

Dec 31st, 2021 (edited)
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  1. MyJournal = NSK_Journal.txt
  2. ;------------------------------------------------------------
  3. ;Hotkey to capture My Jounal entries:
  4. ;------------------------------------------------------------
  5. ;#J::
  6. FormatTime, RightNow
  7. {
  8. ; Simple input-box
  9. Gui, Add, Text, x10 y27 w50 h20 , Title:
  10. Gui, Add, Text, x10 y67 w50 h20 , Tags:
  11. Gui, Add, Text, x10 y135 w50 h20 , Content:
  12. Gui, Add, Edit, x66 y27 w560 h20 vTitleName ; Topic variable,
  13. Gui, Add, Edit, x66 y67 w560 h20 vTagList ; Tag list variable. Separate tags commas.,
  14. Gui, Add, Edit, x66 y100 w560 h430 vContentText ; Content variable,
  16. Gui, Add, Button, x180 y550 w100 h30 , Save ; The label ButtonEnter will be run when the button is pressed.
  17. Gui, Add, Button, x400 y550 w100 h30 , Cancel ; The label ButtonCancel will can action but keep script running.
  18. Gui, Show, x180 y60 h600 w650, NAJEEB Journal Entry
  19. Return ; End of auto-execute section. The script is idle until the user does something.
  21. GuiClose:
  22. ButtonCancel:
  23.         Gui,Destroy
  24.       ExitApp
  26.     ButtonSave:
  27.     Gui, Submit  ; Save the input from the user to each control's associated variable.
  29.     FileAppend, TITLE: %TitleName%`nTAGS: %TagList%`nTIME: %RightNow%`nCONTENT: %ContentText%`n;-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- END -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-`n, %MyJournal%
  30.   Gui,Destroy
  31.     ExitApp
  32. }  
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