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- #!/usr/bin/env python3
- # encoding: utf-8
- from contextlib import closing
- import argparse
- import multiprocessing
- import os
- import os.path
- import re
- import socket
- import subprocess
- import sys
- import traceback
- import urllib.parse
- import urllib3
- import bs4
- import dulwich.index
- import dulwich.objects
- import dulwich.pack
- import requests
- import socks
- def printf(fmt, *args, file=sys.stdout):
- if args:
- fmt = fmt % args
- file.write(fmt)
- file.flush()
- def is_html(response):
- """ Return True if the response is a HTML webpage """
- return (
- "Content-Type" in response.headers
- and "text/html" in response.headers["Content-Type"]
- )
- def is_safe_path(path):
- """ Prevent directory traversal attacks """
- if path.startswith("/"):
- return False
- safe_path = os.path.expanduser("~")
- return (
- os.path.commonpath(
- (os.path.realpath(os.path.join(safe_path, path)), safe_path)
- )
- == safe_path
- )
- def get_indexed_files(response):
- """ Return all the files in the directory index webpage """
- html = bs4.BeautifulSoup(response.text, "html.parser")
- files = []
- for link in html.find_all("a"):
- url = urllib.parse.urlparse(link.get("href"))
- if (
- url.path
- and is_safe_path(url.path)
- and not url.scheme
- and not url.netloc
- ):
- files.append(url.path)
- return files
- def verify_response(response):
- if response.status_code != 200:
- return (
- False,
- "[-] %s/%s responded with status code {code}\n".format(
- code=response.status_code
- ),
- )
- elif (
- "Content-Length" in response.headers
- and response.headers["Content-Length"] == 0
- ):
- return False, "[-] %s/%s responded with a zero-length body\n"
- elif (
- "Content-Type" in response.headers
- and "text/html" in response.headers["Content-Type"]
- ):
- return False, "[-] %s/%s responded with HTML\n"
- else:
- return True, True
- def create_intermediate_dirs(path):
- """ Create intermediate directories, if necessary """
- dirname, basename = os.path.split(path)
- if dirname and not os.path.exists(dirname):
- try:
- os.makedirs(dirname)
- except FileExistsError:
- pass # race condition
- def get_referenced_sha1(obj_file):
- """ Return all the referenced SHA1 in the given object file """
- objs = []
- if isinstance(obj_file, dulwich.objects.Commit):
- objs.append(obj_file.tree.decode())
- for parent in obj_file.parents:
- objs.append(parent.decode())
- elif isinstance(obj_file, dulwich.objects.Tree):
- for item in obj_file.iteritems():
- objs.append(item.sha.decode())
- elif isinstance(obj_file, dulwich.objects.Blob):
- pass
- elif isinstance(obj_file, dulwich.objects.Tag):
- pass
- else:
- printf(
- "error: unexpected object type: %r\n" % obj_file, file=sys.stderr
- )
- sys.exit(1)
- return objs
- class Worker(multiprocessing.Process):
- """ Worker for process_tasks """
- def __init__(self, pending_tasks, tasks_done, args):
- super().__init__()
- self.daemon = True
- self.pending_tasks = pending_tasks
- self.tasks_done = tasks_done
- self.args = args
- def run(self):
- # initialize process
- self.init(*self.args)
- # fetch and do tasks
- while True:
- task = self.pending_tasks.get(block=True)
- if task is None: # end signal
- return
- try:
- result = self.do_task(task, *self.args)
- except Exception:
- printf("Task %s raised exception:\n", task, file=sys.stderr)
- traceback.print_exc()
- result = []
- assert isinstance(
- result, list
- ), "do_task() should return a list of tasks"
- self.tasks_done.put(result)
- def init(self, *args):
- raise NotImplementedError
- def do_task(self, task, *args):
- raise NotImplementedError
- def process_tasks(initial_tasks, worker, jobs, args=(), tasks_done=None):
- """ Process tasks in parallel """
- if not initial_tasks:
- return
- tasks_seen = set(tasks_done) if tasks_done else set()
- pending_tasks = multiprocessing.Queue()
- tasks_done = multiprocessing.Queue()
- num_pending_tasks = 0
- # add all initial tasks in the queue
- for task in initial_tasks:
- assert task is not None
- if task not in tasks_seen:
- pending_tasks.put(task)
- num_pending_tasks += 1
- tasks_seen.add(task)
- # initialize processes
- processes = [worker(pending_tasks, tasks_done, args) for _ in range(jobs)]
- # launch them all
- for p in processes:
- p.start()
- # collect task results
- while num_pending_tasks > 0:
- task_result = tasks_done.get(block=True)
- num_pending_tasks -= 1
- for task in task_result:
- assert task is not None
- if task not in tasks_seen:
- pending_tasks.put(task)
- num_pending_tasks += 1
- tasks_seen.add(task)
- # send termination signal (task=None)
- for _ in range(jobs):
- pending_tasks.put(None)
- # join all
- for p in processes:
- p.join()
- class DownloadWorker(Worker):
- """ Download a list of files """
- def init(self, url, directory, retry, timeout, http_headers):
- self.session = requests.Session()
- self.session.verify = False
- self.session.headers = http_headers
- self.session.mount(
- url, requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retry)
- )
- def do_task(self, filepath, url, directory, retry, timeout, http_headers):
- if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(directory, filepath)):
- printf("[-] Already downloaded %s/%s\n", url, filepath)
- return []
- with closing(
- self.session.get(
- "%s/%s" % (url, filepath),
- allow_redirects=False,
- stream=True,
- timeout=timeout,
- )
- ) as response:
- printf(
- "[-] Fetching %s/%s [%d]\n",
- url,
- filepath,
- response.status_code,
- )
- valid, error_message = verify_response(response)
- if not valid:
- printf(error_message, url, filepath, file=sys.stderr)
- return []
- abspath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(directory, filepath))
- create_intermediate_dirs(abspath)
- # write file
- with open(abspath, "wb") as f:
- for chunk in response.iter_content(4096):
- f.write(chunk)
- return []
- class RecursiveDownloadWorker(DownloadWorker):
- """ Download a directory recursively """
- def do_task(self, filepath, url, directory, retry, timeout, http_headers):
- if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(directory, filepath)):
- printf("[-] Already downloaded %s/%s\n", url, filepath)
- return []
- with closing(
- self.session.get(
- "%s/%s" % (url, filepath),
- allow_redirects=False,
- stream=True,
- timeout=timeout,
- )
- ) as response:
- printf(
- "[-] Fetching %s/%s [%d]\n",
- url,
- filepath,
- response.status_code,
- )
- if (
- response.status_code in (301, 302)
- and "Location" in response.headers
- and response.headers["Location"].endswith(filepath + "/")
- ):
- return [filepath + "/"]
- if filepath.endswith("/"): # directory index
- assert is_html(response)
- return [
- filepath + filename
- for filename in get_indexed_files(response)
- ]
- else: # file
- valid, error_message = verify_response(response)
- if not valid:
- printf(error_message, url, filepath, file=sys.stderr)
- return []
- abspath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(directory, filepath))
- create_intermediate_dirs(abspath)
- # write file
- with open(abspath, "wb") as f:
- for chunk in response.iter_content(4096):
- f.write(chunk)
- return []
- class FindRefsWorker(DownloadWorker):
- """ Find refs/ """
- def do_task(self, filepath, url, directory, retry, timeout, http_headers):
- response = self.session.get(
- "%s/%s" % (url, filepath), allow_redirects=False, timeout=timeout
- )
- printf(
- "[-] Fetching %s/%s [%d]\n", url, filepath, response.status_code
- )
- valid, error_message = verify_response(response)
- if not valid:
- printf(error_message, url, filepath, file=sys.stderr)
- return []
- abspath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(directory, filepath))
- create_intermediate_dirs(abspath)
- # write file
- with open(abspath, "w") as f:
- f.write(response.text)
- # find refs
- tasks = []
- for ref in re.findall(
- r"(refs(/[a-zA-Z0-9\-\.\_\*]+)+)", response.text
- ):
- ref = ref[0]
- if not ref.endswith("*") and is_safe_path(ref):
- tasks.append(".git/%s" % ref)
- tasks.append(".git/logs/%s" % ref)
- return tasks
- class FindObjectsWorker(DownloadWorker):
- """ Find objects """
- def do_task(self, obj, url, directory, retry, timeout, http_headers):
- filepath = ".git/objects/%s/%s" % (obj[:2], obj[2:])
- if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(directory, filepath)):
- printf("[-] Already downloaded %s/%s\n", url, filepath)
- else:
- response = self.session.get(
- "%s/%s" % (url, filepath),
- allow_redirects=False,
- timeout=timeout,
- )
- printf(
- "[-] Fetching %s/%s [%d]\n",
- url,
- filepath,
- response.status_code,
- )
- valid, error_message = verify_response(response)
- if not valid:
- printf(error_message, url, filepath, file=sys.stderr)
- return []
- abspath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(directory, filepath))
- create_intermediate_dirs(abspath)
- # write file
- with open(abspath, "wb") as f:
- f.write(response.content)
- abspath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(directory, filepath))
- # parse object file to find other objects
- obj_file = dulwich.objects.ShaFile.from_path(abspath)
- return get_referenced_sha1(obj_file)
- def fetch_git(url, directory, jobs, retry, timeout, http_headers):
- """ Dump a git repository into the output directory """
- assert os.path.isdir(directory), "%s is not a directory" % directory
- assert jobs >= 1, "invalid number of jobs"
- assert retry >= 1, "invalid number of retries"
- assert timeout >= 1, "invalid timeout"
- session = requests.Session()
- session.verify = False
- session.headers = http_headers
- session.mount(url, requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retry))
- if os.listdir(directory):
- printf("Warning: Destination '%s' is not empty\n", directory)
- # find base url
- url = url.rstrip("/")
- if url.endswith("HEAD"):
- url = url[:-4]
- url = url.rstrip("/")
- if url.endswith(".git"):
- url = url[:-4]
- url = url.rstrip("/")
- # check for /.git/HEAD
- printf("[-] Testing %s/.git/HEAD ", url)
- response = session.get("%s/.git/HEAD" % url, allow_redirects=False)
- printf("[%d]\n", response.status_code)
- valid, error_message = verify_response(response)
- if not valid:
- printf(error_message, url, "/.git/HEAD", file=sys.stderr)
- return 1
- elif not re.match(r"^(ref:.*|[0-9a-f]{40}$)", response.text.strip()):
- printf(
- "error: %s/.git/HEAD is not a git HEAD file\n",
- url,
- file=sys.stderr,
- )
- return 1
- # check for directory listing
- printf("[-] Testing %s/.git/ ", url)
- response = session.get("%s/.git/" % url, allow_redirects=False)
- printf("[%d]\n", response.status_code)
- if (
- response.status_code == 200
- and is_html(response)
- and "HEAD" in get_indexed_files(response)
- ):
- printf("[-] Fetching .git recursively\n")
- process_tasks(
- [".git/", ".gitignore"],
- RecursiveDownloadWorker,
- jobs,
- args=(url, directory, retry, timeout, http_headers),
- )
- printf("[-] Running git checkout .\n")
- os.chdir(directory)
- subprocess.check_call(["git", "checkout", "."])
- return 0
- # no directory listing
- printf("[-] Fetching common files\n")
- tasks = [
- ".gitignore",
- ".git/description",
- ".git/hooks/applypatch-msg.sample",
- ".git/hooks/commit-msg.sample",
- ".git/hooks/post-commit.sample",
- ".git/hooks/post-receive.sample",
- ".git/hooks/post-update.sample",
- ".git/hooks/pre-applypatch.sample",
- ".git/hooks/pre-commit.sample",
- ".git/hooks/pre-push.sample",
- ".git/hooks/pre-rebase.sample",
- ".git/hooks/pre-receive.sample",
- ".git/hooks/prepare-commit-msg.sample",
- ".git/hooks/update.sample",
- ".git/index",
- ".git/info/exclude",
- ".git/objects/info/packs",
- ]
- process_tasks(
- tasks,
- DownloadWorker,
- jobs,
- args=(url, directory, retry, timeout, http_headers),
- )
- # find refs
- printf("[-] Finding refs/\n")
- tasks = [
- ".git/FETCH_HEAD",
- ".git/HEAD",
- ".git/ORIG_HEAD",
- ".git/config",
- ".git/info/refs",
- ".git/logs/HEAD",
- ".git/logs/refs/heads/master",
- ".git/logs/refs/remotes/origin/HEAD",
- ".git/logs/refs/remotes/origin/master",
- ".git/logs/refs/stash",
- ".git/packed-refs",
- ".git/refs/heads/master",
- ".git/refs/remotes/origin/HEAD",
- ".git/refs/remotes/origin/master",
- ".git/refs/stash",
- ".git/refs/wip/wtree/refs/heads/master", # Magit
- ".git/refs/wip/index/refs/heads/master", # Magit
- ]
- process_tasks(
- tasks,
- FindRefsWorker,
- jobs,
- args=(url, directory, retry, timeout, http_headers),
- )
- # find packs
- printf("[-] Finding packs\n")
- tasks = []
- # use .git/objects/info/packs to find packs
- info_packs_path = os.path.join(
- directory, ".git", "objects", "info", "packs"
- )
- if os.path.exists(info_packs_path):
- with open(info_packs_path, "r") as f:
- info_packs =
- for sha1 in re.findall(r"pack-([a-f0-9]{40})\.pack", info_packs):
- tasks.append(".git/objects/pack/pack-%s.idx" % sha1)
- tasks.append(".git/objects/pack/pack-%s.pack" % sha1)
- process_tasks(
- tasks,
- DownloadWorker,
- jobs,
- args=(url, directory, retry, timeout, http_headers),
- )
- # find objects
- printf("[-] Finding objects\n")
- objs = set()
- packed_objs = set()
- # .git/packed-refs, .git/info/refs, .git/refs/*, .git/logs/*
- files = [
- os.path.join(directory, ".git", "packed-refs"),
- os.path.join(directory, ".git", "info", "refs"),
- os.path.join(directory, ".git", "FETCH_HEAD"),
- os.path.join(directory, ".git", "ORIG_HEAD"),
- ]
- for dirpath, _, filenames in os.walk(
- os.path.join(directory, ".git", "refs")
- ):
- for filename in filenames:
- files.append(os.path.join(dirpath, filename))
- for dirpath, _, filenames in os.walk(
- os.path.join(directory, ".git", "logs")
- ):
- for filename in filenames:
- files.append(os.path.join(dirpath, filename))
- for filepath in files:
- if not os.path.exists(filepath):
- continue
- with open(filepath, "r") as f:
- content =
- for obj in re.findall(r"(^|\s)([a-f0-9]{40})($|\s)", content):
- obj = obj[1]
- objs.add(obj)
- # use .git/index to find objects
- index_path = os.path.join(directory, ".git", "index")
- if os.path.exists(index_path):
- index = dulwich.index.Index(index_path)
- for entry in index.iterobjects():
- objs.add(entry[1].decode())
- # use packs to find more objects to fetch, and objects that are packed
- pack_file_dir = os.path.join(directory, ".git", "objects", "pack")
- if os.path.isdir(pack_file_dir):
- for filename in os.listdir(pack_file_dir):
- if filename.startswith("pack-") and filename.endswith(".pack"):
- pack_data_path = os.path.join(pack_file_dir, filename)
- pack_idx_path = os.path.join(
- pack_file_dir, filename[:-5] + ".idx"
- )
- pack_data = dulwich.pack.PackData(pack_data_path)
- pack_idx = dulwich.pack.load_pack_index(pack_idx_path)
- try:
- pack = dulwich.pack.Pack.from_objects(pack_data, pack_idx)
- for obj_file in pack.iterobjects():
- packed_objs.add(obj_file.sha().hexdigest())
- objs |= set(get_referenced_sha1(obj_file))
- except dulwich.errors.ChecksumMismatch as error:
- print(error)
- # fetch all objects
- printf("[-] Fetching objects\n")
- process_tasks(
- objs,
- FindObjectsWorker,
- jobs,
- args=(url, directory, retry, timeout, http_headers),
- tasks_done=packed_objs,
- )
- # git checkout
- printf("[-] Running git checkout .\n")
- os.chdir(directory)
- # ignore errors
-["git", "checkout", "."], stderr=open(os.devnull, "wb"))
- return 0
- def main():
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
- usage="git-dumper [options] URL DIR",
- description="Dump a git repository from a website.",
- )
- parser.add_argument("url", metavar="URL", help="url")
- parser.add_argument("directory", metavar="DIR", help="output directory")
- parser.add_argument("--proxy", help="use the specified proxy")
- parser.add_argument(
- "-j",
- "--jobs",
- type=int,
- default=10,
- help="number of simultaneous requests",
- )
- parser.add_argument(
- "-r",
- "--retry",
- type=int,
- default=3,
- help="number of request attempts before giving up",
- )
- parser.add_argument(
- "-t",
- "--timeout",
- type=int,
- default=3,
- help="maximum time in seconds before giving up",
- )
- parser.add_argument(
- "-u",
- "--user-agent",
- type=str,
- default="Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; rv:78.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/78.0",
- help="user-agent to use for requests",
- )
- parser.add_argument(
- "-H",
- "--header",
- type=str,
- action="append",
- help="additional http headers, e.g `NAME=VALUE`",
- )
- args = parser.parse_args()
- # jobs
- if < 1:
- parser.error("invalid number of jobs, got `%d`" %
- # retry
- if args.retry < 1:
- parser.error("invalid number of retries, got `%d`" % args.retry)
- # timeout
- if args.timeout < 1:
- parser.error("invalid timeout, got `%d`" % args.timeout)
- # header
- http_headers = {"User-Agent": args.user_agent}
- if args.header:
- for header in args.header:
- tokens = header.split("=", maxsplit=1)
- if len(tokens) != 2:
- parser.error(
- "http header must have the form NAME=VALUE, got `%s`"
- % header
- )
- name, value = tokens
- http_headers[name.strip()] = value.strip()
- # proxy
- if args.proxy:
- proxy_valid = False
- for pattern, proxy_type in [
- (r"^socks5:(.*):(\d+)$", socks.PROXY_TYPE_SOCKS5),
- (r"^socks4:(.*):(\d+)$", socks.PROXY_TYPE_SOCKS4),
- (r"^http://(.*):(\d+)$", socks.PROXY_TYPE_HTTP),
- (r"^(.*):(\d+)$", socks.PROXY_TYPE_SOCKS5),
- ]:
- m = re.match(pattern, args.proxy)
- if m:
- socks.setdefaultproxy(proxy_type,, int(
- socket.socket = socks.socksocket
- proxy_valid = True
- break
- if not proxy_valid:
- parser.error("invalid proxy, got `%s`" % args.proxy)
- # output directory
- if not os.path.exists(
- os.makedirs(
- if not os.path.isdir(
- parser.error("`%s` is not a directory" %
- urllib3.disable_warnings(urllib3.exceptions.InsecureRequestWarning)
- # fetch everything
- sys.exit(
- fetch_git(
- args.url,
- args.retry,
- args.timeout,
- http_headers,
- )
- )
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- main()
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