopEOL
- 00080A0D: IsBeginStartOfLine
- 00080A23: IsBeginSingleWord
- 00080A37: IsEndSingleWord
- 00080A46: BeginColor
- 00080A53: EndColor
- 00080F2D: ICloneable IEnumerable
- 000810A1: IsEmpty
- 000811BA: 1 GetEnumerator
- 000811CA: IEnumerator
- 000813B3: previous data
- 0008143D: IDisposable node
- 00081458: Current MoveNext Reset
- 00081554: SyntaxModes
- 000815E3: XmlTextReader
- 00081752: directory
- 0008184B: FileName
- 0008186C: FileName fileName extensions
- 00081BCF: HasDefaultColor
- 00081BE8: SyntaxColor
- 00081BF8: SyntaxColor
- 00081C1E: IsWhiteSpace line hasDefaultColor
- 000821BE: highlightingStrategy
- 0008232E: LineStart
- 00082352: LinesMoved lineStart linesMoved
- 000824D6: LineSegment lineSegment
- 000825DB: LengthDelta moved
- 000827CA: IsDeleted
- 000827DA: TotalLength
- 000827EA: TotalLength
- 000827FE: DelimiterLength
- 00082812: DelimiterLength
- 000828B3: HighlightSpanStack
- 000828CA: HighlightSpanStack
- 00083055: Item index
- 000830AA: IsReadOnly IndexOf item RemoveAt Clear Contains CopyTo array arrayIndex
- 000831AB: Insert Add Remove
- 00083843: IsValid
- 00083854: CurrentIndex
- 00083866: CurrentOffset
- 00083AC9: TextMarker
- 00083FFD: TextMarkerType
- 0008400B: ForeColor
- 00084021: OverrideForeColor
- 00084030: IsReadOnly
- 0008403C: ToolTip
- 00084061: ToolTip textMarkerType foreColor
- 000843B4: StartColumn
- 000843C2: EndColumn
- 0008444A: StartPosition
- 0008445C: StartPosition
- 0008446C: EndPosition
- 0008447C: EndPosition
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- 00084783: DefaultSelection
- 00084843: IsRectangularSelection startPosition endPosition ContainsPosition position ContainsOffset StartPosition EndPosition Offset EndOffset Length IsEmpty IsRectangularSelection SelectedText
- 000849B8: SelectionStart
- 000849CB: SelectionStart
- 000849E3: SelectionCollection
- 000849FC: HasSomethingSelected
- 00084A14: SelectionIsReadonly
- 00084A96: textArea
- 00084FC9: SelectionChanged
- 00084FE1: SelectionChanged
- 00085687: ColumnNumber
- 00085698: MovementType
- 000856A9: MovementType
- 000856B5: Deleted
- 000856C4: Deleted
- 0008574A: columnNumber
- 00085B2B: column
- 00085B4E: Column
- 00085B5F: Column other
- 00085B6F: Equality a b
- 00085B7D: Inequality
- 00085B89: LessThan
- 00085B98: GreaterThan
- 00085BAB: LessThanOrEqual
- 00085BC1: GreaterThanOrEqual
- 000865AA: MouseButtons mousepos mouseButtons
- 00086631: Rectangle g rect
- 000866B1: Cursor
- 0008673B: DrawingPosition
- 0008674F: DrawingPosition
- 0008675C: TextArea
- 00086767: Cursor
- 00086772: Cursor
- 00086780: Size Size
- 0008678E: IsVisible
- 00086978: Painted
- 00086987: Painted
- 00086995: MouseDown
- 000869A6: MouseDown
- 000869B4: MouseMove
- 000869C5: MouseMove
- 000869D4: MouseLeave
- 000869E6: MouseLeave
- 00086E20: OpenBrace
- 00086E2E: OpenBrace
- 00086E3D: CloseBrace
- 00086E61: CloseBrace openBrace closeBrace
- 00086FCF: OpenTag
- 00086FDB: OpenTag
- 00086FEA: ClosingTag
- 0008700C: ClosingTag opentag closingtag
- 000871F1: Brush Pen
- 00087549: DesiredColumn
- 0008755B: DesiredColumn
- 00087569: CaretMode
- 00087577: CaretMode
- 00087676: ScreenPosition
- 000878E1: PositionChanged
- 000878F8: PositionChanged
- 0008790D: CaretModeChanged
- 00087925: CaretModeChanged
- 00088036: CreateCaret
- 000880C3: SetCaretPos
- 00088149: DestroyCaret
- 000881C9: ShowCaret
- 0008824C: HideCaret
- 000883C9: Form parentForm control
- 00088460: CreateParams CreateParams
- 000884F0: ShowWithoutActivation
- 0008875F: OnClosed OnMouseMove
- 00088954: XtraUserControl ImageList
- 00088962: ImageList
- 00088970: ImageList
- 0008897E: FirstItem
- 0008898C: FirstItem
- 000889A7: SelectedCompletionData
- 000889B6: ItemHeight
- 000889C7: SelectedItem
- 000889E9: MaxVisibleItem completionData
- 00088EC3: OnPaint PaintEventArgs pe OnMouseDown OnPaintBackground
- 00088FCA: SelectedItemChanged
- 00088FE5: SelectedItemChanged
- 00088FFA: FirstItemChanged
- 00089012: FirstItemChanged
- 0008944C: VScrollBar
- 00089502: completionDataProvider showDeclarationWindow fixedListViewWidth
- 00089599: CloseWhenCaretAtBeginning
- 000895B7: CloseWhenCaretAtBeginning
- 000896B9: Description
- 000896C9: Description
- 0008992C: FixedWidth
- 0008993B: FixedWidth
- 000899C0: parent OnClick
- 00089C20: ImageIndex
- 00089C36: Priority
- 00089E3A: Priority imageIndex description type
- 00089F3A: PreSelection
- 00089F4B: DefaultIndex
- 0008A3B8: StringFormat SizeF monospacedFont boldMonospacedFont
- 0008A3C7: LineLength
- 0008A4BA: PointF
- 0008A795: RectangleF
- 0008AAEB: GraphicsPath
- 0008AB04: Drawing2D
- 0008AB84: hWnd font
- 0008AC1A: ImmGetDefaultIMEWnd
- 0008ACA9: SendMessage
- 0008BB8C: InsightDataCount
- 0008BFCB: keyData
- 0008C04E: LeftMargins
- 0008C0E3: MotherTextEditorControl
- 0008C0FD: MotherTextAreaControl
- 0008C112: SelectionManager
- 0008C129: TextView
- 0008C13A: GutterMargin
- 0008C149: FoldMargin
- 0008C15B: IconBarMargin
- 0008C16F: MaxVScrollValue
- 0008C17E: VirtualTop
- 0008C18D: VirtualTop
- 0008C1A4: AutoClearSelection
- 0008C1BB: AutoClearSelection
- 0008C1FE: ClipboardHandler motherTextEditorControl motherTextAreaControl
- 0008C462: OnMouseLeave
- 0008C4EB: ToolTipRequest
- 0008C501: ToolTipRequest
- 0008C584: OnMouseHover
- 0008C6F3: pevent
- 0008C77E: IsInputChar charCode
- 0008C7FF: OnKeyPress
- 0008C889: ProcessDialogKey
- 0008CA7F: EnableCutOrPaste
- 0008CDD9: KeyEventHandler
- 0008CDF0: KeyEventHandler
- 0008CE07: DoProcessDialogKey
- 0008CE21: DoProcessDialogKey
- 0008D43C: EnableCut
- 0008D44B: EnableCopy
- 0008D45B: EnablePaste
- 0008D46C: EnableDelete
- 0008D480: EnableSelectAll
- 0008D57C: CopyText
- 0008D58C: CopyText
- 0008DD91: Panel HScrollBar MouseEventHandler
- 0008DDA0: VScrollBar
- 0008DDAF: HScrollBar
- 0008DDC6: DoHandleMousewheel
- 0008DDE6: DoHandleMousewheel OnResize
- 0008DF55: OnMouseWheel
- 0008DFDF: ShowContextMenu
- 0008E010: ShowContextMenu WndProc Message m OnEnter
- 0008E380: DragEventHandler DragDropEffects
- 0008E6D0: ttextArea
- 0008EAAE: TextAreaUpdateType singleLine
- 0008EB30: UserControl
- 0008EBB6: TextChanged
- 0008EBC9: TextChanged
- 0008EBD8: IsInUpdate
- 0008EBE8: DefaultSize
- 0008EBFB: ShowEOLMarkers
- 0008EC0E: ShowEOLMarkers
- 0008EC1D: ShowHRuler
- 0008EC2C: ShowHRuler
- 0008EC3B: ShowVRuler
- 0008EC4A: ShowVRuler
- 0008EC58: VRulerRow
- 0008EC66: VRulerRow
- 0008EC80: ActiveTextAreaControl
- 0008EFCB: Refresh
- 0008F058: FileNameChanged
- 0008F06F: FileNameChanged
- 0008F59E: Splitter PrintDocument
- 0008F5B6: Printing
- 0008F5C8: PrintDocument
- 0008F65F: ActiveTextAreaControlChanged
- 0008F683: ActiveTextAreaControlChanged
- 0008F70B: EnableUndo
- 0008F71A: EnableRedo
- 0008F7B2: PrintEventArgs PrintPageEventArgs
- 0008F99B: Highlight
- 0008F9A9: Highlight
- 0008F9BF: FirstPhysicalLine
- 0008F9D7: LineHeightRemainder
- 0008F9EC: FirstVisibleLine
- 0008FA01: FirstVisibleLine
- 0008FA21: VisibleLineDrawingRemainder
- 0008FA30: FontHeight
- 0008FA45: VisibleLineCount
- 0008FA5C: VisibleColumnCount
- 0008FA6B: SpaceWidth
- 0008FA7E: WideSpaceWidth
- 000905B5: MousePosition
- 000905C9: LogicalPosition
- 000905D8: InDocument
- 000905E9: ToolTipShown
- 0009068B: mousePosition logicalPosition inDocument
- 00090A4A: origText
- 00090ACD: stack numops
- 00090B57: ActionUndone
- 00090B6B: ActionUndone
- 00090B7C: ActionRedone
- 00090B90: ActionRedone
- 00090BA4: OperationPushed
- 00090BBB: OperationPushed
- 00090BC7: CanUndo
- 00090BD3: CanRedo
- 00090BE5: UndoItemCount
- 00090BF7: RedoItemCount
- 0009137D: Operation
- 0009165B: LeftMost
- 00091669: RightMost
- 00091C11: baseList
- 00091F65: StreamReader
- 000920DD: keyword casesensitive
- 0009242B: StringBuilder
- 00092D81: graphics
- 00093061: Graphics
- 00093073: AllocatedSize
- 00093083: MaximumSize
- 000932ED: horizontal sections
- 000933E6: StringAlignment
- 00093748: HorizontalAlignment
- 00093760: HorizontalAlignment
- 00093776: VerticalAlignment
- 0009378C: VerticalAlignment
- 0009397B: WeakReference
- 00093F1C: Thread
- 00093F32: Threading Skin
- 000942B0: 1 BarCheckItem
- 000942D3: XtraBars SplitContainer
- 000942FA: 1 TreeList
- 00094321: XtraTreeList XtraTabControl
- 0009436B: XtraTab BarManager Bar BarSubItem BarDockControl BarStaticItem
- 00094726: BarButtonItem
- 00094DC7: TreeListColumn
- 00094DE7: Columns
- 00094E78: BarAndDockingController
- 00094EF8: PopupMenu
- 00094F7F: ContextMenuStrip
- 00095007: ToolStripMenuItem
- 00095182: ToolStripSeparator
- 00095BCD: XtraTabPage
- 00096330: ItemClickEventArgs FocusedNodeChangedEventArgs TabPageChangedEventArgs CustomDrawColumnHeaderEventArgs
- 00096680: caption mode
- 00096A48: SaveFileDialog
- 00097674: currentChar
- 00097A3F: FileStream stream
- 000987C0: BytesArray
- 000995D9: ProcHandle
- 0009974A: OpenProcess
- 000997D3: WriteProcessMemory
- 0009985E: ReadProcessMemory
- 0009986C: Extension
- 00099A4F: Process
- 00099A62: Diagnostics
- 00099AF8: ZN5CcApi15initTargetCommsEv
- 00099B20: ZN5CcApi16closeTargetCommsEv
- 00099B3E: ZN5CcApi14connectConsoleEPKc
- 00099B5D: ZN5CcApi17disconnectConsoleEi
- 00099B9D: ZN5CcApi14getProcessNameEijPc
- 00099BC0: ZN5CcApi16getProcessMemoryEijyjPh
- 00099BE3: ZN5CcApi16setProcessMemoryEijyjPh
- 00099BF9: ZN5CcApi8shutdownEii
- 00099C12: ZN5CcApi10ringBuzzerEii
- 00099C2F: ZN5CcApi13setConsoleLedEiii
- 00099C74: ZN5CcApi14getTemperatureEiPj
- 00099C90: ZN5CcApi12setConsoleIDEiPh
- 00099CA6: ZN5CcApi6notifyEiiPw
- 00099CC1: ZN5CcApi13getDllVersionEv
- 00099CE5: ZN8Settings19getNumberOfConsolesEv
- 0009B90B: Finalize
- 0009C37A: SelectAPI ControlConsole TargetManager
- 0009CE5C: Button
- 0009CEDB: ListView
- 0009D0DF: ListViewItemSelectionChangedEventArgs
- 0009D2D1: ResolveEventHandler
- 0009E0EF: SNPS3InitTargetComms
- 0009E161: dll SNPS3PowerOn SNPS3PowerOff SNPS3Connect SNPS3GetConnectionInfo SNPS3GetConnectStatus
- 0009E298: MultiByteToWideChar SNPS3ProcessList SNPS3ProcessContinue SNPS3ProcessAttach SNPS3ProcessGetMemory SNPS3GetTargetFromName SNPS3Reset SNPS3ProcessSetMemory SNPS3GetTargetInfo SNPS3Disconnect
- 000A0204: ConnectStatus Connected Connecting NotConnected InUse Unavailable
- 000A1094: GameMode MP ZM PCMode STEAM REDACTED
- 000A13E1: key ps3 xbox
- 000A1D6B: Target
- 000A1EDD: CurrentPointer
- 000A26D5: editor
- 000A275A: Markers
- 000A2A37: BeginOffset
- 000A2A49: HasScanRegion
- 000A2A55: LookFor
- 000A2C40: ResourceManager
- 000A2C5D: Resources CultureInfo
- 000A2C72: Globalization
- 000A2C86: ResourceManager
- 000A2C92: Culture
- 000A2C9E: Culture
- 000A2CAC: CreateGSC
- 000A2CF5: ps3 Icon
- 000A313C: ApplicationSettingsBase
- 000A3151: Configuration
- 000A315D: Default
- 000A3180: FontEditor
- 000A318F: FontEditor
- 000A31A2: FontSizeEditor
- 000A31B5: FontSizeEditor
- 000A31C9: BracesHighlight
- 000A31DD: BracesHighlight
- 000A31F0: defaultProject
- 000A3203: defaultProject
- 000A321A: defaultProjectLoad
- 000A3231: defaultProjectLoad
- 000A3240: Completion
- 000A324F: Completion
- 000A325F: pathProject
- 000A32E0: pathProject Default Theme FontEditor FontSizeEditor BracesHighlight defaultProject defaultProjectLoad Completion pathProject
- 000A3373: DebugTarget
- 000A3472: DefaultConsole
- 000A3491: DefaultConsole DefaultXbox
- 000A4249: tB ConfusedByAttribute Attribute
- 000A4276: GSC Studio ComVisibleAttribute
- 000A4307: InteropServices GuidAttribute AssemblyFileVersionAttribute AssemblyTrademarkAttribute ExtensionAttribute TargetFrameworkAttribute
- 000A468F: Versioning AssemblyCopyrightAttribute CompilationRelaxationsAttribute RuntimeCompatibilityAttribute AssemblyDescriptionAttribute AssemblyProductAttribute AssemblyTitleAttribute NeutralResourcesLanguageAttribute AssemblyConfigurationAttribute AssemblyCompa
- 000A472E: resources fhkrVdwlZKYWEnsdNXQbdNbDZGw
- 000A47B1: resources
- 000A4831: resources
- 000A48B4: resources
- 000A4934: resources
- 000A49B4: resources
- 000A4A34: resources
- 000A4AB7: resources
- 000A4B3A: resources
- 000A4BBA: resources
- 000A4C37: resources
- 000A4C69: resources
- 000A4E4E: licenses String Concat Environment GetEnvironmentVariable FailFast ParameterizedThreadStart
- 000A4E65: IsBackground Start
- 000A4E86: CurrentThread Sleep Debugger
- 000A4E9F: IsAttached IsLogging
- 000A4ED6: IsAlive Module GetTypeFromHandle RuntimeTypeHandle
- 000A4EFD: Module Marshal GetHINSTANCE IntPtr
- 000A4F09: Explicit
- 000A4F20: FullyQualifiedName
- 000A4F9D: Chars Byte Copy UInt32 MemoryStream Read ReadByte RuntimeHelpers InitializeArray Array RuntimeFieldHandle Load AppDomain
- 000A4FAF: CurrentDomain
- 000A4FC3: AssemblyResolve
- 000A5010: FullName Math Max Buffer BlockCopy Write Reverse RemoveRange InsertRange
- 000A5027: Core Enumerable
- 000A50BB: Linq ToList BitConverter GetBytes CommentTerminal NumberLiteral StringLiteral IdentifierTerminal NonTerminal NonGrammarTerminals TerminalSet
- 000A5118: 1 Terminal NumberOptions MarkPunctuation RegisterOperators RegisterBracePair BnfTerm
- 000A5146: Addition BnfExpression Rule ToTerm KeyTerm
- 000A5152: Implicit
- 000A517E: BitwiseOr MakePlusRule MakeStarRule Root
- 000A51D0: ASCII Char AddRange Where Enumerator ParserMessages LogMessageList LogMessage
- 000A521E: ChildNodes ParseTreeNodeList FindIndex FindTokenAndGetValue ToArray Token
- 000A52C3: ValueString Term Name ToLower TryGetValue Value Int32 Parse Double Single Aggregate Convert ToUInt16 Select FirstOrDefault All Random Replace Next Format ToByte
- 000A52EE: Owner Show
- 000A531A: CloseReason CloseReason CancelEventArgs
- 000A535F: Cancel Hide ComponentResourceManager RepositoryItemHyperLinkEdit
- 000A53C6: Repository ISupportInitialize BeginInit RepositoryItemPictureEdit SuspendLayout
- 000A5403: Appearance LabelControlAppearanceObject AppearanceObject
- 000A542A: TabIndex BaseEdit
- 000A5447: EditValue RepositoryItem
- 000A547D: BorderStyle BorderStyles RepositoryItemButtonEdit
- 000A548E: ButtonsStyle
- 000A54AF: TabStop OpenLinkEventHandler
- 000A54C4: OpenLink Cursors
- 000A54D7: Hand GetObject
- 000A54F4: SizeMode PictureSizeMode
- 000A5514: MouseClick ContainerControl
- 000A552C: AutoScaleDimensions
- 000A554C: AutoScaleMode AutoScaleMode
- 000A555B: ClientSize
- 000A557A: Controls ControlCollection
- 000A558A: MaximizeBox
- 000A559A: MaximumSize
- 000A55AA: MinimizeBox
- 000A55E4: MinimumSize FormStartPosition FormClosingEventHandler
- 000A55F4: FormClosing
- 000A5677: Load EndInit ResumeLayout PerformLayout Empty Path GetInvalidFileNameChars ToCharArray IsNullOrWhiteSpace File Exists DateTime
- 000A56E0: Now WriteAllText XtraMessageBox DialogResult MessageBoxButtons MessageBoxIcon RepositoryItemTextEdit
- 000A571F: DoubleBuffered FontFamily RepositoryItemComboBox
- 000A574F: Items ComboBoxItemCollection CollectionBase
- 000A575C: Families
- 000A5776: SelectedIndex Decimal
- 000A579A: Value ToInt32 SettingsBase Save
- 000A57E4: SelectedIndex ToBoolean EditorButton RepositoryItemSpinEdit
- 000A5818: Buttons EditorButtonCollection ButtonPredefines
- 000A5839: TextEditStyle TextEditStyles
- 000A5852: SelectedIndexChanged
- 000A5865: AllowNullInput
- 000A588A: 1 DefaultBoolean
- 000A589B: IsFloatValue
- 000A58B3: Mask MaskProperties
- 000A58DC: EditMask
- 000A58EA: MaxLength
- 000A58F7: MaxValue
- 000A5904: MinValue
- 000A5923: EditValueChanged FontStyle
- 000A5935: Visible Close
- 000A5943: AllowDrop
- 000A597C: Data IDataObject DataFormats FileDrop GetDataPresent
- 000A59AF: Effect GetData Directory GetFiles SearchOption
- 000A59F2: Enabled ContainsValue ListBoxItemCollection BaseListBoxControl
- 000A5A17: SortOrder SortOrder ReadAllBytes
- 000A5A46: Dialogs VistaFolderBrowserDialog
- 000A5A61: UseDescriptionForTitle
- 000A5A91: ShowNewFolderButton CommonDialog ShowDialog
- 000A5AC9: SelectedPath LastIndexOf Substring BaseStyleControl
- 000A5AE7: Options AppearanceOptions
- 000A5AF3: UseFont
- 000A5B02: ItemHeight
- 000A5B0F: DragDrop
- 000A5B5B: DragEnter GetDirectories Sort Update IndexFromPoint FolderBrowserDialog
- 000A5B6C: SelectedPath
- 000A5B78: KeyCode
- 000A5BA8: MouseDoubleClick PreviewKeyDownEventHandler
- 000A5BC0: PreviewKeyDown Move
- 000A5BDA: Message IsNullOrEmpty
- 000A5BE6: Checked
- 000A5C0A: TopLevelControl SelectAll Focus
- 000A5C16: Visible
- 000A5C5F: AcceptButton IButtonControl StringComparison RepositoryItemCheckEdit
- 000A5C6E: AllowFocus
- 000A5C9B: AllowFocused BaseRepositoryItemCheckEdit
- 000A5CB2: Caption BaseButton
- 000A5CC3: DialogResult
- 000A5CDB: Anchor AnchorStyles
- 000A5CF5: Enter KeyEventHandler
- 000A5D16: KeyDown KeyPressEventHandler
- 000A5D59: KeyPress DeselectAll Exit RepositoryItemMemoEdit ScrollBarBase
- 000A5D65: Minimum
- 000A5D92: Maximum Min IsWhiteSpace ToUpper IsUpper
- 000A5DC8: Chars IsLetter Append ContainsKey Trim StartsWith
- 000A5E01: NewLine Delegate Combine Interlocked CompareExchange
- 000A5E28: Button GetType XmlNode XmlNodeList
- 000A5E4E: Attributes XmlAttributeCollection
- 000A5E84: ItemOf XmlAttribute CreateElement CreateAttribute
- 000A5E9E: InnerText AppendChild
- 000A5F42: UTF8 AsReadOnly BinarySearch Monitor Enter Split Boolean ArgumentException ArgumentOutOfRangeException ArgumentNullException NotSupportedException SystemColors
- 000A5F51: WindowText
- 000A5F6C: Yellow IsDigit
- 000A5F84: HasValue TrueForAll
- 000A5FC4: Transparent IsPunctuation ToUpperInvariant Bitmap FromImage
- 000A5FE4: SizeInPoints Round
- 000A6022: FontFamily PropertyInfo GetProperty BindingFlags GetValue
- 000A603D: B FromArgb
- 000A607F: WhiteSmoke InvokeMember Binder NumberStyles XmlReaderSettings
- 000A60A6: Assembly GetManifestResourceStream
- 000A60E0: Schemas XmlSchemaSet XmlSchema ValidationEventHandler
- 000A60FB: ValidationEventHandler
- 000A6124: ValidationType ValidationType Create
- 000A6194: DocumentElement HasAttribute GetAttribute GetElementsByTagName AppendLine GetExtension ICollection OpenRead
- 000A61BE: NodeType XmlNodeType GetFileName Join
- 000A6235: Black InvalidOperationException NotImplementedException RemoveAll FileNotFoundException IsLetterOrDigit SolidBrush
- 000A6245: DashPattern
- 000A6252: GotFocus
- 000A6260: LostFocus
- 000A627E: OSVersion OperatingSystem
- 000A6296: Platform PlatformID
- 000A62A6: GotFocus
- 000A62B7: LostFocus
- 000A62CC: DisplayRectangle
- 000A62EB: Height DrawLine Invalidate
- 000A62F6: Handle
- 000A6303: Interval
- 000A6311: Tick Pens
- 000A6348: Gray DrawRectangle Component Screen GetWorkingArea
- 000A636C: FormBorderStyle FormBorderStyle
- 000A638C: ShowInTaskbar PointToScreen
- 000A63BC: Bottom
- 000A63CF: Bounds Version
- 000A63DB: Version
- 000A63FE: ClassStyle
- 000A640D: ClassStyle
- 000A6421: LocationChanged
- 000A6432: ValueChanged
- 000A6457: Resize ArrangedElementCollection
- 000A6473: Layout
- 000A647F: Focused
- 000A6491: ContainsFocus
- 000A64A8: LocationChanged
- 000A64BC: ValueChanged
- 000A64CA: Resize
- 000A64D8: ImageSize
- 000A64F7: LineAlignment
- 000A6515: Alignment UserLookAndFeel
- 000A654E: LookAndFeel CommonSkins GetSkin ISkinProvider
- 000A658C: ClipRectangle IntersectsWith TranslateColor FillRectangle
- 000A6597: Window
- 000A65B4: HighlightText DrawString
- 000A65C4: WindowFrame
- 000A65D7: Dock DockStyle
- 000A65E7: DoubleClick
- 000A65F6: MouseWheel
- 000A6605: MouseEnter
- 000A6611: Minimum
- 000A661D: Maximum
- 000A662D: SmallChange
- 000A663D: LargeChange
- 000A6652: Bounds
- 000A666C: SmallChange
- 000A66BD: LargeChange CreateGraphics MeasureString SetStyle ControlStyles CreateHandle
- 000A66DD: GenericTypographic
- 000A66E9: Enabled
- 000A6715: InactiveBorder GetCallingAssembly Log10
- 000A6745: FormatFlags StringFormatFlags SystemBrushes
- 000A675E: ModifierKeys Brushes
- 000A677F: Control SystemPens
- 000A67AC: ControlDark PathGradientBrush AddEllipse
- 000A67BC: CenterPoint
- 000A67CA: MistyRose
- 000A67DA: CenterColor
- 000A67F2: Firebrick
- 000A681D: SurroundColors FillEllipse DrawEllipse
- 000A683D: SkyBlue LinearGradientBrush
- 000A6856: LightYellow
- 000A68E0: Brown AddLine CloseFigure AddArc DrawPath FillPath AccessViolationException Zero ToLogFont Console WriteLine MessageBox Peek Push Pop
- 000A68F1: ResizeRedraw
- 000A692B: IsDisposed FindForm PointToClient ResetMouseEventArgs
- 000A6954: MouseButtons Intersect MethodInvoker
- 000A6968: ClientRectangle
- 000A6974: KeyChar
- 000A6A09: Handled Clipboard ContainsText ExternalException DataObject UnicodeText SetData WriteByte Rtf SetDataObject GetDataObject Stop SystemInformation
- 000A6A2B: HorizontalScrollBarArrowWidth
- 000A6A6C: VerticalScrollBarArrowHeight ScrollableControl Abs TrimStart
- 000A6A87: LParam ToInt64
- 000A6A94: DragOver
- 000A6AA6: AllowedEffect
- 000A6AB3: KeyState
- 000A6ABF: MouseUp
- 000A6AD7: DragSize DoDragDrop
- 000A6AE2: Clicks
- 000A6B67: DoubleClickSize OnTextChanged FileMode FileAccess TextReader ReadToEnd GetString StreamWriter TextWriter Flush PrintEventHandler
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- 000A6C93: DarkGray ApplicationException IDeviceContext TextFormatFlags DrawText
- 000A6CA7: ManagedThreadId
- 000A6CB4: CodePage
- 000A6CD2: CurrentEncoding FileShare
- 000A6CF2: MouseWheelScrollLines Int16
- 000A6D01: ClientSize
- 000A6D10: Subtraction
- 000A6D29: InfoText FillPolygon
- 000A6D36: Capacity
- 000A6D41: Target
- 000A6D64: TabPages XtraTabPageCollection
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- 000A6DCB: Nodes TreeListNode EndsWith
- 000A6DE5: InvokeRequired Parser
- 000A6E21: SelectedTabPageIndex Location SourceLocation Line Regex
- 000A6E66: RegularExpressions Matches MatchCollection Match Capture
- 000A6EB9: Index BarItem SetSkinStyle GetFolderPath SpecialFolder ThreadStart Action Task
- 000A6EDF: Tasks Run FileDialog
- 000A6EF4: Filter
- 000A6F13: SkinName BarItemAppearance
- 000A6F21: ForeColor
- 000A6F2E: SkinName
- 000A6F57: Caption TreeListAppearanceCollection
- 000A6F6C: HideSelectionRow
- 000A6F7A: BackColor
- 000A6FED: Opacity Application DoEvents CreateDirectory DirectoryInfo GetExecutingAssembly GetName AssemblyName WebClient
- 000A700B: Net Uri DownloadString
- 000A701D: Opacity Abort
- 000A7042: ContextMenuStrip EditorContainer
- 000A70C2: Container BeginUpdate ClearNodes AppendNode ReadAllText SetFocusedNode EndUpdate FileInfo Open BeginSort
- 000A70EF: Columns TreeListColumnCollection EndSort
- 000A70FE: KeyUp Wait
- 000A710A: Checked
- 000A7135: FocusedNode GetNodeIndex NodeEventArgs
- 000A714B: TreeList
- 000A715D: AllNodesCount
- 000A718A: SelectedTabPageIndex ColumnInfo
- 000A71BF: ViewInfo CustomDrawEventArgs
- 000A71DD: ObjectArgs ObjectInfoArgs
- 000A720B: Drawing HeaderObjectInfoArgs
- 000A7253: InnerElements DrawElementInfoCollection TreeListHitInfo CalcHitInfo
- 000A7292: Visibility BarItemVisibility ToolStripItem LinkPersistInfo
- 000A72AB: Panel1 SplitterPanel
- 000A72B6: Panel2
- 000A72CB: SplitterDistance
- 000A72DC: UseBackColor
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- 000A73BF: PrintTreeButtons
- 000A73E3: OptionsView TreeListOptionsView
- 000A73FC: ExpandButtonCentered
- 000A740C: ShowButtons
- 000A7421: ShowFocusedFrame
- 000A7433: ShowHorzLines
- 000A7440: ShowRoot
- 000A7452: ShowVertLines
- 000A7460: RowHeight
- 000A7486: ShowButtonMode ShowButtonModeEnum
- 000A74C1: TreeLineStyle LineStyle FocusedNodeChangedEventHandler
- 000A74FB: FocusedNodeChanged CustomDrawColumnHeaderEventHandler
- 000A7516: CustomDrawColumnHeader
- 000A752B: AppearanceHeader
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- 000A759B: FieldName
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- 000A75DE: AllowEdit
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- 000A761B: AllowSort
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- 000A778A: Docking
- 000A779C: Form BarItems
- 000A77A9: MainMenu
- 000A77B7: MaxItemId
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- 000A77E9: DockRow
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- 000A7823: LinksPersistInfo LinksInfo
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- 000A784C: DrawBorder
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- 000A789F: UseWholeRow
- 000A78D1: Id BarLinkContainerItem ItemClickEventHandler
- 000A78EB: ItemClick BarShortcut
- 000A78FC: ItemShortcut
- 000A791D: CanDockStyle BarCanDockStyle
- 000A793C: AutoSize BarStaticItemSize
- 000A7947: Border
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- 000A79A2: Normal
- 000A79AE: Pressed
- 000A79D5: TextAlignment BarItemLinkAlignment
- 000A79FC: PropertiesBar BarManagerProperties
- 000A7A11: DefaultGlyphSize
- 000A7A2B: DefaultLargeGlyphSize
- 000A7A4E: CausesValidation PopupMenuBase
- 000A7A5A: Manager
- 000A7A6B: ShortcutKeys
- 000A7A79: Activated
- 000A7AA4: VisibleChanged WriteAllBytes
- 000A7AAF: Parent
- 000A7AC4: KeyValue OrderBy
- 000A7B28: 1 GetRange FindLast ToInt16 ToUInt32 ToUInt64 ToSingle Resize GetProcessesByName
- 000A7B87: Id GetProcesses First PtrToStructure SizeOf AllocHGlobal PtrToStringAnsi FreeHGlobal Range
- 000A7B9A: CurrentCulture
- 000A7BF7: ThreeLetterWindowsLanguageName ListViewGroup ListViewItem HorizontalAlignment ButtonBase
- 000A7C20: UseVisualStyleBackColor GraphicsUnit
- 000A7C43: Groups ListViewGroupCollection
- 000A7C55: HideSelection
- 000A7C65: MultiSelect
- 000A7C74: ShowGroups
- 000A7C98: UseCompatibleStateImageBehavior
- 000A7CCF: View View ListViewItemSelectionChangedEventHandler
- 000A7CE8: ItemSelectionChanged
- 000A7D03: Images ImageCollection
- 000A7D1C: SmallImageList Count
- 000A7D42: ImageIndex ListViewItemCollection
- 000A7DB7: ItemIndex ToChar LoadFile Win32Exception Find Guid GetTypeFromCLSID Activator CreateInstance GetInvalidPathChars
- 000A7DF9: UserName EnableVisualStyles SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault
- 000A7E20: 1 BonusSkins
- 000A7E6D: UserSkins Register SkinManager EnableFormSkins EnableMdiFormSkins
- 000A7EAB: A GC SuppressFinalize ReferenceEquals Synchronized Intern
- 000A7EC7: P R O F I L E R
- 000A7ED7: E N A B L E
- 000A7EEB: P R O F I L I N G
- 000B26AD: custom
- 000B4F0F: 386d945fa738
- 000B4FB0: iMCS Productions 2014
- 000B5019: GSC Studio
- 000B5037: iMCS Productions
- 000B5088: Black Ops 2
- 000B51C4: b03f5f7f11d50a3a
- 000B51F2: If true spaces are shown in the textarea
- 000B5202: Appearance
- 000B52DE: b03f5f7f11d50a3a
- 000B530E: If true tabs are shown in the textarea
- 000B5341: If true EOL markers are shown in the textarea
- 000B537C: 5If true the horizontal ruler is shown in the textarea
- 000B53B5: 3If true the vertical ruler is shown in the textarea
- 000B53EB: 0The row in which the vertical ruler is displayed
- 000B5428: If true line numbers are shown in the textarea
- 000B545E: 0If true invalid lines are marked in the textarea
- 000B548E: If true folding is enabled in the textarea
- 000B54BD: If true matching brackets are highlighted
- 000B54E4: If true the icon bar is displayed
- 000B5519: The width in spaces of a tab character
- 000B55B4: The line viewer style
- 000B55C2: Behavior
- 000B5658: The indent style
- 000B5682: Converts tabs to spaces while typing
- 000B56AA: Hide the mouse cursor while typing
- 000B56E4: 4Allows the caret to be placed beyond the end of line
- 000B58B3: AB07C9B17CC3
- 000B58F0: 1E5ABB9BB9A8
- 000B5923: B7F6EDCA6651
- 000B596A: Object
- 000B59B2: XboxDebugConnectFlags
- 000B5A66: ACD50350941E
- 000BCD85: V E R S I O N
- 000BCD8F: I N F O
- 000BCDE3: V a r F i l e I n f o
- 000BCE03: T r a n s l a t i o n
- 000BCE2D: S t r i n g F i l e I n f o
- 000BCE45: 0 0 0 0 0 4 b 0
- 000BCE5D: C o m m e n t s
- 000BCE6B: C r e a t e
- 000BCE77: E d i t
- 000BCE8D: I n j e c t
- 000BCEB7: C o m p a n y N a m e
- 000BCEC3: i M C S
- 000BCEDB: P r o d u c t i o n s
- 000BCF03: F i l e D e s c r i p t i o n
- 000BCF11: B l a c k
- 000BCF37: S t u d i o
- 000BCF57: F i l e V e r s i o n
- 000BCF8D: I n t e r n a l N a m e
- 000BCF99: B l a c k
- 000BCFBF: S t u d i o
- 000BCFED: L e g a l C o p y r i g h t
- 000BD001: C o p y r i g h t
- 000BD011: i M C S
- 000BD029: P r o d u c t i o n s
- 000BD033: 2 0 1 4
- 000BD05B: L e g a l T r a d e m a r k s
- 000BD089: F r e n c h M o d d i n g T e a m
- 000BD0B9: O r i g i n a l F i l e n a m e
- 000BD0C5: B l a c k
- 000BD0EB: S t u d i o
- 000BD113: P r o d u c t N a m e
- 000BD121: B l a c k
- 000BD147: S t u d i o
- 000BD16D: P r o d u c t V e r s i o n
- 000BD199: A s s e m b l y
- 000BD1A9: V e r s i o n
- 000BD1A9: V e r s i o n
- ;InnoSetupVersion=5.5.0
- [Setup]
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- Source: "{app}\DevExpress.Utils.v13.1.dll"; DestDir: "{app}"; MinVersion: 0.0,5.0; Flags: ignoreversion
- Source: "{app}\DevExpress.XtraBars.v13.1.dll"; DestDir: "{app}"; MinVersion: 0.0,5.0; Flags: ignoreversion
- Source: "{app}\DevExpress.XtraEditors.v13.1.dll"; DestDir: "{app}"; MinVersion: 0.0,5.0; Flags: ignoreversion
- Source: "{app}\DevExpress.XtraPrinting.v13.1.dll"; DestDir: "{app}"; MinVersion: 0.0,5.0; Flags: ignoreversion
- Source: "{app}\DevExpress.XtraRichEdit.v13.1.dll"; DestDir: "{app}"; MinVersion: 0.0,5.0; Flags: ignoreversion
- Source: "{app}\DevExpress.XtraTreeList.v13.1.dll"; DestDir: "{app}"; MinVersion: 0.0,5.0; Flags: ignoreversion
- Source: "{app}\CCAPI.dll"; DestDir: "{app}"; MinVersion: 0.0,5.0; Flags: ignoreversion
- Source: "{app}\Irony.dll"; DestDir: "{app}"; MinVersion: 0.0,5.0; Flags: ignoreversion
- Source: "{app}\Ookii.Dialogs.dll"; DestDir: "{app}"; MinVersion: 0.0,5.0; Flags: ignoreversion
- [Run]
- Filename: "{app}\Black Ops 2 - GSC Studio.exe"; Description: "{cm:LaunchProgram,Black Ops 2 - GSC Studio}"; MinVersion: 0.0,5.0; Flags: postinstall skipifsilent nowait
- [Icons]
- Name: "{group}\Black Ops 2 - GSC Studio"; Filename: "{app}\Black Ops 2 - GSC Studio.exe"; MinVersion: 0.0,5.0;
- Name: "{commondesktop}\Black Ops 2 - GSC Studio"; Filename: "{app}\Black Ops 2 - GSC Studio.exe"; Tasks: desktopicon; MinVersion: 0.0,5.0;
- Name: "{userappdata}\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\Black Ops 2 - GSC Studio"; Filename: "{app}\Black Ops 2 - GSC Studio.exe"; Tasks: quicklaunchicon; MinVersion: 0.0,5.0;
- [Tasks]
- Name: "desktopicon"; Description: "{cm:CreateDesktopIcon}"; GroupDescription: "{cm:AdditionalIcons}"; MinVersion: 0.0,5.0;
- Name: "quicklaunchicon"; Description: "{cm:CreateQuickLaunchIcon}"; GroupDescription: "{cm:AdditionalIcons}"; MinVersion: 0.0,5.0; OnlyBelowVersion: 0.0,6.01;
- [CustomMessages]
- english.NameAndVersion=%1 version %2
- english.AdditionalIcons=Additional icons:
- english.CreateDesktopIcon=Create a &desktop icon
- english.CreateQuickLaunchIcon=Create a &Quick Launch icon
- english.ProgramOnTheWeb=%1 on the Web
- english.UninstallProgram=Uninstall %1
- english.LaunchProgram=Launch %1
- english.AssocFileExtension=&Associate %1 with the %2 file extension
- english.AssocingFileExtension=Associating %1 with the %2 file extension...
- english.AutoStartProgramGroupDescription=Startup:
- english.AutoStartProgram=Automatically start %1
- english.AddonHostProgramNotFound=%1 could not be located in the folder you selected.%n%nDo you want to continue anyway?
- french.NameAndVersion=%1 version %2
- french.AdditionalIcons=Icônes supplémentaires :
- french.CreateDesktopIcon=Créer une icône sur le &Bureau
- french.CreateQuickLaunchIcon=Créer une icône dans la barre de &Lancement rapide
- french.ProgramOnTheWeb=Page d'accueil de %1
- french.UninstallProgram=Désinstaller %1
- french.LaunchProgram=Exécuter %1
- french.AssocFileExtension=&Associer %1 avec l'extension de fichier %2
- french.AssocingFileExtension=Associe %1 avec l'extension de fichier %2...
- french.AutoStartProgramGroupDescription=Démarrage :
- french.AutoStartProgram=Démarrer automatiquement %1
- french.AddonHostProgramNotFound=%1 n'a pas été trouvé dans le dossier que vous avez choisi.%n%nVoulez-vous continuer malgré tout ?
- [Languages]
- ; These files are stubs
- ; To achieve better results after recompilation, use the real language files
- Name: "english"; MessagesFile: "embedded\english.isl";
- Name: "french"; MessagesFile: "embedded\french.isl";
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