
very weird dream I just had

Jun 24th, 2023 (edited)
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  1. With my parents we were planning to travel somewhere via plane. I looked my
  2. phone clock and it was just 15min to 6pm when the plane would have departed
  3. so I bicycled to the air plane and waited for a bit until someone told me to
  4. take a water bottle to trash.
  6. I had forgot something so I returned to the house and said we got not
  7. much time, until I realized it's just past noon and we got almost about 5
  8. hours till departure. I did some random things, such as took shower and
  9. packed luggage until it was nearing 6pm, it was still on last minutes when
  10. we got to the plane.
  12. on plane: ship like deck pools, show, announcement, search, few floors,
  13. massive, wardrobe that is a portal to my wardrobe
  15. Suddenly we were on the plane but it looked much more like a ship floor and
  16. it was massive, definitely not the same plane I bicycled earlier but I knew
  17. my family was there.
  18. The place was massive and. My room had a wardrobe that somehow was connected
  19. to one that was in my house. As I was talking to some of my family member
  20. until I saw some person who used to be in same elementary school and for
  21. some reason I started looking for an other person from that same school.
  22. I ran through the corridors, there was large stairs, a massive pool area
  23. which U-shaped changing room was filled with people and I ran through it
  24. without finding the person I was looking for. I realized there was only 2 or
  25. 3 floors but they were very vast. I started hearing my older brother from
  26. speakers talking about exercise routines or something. I ran past a body
  28. guard standing at the beginning of a large stairs. The steps were low sloped
  29. thin wooden steps and you could see light through them. The stairs opened
  30. into a large room and saw a circus gymnastic on a rope surrounded by large
  31. audience. The performer got close to some person I knew in the crowd.
  33. For some reason my mother and I were teleported back to their home. My
  34. mother started hooking big SCART cable from bulky 90s looking video camera
  35. with a flip screen to a CRT tv that I remember we had in real life. I knew
  36. that this was going to take us to my father's and younger brother's dream.
  39. She was saying it's not working as the screen was black and I replied it's
  40. on wrong channel. I squeeze my hands behind the TV and grab an analog knob
  41. about 10cm wide, pull it outwards and slot it into next step. The screen
  42. blinks and from the white noise emerges picture of a steak on a gas grill. I
  43. asked my mother something about if fire is a problem while we are there, she
  44. replied no and I saw that there was door with window between the kitchen and
  45. living room where we were. There never was a door there in real life.
  47. As I look back at the steak, the view warps and I am now looking at the
  48. steak in person, I see my father and younger brother looking at us. Us and
  49. the grill were on top of a elevated gravel road, similar what trains tracks
  50. are laid but without the tracks.
  52. Some next parts I partially have forgot, I remember some person explaining
  53. to me that they got a blue disease and that they felt swole and I saw some
  54. absurd depiction of this. Next I was running on the gravel road, stopped and
  55. I was talking to someone else. I realized I was being shot at very tiny
  56. bullets and said it was the ninjas. I started running along the dirt roads
  57. and yelled an insult at the ninjas. I hid behind a car and pulled up visual
  58. studio code terminal and scripted something that was going to tell me the
  59. number of ninjas. The car started suddenly started moving so I had to run
  60. next to it while I was still being shot.
  62. The car took steep turn to left that I couldn't use it as a cover anymore so
  63. I started running the road which continued far in the horizon. There was
  64. wall of rock on left of that road and salt flats on right. My script showed
  65. that there was about 30 ninjas and we had taken few of them down.
  66. I pointed to the road for someone that there was 3 ninjas which were casual
  67. black clothing and cloth wrapped around their face, they stood there like
  68. NPCs while this guy with me jump kicked the first one, I pushed the second
  69. one and he threw off the road the third one.
  70. We jumped over a gap and saw that unmasked light shirted ninja was chasing
  71. us. When the ninja jumped over the gap, a skull raised from that gab on top
  72. of thousands of blood vessels and engulfed the light shirted ninja.
  74. These two or three undead people felt familiar. They were humanoid, but one
  75. of them had big face, hands and deformed face like exaggerated hag but more
  76. masculine. I asked why were they here this one replied to me along the lines
  77. "Why wouldn't we, it's so great to be undead." and I replied "No, I mean why
  78. did you appear right here right now?" I heard some unintelligible reply
  79. until I woke up.
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