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- "path": "/"
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- "onChanged_actions": [{
- "action": "runUtilityHook",
- "options": {
- "type": "update"
- }
- }],
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- }, {
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- }, {
- "html": "<h2><strong>{{model.lang.chooseDevice}}</strong></h2>",
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- "html": "\n <div class=\"block text-gray-500\">\n <div \n class=\"inline-block w-20 h-20 m-2 pt-1 border-gray-500 border-2 rounded-lg bg-white hover:shadow-md hover:text-white\" \n \n :class=\"\n {\n 'bg-red-500 border-red-500 shadow-md text-white' : model.selectedIcon == 'computer',\n 'hover:bg-gray-500 ' : model.selectedIcon != 'computer'\n }\n \" \n \n @click=\"model.selectedIcon = 'computer'\"\n \n >\n <center>\n <i class=\" fa fa-desktop fa-3x \"></i><br>\n <div class=\"font-semibold text-sm\">Computer</div>\n </center>\n </div>\n\n <div \n class=\"inline-block w-20 h-20 m-2 pt-1 border-gray-500 border-2 rounded-lg bg-white hover:shadow-md hover:text-white\" \n :class=\"\n {\n 'bg-red-500 border-red-500 shadow-md text-white' : model.selectedIcon == 'mobile',\n 'hover:bg-gray-500 ' : model.selectedIcon != 'mobile'\n \n }\n \" \n @click=\"model.selectedIcon = 'mobile'\"\n >\n <center>\n <i class=\"fa fa-mobile fa-3x\"></i><br>\n <div class=\"font-semibold text-sm\">Mobile </div>\n </center>\n </div>\n\n <div \n class=\"inline-block w-20 h-20 m-2 pt-1 border-gray-500 border-2 rounded-lg bg-white hover:shadow-md hover:text-white\" \n :class=\"\n {\n 'bg-red-500 border-red-500 shadow-md text-white' : model.selectedIcon == 'hard drive',\n 'hover:bg-gray-500 ' : model.selectedIcon != 'hard drive'\n \n }\n \" \n @click=\"model.selectedIcon = 'hard drive'\"\n >\n <center>\n <i class=\"fa fa-hdd fa-3x\"></i><br>\n <div class=\"font-semibold text-sm\">Hard Drive </div>\n </center>\n </div>\n\n </div>\n <div class=\"block center text-gray-500\">\n <div \n class=\"inline-block w-20 h-20 m-2 pt-1 border-gray-500 border-2 rounded-lg bg-white hover:shadow-md hover:text-white\" \n :class=\"\n {\n 'bg-red-500 border-red-500 shadow-md text-white' : model.selectedIcon == 'flash media',\n 'hover:bg-gray-500 ' : model.selectedIcon != 'flash media'\n \n }\n \" \n @click=\"model.selectedIcon = 'flash media'\">\n <center>\n <i class=\" fa fa-camera fa-3x\"></i><br>\n <div class=\"font-semibold text-sm\">Flash Card </div>\n </center>\n </div>\n\n <div \n class=\"inline-block w-20 h-20 m-2 pt-1 border-gray-500 border-2 rounded-lg bg-white hover:shadow-md hover:text-white\" \n :class=\"\n {\n 'bg-red-500 border-red-500 shadow-md text-white' : model.selectedIcon == 'raid',\n 'hover:bg-gray-500 ' : model.selectedIcon != 'raid'\n \n }\n \"\n @click=\"model.selectedIcon = 'raid'\"\n >\n <center>\n <i class=\"fa fa-database fa-3x\"></i><br>\n <div class=\"font-semibold text-sm\">RAID / NAS </div>\n </center>\n </div>\n\n <div \n class=\"inline-block w-20 h-20 m-2 pt-1 border-gray-500 border-2 rounded-lg bg-white hover:shadow-md hover:text-white\" \n :class=\"\n {\n 'bg-red-500 border-red-500 shadow-md text-white' : model.selectedIcon == 'other',\n 'hover:bg-gray-500 ' : model.selectedIcon != 'other'\n \n }\n \" \n @click=\"model.selectedIcon = 'other'\"\n >\n <center>\n <i class=\" fa fa-question fa-3x\"></i><br>\n <div class=\"font-semibold text-sm\">Other </div>\n </center>\n </div>\n </div>\n",
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- }]
- },
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