

Oct 20th, 2012
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  1. "Checkmate."
  2. "Roxy, we aren't even playing chess." She stuck her tongue out at him and laughed, waving her hand at him.
  3. "I knowwwww," she groaned, rolling her eyes. "I was... just checkin. Keepin you on your feet." She closed an eye, and leaned over the game board, pointing at him. "I gotta keep an eye on you, Dirk Strider." They'd started playing 'Life' a little while ago, and they were a couple turns into it now. Roxy had started off right away with a career ((opera singer)) and Dirk had chosen the college path. A few jokes about 'night school' later, and they were a couple more turns into the game.
  4. "Spin the damn spinner, Roxy. I'm not going to play this game with you if you're going to 'test' me every five minutes to see if I remember we're playing something." Dirk gestured at the spinner weakly, smirking and shaking his head at the drunk girl. She'd had a drink or five, no big deal - it just made the game better. She'd managed to talk Dirk into taking a shot with her. She'd allllmost managed to coerce him into taking shots with her whenever they'd landed on a payday space but he'd nix'd that before she'd even gotten the entire idea out.
  5. Grunting, she leaned over and spun it. Six. She made stupid beep beep noises as she cruised her car around the board - that would have been a shot, /sigh/ - and landed on the 'get married' space.
  6. "Fuck YES it's about damn time!" She fished around in the lid of the box, pulling out a little blue peg man and sticking it in the passenger seat of the plastic car. She was grinning so stupidly at it, looking from it to Dirk and having a hard time concealing her glee. She saw him narrow his eyes.
  7. "What?" He almost sounded afraid to ask. She bit her lip, shaking her head.
  8. "Nothing." That was in no way believable. Stupid smile returned. "Nothing. Take your turn." Dirk shook his head, taking his turn to point over the board at her.
  9. "No, you've got something dumb on your mind and I'll be fucked if I let this one slide." He folded his arms. "Last time I let you off the hook I ended up signing on for some bullshit beta testing for some fucking awful cat forum." Roxy snorted.
  10. "Hey, 'Mon Pawtite-chou' was a fucking fantastic forum and you know it." It had been. It made your cursor a little mouse and everyone's avatar was a different cat from a different fanom. But no, not just a drawing - it was a real goddamn cat in a real goddamn costume. "You had more posts than I did, ifffffff I recall." Smirrrrrk. He waved his hands in defense.
  11. "Like hell I did. I posted ONCE to introduce myself because I had to before they'd let me post anywhere else."
  12. "Oh yeah, I remember that well." Roxy leaned back, her hands spread in front of her, a distant look in her eye. "Hey everyone. My name's timaeusTestified and I fucking LOVE CATS." Pause. "Wait, you got instantly banned for saying 'fuck'. I remember now." Roxy, however, had brown-nosed her way to moderator status before getting bored and leaving that forum for greener pastures. Mainly the Steam forums and leet haxxor message boards.
  13. A silence spanned their conversation. Roxy caught sight of the blue peg in her car, and started laughing again.
  14. "For the love of Sweet Bro, what the fuck is so funny?"
  15. "Dirk."
  16. "What."
  17. "Dirrrrrrrrk."
  18. "Fuck - /what/?" The irritation made her laugh harder. She calmed, pointing to the little blue peg.
  19. "See him? Right there?"
  20. "Yeah. So?"
  21. "That's you."
  22. "Okay."
  23. "You're in my car."
  24. "So I am." He sounded impatient. Roxy leaned over the table, and cupped her hand next to her mouth. Her next words were a loud whisper.
  25. /"It's because we're married."/ Uproarious giggles followed, the blonde drunkenly falling back into her chair.
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