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- import json
- import os
- import re
- import shutil
- import subprocess
- import zipfile
- from datetime import datetime
- from pathlib import Path
- import pandas as pd
- import requests
- import openpyxl
- # make a pathlib folder to the user
- user_folder = Path.home()
- # set path to data folder: \The Data City\The Data City - Documents\Projects\HVMC\Data\CIC
- if not == 'posix':
- data_folder = user_folder / "The Data City" / "The Data City - Documents" / "Projects" / "HVMC" / "Data" / "Directory" / "CIC"
- else:
- data_folder = user_folder / "Library" / "CloudStorage" / "OneDrive-SharedLibraries-TheDataCity" / "The Data City - Documents" / "Projects" / "HVMC" / "Directory" / "Data" / "CIC"
- # Read in all SIC codes
- with open(data_folder / "SICCodesOfInterest.txt", "r") as f:
- sic_codes = [line.strip() for line in f]
- # if already exists then delete it and delete the SICData folder
- if (data_folder / "").exists():
- print(" already exists, deleting...")
- (data_folder / "").unlink()
- print(" deleted...")
- if (data_folder / "SICData").exists():
- print("SICData folder already exists, deleting...")
- shutil.rmtree(data_folder / "SICData")
- print("SICData folder deleted...")
- # Make the request to the server to download the data
- # serialise the json
- json_to_send = json.dumps({"SelectedSICs": sic_codes, "ReturnCount": 10000000, "DownloadFormat": "csv", "PreFilter": {"OnlyCompaniesWithWebsites": True, "OnlyManufacturingCompanies": True}})
- print("Making request to server...")
- req =, data=json_to_send)
- print("Request made to server...")
- r_json = req.json()
- download_url = r_json["Download_URL"]
- # download the data
- print("Downloading data...")
- r = requests.get(f"https://server{current_month}{current_year[2:]}" + download_url)
- print("Data downloaded...")
- # write the data to an excel file and then read it in
- with open(data_folder / "", "wb") as f:
- f.write(r.content)
- # extract the zip file and output to a folder called SICData
- print("Extracting data...")
- file_to_get = str(data_folder / "")
- # patoolib.extract_archive(str(data_folder / ""), outdir=str(data_folder / "SICData"))
- # result =['unar', '-o', 'SICData', file_to_get], capture_output=True, text=True)
- with zipfile.ZipFile(data_folder / "", 'r') as zip_ref:
- zip_ref.extractall(data_folder / "SICData")
- print("Data extracted...")
- df = pd.read_csv(data_folder / "SICData" / "companieslist_financialsColumnLayout_.csv",
- usecols=["Companynumber", "Description", "SICs"], dtype={"Companynumber": str, "Description": str,
- "SICs": str})
- # read in excel file
- df2 = pd.read_excel(data_folder / "70100 list with keywords to remove.xlsx",
- sheet_name="Sheet1", engine="openpyxl", header=1)
- keywords = df2["Description"].tolist()
- keywords = [str(kw) for kw in keywords]
- # if the keyword ends in a * then remove the * and replace it in the list
- keywords = [kw.replace("*", "") if kw.endswith("*") else kw for kw in keywords]
- # strip the keywords of whitespace
- keywords = [kw.strip() for kw in keywords]
- # remove any words inside brackets and the contents of the brackets
- keywords = [re.sub(r'\s*\(.*?\)\s*', '', word) for word in keywords]
- # if 70100 in SICs and description contains any of the keywords then remove, ignore if the description is nan
- df = df[~((df["SICs"].str.contains("70100")) & (df["Description"].str.contains("|".join(keywords), na=False)))]
- all_company_numbers = df.Companynumber.tolist()
- # Read in all RTIC codes
- with open(data_folder / "RTICCodesOfInterest.txt", "r") as f:
- rtic_codes = [line.strip() for line in f]
- print("Getting RTIC data...")
- r = requests.get("")
- r_json = r.json()
- print("RTIC data retrieved...")
- filtered_result = [d for d in r_json if d['code'] in rtic_codes]
- all_rtic_company_numbers = []
- for rtic in filtered_result:
- for vertical in rtic["verticals"]:
- all_rtic_company_numbers += vertical["companies"]
- all_rtic_company_numbers = list(set(all_rtic_company_numbers))
- all_company_numbers = all_company_numbers + all_rtic_company_numbers
- all_company_numbers = list(set(all_company_numbers))
- # Read in CompaniesToRemove.txt and zfill
- with open(data_folder / "CompaniesToRemove.txt", "r") as f:
- companies_to_remove = [line.strip().zfill(8) for line in f]
- companies_to_remove_set = set(companies_to_remove)
- # Filter out unwanted company numbers in one go
- all_company_numbers = [number for number in all_company_numbers if number not in companies_to_remove_set]
- # add company numbers
- with open(data_folder / "CompaniestoAdd.txt", "r") as f:
- companies_to_add = [line.strip() for line in f]
- all_company_numbers += companies_to_add
- with open(data_folder / "HVMC_AllCompanyNumbers.txt",
- "w") as f:
- for number in all_company_numbers:
- f.write(number + "\n")
- with open("HVMC_AllCompanyNumbers.txt", "w") as f:
- for number in all_company_numbers:
- f.write(number + "\n")
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