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- # ### Not a Pys60 project, but does great for simulations
- #
- # Star Wars, written on 4th & 5th November 2012 by Steven Knock.
- #
- # In the spirit of remaking vintage arcade games, this is my version of the trench sequence
- # (3rd level) of Star Wars. I haven't seen the game for many years, so I apologise if this
- # remake is not accurate, but I just based it on memory.
- #
- # This was developed midway through the Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python course,
- # and represents the knowledge I had of the language at that point (i.e. no OOP).
- #
- # Current Version: v1.5
- # in which I updated the code to work with CodeSkulptor's new integer and float rules
- # and also changed the velocity damping factor from 0.9 to 0.7 to make movement more predictable.
- #
- # Earlier Versions:
- # v1.4 (
- # . in which I utilised the new text width functions and adapted the game to run at variable frame rates.
- #
- # v1.3 (
- # . in which I fixed a bug that allowed barriers without holes to be generated.
- #
- # v1.2 (
- # . in which I added vertical lines to the trench walls and added more comments to the code.
- #
- # v1.1 (
- # . in which I provided a warning about the flashing effects and allowed them to be turned off,
- # and also changed references from Photon Torpedoes to Proton Torpedoes.
- #
- # v1.0 (
- #
- # I've made the game challenging, but not too hard. I can destroy the Death Star about once every
- # three attempts, so I think that I pitched it about right, but of course you can edit the code
- # and shrink the dimensions of your X-Wing, or reduce your velocity if you find it too tough.
- #
- # Tip 1: remember that X-Wings are wider than they are tall.
- # Tip 2: don't forget to fire your proton torpedoes once your distance display reads zero.
- #
- # May the force be with you all.
- import math
- import random
- import simplegui
- import time
- VERSION = "v1.5"
- TRENCH_COLOUR = "#ddd"
- SHIP_WIDTH_M = 1.6
- NEAR_PLANE_M = 0.1
- FAR_PLANE_M = 180.0
- FONT_STYLE = "sans-serif"
- BARRIER_COLOURS = ( ( 255, 0, 0 ), ( 255, 192, 0 ), ( 0, 255, 0 ), ( 255, 255, 0 ), ( 0, 255, 255 ), ( 255, 0, 255 ) )
- BLOCK_VERTEX = ( ( 0, 1 ), ( 1, 2 ), ( 2, 3 ), ( 3, 0 ), ( 0, 4 ), ( 1, 5 ), ( 2, 6 ), ( 3, 7 ), ( 4, 5 ), ( 5, 6 ), ( 6, 7 ), ( 7, 4 ), ( 0, 2 ), ( 1, 3 ) )
- HEX_DIGITS = ( '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f' )
- # Ship Variables
- pos = []
- vel = []
- acc = []
- # Proton Torpedo Variables
- pt_pos = []
- pt_launch_position = 0
- # Exhaust Port in Range
- reached_launch_position = False
- # Trench Barriers
- barriers = []
- current_barrier_index = 0
- # Message
- message = ""
- message_delay = 0
- message_tick = 0
- # Stars
- stars = []
- # Victory
- explosion_countdown = 0
- particles = []
- # Game State
- game_mode = MODE_INTRO
- dead = False
- violent_death = True
- # Actual FPS
- last_time = 0
- fps = 60
- # Return the centre point of the canvas
- def get_canvas_centre():
- return ( CANVAS_WIDTH // 2, CANVAS_HEIGHT // 2 )
- # Convert a number from 0 to 255 to a pair of hex digits - used in calculating RGB colour values
- def hex( n ):
- n = min( int( n ), 255 )
- d1 = HEX_DIGITS[ n // 16 ]
- d2 = HEX_DIGITS[ n % 16 ]
- return d1 + d2
- # Creates an array of stars randomly scattered on the canvas
- def create_stars():
- while len( stars ) < 300:
- x = random.randrange( CANVAS_WIDTH )
- y = random.randrange( CANVAS_HEIGHT )
- stars.append( ( x, y ) )
- # Creates all of the barriers that appear in the game. Each Barrier is represented by three elements:
- # Start Position - the distance along the trench that the barrier starts
- # Length - the length of the barrier
- # Blocks - an array of 9 ints, either 1 or 0, that indicate which blocks in a 3x3 square appear in the barrier.
- # The Barriers are placed in a list which is sequenced by the Start Position of the Barriers. This allows
- # the rendering and collision code to consider only the barriers immediately surrounding the ship.
- def create_barriers():
- global barriers
- barriers = []
- # Determine Start Position and Last Position
- s = 150.0
- limit = LAUNCH_POSITION_M - 150
- while s < limit:
- # Create a totally solid barrier
- blocks = []
- for i in range( 0, 9 ):
- blocks.append( 1 )
- # Punch a number of empty blocks in the barrier, based on how close to the end of the trench the barrier is.
- empty_blocks = 1.0 - ( s / limit )
- empty_blocks = int( ( empty_blocks * 8 ) ) + 2
- for i in range( 0, empty_blocks ):
- blocks[ random.randrange( 9 ) ] = 0
- # Calculate a random length
- l = random.randrange( 5 ) + 5
- barriers.append( ( s, l, blocks ) )
- s += l
- s += 40 + random.randrange( 30 )
- # Initialise all game variables to prepare for a new game
- def init_game():
- global game_mode, pos, vel, acc, pt_pos, pt_launch_position, reached_launch_position, current_barrier_index, dead, explosion_countdown
- game_mode = MODE_GAME
- pos = [ 0, 0, 0 ]
- vel = [ 0, 0, FORWARD_VELOCITY_MS ]
- acc = [ 0, 0, 0 ]
- pt_pos = []
- pt_launch_position = -1
- reached_launch_position = False
- dead = False
- current_barrier_index = 0
- explosion_countdown = 0
- create_barriers()
- set_message( "Use the Force" )
- # Calculates the distance remaining until the ship reaches the torpoedo launch position
- def get_distance_to_launch_position():
- return LAUNCH_POSITION_M - pos[ 2 ]
- # Indicates whether the ship is 'close' to the launch position.
- def is_close_to_launch_position():
- return math.fabs( get_distance_to_launch_position() ) < 100.0
- # Fire the Proton Torpedoes, if they haven't already been launched.
- # They are initially positioned slightly under the ship.
- def launch_proton_torpedoes():
- global pt_launch_position
- if pt_launch_position < 0 and is_close_to_launch_position():
- pt_pos.append( [ pos[ 0 ] - PROTON_TORPEDO_SPAN_M, pos[ 1 ] + 1, pos[ 2 ] ] )
- pt_pos.append( [ pos[ 0 ] + PROTON_TORPEDO_SPAN_M, pos[ 1 ] + 1, pos[ 2 ] ] )
- pt_launch_position = pos[ 2 ]
- # Sets the current message. The message appears for 3 seconds.
- def set_message( new_message ):
- global message, message_delay, message_tick
- message = new_message
- message_delay = 3
- message_tick = 0
- # Projects a 3d point into a 2d canvas coordinate. The 3d coordinates are based on +x -> right, +y -> down +z -> away.
- # The origin of the 3d coordinate system is the ship's initial position in the middle of the start of the trench.
- def project( point ):
- distance = point[ 2 ] - pos[ 2 ]
- if distance <= NEAR_PLANE_M:
- distance = NEAR_PLANE_M
- x = ( point[ 0 ] - pos[ 0 ] ) / ( distance + NEAR_PLANE_M )
- y = ( point[ 1 ] - pos[ 1 ] ) / ( distance + NEAR_PLANE_M )
- x += ( CANVAS_WIDTH // 2 )
- y += ( CANVAS_HEIGHT // 2 )
- return ( x, y )
- # Displays the Death sequence. If the flashing colours are enabled, then a red rectangle is drawn onto the screen every other frame.
- def render_death( canvas ):
- global message_tick
- if dead:
- if violent_death and ( message_tick % 2 == 0 ) :
- canvas.draw_polygon( ( ( 0, 0 ), ( CANVAS_WIDTH, 0 ), ( CANVAS_WIDTH, CANVAS_HEIGHT ), ( 0, CANVAS_HEIGHT ) ), 1, "Red", "Red" )
- message_tick += 1
- # Draws the trench. Firstly, four lines are drawn from the player's z position towards the end of the trench.
- # Secondly, a rectangle is drawn at the end of the trench.
- # Thirdly, the lines along the wall are drawn.
- def render_trench( canvas ):
- tw = TRENCH_WIDTH_M // 2
- th = TRENCH_HEIGHT_M // 2
- trench = ( [ -tw, -th ], [ tw, -th ], [ tw, th ], [ -tw, th ] )
- trench_p = []
- for t in trench:
- near = list( t )
- near.append( pos[ 2 ] )
- far = list( t )
- far.append( TRENCH_LENGTH_M )
- near_p = project( near )
- far_p = project( far )
- canvas.draw_line( near_p, far_p, LINE_WIDTH, TRENCH_COLOUR )
- trench_p.append( far_p )
- # Draw far wall
- trench_p.append( trench_p[ 0 ] )
- canvas.draw_polyline( trench_p, LINE_WIDTH, TRENCH_COLOUR )
- # Draw vertical walls
- limit = min( pos[ 2 ] + FAR_PLANE_M, TRENCH_LENGTH_M )
- while distance < limit:
- for side in [ -1, 1 ]:
- p1 = project( ( side * tw, -th, distance ) )
- p2 = project( ( side * tw, th, distance ) )
- canvas.draw_line( p1, p2, LINE_WIDTH, TRENCH_COLOUR )
- # Draws a single barrier.
- def render_barrier( canvas, barrier ):
- n = barrier[ 0 ] # Barrier Start Position
- f = n + barrier[ 1 ] # Barrier End Position
- m = barrier[ 2 ] # Barrier Block Array
- w = TRENCH_WIDTH_M / 3.0 # Block Width
- h = TRENCH_HEIGHT_M / 3.0 # Block Height
- hw = w / 2.0 # Block Half Width
- hh = h / 2.0 # Block Half Height
- # Calculate the colour of the blocks, based on base colour and distance.
- # The barrier's base colour is taken from its start position.
- distance = 1.0 - 0.9 * ( n - pos[ 2 ] ) / FAR_PLANE_M
- base_colour = BARRIER_COLOURS[ n % len( BARRIER_COLOURS ) ]
- colour = "#"
- for component in range( 0, 3 ):
- colour += hex( base_colour[ component ] * distance )
- i = 0 # Block Index ( 0 to 8 )
- for y in range( -1, 2 ):
- for x in range( -1, 2 ):
- if m[ i ] == 1: # Test if Block is present
- px = x * w # Coordinates at the centre of the block
- py = y * h
- cube = ( # Define a tuple containing the coordinates for this cube. They are indexed by BLOCK_VERTEX.
- ( px - hw, py - hh, n ),
- ( px + hw, py - hh, n ),
- ( px + hw, py + hh, n ),
- ( px - hw, py + hh, n ),
- ( px - hw, py - hh, f ),
- ( px + hw, py - hh, f ),
- ( px + hw, py + hh, f ),
- ( px - hw, py + hh, f )
- )
- # Project the 3d coordinates into 2d canvas coordinates
- cube_p = []
- for p in cube:
- cube_p.append( project( p ) )
- # Draw the lines
- for vi in BLOCK_VERTEX:
- canvas.draw_line( cube_p[ vi[ 0 ] ], cube_p[ vi[ 1 ] ], LINE_WIDTH, colour )
- i += 1
- # Draws all of the visible barriers. The game remembers the first visible barrier (current_barrier_index),
- # so that each frame it doesn't need to go through the entire list of barriers to get the first that is visible.
- # The visible barriers are always inserted at the front of their own list, which ensures that they are drawn back to front.
- def render_barriers( canvas ):
- global current_barrier_index
- visible_barriers = []
- index = current_barrier_index
- while index < len( barriers ):
- barrier = barriers[ index ]
- index += 1
- visible = ( barrier[ 0 ] + barrier[ 1 ] - pos[ 2 ] ) > NEAR_PLANE_M
- visible = visible and ( barrier[ 0 ] - pos[ 2 ] < FAR_PLANE_M )
- if visible:
- visible_barriers.insert( 0, barrier )
- elif pos[ 2 ] > barrier[ 0 ]:
- current_barrier_index = index
- else:
- break
- for barrier in visible_barriers:
- render_barrier( canvas, barrier )
- def render_exhaust_port( canvas ):
- if reached_launch_position:
- hw = w / 2
- hole = ( ( -hw, y, z - hw ), ( hw, y, z - hw ), ( hw, y, z + hw ), ( -hw, y, z + hw ) )
- coords = []
- for p in hole:
- coords.append( project( p ) )
- coords.append( coords[ 0 ] )
- canvas.draw_polyline( coords, LINE_WIDTH, EXHAUST_PORT_COLOUR )
- canvas.draw_line( project( ( -w, y, z ) ), project( ( -hw, y, z ) ), LINE_WIDTH, EXHAUST_PORT_COLOUR )
- canvas.draw_line( project( ( w, y, z ) ), project( ( hw, y, z ) ), LINE_WIDTH, EXHAUST_PORT_COLOUR )
- canvas.draw_line( project( ( 0, y, z - w ) ), project( ( 0, y, z - hw ) ), LINE_WIDTH, EXHAUST_PORT_COLOUR )
- canvas.draw_line( project( ( 0, y, z + w ) ), project( ( 0, y, z + hw ) ), LINE_WIDTH, EXHAUST_PORT_COLOUR )
- def render_torpedo( canvas, pos ):
- centre = project( pos )
- edge = project( [ pos[ 0 ] - PROTON_TORPEDO_RADIUS_M, pos[ 1 ], pos[ 2 ] ] )
- radius = centre[ 0 ] - edge[ 0 ]
- canvas.draw_circle( centre, radius, LINE_WIDTH, TORPEDO_COLOUR )
- def render_torpedoes( canvas ):
- if len( pt_pos ) > 0:
- for p in pt_pos:
- render_torpedo( canvas, p )
- def render_distance( canvas ):
- distance = int( get_distance_to_launch_position() )
- if distance > 0:
- distance_str = str( distance )
- while len( distance_str ) < 5:
- distance_str = "0" + distance_str
- distance_str += "m"
- draw_text_centre( canvas, distance_str, CANVAS_HEIGHT - 4, 29, DISTANCE_COLOUR )
- def render_message( canvas ):
- global message_delay
- if ( message_delay > 0 ):
- y = CANVAS_HEIGHT // 2 + 90
- for line in message.split( "\n" ):
- draw_text_centre( canvas, line, y, 35, "White" )
- y += 45
- def move_ship():
- global pos, vel, acc, pt_launch_position
- # Pull up at the end of the Trench
- if pos[ 2 ] > EXHAUST_PORT_POSITION_M:
- acc[ 1 ] = -ACCELERATION_MSS
- if pt_launch_position < 0:
- set_message( "You forgot to fire your torpedoes" )
- pt_launch_position = 0
- # Slow down when poised to launch torpedo
- factor = float( fps )
- if pt_launch_position < 0 and is_close_to_launch_position():
- factor *= 4
- for i in range( 0, 3 ):
- pos[ i ] += vel[ i ] / factor
- if acc[ i ] != 0:
- vel[ i ] += acc[ i ] / factor
- if vel[ i ] < -VELOCITY_MAX_MS:
- vel[ i ] = -VELOCITY_MAX_MS
- elif vel[ i ] > VELOCITY_MAX_MS:
- vel[ i ] = VELOCITY_MAX_MS
- elif i < 2:
- vel[ i ] *= VELOCITY_DAMPEN
- def move_torpedoes():
- global pt_pos, explosion_countdown
- if len( pt_pos ) > 0:
- hit = False
- bullseye = False
- for p in pt_pos:
- # Check if the torpedo has reached the point at which it dives towards the floor of the trench
- if p[ 2 ] - pt_launch_position >= PROTON_TORPEDO_RANGE_M:
- p[ 1 ] += PROTON_TORPEDO_VELOCITY_MS * 0.5 / fps
- else:
- # Check if the torpedo has hit the floor of the trench
- if p[ 1 ] > TRENCH_HEIGHT_M / 2:
- ex1 = -hw
- ex2 = hw
- ez1 = z - hw
- ez2 = z + hw
- # Check if torpedo entirely fit within the exhaust port
- if p[ 0 ] - PROTON_TORPEDO_RADIUS_M >= ex1 and \
- p[ 0 ] + PROTON_TORPEDO_RADIUS_M <= ex2 and \
- p[ 2 ] - PROTON_TORPEDO_RADIUS_M >= ez1 and \
- p[ 2 ] + PROTON_TORPEDO_RADIUS_M <= ez2:
- bullseye = True
- hit = True
- if hit:
- pt_pos = [] # Delete the torpedos
- if bullseye:
- set_message( "Great shot kid - That was one in a million" )
- explosion_countdown = 180
- else:
- set_message( "Negative - It just impacted off the surface" )
- # Keep the ship within the bounds of the trench.
- def constrain_ship():
- tw = TRENCH_WIDTH_M // 2
- th = TRENCH_HEIGHT_M // 2
- # Keep the ship within the horizontal span of the trench
- m = SHIP_WIDTH_M / 2
- if pos[ 0 ] < ( -tw + m ):
- pos[ 0 ] = -tw + m
- elif pos[ 0 ] > ( tw - m ):
- pos[ 0 ] = tw - m
- # Keep the ship within the vertical span of the trench
- m = SHIP_HEIGHT_M / 2
- if pos[ 1 ] < ( -th + m ) and pt_launch_position < 0: # Allow the ship to leave the trench after it has launched the torpedoes
- pos[ 1 ] = -th + m
- elif pos[ 1 ] > ( th - m ):
- pos[ 1 ] = th - m
- # Determine whether the ship has collided with any blocks
- def check_for_collisions():
- global dead
- if current_barrier_index < len( barriers ):
- barrier = barriers[ current_barrier_index ]
- # Check if we are in the same Z position as the barrier
- if pos[ 2 ] > barrier[ 0 ] and pos[ 2 ] < barrier[ 0 ] + barrier[ 1 ]:
- # Calculate the area that our ship occupies
- x1 = pos[ 0 ] - SHIP_WIDTH_M / 2.0
- x2 = x1 + SHIP_WIDTH_M
- y1 = pos[ 1 ] - SHIP_HEIGHT_M / 2.0
- y2 = y1 + SHIP_HEIGHT_M
- # Calculate block size
- bw = TRENCH_WIDTH_M / 3.0
- bh = TRENCH_HEIGHT_M / 3.0
- bhw = bw / 2.0
- bhh = bh / 2.0
- for by in range( -1, 2 ):
- by1 = by * bh - bhh
- by2 = by1 + bh
- # Check to see whether we intersect vertically
- if y1 < by2 and y2 > by1:
- for bx in range( -1, 2 ):
- block_index = ( by + 1 ) * 3 + bx + 1
- if barrier[ 2 ][ block_index ] == 1:
- bx1 = bx * bw - bhw
- bx2 = bx1 + bw
- # Check to see whether we intersect horizontally
- if x1 < bx2 and x2 > bx1:
- set_message( "Game Over" )
- dead = True
- def generate_messages():
- global reached_launch_position
- if not reached_launch_position and is_close_to_launch_position():
- reached_launch_position = True
- set_message( "You're all clear kid, now let's\nblow this thing and go home" )
- # This is the main game processing function.
- def render_game( canvas ):
- global game_mode
- if not dead:
- move_ship()
- move_torpedoes()
- constrain_ship()
- check_for_collisions()
- generate_messages()
- elif message_delay <= 0:
- game_mode = MODE_INTRO
- render_death( canvas )
- render_trench( canvas )
- render_barriers( canvas )
- render_exhaust_port( canvas )
- render_torpedoes( canvas )
- render_distance( canvas )
- render_message( canvas )
- if pos[ 2 ] > TRENCH_LENGTH_M + 60:
- game_mode = MODE_VICTORY if explosion_countdown > 0 else MODE_INTRO
- def render_deathstar( canvas, fill_colour = None ):
- centre = get_canvas_centre()
- if fill_colour == None:
- canvas.draw_circle( centre, radius, LINE_WIDTH, DEATH_STAR_COLOUR, "Black" )
- canvas.draw_circle( ( centre[ 0 ] - radius * 0.35, centre[ 1 ] - radius * 0.5 ), radius * 0.2, LINE_WIDTH, DEATH_STAR_COLOUR )
- canvas.draw_line( ( centre[ 0 ] - radius, centre[ 1 ] - 3 ), ( centre[ 0 ] + radius, centre[ 1 ] - 3 ), LINE_WIDTH, DEATH_STAR_COLOUR )
- canvas.draw_line( ( centre[ 0 ] - radius, centre[ 1 ] + 3 ), ( centre[ 0 ] + radius, centre[ 1 ] + 3 ), LINE_WIDTH, DEATH_STAR_COLOUR )
- else:
- canvas.draw_circle( centre, radius, 1, fill_colour, fill_colour )
- def render_stars( canvas ):
- star_colours = []
- for shade in range( 8, 16 ):
- component = hex( 16 * shade )
- colour = "#" + component + component + component
- star_colours.append( colour )
- i = 0
- l = len( star_colours )
- for star in stars:
- canvas.draw_circle( star, 1, 1, star_colours[ i % l ] )
- i += 1
- def draw_text_centre( canvas, text, y, size, colour ):
- centre = get_canvas_centre()
- pos = ( centre[ 0 ] - frame.get_canvas_textwidth( text, size, FONT_STYLE ) // 2, y )
- canvas.draw_text( text, pos, size, colour, FONT_STYLE )
- def draw_text_right( canvas, text, x, y, size, colour ):
- pos = ( x - frame.get_canvas_textwidth( text, size, FONT_STYLE ), y )
- canvas.draw_text( text, pos, size, colour, FONT_STYLE )
- def render_intro_text( canvas ):
- centre = get_canvas_centre()
- draw_text_centre( canvas, "Star Wars", 190, 58, INTRO_TEXT_COLOUR )
- draw_text_centre( canvas, "Press Space to begin your attack run", 340, 24, INTRO_TEXT_COLOUR )
- draw_text_centre( canvas, "Use Cursor Keys to move", 420, 19, INTRO_TEXT_COLOUR )
- draw_text_centre( canvas, "Use Space to launch Proton Torpedo", 440, 19, INTRO_TEXT_COLOUR )
- draw_text_centre( canvas, "Thanks to Joe, Scott, John, Stephen & Rice University for providing a fantastic 'Introduction to Python' Course", 580, 16, INTRO_TEXT_COLOUR )
- draw_text_right( canvas, VERSION, CANVAS_WIDTH - 16, 14, 14, INTRO_TEXT_COLOUR )
- x1 = centre[ 0 ] - 160
- y1 = centre[ 1 ] + ( 185 if violent_death else 205 )
- x2 = centre[ 0 ] + 160
- y2 = centre[ 1 ] + 225
- canvas.draw_polygon( ( ( x1, y1 ), ( x2, y1 ), ( x2, y2 ), ( x1, y2 ) ), 1, "Black", "Black" )
- draw_text_centre( canvas, "Press 'Q' to turn " + ( "OFF" if violent_death else "ON" ) + " flashing colours", 520, 18, WARNING_TEXT_COLOUR )
- if violent_death:
- draw_text_centre( canvas, "Note: this game contains flashing colours which are not suitable for sufferers of epilepsy", 500, 18, WARNING_TEXT_COLOUR )
- def create_particles():
- global particles
- particles = []
- for i in range( 0, 500 ):
- a = random.random() * 2 * math.pi
- m = random.random()
- x = math.sin( a ) * m * radius
- y = math.cos( a ) * m * radius
- particles.append( [ x, y ] )
- def render_particles( canvas ):
- c = get_canvas_centre()
- for p in particles:
- x = p[ 0 ] + c[ 0 ]
- y = p[ 1 ] + c[ 1 ]
- canvas.draw_circle( ( x, y ), 1, 1, PARTICLE_COLOUR )
- def move_particles():
- c = get_canvas_centre()
- for p in particles:
- x = p[ 0 ] + c[ 0 ]
- y = p[ 1 ] + c[ 1 ]
- if x >= 0 and x < CANVAS_WIDTH and y >= 0 and y < CANVAS_HEIGHT:
- v = 1.1
- p[ 0 ] *= v
- p[ 1 ] *= v
- def render_victory( canvas ):
- global game_mode, explosion_countdown
- render_stars( canvas )
- if explosion_countdown <= 0:
- if explosion_countdown > -160:
- base_colour = ( 64, 32, 16 )
- factor = -explosion_countdown / 10.0
- colour = "#"
- for c in range( 0, 3 ):
- colour += hex( base_colour[ c ] * factor )
- render_deathstar( canvas, colour )
- elif explosion_countdown == -160:
- create_particles()
- elif explosion_countdown > -400:
- render_particles( canvas )
- move_particles()
- else:
- game_mode = MODE_INTRO
- else:
- render_deathstar( canvas )
- explosion_countdown -= 1
- def render_intro( canvas ):
- render_stars( canvas )
- render_deathstar( canvas )
- render_intro_text( canvas )
- def update_time():
- global last_time, message_delay, fps
- t = time.time()
- if last_time > 0:
- delta = ( t - last_time )
- fps = 1.0 / delta
- if message_delay > 0:
- message_delay -= delta
- last_time = t
- def render( canvas ):
- update_time()
- if game_mode == MODE_GAME:
- render_game( canvas )
- elif game_mode == MODE_VICTORY:
- render_victory( canvas )
- elif game_mode == MODE_INTRO:
- render_intro( canvas )
- def key_event( key, down ):
- global game_mode, violent_death
- if game_mode == MODE_GAME:
- factor = 1 if down else 0
- if key == simplegui.KEY_MAP[ "left" ]:
- acc[ 0 ] = -ACCELERATION_MSS * factor
- if key == simplegui.KEY_MAP[ "right" ]:
- acc[ 0 ] = ACCELERATION_MSS * factor
- if key == simplegui.KEY_MAP[ "up" ]:
- acc[ 1 ] = -ACCELERATION_MSS * factor
- if key == simplegui.KEY_MAP[ "down" ]:
- acc[ 1 ] = ACCELERATION_MSS * factor
- if key == simplegui.KEY_MAP[ "space" ]:
- launch_proton_torpedoes()
- elif down and game_mode == MODE_INTRO:
- if key == simplegui.KEY_MAP[ "space" ]:
- init_game()
- elif down and game_mode == MODE_VICTORY and explosion_countdown <= 0:
- game_mode = MODE_INTRO
- if down and key == simplegui.KEY_MAP[ "Q" ]:
- violent_death = not violent_death
- def key_down( key ):
- key_event( key, True )
- def key_up( key ):
- key_event( key, False )
- create_stars()
- # Create a frame and assign callbacks to event handlers
- frame = simplegui.create_frame( "Star Wars", CANVAS_WIDTH, CANVAS_HEIGHT )
- frame.set_draw_handler( render )
- frame.set_keydown_handler( key_down )
- frame.set_keyup_handler( key_up )
- # Start the frame animation
- frame.start()
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