
Kalos' Games #spacecopsic 11/3/2017

Nov 3rd, 2017
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  1. DiscoDude: **---BEGIN SESSION---**
  2. DiscoDude: **Session logging commenced**
  3. Kalos: last time, everyone went to space typhoon harbor
  4. Amoni Steeltower: (Cyril was VR looking at arrested ppl?)
  5. Kalos: Keith got a job
  6. Amoni Steeltower: (And new code)
  7. Kalos: and Cyril did some hacking
  8. Kalos: I believe the hacking happened late in the night
  10. Amoni Steeltower: (^^^)
  11. Kalos: after everyone has gotten space chlorine poisoning from all of the sick ass water park fluids
  12. Amoni Steeltower: (lol)
  13. Kalos: What now, boys and girls and others?
  14. Miri: (death by **BLUE FAMILY RECREATION WATER**)
  15. Kalos: also today, on the news, presented to you by news shortener bot:
  16. Amoni Steeltower: (news plz!)
  17. Kalos: -A family of fairly important political people were revealed to be connected to a slavery ring
  18. Kalos: -THere is for some reason a news story on the former President of the Galactic council enjoying a vacation.
  19. Kalos: nothing happens in the news story
  20. Kalos: that's just it
  21. Keith: _Keith checks **where** the vacation is being taken._
  22. Kalos: -There's also something about miniaturizing plasma weapons and pure fusion bombs again
  23. Cyril: Nice
  24. Amoni Steeltower: Amoni wakes up the following morning and contact Cyril
  26. "Good morning Cyril, you had a nice VR sleep?"
  27. Keith: "Cyril, now that you have access again..."
  28. Keith: "There's the... Hospital thing you saw..."
  29. Keith: "Can you check which doctor was going to be a part on that?"
  30. Cyril: "Oh, right, they were gonna slice you up. I'll see if there's any info, but it's probably all faked."
  31. Keith: "Well."
  32. Keith: "They do have employees involved."
  33. Keith: "It might be an actual doctor that was going to do that."
  34. Amoni Steeltower: "Victor or Cyril, could either of you find a list of known criminals inside of the ship? I think if we can find someone that is apart of the ships 'underground' we can squeeze some information out of them."
  35. Amoni Steeltower: "If you can find any known gangs, that would be even better."
  36. Amoni Steeltower: "Oh, also look to see if there were two job resignitions that match the physical discription of the criminals who attempted to capture keith. If they were apart of the law on board of this ship there is s chance they would have resigned to dissapear and prevent being seen by keith."
  37. Amoni Steeltower: "Basically, look for recent let offs in the police stations"
  38. Amoni Steeltower: Amoni goes to the phone and orders breakfast
  39. Amoni Steeltower: (Is <@!Keith> at work today?)
  40. Keith: (I think so)
  41. Amoni Steeltower: (k)
  42. Amoni Steeltower: Orders herself a 'Intergalactic Hearty Breakfast' and asks Rylex what they want
  43. Amoni Steeltower: <@!Keith> "Hey Ry, whats ya want?"
  44. Kalos: Rylex perks up
  45. Kalos: "What?" in buggo clicks
  46. Amoni Steeltower: "Breakfast, whats ya want?"
  47. Cyril: (Amoni, did we have "physical descriptions" of the people? I thought they were in full armor and everything)
  48. Amoni Steeltower: (We got faces)
  49. Amoni Steeltower: (in refelctions)
  50. Amoni Steeltower: (inside the armory?)
  51. Amoni Steeltower: (you ***ENHANCED***)
  52. Amoni Steeltower: (And got their faces)
  53. Kalos: not too much for physical descriptions past their armor
  54. Amoni Steeltower: (both)
  55. Amoni Steeltower: (height?)
  56. Amoni Steeltower: (height)
  57. Kalos: height too.
  58. Amoni Steeltower: <@Kalos> "They got a waffle stack with a side of bacon..."
  59. Kalos: vague weights
  60. Amoni Steeltower: "Or are you on a diet Rylex? They got a fruit basket."
  61. Amoni Steeltower: "Also something here thats like, free of everything."
  62. Amoni Steeltower: "Gluten, Lactose, etc"
  63. Kalos: "I don't know what either of those things are. get me meat."
  64. Amoni Steeltower: "K"
  65. Amoni Steeltower: Orders the 'Meat Lovers Supreme Breakfast'
  66. Amoni Steeltower: Waits for food to arrive/response from allies
  67. Kalos: food is delivered pretty promptly
  68. Kalos: the portions are larger than you expect
  69. Amoni Steeltower: "Mmm, sweet!" Grabs platter from the ~~hover~~ trolly and waves the maid by
  71. "Thanks!"
  72. Kalos: its just a regular trolly. it aint THAT luxury!
  73. Kalos: the Avali deliveryman hovers for a tip for a bit
  74. Amoni Steeltower: Gives tip of 20%
  75. Amoni Steeltower: "Here you go"
  76. Kalos: they take it and leave prompty. Rylex takes their portion and begins to ~~RIP AND TEAR~~ eat
  77. Amoni Steeltower: Amoni is *slightly* taken a back at Rylexs furocity when eating
  78. Kalos: "What?"
  79. Amoni Steeltower: (they are an Avali right?)
  80. Amoni Steeltower: (I don't think I'm wrong)
  81. Kalos: Yea. they're an avali.
  82. Kalos: THey just *talk* like a species of bug people from somewhere far off
  83. Amoni Steeltower: "Just never seen anything wolf down that much at once"
  84. Kalos: cause they were raised among them
  85. Amoni Steeltower: (Ah)
  86. Amoni Steeltower: (I, nor Amoni know there backstory yet)
  87. Amoni Steeltower: (So maybe I'll ask...)
  88. Amoni Steeltower: "So... whats with the clicking?"
  89. Amoni Steeltower: "I haven't known an Avali to click when they talk"
  90. Amoni Steeltower: Slices pancake open, stuffing it into the small syrup bowl on the side of her plate.
  91. Amoni Steeltower: Promptly eats said slice
  92. Kalos: "Oh- I guess I forgot to tell ya- I was born on Chanjia- and adopted." they wipe their mouth
  93. Amoni Steeltower: (brb, keep talking)
  94. Kalos: "They're some insectoid people who live in the galactic rim, near the northeast. we moved somewhere into narirela like 10 years ago when my dad got work."
  95. Kalos: "You know, avali used to hunt whales, by dive bombing with spears in tribal times?"
  96. Keith: (Holy shit)
  97. Adem Nineball: (holy shit[2])
  98. Amoni Steeltower: "Huh, no I didn't"
  99. Amoni Steeltower: "Thats rather interesting"
  100. Kalos: "Yea neither did I till like two weeks ago."
  101. Kalos: "I saw it on a documentary!"
  102. Amoni Steeltower: "Wow, so you've been rather shelterd from your own kind then."
  103. Kalos: (which in context. may or may not have been a VR whaling game)
  104. Kalos: "I mean, what did whatever you are do in tribal times? do you even know?"
  105. Kalos: "I don't think most people do."
  106. Amoni Steeltower: "Well believe it or not, I was born human!"
  107. Amoni Steeltower: "So the only information I know is of the legends that float around now-a-days."
  108. Amoni Steeltower: "That all man kind originated on some old rock thats now been long obliterated"
  109. Kalos: he blinks a couple times at that information.
  110. Kalos: "I thought that was all martian cartoon stuff."
  111. Amoni Steeltower: "eh, well I think some of it holds a merit of truth"
  112. Amoni Steeltower: (Is there an astroid belt where earth was?)
  113. Kalos: (Yep.)
  114. Amoni Steeltower: "If you look at where Mars is, there are two Asteroid Belts. At some point **one** of them had to have been a planet right?"
  115. Kalos: "I mean, lots of places have more than one asteroid belt."
  116. Kalos: "But I guess I could believe it?"
  117. Amoni Steeltower: "Well, belts like that are normally the remanents of old planets that were taken out by planet killers"
  118. Amoni Steeltower: "Anyways, as far as I'm aware we were probably a trible group at *some* point"
  119. Kalos: "another one bites the dust, huh?"
  120. Amoni Steeltower: "Anyways, as far as I'm aware we were probably a trible group at *some* point"
  121. Kalos: "Seems a lot of species lose their homeworlds, the more you think about it all."
  122. Kalos: "Ausfter's gone- most people know that one."
  123. Kalos: "Not-Mars, if it's real, is gone."
  124. Amoni Steeltower: "Yeah, the universe works in strange ways."
  125. Amoni Steeltower: "... wonder how moms doing..."
  126. Kalos: "Say that again. DId you just say 'i wish to know how explosions fare"?"
  127. Amoni Steeltower: "Uh, sorry mind wondered off"
  128. Amoni Steeltower: "And I said, 'Universe works in strange ways'"
  129. Kalos: he shrugs. "Well, Anything I can help with today? I think I was just going to sit around."
  130. Amoni Steeltower: "Well, I haven't gotten anything back from the others..."
  131. Amoni Steeltower: Contacts Cyril
  132. Amoni Steeltower: "Hey, <@!Cyril> you got anything interesting?"
  133. Cyril: "I'm going to go talk with the doctor we found, with Keith and Miri."
  134. Amoni Steeltower: "You found something interesting about him?"
  135. Cyril: "Not yet, we're going to find out if he's connected to the attackers."
  136. Kalos: Rylex butts in: *"Can I do something? maybe just stand watch somewhere?"*
  137. Keith: "If I may be part of the conversation"
  138. Keith: "I think it would kinda clue stuff in if they saw me going to the doctor, if he's indeed guilty... Why not Rylex instead?"
  139. Amoni Steeltower: "Yeah, bring Rylex and not Keith"
  140. Amoni Steeltower: "Prevent suscpicion"
  141. Kalos: "What do you want me to do exactly? There was like, one paragraph on interrogation in the manual.."
  142. Miri: ("Have Miri show up in a bikini and beat him senseless. With any luck that will confuse him into spilling *everything.*")
  143. Adem Nineball: Adem -Too- butts in via comms "You guys doing something? I think i can't keep counting Victor's supplies"
  144. Keith: "Well, we don't have him on an interrogation room... You'll have to act *social*."
  145. Amoni Steeltower: "I have faith in you guys"
  146. Amoni Steeltower: "Rylex, you have a gun?"
  147. Kalos: Ry: "i'm not very good at- No."
  148. Kalos: Ry: "Why would I have a gun?"
  149. Amoni Steeltower: "Incase shit goes south, here..."
  150. Amoni Steeltower: "Passes stun rifle"
  151. Keith: "In this line of work, one should always have a gun, unless that would cause problems."
  152. Amoni Steeltower: "I bought if for myself but I got a force pistol"
  153. Cyril: (So the plan is: Amoni and Keith will stay here because Keith can't show up if the doctor knows about the whole abduction deal. Cyril and Miri will question/deck the doctor, Adem will stay around as security, my idea was that Rylex could sort of patrol the area to keep watch in case the doctor calls for help- That way if the attackers arrive we won't be surprised)
  154. Adem Nineball: "I brought my gauss too, but this Batons might as well do the job"
  155. Amoni Steeltower: "Lose the pistol, any illeagal firearms will only bring trouble"
  156. Amoni Steeltower: "Bring stun or force weapons"
  157. Cyril: "...Anyone want some tangler grenades?" :D
  158. Amoni Steeltower: "Does someone have a stun pistol they could give to Rylex?"
  159. Cyril: "I've got force."
  160. Keith: "I have two force you've gave me."
  161. Kalos: Ry: "wait so... you guys want to interrogate someone you think is in cahoots with the whole security thing."
  162. Cyril: "Yep."
  163. Kalos: "What're you gonna do if he just calls for help?"
  164. Amoni Steeltower: "Do we have anything we can usea as a jammer?"
  165. Cyril: "Well, not really interrogate, just... Scope out."
  166. Adem Nineball: "Im gonna beat whoever shows up"
  167. Amoni Steeltower: "Also, do we have any drugs to knock them out afterwards?"
  168. Cyril: "I think the bigger issue is, we'd be in trouble if the doctor just calls for actual ship security. We could fight bad guys, we can't fight the legitimate crew."
  169. Adem Nineball: "Im itching to test my weapons...*heh*"
  170. Amoni Steeltower: "Yeah, we need to make this isolated"
  171. Amoni Steeltower: "And you'll be on a timer"
  172. Kalos: Ry: "you could just shoot them in the face with a stunner maybe before they get a message out... and find a faraday cage?"
  173. Amoni Steeltower: "You won't have all day to get information out of them."
  174. Kalos: "if you really want to interrogate."
  175. Kalos: "that was like sentence 2 in the paragraph."
  176. Amoni Steeltower: (IN the Paragraph?)
  177. Amoni Steeltower: (Um, meta?)
  178. Amoni Steeltower: ( 😛 )
  179. Cyril: "They might not be connected to the attackers though, and punching a legitimate doctor sounds like it would cause more problems for us. We've already had people get put in the brig."
  180. Amoni Steeltower: (Oh, booklet)
  181. Cyril: (Yeah, should we figure out what we're going to ask this doctor? Or should we just get into the action? :B )
  182. Amoni Steeltower: (What we're asking)
  183. Amoni Steeltower: (So, you think he's connected because he may have done the surgeries?)
  184. Cyril: (I was gonna say we should start with something like "hey what's up with this weird canceled surgery with your name on it" but we're not supposed to know about that)
  185. Kalos: ( can skip and begin with you finding them wherever they are once you all decided on a plan)
  186. Amoni Steeltower: (KK)
  187. Cyril: (We could pretend to be friends of the person who was getting their brain transplanted, and act all worried like, "hey what's up our friend's surgery was canceled")
  188. Cyril: (Technically it's true lmao)
  189. Amoni Steeltower: (yeaaah)
  190. Amoni Steeltower: (But this could also raise questions, like how do we know this?)
  191. Amoni Steeltower: (If he knows the truth, he will be questioning)
  192. Miri: (at which point Miri will break his arms)
  193. Cyril: (If the doctor knows the truth, it'll be obvious, and we can deck em)
  194. Cyril: (yeah lmao)
  195. Adem Nineball: (Why wouldn't you know your friend, who "really needed the surgery" was to be operated today? a little white lie can't hurt....)
  196. Amoni Steeltower: (But we can only get away with this in a none public area)
  197. Cyril: (True, where should we try to catch them?)
  198. Amoni Steeltower: (Hes in the hospital and you deck him)
  199. Amoni Steeltower: (That'll work well)
  200. Amoni Steeltower: (Punch them in a bar, cops will get called cuz of a bar fight)
  201. Amoni Steeltower: (Can't talk to him in a bar fight either)
  202. Adem Nineball: (Or we go full Mafia)
  203. Amoni Steeltower: (Punch him in a recrational area? Cops)
  204. Adem Nineball: (and corner him in a dark alley)
  205. Amoni Steeltower: (Public space? Cops.)
  206. Amoni Steeltower: (How tho?)
  207. Cyril: (We could just talk in a public area, but there's like four of us, we're very intimidating)
  208. Amoni Steeltower: (We *could* make our own alley)
  209. Cyril: (If the doctor leaves we can follow them on the camera)
  210. Cyril: (Then pounce once nobody's around)
  211. Amoni Steeltower: (Cameras turning off would be suspicious for the AI, but Victor may be able to get it to ignore us?)
  212. Keith: (Also, what excuse we will use to meet the good doctor?)
  213. Keith: (That would not give us away?)
  214. Cyril: (We're asking why our friend's surgery was canceled :B )
  215. Miri: (well, Miri could try to charm him into going somewhere private XD)
  216. Cyril: (pff maybe)
  217. Adem Nineball: (Read my idea above, you were in a very dire need of brain surgery to improve your housekeeping abilities :P)
  218. Amoni Steeltower: (Yeah, front desk won't bea problem)
  219. Amoni Steeltower: (Telling front desk this lie shouldn't harm us, its telling him the lie that could be bad)
  220. Cyril: (So, if the doctor is working with the attackers and knows we're lying, that'd be good for us- It'd immediately be obvious that they're the Bad Guy)
  221. Cyril: (If they aren't working with the attackers, they'll probably wonder why their name was registered in that surgery and maybe be able to help us)
  222. Amoni Steeltower: (but we would still need to corner him/)
  223. Adem Nineball: (its a win/win scenario)
  224. Amoni Steeltower: (If that corner is made by us, we need to figure out how to make it)
  225. Adem Nineball: (else Miri Turns it into a Win(us)/Lose(them) scenario)
  226. Cyril: (I think one person should approach not-intimidatingly and ask some questions, if the doctor leaves, we use the cameras to follow and stay out of sight)
  227. Cyril: (Then `interrogate`)
  228. Kalos: (miri was suggesting catching them off-duty and applying sex-appeal, I think )
  229. Amoni Steeltower: (Off duty could work)
  230. Amoni Steeltower: (Tho do we know if they're married?)
  231. Cyril: (I'll check SpaceBook)
  232. Amoni Steeltower: (k)
  233. Cyril: (Roll research? :B )
  234. Amoni Steeltower: ( <@Kalos> ^^^)
  235. Adem Nineball: ~~(do we know if the Doc is even into furries though?)~~
  236. Amoni Steeltower: (The universe is full of aliens)
  237. Amoni Steeltower: (I think beings are a bit more liberal)
  238. Amoni Steeltower: (its like exotic amazons)
  239. Kalos: Space book research roll
  240. Amoni Steeltower: (With ~~thicc~~ thick thighs)
  241. Adem Nineball: (Fair point)
  242. Cyril: (So we'll check the spacebook- If this doctor is unmarried and has a lot of pictures on their profile that would suggest being into catborgs, Miri can apply sex appeal, otherwise we can jsut talk)
  243. Cyril: !groll 15
  244. DiscoDude: <@Cyril> rolled 13 (degree 2; success)
  245. Amoni Steeltower: (The last part isn't really required)
  246. Kalos: !roll 1d3 1= maries 2= single 3 = *recently* single.
  247. DiscoDude: <@Kalos> rolled 1d3 for 3 [1d3 = 3] ; 1 for 1 [] maries; 2 for 2 [] single; 3 for 3 [] = *recently* single.
  248. Amoni Steeltower: (High enough sex roll, you could prob get it to work)
  249. Miri: (i realize she literally does not have that on her sheet)
  250. Kalos: (whoop!)
  251. Cyril: (Uh oh)
  252. Kalos: (you can try anyway, especially if she has appearance)
  253. Cyril: (But does she, as a character, think she'll be good at it :B )
  254. Miri: (nope there, too)
  255. Miri: (sorry, i'd been saving up these points for other stuff XD)
  256. Amoni Steeltower: (So, just engaged or unengaged?)
  257. Amoni Steeltower: (Divorce)
  258. Amoni Steeltower: (derp)
  259. Kalos: !roll 1d2
  260. DiscoDude: <@Kalos> rolled 1d2 for 1 [1d2 = 1]
  261. Kalos: recently got with someone.
  262. Amoni Steeltower: (shit)
  263. Kalos: (brb a sec)
  264. Amoni Steeltower: (K, sex appeal prob won't happen)
  265. Amoni Steeltower: (Unless this dudes some real slime)
  266. Adem Nineball: (Wait)
  267. Amoni Steeltower: (but)
  268. Amoni Steeltower: (we do have a new interagation tactic)
  269. Adem Nineball: (Is the person the doc got with in the ship?)
  270. Amoni Steeltower: (Threaten the life of there wife/husband)
  271. Amoni Steeltower: (Not actually tho)
  272. Adem Nineball: (Exactly)
  273. Kalos: (back)
  274. Amoni Steeltower: (we wounldn't talk to them, we'd still talk to the doc.)
  275. Kalos: (if you're going to attempt threats, be sure to account for their ability or lack therof to call for help)
  276. Amoni Steeltower: (But we can tell him that we have a site on them, CUZ WE CAN WATCH THEM WITH CAMERAS)
  277. Amoni Steeltower: (We still need to keep them isolated)
  278. Amoni Steeltower: (OH OH!)
  279. Cyril: (I don't think we should threaten other people lmao)
  280. Cyril: (It doesn't really fit into the plan anywhere)
  281. Amoni Steeltower: (If we call them, *and they have to be away from there spouse*, we can tell them to give us information)
  282. Amoni Steeltower: (We have a camera on the spouse)
  283. Amoni Steeltower: (Say waht we want to know, but tell them every detail about the wife and there location, to prove we can see them)
  284. Amoni Steeltower: (Say that we know hes working for some people)
  285. Cyril: (We don't know if the doctor is working with the attackers though)
  286. Cyril: (It's just as likely that they're using a random name on their hacked-in surgery schedule)
  287. Amoni Steeltower: (Is there some lie detector voice ware we can get for conversation?)
  288. Amoni Steeltower: (Like it detects strain in the voice?)
  289. Adem Nineball: (so the best approach is to ask and then use force if things go south?)
  290. Cyril: (I have Detect Lies at sl14)
  291. Amoni Steeltower: (If we can determine he ahs no idea whats going on, we just leave)
  292. Amoni Steeltower: (We don't follow up, clean our tracks)
  293. Amoni Steeltower: (never exist)
  294. Kalos: There is a lie detection software and such!
  295. Cyril: (Oh, nice)
  296. Amoni Steeltower: (Cops will be riled up, but if we can hide away we should get away unscathed)
  297. Cyril: (Does it boost skill level <:alice:345679211144544266> )
  298. Kalos: (nah. it applies its own flat skill level. of 12. not very good)
  299. Cyril: (Oh, okay)
  300. Amoni Steeltower: (BRB)
  301. Cyril: (So once Amoni is back I guess we're ready to move out?)
  302. Kalos: (there's aneural veridicators, but they need like, special setup)
  303. Kalos: (like getting a special helmet on them)
  304. Kalos: (which will be hard to get a hold of since its lc 3 )
  305. Cyril: (It's time for some Leverage shit)
  306. Miri: ("I *love* that show! Do I get to be Parker or Sophie?")
  307. Cyril: ("Eliot.")
  308. Miri: ("*Boo-yeah.*")
  309. Kalos: current plan settled then?
  310. Cyril: Yep
  311. Cyril: Looks like we're ready
  312. Kalos: whats the first step of your master plan
  313. Cyril: Find Doctor
  314. Cyril: (Amoni, we're gonna pretend that surgery was for our friend, and act like we're worried about why it got cancelled)
  315. Kalos: Doctor can be 'followed' to wherever he is. currently: training new employees.
  316. Cyril: Oh right, I think we were gonna wait for him to get off work?
  317. Kalos: in that hospital
  318. Amoni Steeltower: (okay, goodluck if stuff seems t start going south don't assult them unless you *know* you can hide somewhere)
  319. Amoni Steeltower: (And keep him muted)
  320. Cyril: (Yeah)
  321. Cyril: (So we'll wait for him to get off work then see where he goes, and follow there)
  322. Kalos: meanwhile, what's everyone preparing to take with them
  323. Kalos: while you wait
  324. Keith: Does anyone needs my pistols?
  325. Cyril: All my junk, I didn't bring a lot onto the ship
  326. Adem Nineball: (Both my Batons)
  327. Amoni Steeltower: (Keith can give a pistol to Rylex)
  328. Amoni Steeltower: (I'll keep mine)
  329. Amoni Steeltower: Amoni keeps her pistol
  330. Miri: (Miri's gonna leave her gun but keep her Sonic Stun Tonfa)
  331. Amoni Steeltower: (Maybe give it to Rylex?)
  332. Amoni Steeltower: (The gun)
  333. Amoni Steeltower: (so that Keith can still keep both of his)
  334. Miri: (sounds good to me)
  335. Miri: (it's a Sonic Stun Pistol)
  336. Kalos: Rylex takes stun pistol.
  337. Keith: _Keith keeps his usual load... except both his pistols are force pistols now_
  338. Kalos: or was the pistol he gets force
  339. Keith: No, Miri has sonic stun pistol, I think
  340. Kalos: fair point.
  341. Kalos: <two hours later>
  342. Kalos: he gets off works, and heads to a dining hall.
  343. Kalos: Avali quisine themed.
  344. Cyril: "Would that be a good place? Wouldn't be too suspicious to show up at a dining hall in a group."
  345. Keith: "Let's all meet there, as if per... Happenstance, if you may say."
  346. Keith: "or, rather."
  347. Keith: "Go there as a group."
  348. Amoni Steeltower: "Keith, I thought you were staying here with me?"
  349. Cyril: (Move out, team)
  350. Cyril: _will head to the dining hall_
  351. Amoni Steeltower: "Don't want any suspicion to be aroused incase the doc recognizes you"
  352. Adem Nineball: (TEAM L.A. GO! GO! GO!)
  353. Cyril: :sneak:
  354. Kalos: (is keith coming?)
  355. Amoni Steeltower: (Keith + Amoni in new caht or stay here?)
  356. Keith: "Point."
  357. Keith: "Point."
  358. Kalos: chat 2.
  359. Amoni Steeltower: (Sneak group caht 2)
  360. Amoni Steeltower: (Keith + Amoni caht 1)
  361. Amoni Steeltower: ( <@&348237371705131009> ^^^)]
  362. Amoni Steeltower: "So....."
  363. Amoni Steeltower: "You want to go do anything?"
  364. Amoni Steeltower: "We can just keep an ear open on the team the whole time while they do there thing"
  365. Amoni Steeltower: (I assume we meet in a public place?)
  366. Amoni Steeltower: (I guess?)
  367. Keith: "Oh-ooh, why, we could be near them..."
  368. Keith: "But here is the question..."
  369. Keith: "What is the closest we can be, and, yet, remain in a private space?"
  370. Kalos: there aint really a private space here. Even the booths aren't terribly private.
  371. Amoni Steeltower: (pfft)
  372. Kalos: (whoop~)
  373. Amoni Steeltower: (Thanks for that Kal)
  374. Amoni Steeltower: (TBH, if that was suggested I think Amoni would be rolling her Lecherousness)
  375. Amoni Steeltower: (Cuz her inhabitions at lowered atm)
  376. Amoni Steeltower: "Uhh..."
  378. Looks around
  379. Amoni Steeltower: "I don't think thats gonna happen here Keith...."
  380. Amoni Steeltower: "This place is really bustling right now, also why'd we want to find somewhere private?..."
  381. Keith: "Why, why would we *ever* want to find somewhere private?" Keith says with a wide grin while he rubs his chin.
  382. Amoni Steeltower: "... oh my god Keith...."
  383. Amoni Steeltower: *Puts hand on brow*
  384. Amoni Steeltower: "Are you serious?" She says with a smile
  385. Keith: "Oh, oh my, what do you mean? What *possibly* could I have been suggesting with that sentence?" Keith replies, keeping his wide, wide grin.
  386. Amoni Steeltower: "Christ!" She shakes her head.
  388. *in a low voice*
  390. "In the hotel room is one thing, but in a public space.... No way."
  391. Amoni Steeltower: ( I'll assume Keith and I will walk'n talk in our current area)
  392. Keith: (Certainly)
  393. Keith: "Public is only a question wether or not people can see you doing that... And *if* they can, if you will get in trouble for that.~"
  394. Amoni Steeltower: "this is a bloody cruise ship! With Cameras!"
  395. Amoni Steeltower: "Of corse someone will see us!"
  396. Keith: "There are not cameras *everywhere*, I can assure you of that. There is private areas."
  397. Kalos: the real question is. Is it exhibitiionism if the only one watching is a feeling-less AI?
  398. Amoni Steeltower: (Amoni's not considering the AI)
  399. Amoni Steeltower: ***HUFF*** "god damnit..."
  400. Amoni Steeltower: (rolling for Lech)
  401. Amoni Steeltower: (see how good my willpower is)
  402. Amoni Steeltower: ( <@Kalos> Whats Keith need to rol?)
  403. Amoni Steeltower: (Sex Appeal I presume?)
  404. Keith: ( ~~Roll at a minus for my last erotic art~~ )
  405. Keith: (JK)
  406. Amoni Steeltower: (I have a CR of 12, thank god its not my month)
  407. Amoni Steeltower: (If it was, It'd be a 9)
  408. Kalos: (roll that.)
  409. Amoni Steeltower: ( <@Kalos> !gRoll12?)
  410. Keith: ( Groll 12 )
  411. Amoni Steeltower: (Want to hear it from Kal)
  412. Keith: (Sorry)
  413. Amoni Steeltower: (Its good, I just don't want ya to be tricking me or nothing 😉 )
  414. Amoni Steeltower: ( <@Kalos> I roll !Groll12 ?)
  415. Kalos: (uh what)
  416. Kalos: (yea sure. )
  417. Amoni Steeltower: (Is that what I roll for my CR12 Lech?)
  418. Amoni Steeltower: ( 😐 )
  419. Amoni Steeltower: ( okaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay)
  420. Amoni Steeltower: !Groll12
  421. Amoni Steeltower: (Oh woops
  422. Amoni Steeltower: ALSO
  423. Amoni Steeltower: <@!Keith> Roll for waht I need to beat)
  424. Keith: (I don't think it is- well, okay)
  425. Amoni Steeltower: (Gaah)
  426. Keith: !groll 12 (sex-appeal)
  427. DiscoDude: <@Keith> rolled 6 (degree 6; success)
  428. Keith: (UH)
  429. Amoni Steeltower: !Groll12
  430. Amoni Steeltower: !groll 12
  431. DiscoDude: <@Amoni Steeltower> rolled 15 (degree -3; failure)
  432. Keith: <:alice:345679211144544266>
  433. Amoni Steeltower: Amoni bites her lower lip and looks around
  434. Amoni Steeltower: An audible sigh escapes
  435. Amoni Steeltower: "...*fine*"
  436. Amoni Steeltower: "But we damn well make sure the place is isolated"
  437. Amoni Steeltower: "Also somewhat sound proof..."
  438. Keith: "You won't regret!" Keith says, before continuing after a pause "*Hopefully...*"
  439. Amoni Steeltower: "You right on that one."
  440. Amoni Steeltower: (Roll observation to find a secluded spot?)
  441. Keith: (I think observation is probably the right skill)
  442. Amoni Steeltower: ( <@Kalos> )
  443. Amoni Steeltower: (God damnit)
  444. Keith: !groll 14 (observation)
  445. DiscoDude: <@Keith> rolled 4 (degree 10; critical success!)
  446. Kalos: Keith finds somewhere *perfect*
  447. Kalos: wherever that is
  448. Amoni Steeltower: (Its a oddly placed photo booth)
  449. Amoni Steeltower: (Thats turned off)
  450. Amoni Steeltower: (A.K.A unplugged)
  451. Amoni Steeltower: "uuuh"
  452. Keith: _Keith finds somewhere that people won't eve look into, but is a **daring** place, that they can even see people from, if they make the effort_
  453. Keith: (Sounds good enough?)
  454. Amoni Steeltower: (Don't bother)
  455. Amoni Steeltower: (Thats the last thing on Amonis mind rn)
  456. Amoni Steeltower: (We got comms)
  457. Amoni Steeltower: "You sure this place is good?"
  458. Amoni Steeltower: Looks around
  459. Keith: "I assure you, not even a fly will be able to spy on us."
  460. Amoni Steeltower: "Mhmm..."
  461. Amoni Steeltower: With a sigh, she picks up keith and craddles him
  463. "Well, I suppose I'll just have to have faith in you huh?"
  464. Amoni Steeltower: !groll 10 (Erotic Art)
  465. DiscoDude: <@Amoni Steeltower> rolled 11 (degree -1; failure)
  466. Amoni Steeltower: *Attempts to kiss keith*
  467. Amoni Steeltower: *tad sloppy*
  468. Kalos: the most erotic and lewdest of things
  469. Kalos: right after holding hands
  470. Keith: _attempts to return the kiss_
  471. Keith: !groll 18 (erotic art)
  472. DiscoDude: <@Keith> rolled 9 (degree 9; success)
  473. Amoni Steeltower: Carries Keith into the hiding spot, lewdness begins (Behind the forth wall blocking drapes)
  474. Amoni Steeltower: !Groll 10
  475. DiscoDude: <@Amoni Steeltower> rolled 8 (degree 2; success)
  476. Amoni Steeltower: (Got Eros+)
  477. Keith: (I do, so you get +4)
  478. Keith: !groll 18 (erotic art)
  479. DiscoDude: <@Keith> rolled 7 (degree 11; success)
  480. Amoni Steeltower: (re rolliing? :P)
  481. Amoni Steeltower: With +4)
  482. Keith: (That's a repeat of previous perfomance)
  483. Amoni Steeltower: !groll 14
  484. DiscoDude: <@Amoni Steeltower> rolled 12 (degree 2; success)
  485. Amoni Steeltower: (same)
  486. Amoni Steeltower: (K
  487. Keith: (Next time, just add the +4 to the margin of success afterwards)
  488. Keith: So. In short. Incredibly amazing sex. **Again**.
  489. Amoni Steeltower: The sex was nice
  490. Kalos: !end
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