
Story it SAD

Jun 13th, 2019
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  1. warn("the story bai")
  3. print([[
  4. FE2 Familiar Ruins Bakcstory:
  6. One nice day during summer time, somewhere far, far away. It was a hidden facility. Scientist were try to figure out a very powerful weapon for ROBLOX. Then after a few weeks they realize a mixture of Crazy's hat, the FE water, builderman's shirt, and also Shedletsky's chicken. Then one day the admins came together to the ROBLOX headquarters...
  8. CrazyBlox "oops my hat"
  9. Shedletsky "yum chicken"
  10. builderman "dude guys, we need to improve ROBLOX FE so more people will play it"
  11. CrazyBlox "I agree"
  12. ROBLOX"huh?"
  13. Crazy,builder man,and shedletsky, looked out the window.
  14. CrazyBlox "must be some glitch around he-"
  16. Then the ROBLOXian's gear suddenly reacted to the FE water.
  17. CrazyBlox "ummmmmmmmm....."
  19. After a few minutes the reaction got so strong it blew up...
  20. "ka-BOOOOOOOOOM"
  21. It was so strong that it reach the FE lobby.Traveling fast. Many were harmed but none died. The survivors left and helped Crazy build FE2. Days and days of handwork they made a safe game which is now called Flood Escape 2. They made a very dangerous portal and called the destroyed map : Familiar Ruins. They made the lobby music to honor the old wrecked FE map.
  24. 3 month later
  25. "oof"
  26. "uuh"
  27. "oof"
  28. Many ROBLOXians died inside the map while visiting it. Crazy figured he called something "Insane" for it's insanity and the extreme lava it has. After many weeks the scienctist's lab was abandoned and became dangerous too. It was now called Abandoned Facilty.
  29. ]])
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