
Freyr Uses Hlidskialf

Feb 20th, 2023
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  1. ‘There was someone called Gymir, and his wife Aurboda. She
  2. was of the race of mountain-giants. Gerd is their daughter, the
  3. most beautiful of all women. It happened one day that Freyr had
  4. gone into Hlidskialf and was looking over all worlds, and when he
  5. looked to the north he saw on a certain homestead a large and
  6. beautiful building, and to this building went a woman, and when
  7. she lifted her arms and opened the door for herself, light was shed
  8. from her arms over both sky and sea, and all worlds were made
  9. bright by her. And his punishment for his great presumption in
  10. having sat in that holy seat was that he went away full of grief.
  11. And when he got home he said nothing, he neither slept nor
  12. drank; no one dared to try to speak with him. Then Niord sent for
  13. Freyr’s servant Skirnir, and bade him go to Freyr and try to get
  14. him to talk and ask who he was so angry with that he would not
  15. speak to anyone. Skirnir said he would go though he was not
  16. keen, and said unpleasant answers were to be expected from him.
  17. And when he got to Freyr he asked why Freyr was so downcast
  18. and would not speak to anyone. Then Freyr replied and said he
  19. had seen a beautiful woman and for her sake he was so full of grief
  20. that he would not live long if he were not to have her.
  23. - Prose Edda, Gylfaginning
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