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- # [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]
- # CratesPlus V${project.version} Config
- # [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]
- # ------------------------------------------
- # There are many placeholders that can now be used withing the config and messages file, placeholders are as followed:
- # - %name% - Replaces with the players name, Example: "Notch".
- # - %displayname% - Replaces with the players display name, Example: "[Owner] Notch".
- # - %uuid% - Replaces with the players UUID.
- # - %crate% - The crate types name.
- # - %prize% - The name of the winning.
- # - %percentage% - Percentage of the winning, useful for "Chance Message".
- # - %rand;100;500% - Generates a random number between two numbers, example is between 100 and 500.
- # ------------------------------------------
- # Don't change the config version!
- Config Version: 7
- # Checks if an update is available and notifies staff
- Update Checks: true
- Update Branch: "spigot"
- # Uploads anonymous data about your server, used for general statics
- Metrics: true
- Crates:
- # Opener which is used by default
- Default Opener: NoGUI
- # Default cooldown between opening crates
- Default Cooldown: 1
- # If true it will stop players without the admin perm breaking crates
- Crate Protection: false
- # Disable players being allowed to drop keys to other players, putting them in a chest, or even drop them on death
- Disable Key Swapping: false
- # %crate% can be used to show the crate name
- Default Hologram Text:
- - "&7&ki&r%crate%&7&ki"
- - "&7&oLeft-click to view!"
- - "&7&oRight-click to open!"
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