

Oct 22nd, 2019
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  1. [2019-10-22 18:10:22 MSK] <main> INFO: Configuring logging...
  2. [2019-10-22 18:10:22 MSK] <main> INFO: Logging level set to eXtreme
  3. [2019-10-22 18:10:22 MSK] <main> INFO: Transporter is searching for new software components.
  4. [2019-10-22 18:10:22 MSK] <main> INFO: INFO: using cached repository.xml file.
  5. [2019-10-22 18:10:23 MSK] <main> INFO: Update check complete.
  6. [2019-10-22 18:10:25 MSK] <main> DEBUG: Attempting refresh of configuration data from
  7. [2019-10-22 18:10:27 MSK] <main> DEBUG: Configuration refresh successful.
  8. [2019-10-22 18:10:27 MSK] <main> DEBUG: Saving configuration to local path: /Users/bogdanovvladislav/Library/Caches/
  9. [2019-10-22 18:10:27 MSK] <main> INFO: iTMSTransporter : iTunes Store Transporter [2.0.0]
  10. [2019-10-22 18:10:27 MSK] <main> INFO: OS identifier: Mac OS X 10.15 (x86_64); jvm=25.71-b02; jre=1.8.0-u131-b11-iTMSTransporter-b02
  11. [2019-10-22 18:10:27 MSK] <main> INFO: Memory: [JVM] 1055M free, 1089M total, 1820M max [System] (Physical) 194M free, 16384M total (Swap) 1156M free, 2048M total
  12. [2019-10-22 18:10:27 MSK] <main> INFO: Client: TransporterApp 1.1 (1165)
  13. [2019-10-22 18:10:27 MSK] <main> INFO: Verify mode selected.
  14. [2019-10-22 18:10:27 MSK] <main> INFO: Examining the package at: /var/folders/_l/dgh3f2mn2kjggb154zm3rw2m0000gn/T/E7E3DD2C-CE0D-4C98-A4FD-66297AD69E75/1480842324.itmsp
  15. [2019-10-22 18:10:27 MSK] <main> INFO: Ensuring that package has well formed metadata file...
  16. [2019-10-22 18:10:27 MSK] <main> DEBUG: Getting case-sensitive metadata xml filename...
  17. [2019-10-22 18:10:27 MSK] <main> INFO: Gathering the list of valid files from the package ...
  18. [2019-10-22 18:10:27 MSK] <main> DEBUG: metadata.xml will be verified by Apple's web service to determine if it is a valid file.
  19. [2019-10-22 18:10:27 MSK] <main> DEBUG: irr_0.2.3_153.ipa will be verified by Apple's web service to determine if it is a valid file.
  20. [2019-10-22 18:10:27 MSK] <main> INFO: Finished gathering the list of valid files from the package.
  21. [2019-10-22 18:10:27 MSK] <main> DEBUG: Case-sensitive metadata filename is: metadata.xml
  22. [2019-10-22 18:10:27 MSK] <main> INFO: Performing verification of package 1480842324.itmsp...
  23. [2019-10-22 18:10:27 MSK] <main> DBG-X: Memory: [JVM] 1054M free, 1089M total, 1820M max [System] (Physical) 200M free, 16384M total (Swap) 1156M free, 2048M total
  24. [2019-10-22 18:10:27 MSK] <main> INFO: JSON:{"msg":{"phase":"Verify","description":"Analyzing metadata","index":0},"messageType":"VerifyProgress"}
  25. [2019-10-22 18:10:27 MSK] <main> DBG-X: Deflated 603 bytes to 440
  26. [2019-10-22 18:10:27 MSK] <main> DBG-X: Using operation named: validateMetadata
  27. [2019-10-22 18:10:27 MSK] <main> DBG-X: Apple's web service operation input parameters:
  28. [2019-10-22 18:10:27 MSK] <main> DBG-X: parameter Application = iTMSTransporter
  29. [2019-10-22 18:10:27 MSK] <main> DBG-X: parameter BaseVersion = 1.13.0
  30. [2019-10-22 18:10:27 MSK] <main> DBG-X: parameter Client = TransporterApp
  31. [2019-10-22 18:10:27 MSK] <main> DBG-X: parameter ClientVersion = 1.1 (1165)
  32. [2019-10-22 18:10:27 MSK] <main> DBG-X: parameter DryRun = true
  33. [2019-10-22 18:10:27 MSK] <main> DBG-X: parameter Files = [metadata.xml, irr_0.2.3_153.ipa]
  34. [2019-10-22 18:10:27 MSK] <main> DBG-X: parameter ItcProviderName = 5JZAMMY4R2
  35. [2019-10-22 18:10:27 MSK] <main> DBG-X: parameter Metadata = <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  36. <package version="software5.4" xmlns="">
  37. <software_assets apple_id="1480842324"
  38. bundle_short_version_string="0.2.3"
  39. bundle_version="153"
  40. bundle_identifier="com.rmg.irr"
  41. app_platform="ios">
  42. <asset type="bundle">
  43. <data_file>
  44. <file_name>irr_0.2.3_153.ipa</file_name>
  45. <checksum type="md5">03f30e697a17127f84228a1693a2a264</checksum>
  46. <size>103493388</size>
  47. </data_file>
  48. </asset>
  49. </software_assets>
  50. </package>
  52. [2019-10-22 18:10:27 MSK] <main> DBG-X: parameter MetadataChecksum = eced56387a1c896239680334574fba5d
  53. [2019-10-22 18:10:27 MSK] <main> DBG-X: parameter MetadataCompressed = (suppressed)
  54. [2019-10-22 18:10:27 MSK] <main> DBG-X: parameter OSIdentifier = Mac OS X 10.15 (x86_64); jvm=25.71-b02; jre=1.8.0-u131-b11-iTMSTransporter-b02
  55. [2019-10-22 18:10:27 MSK] <main> DBG-X: parameter PackageName = 1480842324.itmsp
  56. [2019-10-22 18:10:27 MSK] <main> DBG-X: parameter PackageSize = 103493991
  57. [2019-10-22 18:10:27 MSK] <main> DBG-X: parameter StatisticsClientStartDateTimeZoneISO = 2019-10-22T18:10:27+03:00
  58. [2019-10-22 18:10:27 MSK] <main> DBG-X: parameter StatisticsPreviousCallDurationInSecs = 1.722605538
  59. [2019-10-22 18:10:27 MSK] <main> DBG-X: parameter TransporterArguments = -m verify -u -vp json -sessionid @env:D8941741-639A-4A64-8D21-DC649F22A09E -sharedsecret **hidden value** -itc_provider 5JZAMMY4R2 -f /var/folders/_l/dgh3f2mn2kjggb154zm3rw2m0000gn/T/E7E3DD2C-CE0D-4C98-A4FD-66297AD69E75/1480842324.itmsp -indicator true -v eXtreme -Dtransporter.client=TransporterApp -Dtransporter.client.version=1.1 (1165)
  60. [2019-10-22 18:10:27 MSK] <main> DBG-X: parameter Version = 2.0.0
  61. [2019-10-22 18:10:27 MSK] <main> DBG-X: parameter iTMSTransporterMode = verify
  62. [2019-10-22 18:10:27 MSK] <main> INFO: id = 20191022181027-861
  63. [2019-10-22 18:10:27 MSK] <main> INFO: iTMSTransporter Correlation Key: 557fd562-b078-429d-889a-d4fe5ff11d71-0001
  64. [2019-10-22 18:10:28 MSK] <main> DBG-X: Apple's web service operation return value:
  65. [2019-10-22 18:10:28 MSK] <main> DBG-X: parameter EnableJWTForAllCalls = false
  66. [2019-10-22 18:10:28 MSK] <main> DBG-X: parameter SessionExpiration = 2019-10-26T15:10:28.034Z
  67. [2019-10-22 18:10:28 MSK] <main> DBG-X: parameter MinimumFileSizeThresholdForCheckum = 104857600
  68. [2019-10-22 18:10:28 MSK] <main> DBG-X: parameter SoftwareMediaDescriptionFormat = binary
  69. [2019-10-22 18:10:28 MSK] <main> DBG-X: parameter SoftwareMediaDescriptionThresholds = {in-app-purchase-content={extensions=[pkg], size=100000000}, ccats={extensions=[pdf], size=100000000}, product-archive={extensions=[pkg], size=100000000}, developer-id-package={extensions=[zip, pkg, dmg], size=100000000}, bundle={extensions=[zip, ipa], size=100000000}, large-icon={extensions=[jpg, png, jpeg], size=100000000}}
  70. [2019-10-22 18:10:28 MSK] <main> DBG-X: parameter Success = true
  71. [2019-10-22 18:10:28 MSK] <main> DBG-X: parameter StreamingSettings = {LogStreamingEnabled=true, MultipartUploadsEnabled=true, AssetDescriptionStreamingEnabled=false}
  72. [2019-10-22 18:10:28 MSK] <main> DBG-X: parameter FilesToUpload = [metadata.xml, irr_0.2.3_153.ipa]
  73. [2019-10-22 18:10:28 MSK] <main> DBG-X: parameter AssetsToDescribe = [{Role=source, Filename=irr_0.2.3_153.ipa, ShouldDescribeAsset=true,}]
  74. [2019-10-22 18:10:28 MSK] <main> DBG-X: parameter CPUToken = fbbaa58e-71db-46af-b4e2-cd4bed29d426/1571757028414
  75. [2019-10-22 18:10:28 MSK] <main> DBG-X: parameter Checksums = {irr_0.2.3_153.ipa=03f30e697a17127f84228a1693a2a264}
  76. [2019-10-22 18:10:28 MSK] <main> DBG-X: parameter FileSizes = {irr_0.2.3_153.ipa=103493388}
  77. [2019-10-22 18:10:28 MSK] <main> DBG-X: parameter ProviderNameForToken = 5JZAMMY4R2
  78. [2019-10-22 18:10:28 MSK] <main> INFO: The asset replacement verification check is disabled.
  79. [2019-10-22 18:10:28 MSK] <main> INFO: Checking the file size of the files: [irr_0.2.3_153.ipa]
  80. [2019-10-22 18:10:28 MSK] <main> DBG-X: Checking the size of file: irr_0.2.3_153.ipa
  81. [2019-10-22 18:10:28 MSK] <main> INFO: Done checking the file sizes.
  82. [2019-10-22 18:10:28 MSK] <main> INFO: Checking the md5 checksum of the files: [irr_0.2.3_153.ipa]
  83. [2019-10-22 18:10:28 MSK] <main> DBG-X: Checking the MD5 checksum of file: irr_0.2.3_153.ipa
  84. [2019-10-22 18:10:29 MSK] <main> INFO: Done checking the md5 checksum.
  85. [2019-10-22 18:10:29 MSK] <main> INFO: Starting media analysis of assets
  86. [2019-10-22 18:10:29 MSK] <main> DEBUG: Handling asset: filename=irr_0.2.3_153.ipa,,role=source,describe=true
  87. [2019-10-22 18:10:29 MSK] <main> INFO: JSON:{"msg":{"phase":"Verify","count":3,"description":"Adding asset to analyze:","index":1,"asset":"irr_0.2.3_153.ipa"},"messageType":"VerifyProgress"}
  88. [2019-10-22 18:10:29 MSK] <main> DEBUG: Using container type tool name and version: iOS App Describer:1.26
  89. [2019-10-22 18:10:29 MSK] <main> DEBUG: Using path: /var/folders/_l/dgh3f2mn2kjggb154zm3rw2m0000gn/T/E7E3DD2C-CE0D-4C98-A4FD-66297AD69E75/1480842324.itmsp/irr_0.2.3_153.ipa
  90. [2019-10-22 18:10:42 MSK] <main> DBG-X: description length:0
  91. [2019-10-22 18:10:42 MSK] <main> DBG-X: Asset description:
  92. [2019-10-22 18:10:42 MSK] <main> DEBUG: Asset successfully described:$1@78010562
  93. [2019-10-22 18:10:42 MSK] <main> DBG-X: Deflated 539 bytes to 339
  94. [2019-10-22 18:10:42 MSK] <main> INFO: Asset media analysis has completed
  95. [2019-10-22 18:10:42 MSK] <main> DBG-X: Memory: [JVM] 1022M free, 1089M total, 1820M max [System] (Physical) 504M free, 16384M total (Swap) 1156M free, 2048M total
  96. [2019-10-22 18:10:42 MSK] <main> INFO: JSON:{"msg":{"phase":"Verify","count":3,"description":"Validating assets","index":2},"messageType":"VerifyProgress"}
  97. [2019-10-22 18:10:42 MSK] <main> DBG-X: Deflated 603 bytes to 440
  98. [2019-10-22 18:10:42 MSK] <main> DBG-X: Using operation named: validateAssets
  99. [2019-10-22 18:10:42 MSK] <main> DBG-X: Apple's web service operation input parameters:
  100. [2019-10-22 18:10:42 MSK] <main> DBG-X: parameter Application = iTMSTransporter
  101. [2019-10-22 18:10:42 MSK] <main> DBG-X: parameter BaseVersion = 1.13.0
  102. [2019-10-22 18:10:42 MSK] <main> DBG-X: parameter Client = TransporterApp
  103. [2019-10-22 18:10:42 MSK] <main> DBG-X: parameter ClientVersion = 1.1 (1165)
  104. [2019-10-22 18:10:42 MSK] <main> DBG-X: parameter DryRun = true
  105. [2019-10-22 18:10:42 MSK] <main> DBG-X: parameter Files = [metadata.xml, irr_0.2.3_153.ipa]
  106. [2019-10-22 18:10:42 MSK] <main> DBG-X: parameter ItcProviderName = 5JZAMMY4R2
  107. [2019-10-22 18:10:42 MSK] <main> DBG-X: parameter MetadataChecksum = eced56387a1c896239680334574fba5d
  108. [2019-10-22 18:10:42 MSK] <main> DBG-X: parameter MetadataCompressed = (suppressed)
  109. [2019-10-22 18:10:42 MSK] <main> DBG-X: parameter OSIdentifier = Mac OS X 10.15 (x86_64); jvm=25.71-b02; jre=1.8.0-u131-b11-iTMSTransporter-b02
  110. [2019-10-22 18:10:42 MSK] <main> DBG-X: parameter PackageName = 1480842324.itmsp
  111. [2019-10-22 18:10:42 MSK] <main> DBG-X: parameter PackageSize = 103493991
  112. [2019-10-22 18:10:42 MSK] <main> DBG-X: parameter StatisticsClientStartDateTimeZoneISO = 2019-10-22T18:10:42+03:00
  113. [2019-10-22 18:10:42 MSK] <main> DBG-X: parameter StreamingInfoList = [file: 7d8800c2-756e-4aa9-83fa-f0d08a9187c46053081524312239103.swinfo.plist.gz, content-length: 61661, content-type: application/binary, MD5: 0ca00eb35833f9dcaa4a6527cbe8952a]
  114. [2019-10-22 18:10:42 MSK] <main> DBG-X: parameter TransporterArguments = -m verify -u -vp json -sessionid @env:D8941741-639A-4A64-8D21-DC649F22A09E -sharedsecret **hidden value** -itc_provider 5JZAMMY4R2 -f /var/folders/_l/dgh3f2mn2kjggb154zm3rw2m0000gn/T/E7E3DD2C-CE0D-4C98-A4FD-66297AD69E75/1480842324.itmsp -indicator true -v eXtreme -Dtransporter.client=TransporterApp -Dtransporter.client.version=1.1 (1165)
  115. [2019-10-22 18:10:42 MSK] <main> DBG-X: parameter Version = 2.0.0
  116. [2019-10-22 18:10:42 MSK] <main> DBG-X: parameter iTMSTransporterMode = verify
  117. [2019-10-22 18:10:42 MSK] <main> INFO: id = 20191022181042-387
  118. [2019-10-22 18:10:42 MSK] <main> INFO: iTMSTransporter Correlation Key: 557fd562-b078-429d-889a-d4fe5ff11d71-0001
  119. [2019-10-22 18:10:46 MSK] <main> DBG-X: Apple's web service operation return value:
  120. [2019-10-22 18:10:46 MSK] <main> DBG-X: parameter EnableJWTForAllCalls = false
  121. [2019-10-22 18:10:46 MSK] <main> DBG-X: parameter MinimumFileSizeThresholdForCheckum = 104857600
  122. [2019-10-22 18:10:46 MSK] <main> DBG-X: parameter SoftwareMediaDescriptionFormat = binary
  123. [2019-10-22 18:10:46 MSK] <main> DBG-X: parameter RestartClient = false
  124. [2019-10-22 18:10:46 MSK] <main> DBG-X: parameter SoftwareMediaDescriptionThresholds = {in-app-purchase-content={extensions=[pkg], size=100000000}, ccats={extensions=[pdf], size=100000000}, product-archive={extensions=[pkg], size=100000000}, developer-id-package={extensions=[zip, pkg, dmg], size=100000000}, bundle={extensions=[zip, ipa], size=100000000}, large-icon={extensions=[jpg, png, jpeg], size=100000000}}
  125. [2019-10-22 18:10:46 MSK] <main> DBG-X: parameter Success = false
  126. [2019-10-22 18:10:46 MSK] <main> DBG-X: parameter Errors = [ERROR ITMS-90161: "Invalid Provisioning Profile. The provisioning profile included in the bundle com.rmg.irr [Payload/] is invalid. [Missing code-signing certificate]. A Distribution Provisioning profile should be used when submitting apps to the App Store. For more information, visit the iOS Developer Portal."]
  127. [2019-10-22 18:10:46 MSK] <main> DBG-X: parameter FilesToUpload = [metadata.xml, irr_0.2.3_153.ipa]
  128. [2019-10-22 18:10:46 MSK] <main> DBG-X: parameter AssetsToDescribe = [{Role=source, Filename=irr_0.2.3_153.ipa, ShouldDescribeAsset=true,}]
  129. [2019-10-22 18:10:46 MSK] <main> DBG-X: parameter Checksums = {irr_0.2.3_153.ipa=03f30e697a17127f84228a1693a2a264}
  130. [2019-10-22 18:10:46 MSK] <main> DBG-X: parameter FileSizes = {irr_0.2.3_153.ipa=103493388}
  131. [2019-10-22 18:10:46 MSK] <main> DBG-X: parameter ErrorCode = 1102
  132. [2019-10-22 18:10:46 MSK] <main> DBG-X: parameter ErrorMessage = ERROR ITMS-90161: "Invalid Provisioning Profile. The provisioning profile included in the bundle com.rmg.irr [Payload/] is invalid. [Missing code-signing certificate]. A Distribution Provisioning profile should be used when submitting apps to the App Store. For more information, visit the iOS Developer Portal.
  133. (1102)
  134. [2019-10-22 18:10:46 MSK] <main> ERROR: ERROR ITMS-90161: "Invalid Provisioning Profile. The provisioning profile included in the bundle com.rmg.irr [Payload/] is invalid. [Missing code-signing certificate]. A Distribution Provisioning profile should be used when submitting apps to the App Store. For more information, visit the iOS Developer Portal."
  135. [2019-10-22 18:10:46 MSK] <main> DBG-X: The error code is: 1102
  136. [2019-10-22 18:10:46 MSK] <main> INFO: JSON:{"msg":{"phase":"Verify","count":3,"description":"Operation failed","index":3},"messageType":"VerifyProgress"}
  137. [2019-10-22 18:10:46 MSK] <main> DBG-X: Returning 1
  142. Package Summary:
  144. 1 package(s) were not verified because they had problems:
  145. /var/folders/_l/dgh3f2mn2kjggb154zm3rw2m0000gn/T/E7E3DD2C-CE0D-4C98-A4FD-66297AD69E75/1480842324.itmsp - Error Messages:
  146. ERROR ITMS-90161: "Invalid Provisioning Profile. The provisioning profile included in the bundle com.rmg.irr [Payload/] is invalid. [Missing code-signing certificate]. A Distribution Provisioning profile should be used when submitting apps to the App Store. For more information, visit the iOS Developer Portal."
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