
AdvancedCommands config

Feb 7th, 2020
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  1. # Put '' to any message if you don't want a message to be sent
  2. messages:
  3.  # If no pre-msg is defined for a command in the commands section, this msg will be used - %command% : the command, %price% : the price to pay
  4.   default-pre-msg: '&6%command% &ecosts &a%price% &ebits to use. To pay, use &d/confirm&e.'
  5.   # If no post-msg is defined for a command in the commands section, this msg will be used - %command% the command, %price% : the price to pay
  6.   default-post-msg: '&eYou paid &a%price% &ebits for using &6%command%&e.'
  7.   # If no cooldown-msg is defined for a command in the commands section, this msg will be used - %s : time in seconds
  8.   default-cooldown-msg: '&9Sorry, you must wait &d%s seconds &9before using this command again.'
  9.   # Whenever an error occurs, this message is gonna be shown (ex: not enough money) - %s : the error message
  10.   error: '&cAn error occured: %s'
  11.   # When the player tries to do /aconfirm but doesn't have any pending confirmation
  12.   nothing-to-confirm: '&cYou don’t have an awaiting confirmation.'
  13.   # Message shown when players hover the /aconfirm message in chat
  14.   hover-msg: '&a&lClick here to run the command!'
  15.   # The message sent after using /acreload
  16.   reload-msg: '&aThe plugin’s configuration has been reloaded'
  17.   # The message sent when the player doesn't have the required permission
  18.   reload-no-perm-msg: '&cSorry, you cannot do that'
  19.   # Message sent when a player toggle the confirmation to off
  20.   confirmation-off-msg: '&eYou no longer need to use &d/confirm &eto confirm commands that cost bits.'
  21.   # Message sent when a player toggle the confirmation to on
  22.   confirmation-on-msg: '&eYou now need to use &d/confirm &eto confirm commands that cost bits.'
  23. options:
  24.  # The time in seconds after which the confirm command will expire
  25.   expiration-time: 13
  26.   # The permission needed to bypass cooldown commands - %s : the command first word (ex: /home shop, %s is gonna be home)
  27.   default-cooldown-bypass-permission: advancedcommands.cooldown.bypass.%s
  28.   # The permission needed to bypass cost commands - %s : the command first word (ex: /home shop, %s is gonna be home)
  29.   default-cost-bypass-permission: advancedcommands.cost.bypass.%s
  30.   # By default, if the user type in the same command twice in the chat it is like they are accepting to pay. If you set this option to true they will always have to use /aconfirm
  31.   force-use-confirm-command: true
  32.   # The permission needed to use /acreload
  33.   reload-command-permission: advancedcommands.command.reload
  34. commands:
  35.  # The command without the slash
  36.   'tpa %ignored%':
  37.     # The cost for using this command - NOT REQUIRED default: free
  38.     cost: 5
  39.     # The message sent before actually doing the command - NOT REQUIRED default: see messages section
  40.     pre-msg: '&6/tpa &ecosts &a5 &ebits to use. To pay, use &d/confirm&e.'
  41.     # The message sent after doing the command - NOT REQUIRED default: see messages section
  42.     post-msg: '&eYou paid &a5 &ebits to use &6/tpa&e.'
  43.     # Cooldown for that command in seconds
  44.     cooldown: 5
  45.     # The permission needed to bypass the cooldown for this specific command - NOT REQUIRED default: see options section
  46.     cooldown-bypass-permission: advancedcommands.bypass.cooldown.tpa
  47.     # The permission needed to bypass the cost for this specific command - NOT REQUIRED default: see options section
  48.     cost-bypass-permission: advancedcommands.bypass.cost.tpa
  49.     # You need to put the permission required to run this command, otherwise the player will lose money but the command won't be executed
  51.     permission: essentials.tpa
  52.     # If this command has a teleport delay from essentials, set this to true so that the money is removed once the teleport is completed
  53.     is-a-teleport-command: true
  54. #  'warp shop':
  55. #    cost: 500
  56. #    post-msg: '&1Woop'
  57. #    cooldown: 15
  58. #    cooldown-msg: '&aYOU SHALL WAIT BEFORE DOING THAT!'
  59. #    permission:
  60. #    is-a-teleport-command: true
  61.   # %ignored is being ignored, which means it could be anything. You can use this in any command, even multiple times (tp %ignored% %ignored%)
  62. #  'tpa %ignored%':
  63. #    cost: 20
  64. #    permission: essentials.tpa
  65. #    is-a-teleport-command: true
  66. #  'me ketchup but yeah':
  67. #    cost: 1.5
  68. #    pre-msg: '&bYou''re weird. /aconfirm'
  69. #    permission:
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