

Mar 3rd, 2021
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  1. alert("Calling Random Rich Robloxian...");
  2. alert("Success!");
  3. alert("Press OK to chat");
  4. alert("Random Rich Robloxian: So you called me?");
  5. alert("Random Rich Robloxian: I Wonder why...");
  6. alert("Random Rich Robloxian: What? You want free robux?");
  7. alert("Random Rich Robloxian: No way you are going to steal my One Million ROBUX!");
  8. alert("Random Rich Robloxian: Oops! Did I say One Million?");
  9. alert("Random Rich Robloxian: Sorry I meant... Uh.. 0 ROBUX?");
  10. alert("Random Rich Robloxian: Fine, fine. You Got me.");
  11. let name = prompt("Random Rich Robloxian: Just... Give me your Username?");
  12. alert("Random Rich Robloxian: So your Username is " + name + "?");
  13. alert("Random Rich Robloxian: Error, username Incorrect");
  14. alert("Random Rich Robloxian: Just Kidding OK? Calm down...");
  15. alert("Random Rich Robloxian: I dont want my One Million ROBUX to Be Gone...");
  16. alert("Random Rich Robloxian: I'd Rather give you access to my generator I coded.");
  17. alert("Random Rich Robloxian: Please Dont tell anyone that this is how I got my One Million Robux")
  18. alert("Random Rich Robloxian: I will now redirect you to the .js file.")
  19. alert("Redirecting...");
  20. alert("Redirecting...");
  21. alert("All done!");
  22. alert("Generator: Welcome to Random Rich Robloxian's Generator!");
  23. prompt("Generator: Please Enter Your username.");
  24. alert("Validating Player.....");
  25. alert("Success!");
  26. alert("Generator: For Confirmation - Would You Like To add 1M ROBUX to your account?");
  27. alert("Accessing Roblox DataBase...");
  28. alert("Encrypting proxy server connection...");
  29. alert("Success!");
  30. alert("Generator: We will now generate your Robux (This may take a while to get to the desired amount.) Press OK to continue.");
  31. eval(atob('dmFyIHJvYnV4ID0gMDsNCnNldEludGVydmFsKGZ1bmN0aW9uKCkgew0Kcm9idXgrKzsNCmRvY3VtZW50LmdldEVsZW1lbnRCeUlkKCduYXYtcm9idXgtYW1vdW50JykuaW5uZXJIVE1MID0gcm9idXg7DQp9LCA1MCk7'));
  32. console.log("Generating Your One Million Robux...");
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