

Dec 28th, 2024 (edited)
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  1. "S gonna be a fine ole world to grow up in," Adam said. "No whales, no air, and everyone paddlin' around because of the seas risin'."
  3. "Then the Atlantisans'd be the only ones well off," said Pepper cheerfully.
  5. "Huh," said Adam, not really listening.
  7. Something was happening inside his head. It was aching. Thoughts were arriving there without him having to think them. Something was saying, You can do something, Adam Young. You can make it all better. You can do anything you want. And what was saying this to him was . . . him. Part of him, deep down. Part of him that had been attached to him all these years and not really noticed, like a shadow. It was saying: yes, it's a rotten world. It could have been great. But now it's rotten, and it's time to do something about it. That's what you're here for. To make it all better.
  9. "Because they'd be able to go everywhere," Pepper went on, giving him a worried look. "The Atlantisans, I mean. Because-"
  11. "I'm fed up with the ole Atlantisans and Tibetans," snapped Adam.
  13. They stared at him. They'd never seen him like this before.
  15. "It's all very well for them," said Adam. "Everyone's goin' around usin' up all the whales and coal and oil and ozone and rainforests and that, and there'll be none left for us. We should be goin' to Mars and stuff, instead of sittin' around in the dark and wet with the air spillin' away."
  17. This wasn't the old Adam the Them knew. The Them avoided one another's faces. With Adam in this mood, the world seemed a chillier place.
  19. "It's like you said the other day," said Adam. "You grow up readin' about pirates and cowboys and spacemen and stuff, and jus' when you think the world's all full of amazin' things, they tell you it's really all dead whales and chopped-down forests and nucular waste hangin' about for millions of years. 'Snot worth growin' up for, if you ask my opinion."
  21. The Them exchanged glances.
  23. There was a shadow over the whole world. Storm clouds were building up in the north, the sunlight glowing yellow off them as though the sky had been painted by an enthusiastic amateur.
  25. "Seems to me it ought to be rolled up and started all over again," said Adam.
  27. That hadn't sounded like Adam's voice.
  29. A bitter wind blew through the summer woods.
  31. Adam looked at Dog, who tried to stand on his head. There was a distant mutter of thunder. He reached down and patted the dog absentmindedly.
  33. "Serve everyone right if all the nucular bombs went off and it all started again, only prop'ly organized," said Adam. "Sometimes I think that's what I'd like to happen. An' then we could sort everythin' out."
  35. The thunder growled again. Pepper shivered. This wasn't the normal Them mobius bickering, which passed many a slow hour. There was a look in Adam's eye that his friend couldn't quite fathom-not devilment, because that was more or less there all the time, but a sort of blank grayness that was far worse.
  37. ***
  39. Good Omens - Saturday
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