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- PC-lint for C/C++ (NT) Vers. 9.00i, Copyright Gimpel Software 1985-2012
- _________________________ MESSAGE GROUP _________________________
- ----- Error Inhibition Options -----
- (- inhibits and + enables error messages)
- (# and Symbol may include wild-card characters '?' and '*')
- -e# Inhibit message number # !e# Inhibit message # this line
- -e(#) Inhibit for next expression --e(#) For entire current expression
- -e{#} Inhibit for next {region} --e{#} For entire current {region}
- -eai Args differ sub-integer -ean Args differ nominally
- -eas Args same size -eau Args differ signed-unsigned
- -ecall(#,<Func>) By number, fnc call -efile(#,<File>) By number, file
- -efunc(#,<Func>) By number, function +efreeze disable Message inhibition
- +efreeze(w<lvl>) Freeze for <lvl> ++efreeze[(w<lvl>)] Deep-freeze <lvl>
- -elib(#) Within library headers -elibcall(#) Calls to library fnctns
- -elibmacro(#) For all library macros -elibsym(#) For all library symbols
- -emacro(#,Symbol) Within macro -emacro((#),Symbol) Within expr macro
- --emacro((#),Symbol) Within expr macro -emacro({#},Symbol) Next stmt macro
- --emacro({#},Symbol) Within stmt macro -epn Pointers to nominal
- -epnc Pointers to nominal chars -epp Pointers are pointers
- -eps Pointers to same size -epu Pointers to signed-unsigned
- -epuc Pointers to sgnd-unsgnd chars -estring(#,String) By number, string
- ------> quit (q), previous (p), or next [n] n
- -esym(#,Symbol) By number, symbol +esym(#,Symbol) Enable by no. symbol
- -etd(<TypeDiff>) Ignore type diff. -etemplate(#) In template expansion
- -etype(#,<TypeName>) By number, type -limit(n) Limits number of messages
- ++limit(n) Locks in limit of n -save Saves error inhibitions
- -restore Resets error inhibitions -restore_at_end Restores at module end
- -w<lvl> Set warning level (0,1,2,3,4) -wlib(<lvl>) Library warning level
- -zero Sets exit code to 0 -zero(#) like -zero unless msg no. < #
- ------ Verbosity Options ------
- Format: -/+v[aceh-iostw#]{mf<int>*}
- -v... Output to stdout only
- -v Turn off verbosity (note absence of option letters)
- +v... Output to stderr and also to stdout
- +v Don't change options but output to stderr and stdout
- Zero or more of: a Attempts to open
- c Unique Calls e Function templates
- h Dump strong type hierarchy h- Compressed form of h
- i Indirect files o Display options
- s Storage consumed t Template expansions
- w Specific Walks # Append file ID nos.
- One of:
- m Module names (the default) f Header Files (implies m)
- <int> Every <int> lines (implies f) * All verbosity
- ------> quit (q), previous (p), or next [n] n
- ----- Message Presentation Options -----
- -h[abefFrsSm/<M>/<I>]<ht> message height (default = -ha_3)
- a Position indicator Above line b Indicator Below line
- f Frequent file information F Always produce file info
- e Place source line @ End of msg r Repeat source line each msg
- s Space after each non-wrapup msg S space after each msg
- m/<M>/ Macro indicator is <M> mn Turn off macro indication
- <I> The position Indicator <ht> Height of messages
- -width(<Width>,<Indent>) Message width (default = -width(79,4))
- -append(errno,msg) Appends msg for message errno
- -format=... Specifies message format
- -format4a=, -format4b= Specifies format if msg. ht. = 4
- -format_specific=... Prologue to specific Walk messages
- -format_stack=... Format for output of stack information
- -format_template=... Format for prologue to template instantiation
- -format_verbosity=... Format for verbosity under +html
- format codes (%...) format escapes (\...)
- %c column no. %l Line no. \t Tab
- %C Column no. + 1 %m Msg text \s Space
- %f Filename %n msg Number \a Alarm
- %i FunctIon name %t msg Type \q Quote
- %(...%) Use ... if '%f' or '%i' are non null \\ Backslash
- ------> quit (q), previous (p), or next [n] n
- \n Newline
- +source(suboptions) Echos entire source files(s); suboptions:
- -number Do not number lines -indent Do not indent hdr lines
- -m(files) Ignore given modules +h(hdrs) Echo given hdrs
- -h(hdrs) Do not echo hdrs +dir(dirs) Echo hdrs from these
- -dir(dirs) Do not echo hdrs from +class(all) Echo all hdrs
- +class(project) Echo project hdrs
- +html(options) Output in html format (example in env-html.lnt)
- version(...) Can be used to specify the version of html
- head(file) Includes file just after <html>
- +xml([name]) Activate escapes for xml (example in env-xml.lnt)
- If name is provided, output appears within <name> ... </name>
- -message(String) Output String as an informational message
- -summary([out-file]) Issues or appends a summary of error messages
- -t# Sets tab size to #
- +typename(#) Includes types of Symbols in message #
- +xml(name) Format output messages in xml
- .... message presentation flags ....
- ffn use Full file Names (OFF) ffo Flush Output each msg (ON)
- flm Lock Message format (OFF) frl Reference Location info (ON)
- fsn treat Strings as Names (OFF)
- ------> quit (q), previous (p), or next [n] n
- ___________________________ DATA GROUP ___________________________
- --- Scalar Data Size and Alignment Options (default value(s)) ---
- -sb# bits in a byte (8) -sbo# sizeof(bool) (1)
- -sc# sizeof(char) (1) -slc# sizeof(long char) (2)
- -ss# sizeof(short) (2) -si# sizeof(int) (4)
- -sl# sizeof(long) (4) -sll# sizeof(long long) (8)
- -sf# sizeof(float) (4) -sd# sizeof(double) (8)
- -sld# sizeof(long double) (16) -smp# size of all member ptrs (4)
- -smpD# size of mem ptr (data) (4) -smpFP# size, mem ptr (Far Prog) (4)
- -smpNP# size, mem ptr (Near Prog) (4) -smpP# size of mem ptrs (prog) (4)
- -sp# sizeof(all pointers) (4 6) -spD# size of both data ptrs (4 6)
- -spF# size of both far ptrs (6) -spFD# size of far data pointer (6)
- -spFP# size of far prog pointer (6) -spN# size of both near ptrs (4)
- -spND# size of near data pointer (4) -spNP# size of near prog pointer (4)
- -spP# size of both program ptrs (4 6) -sw# size of wide char (2)
- -a<code># Specifies alignment, <code> is any code used above in -s<code>#
- # = 1, no alignment; # = 2, 2-byte boundary; etc. By default, a type's
- alignment is the largest power of 2 that divides the size of the type
- -align_max(n) Set the maximum alignment to n
- -align_max(push) Saves the current maximum alignment
- ------> quit (q), previous (p), or next [n] n
- -align_max(pop) Restores previously pushed maximum alignment
- .... scalar data flags ....
- fba Bit Addressability (OFF) fbc Binary Constants 0b... (OFF)
- fbo Activate bool, true, false (ON) fcu char-is-unsigned (OFF)
- fdc (C++) Distinguish plain Char (ON) fdl pointer-diff.-is-long (OFF)
- fis Integral consts. are Signed (OFF) flc allow long char (OFF)
- fll allow long long int (OFF) fmd multiple definitions (OFF)
- fpd Pointers Differ in size (OFF) fsc strings are const char * (OFF)
- fsu string unsigned (OFF) fwc internal wchar_t for C (ON)
- fwm MS wprintf conventions (OFF) fwu wchar_t is unsigned (OFF)
- ------- Data Modifier Options -------
- -mS Small model -mD large Data model
- -mP large Program model -mL Large program and data
- .... data modifier flags ....
- f@m @ is a modifier (OFF) fat Parse .net ATtributes (ON)
- fcd cdecl is significant (OFF) fem allow Early Modifiers (OFF)
- fiq Ignore default Qualifier (OFF) fqb Qualifiers Before types (ON)
- ------> quit (q), previous (p), or next [n] n
- ------ struct, union, class, enum, namespace Flags ------
- fab ABbreviated structures (OFF) fan ANonymous unions (OFF)
- fas Anonymous Structures (OFF) fbu force Bit fields Unsigned (OFF)
- fct Create Tags (OFF) feb enum's can be Bitfields (ON)
- fie Integer-model-for-Enums (OFF) fld Label Designator (OFF)
- fns Nested Struct (ON) fnt (C++) Nested Tags (ON)
- fsg std is Global (OFF) fss regard Sub-Struct as base (ON)
- fus Using namespace std (OFF) fvl Variable Length arrays (OFF)
- ________________________ PROCESSING GROUP ________________________
- ------- Preprocessor Options -------
- -d<name>[=<value>] Defines preprocessor symbol
- -d<name>{definition} For use with -scavenge
- -D<nm>[=<val>][;<nm>[=<val>]]... Define set of symbols
- +d... or +D... Same as -d or -D except it locks in a definition
- -d<name>()[=<value>] Define function-like macro
- -#d<name>[=<value>] Defines symbol (for #include only)
- -header(file) Auto-includes file in each module
- -i<directory> Search directory for #include
- -incvar(name) Change name of INCLUDE environment variable
- -/+macros Halve/double the maximum macro size
- ------> quit (q), previous (p), or next [n] n
- ------- Preprocessor Options -------
- -d<name>[=<value>] Defines preprocessor symbol
- -d<name>{definition} For use with -scavenge
- -D<nm>[=<val>][;<nm>[=<val>]]... Define set of symbols
- +d... or +D... Same as -d or -D except it locks in a definition
- -d<name>()[=<value>] Define function-like macro
- -#d<name>[=<value>] Defines symbol (for #include only)
- -header(file) Auto-includes file in each module
- -i<directory> Search directory for #include
- -incvar(name) Change name of INCLUDE environment variable
- -/+macros Halve/double the maximum macro size
- -pch(hdr) Designates hdr as the pre-compiled header
- -ppw(word[,...]) Disables(-) or enables(+) pre-processor words
- +ppw(word[,...]) eg: +ppw(ident) enables #ident
- --ppw(word[,...]) Removes built-in meaning of word
- -ppw_asgn(w1,w2) Assigns pre-proc meaning of w2 to w1
- +pragma(name,action) Associates action with name; action is one of
- off Turns processing off (as with assembly code)
- on Turns processing back on
- once Physically include this file just once
- message Issue a message
- macro pragma_name becomes a macro
- fmacro pragma_name becomes a function-like macro
- ------> quit (q), previous (p), or next [n] n
- options pragma_name_suboption becomes a function macro
- ppw The pragma becomes a preprocessor command
- push_macro push_macro("nm") saves the current definition of nm
- pop_macro pop_macro("nm") restores a pushed definition
- -pragma(name) Disables pragma
- -u<name> Undefines <name>
- --u<name> Ignore past and future defines of <name>
- .... preprocessor flags ....
- fce continue-on-error (OFF) fep Extended Preprocessor exps. (OFF)
- fim -i can have multiple dirs. (ON) fln activate #line (ON)
- fps Parameters within Strings (OFF)
- --------- Tokenizing Options ---------
- (see also Compiler Adaptation Keywords)
- -$ Permits $ in identifiers
- -ident(<chars>) Add identifier characters
- -ident1(<char>) Define a 1-char identifier
- +linebuf Doubles size of line buffer
- -rw(word[,...]) Disables(-) or enables(+) reserved words ...
- +rw(word[,...]) word = '*ms' implies all MS keywords
- --rw(word[,...]) Removes built-in meaning of word
- -rw_asgn(w1,w2) Assigns reserved word meaning of w2 to w1
- .... flags affecting tokenization ....
- ------> quit (q), previous (p), or next [n] n
- --------- Tokenizing Options ---------
- (see also Compiler Adaptation Keywords)
- -$ Permits $ in identifiers
- -ident(<chars>) Add identifier characters
- -ident1(<char>) Define a 1-char identifier
- +linebuf Doubles size of line buffer
- -rw(word[,...]) Disables(-) or enables(+) reserved words ...
- +rw(word[,...]) word = '*ms' implies all MS keywords
- --rw(word[,...]) Removes built-in meaning of word
- -rw_asgn(w1,w2) Assigns reserved word meaning of w2 to w1
- .... flags affecting tokenization ....
- fnc nested comments (OFF) ftg permit Tri Graphs (ON)
- --------- Parsing Options ---------
- -fallthrough A switch case allowing flow from above
- -unreachable A point in a program is unreachable
- .... parsing flags ....
- ffb for clause creates Block (ON) flf (C++) process lib func defs (OFF)
- fna (C++) allow 'operator new[]' (ON) fpc Pointer Casts retain lvalue(OFF)
- fpm Precision is Max of args (OFF)
- ------> quit (q), previous (p), or next [n] n
- -------- Template Options --------
- -tr_limit(n) Sets a template recursion limit
- -template(X) Hex constant X sets esoteric template flags
- .... template flags ....
- ftf raw template functions (OFF)
- ---- Compiler-adaptation Options ----
- -A Specifies strict ANSI
- -A(Cyear) Specifies the year of the assumed C standard
- -A(C++year) Specifies the year of the assumed C++ standard
- -c<code> Identifies the compiler
- -a#<predicate>(tokens) Assert the truth of #<predicate> for tokens (Unix)
- +/-compiler(flag[,...]) Sets/resets flag; default value shown by (ON/OFF)
- std_digraphs (OFF) Enables '<:' and ':>' with standard meaning
- base_op (OFF) Enables digraph ':>' with ancient meaning
- std_alt_keywords (OFF) Enables keywords: and, and_eq, bitand, bitor,
- compl, not, not_eq, or, or_eq, xor, xor_eq
- -overload(X) Hex constant X sets esoteric overload resolution flags
- -plus(Char) Identifies Char as an alternate option char equiv to +
- -scavenge(filename-pat[,...])
- Turns lint into a scavenger of macro names within
- files matching filename-patterns
- ------> quit (q), previous (p), or next [n] n
- -scavenge(clean,file) Used subsequently to clean up file which bears
- the results of compiler macro replacement
- -template(X) Hex constant X sets esoteric template flags
- .... compiler-adaptation reserved words (keywords) ....
- @ Ignore expression to the right
- __assert 'Ideal' assert function
- ___assert Like _assert but it always returns
- _bit 1 bit wide type
- _gobble Ignore next token
- _ignore_init Ignore initializer for data and ...
- ignore function body for functions
- _to_brackets Ignore next parenthesized (or bracketed) expression
- _to_semi Ignore until ;
- _to_eol Ignore until end-of-line
- _up_to_brackets Ignore up to and including a bracketed expression
- __packed struct data members are packed
- __typeof__(e) Like sizeof but returns the type of e
- ----------- Old C Flags -----------
- fdr deduce-return-mode (OFF) ffd promote floats to double (OFF)
- fkp K&R preprocessor (OFF) fmc macro concatenation (OFF)
- fsa structure-assignment (ON) ful unsigned long (ON)
- fva variable arguments (OFF) fvo void data type (ON)
- ------> quit (q), previous (p), or next [n] n
- ----------- Old C Flags -----------
- fdr deduce-return-mode (OFF) ffd promote floats to double (OFF)
- fkp K&R preprocessor (OFF) fmc macro concatenation (OFF)
- fsa structure-assignment (ON) ful unsigned long (ON)
- fva variable arguments (OFF) fvo void data type (ON)
- fvr varying-return-mode (OFF) fxa eXact array arg. (OFF)
- fxc eXact char arg. (OFF) fxf eXact float arg. (OFF)
- fxs eXact short arg. (OFF) fzl sizeof-is-long (OFF)
- fzu sizeof-is-unsigned (ON)
- ____________________ SPECIAL DETECTION GROUP ____________________
- ------- Strong Type Options -------
- -strong(Flags,Type(s)) Check strong types ..., Flags are:
- A[irpacz] == on Asgn to (except Init, Ret, Param, Asgn op, Consts, Zero);
- J[erocz] == on Joining (except Eqlty, Rel, Other ops, Constants, Zero);
- X == on eXtraction; l == allow library; B[f] or b[f] == strong and
- weak Boolean (f == length-1 bit fields are NOT Boolean)
- -index(flags,ixtype,type(s)) Establish ixtype as index type
- flags: c == allow Constants, d == allow Dimensions
- -parent(Parent,Children) Augment strong type hierarchy
- -father(Parent,Children) A stricter verson of parent
- ------> quit (q), previous (p), or next [n] n
- ------- Strong Type Options -------
- -strong(Flags,Type(s)) Check strong types ..., Flags are:
- A[irpacz] == on Asgn to (except Init, Ret, Param, Asgn op, Consts, Zero);
- J[erocz] == on Joining (except Eqlty, Rel, Other ops, Constants, Zero);
- X == on eXtraction; l == allow library; B[f] or b[f] == strong and
- weak Boolean (f == length-1 bit fields are NOT Boolean)
- -index(flags,ixtype,type(s)) Establish ixtype as index type
- flags: c == allow Constants, d == allow Dimensions
- -parent(Parent,Children) Augment strong type hierarchy
- -father(Parent,Children) A stricter verson of parent
- .... strong type flags ....
- fhd hierarchy down warning (ON) fhg hierarchy uses graph. chars (ON)
- fhs hierarchy of strong types (ON) fhx Hierarchy of indeX types (ON)
- -------- Semantic Options --------
- -function(f0,f1, ...) Assign semantics of f0 to f1, ...
- -printf(#,f1, ...) f1, ... are printf-like, # is arg. no. of format
- -scanf(#,f1, ...) f1, ... are scanf-like, # is arg. no. of format
- -printf_code(Code[,Type]) Allows user-defined printf codes
- -scanf_code(Code[,Type]) Allows user-defined scanf codes
- -sem(fnc,sem1, ...) Associates a set of semantics with a function
- -wprintf(#,f1, ...) Wide char version of -printf
- ------> quit (q), previous (p), or next [n] n
- -------- Semantic Options --------
- -function(f0,f1, ...) Assign semantics of f0 to f1, ...
- -printf(#,f1, ...) f1, ... are printf-like, # is arg. no. of format
- -scanf(#,f1, ...) f1, ... are scanf-like, # is arg. no. of format
- -printf_code(Code[,Type]) Allows user-defined printf codes
- -scanf_code(Code[,Type]) Allows user-defined scanf codes
- -sem(fnc,sem1, ...) Associates a set of semantics with a function
- -wprintf(#,f1, ...) Wide char version of -printf
- -wscanf(#,f1, ...) Wide char version of -scanf
- .... semantics (i.e. arguments to the -sem option) ....
- 4 kinds of semantics: 0 == overall, a == argument, r == return, f == flag
- kind: semantic: meaning:
- r r_null function may return NULL
- r r_no function does not return
- f initializer function initializes all data members
- f cleanup function that clears all pointer data members
- a #p #th argument must not be NULL
- a custodial(#) #th argument takes custody
- a type(#) #th argument is reflected into the return type
- a pod(#) #th argument must be POD
- a nulterm(#) #th argument is nul-terminated
- a inout(#) #th argument is read and written
- ------> quit (q), previous (p), or next [n] n
- f pure the function is a pure function
- r expression (see 'expression components' below) containing the @
- operator is assumed true with @ representing the return value
- 0 any other expression is considered a function requirement
- .... expression components: ....
- Parentheses: () Unary operators: + - | ~
- Binary operators: + - * / % < <= == != > >= | & ^ << >> || &&
- Ternary operator: ?:
- #n = integer value of #th arg #p = item count of #th arg
- #P = byte count of #th arg integer = itself
- name of macro, enum, const = current value of same
- malloc(exp) = malloc'ed area of size exp
- new(exp) = new'ed area of size exp new[](exp) = new[]ed area of size exp
- .... thread semantics ....
- thread = the function is a thread thread_mono = a single-instance thread
- no_thread = function is not a thread thread_lock = function locks a mutex
- thread_unlock = ftn unlocks a mutex
- thread_create(#) = #th argument is a thread
- thread_unsafe = unsafe to call by multiple threads
- thread_unsafe(groupid) = group can't be called by multiple threads
- thread_safe = not thread_unsafe
- thread_protected = function is protected by critical section
- ------> quit (q), previous (p), or next [n] n
- thread_not(list) = lists threads that may not invoke function
- thread_only(list) = lists the only threads that may invoke function
- .... semantic flags ....
- ffc Function takes Custody (ON)
- ----- Thread Options -----
- (see also thread semantics)
- prefix '+' designates a property and '-' reverses it
- +/-thread_unsafe_h(hdr[,...]) ftns in headers are thread_unsafe
- +/-thread_unsafe_group_h(hdr[,...]) ftns in hdrs form a thread_unsafe group
- +/-thread_unsafe_dir(dir[,...]) hdrs in dirs house thread_unsafe ftns
- +/-thread_unsafe_group_dir(dir[,...]) hdrs in dirs form a thread_unsafe group
- ----- Value Tracking Options -----
- -passes(k[,Opt1[,Opt2]]) Requests k passes
- -specific(op1[,op2]) Options op1 before and op2 after every specific walk
- -specific_climit(n) Per function Limit on the no. of recorded calls
- -specific_wlimit(n) Walk limit on the number of recursively generated calls
- -specific_retry(n) n== 0 implies inhibiting rewalking with same parameters
- -static_depth(n) Adjusts the depth of static variable analysis
- .... value tracking flags ....
- fai pointed-to Arg is Initialized(ON) fii Inhibit Inference (OFF)
- ------> quit (q), previous (p), or next [n] n
- ----- Value Tracking Options -----
- -passes(k[,Opt1[,Opt2]]) Requests k passes
- -specific(op1[,op2]) Options op1 before and op2 after every specific walk
- -specific_climit(n) Per function Limit on the no. of recorded calls
- -specific_wlimit(n) Walk limit on the number of recursively generated calls
- -specific_retry(n) n== 0 implies inhibiting rewalking with same parameters
- -static_depth(n) Adjusts the depth of static variable analysis
- .... value tracking flags ....
- fai pointed-to Arg is Initialized(ON) fii Inhibit Inference (OFF)
- fiw Initialization is a Write (ON) fiz Init'n by Zero is a Write (ON)
- fnn (C++) new can return NULL (OFF) fnr Null ptr may be Returned (OFF)
- fpn pointer param may be NULL (OFF) fsp SPecific function calls (ON)
- fsv track Static Variables (ON)
- ---- Miscellaneous Detection Options ----
- -deprecate(category,name,commentary) Deprecates use of a name
- categories: function, keyword, macro, variable
- +headerwarn(file) Causes Msg 829 to be issued for a given file
- -idlen(<n>[,opt]) Report identifier clashes in <n> chars
- opt: x=external, p=preprocessor, c=compiler
- -size(flags,amount) Report large aggregates; flags: a auto, s static
- .... special detection flags ....
- ------> quit (q), previous (p), or next [n] n
- ---- Miscellaneous Detection Options ----
- -deprecate(category,name,commentary) Deprecates use of a name
- categories: function, keyword, macro, variable
- +headerwarn(file) Causes Msg 829 to be issued for a given file
- -idlen(<n>[,opt]) Report identifier clashes in <n> chars
- opt: x=external, p=preprocessor, c=compiler
- -size(flags,amount) Report large aggregates; flags: a auto, s static
- .... special detection flags ....
- fet requires Explicit Throws (OFF) fil Indentation check of Labels (OFF)
- __________________________ MISC. GROUP __________________________
- ---------- Global Options ----------
- -background Reduces task priority
- -/+/++b No/Redirect/Produce Banner line
- -p[(n)] Just preprocess, n == max output width
- -setenv(name=val) Sets an environment variable
- -u Unit checkout
- .... global flags ....
- fpa PAuse before exiting (OFF)
- ------> quit (q), previous (p), or next [n] n
- ----------- File Options -----------
- +bypclass([all,angle,ansi,foreign]...) Default bypass headers
- -/+bypdir(directory[,...]) Deny or specify bypass directory
- -/+byph(header[,...]) Deny or specify bypass header by name
- -/+cpp(extension) Remove/add .ext for C++ files
- +ext(ext[,ext]...) Extensions attempted for extensionless files
- defaults to +ext(vac,lnt,cpp,cxx,c)
- -indirect(file) Process indirect (.lnt) file
- +libclass([all,angle,ansi,foreign]...) Default library headers
- -/+libdir(directory[,...]) Deny or specify library directory
- -/+libh(header[,...]) Deny or specify library header by name
- -/+libm(module[,...]) Deny or specify library module by name
- -library Sets library flag
- +lnt(ext) File.ext is treated like File.lnt
- -maxfiles(<n>) Sets an upper limit on the number of files
- -maxopen(<n>) Assumed number of openable files
- -pch(hdr) Designates hdr as the pre-compiled header
- -subfile( indirect-file, options|modules ) Process just 'options'
- or just 'modules' from indirect-file
- --u -u and ignore modules at lower .lnt level
- .... file flags ....
- fcp (C++) Force C++ processing (OFF) fda dbl-qts to Angle brackets (OFF)
- fdh append '.h' to header names (OFF) fdi Directory of Including file(OFF)
- ------> quit (q), previous (p), or next [n] n
- flb library (OFF) frb Files fopen'ed with "rb" (OFF)
- frn Treat CR as new-line (OFF) fsh shared file open (OFF)
- ftr truncate filenames to 8x3 (OFF)
- --------- Output Options ---------
- -od[options](filename) Output declarations of defined external
- objects and functions including prototypes,
- options: f=only functions, i=internal functions, s=structs
- <width>=specify break width
- -oe(filename) Redirect to standard Error (+oe appends)
- -ol(filename) Output library file
- -oo[(filename)] Output to lint object file
- -lobbase(filename) Establish a lob base file
- -os(filename) Redirect to standard out (+os appends)
- +program_info(output_prefix=<path>, suboptions ) Dumps information into
- <path>file.txt information about files
- <path>symbol.txt information about symbols
- <path>type.txt information about types
- <path>macro.txt information about macros
- +stack(sub-options) Issue report on function stack usage
- &file=filename Designates name of file to receive stack report
- &overhead(n) Sets the overhead of each function call
- &external(n) Sets assumed stack usage by each external function
- ------> quit (q), previous (p), or next [n] n
- name(n) Sets stack usage (n) explicitly for named function
- &summary Requests just a summary of stack info report.
- .... output option flags ....
- fod Output Declared to object (OFF) fol Output Library to object (OFF)
- -------------------------- END OF OPTIONS -----------------------------
- ------> quit (q), previous (p), or next [n] n
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