
Large Numbers

Aug 14th, 2014
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  4. This page begins with million, billion, etc., proceeds through Googolplex and Skewes' numbers (organized into "classes" based on the height of the power-tower involved), then moves on through "tetration", the Moser and the Graham-Rothschild number, on to lesser-known hierarchies of recursive functions, the theory of computation, transfinite numbers and infinities. If it's a number and it's large, it's probably here.
  5. Contents
  6. Author's Introduction
  7. Class 0 Numbers (like 3)
  8. Class 1 Numbers (like 100)
  9. Class 2 Numbers (like googol)
  10. The -illion Names
  11. Conway-Wechsler Extension
  12. Knuth -yllion System
  13. Class 3 Numbers (like googolplex)
  14. Class 4 Numbers
  15. Skewes' Number
  16. Higher Classes
  17. The Quality of Uncomputably Larger
  18. Power Towers
  19. Inventing New Operators and Functions
  20. Beyond Exponents: hyper4
  21. Hyperfactorial and Superfactorial
  22. Higher hyper Operators
  23. Bowers' Array Notation
  24. Steinhaus-Moser-Ackermann operators
  25. Friedman sequences
  26. The various "Graham's" numbers :
  27. The Graham-Rothschild Number
  28. The Graham-Gardner Number
  29. The Graham-Conway Number
  30. Superclasses
  31. Conway's Chained Arrow Notation
  32. A Partial Ordering for short Conway chains
  33. Bowers' Extended Operators
  34. Generalized Invention of Recursive Functions
  35. Formal Grammars
  36. Lin-Rado Busy Beaver Function
  37. Beyond BB Function
  38. Oracle Turing Machines
  39. Transfinite and Infinite
  40. Ordinal Infinities
  41. Aleph-One
  42. The Continuum
  43. Inaccessible Infinities
  44. Footnotes
  45. Bibliography and other References
  46. Other Links
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