
The fall of 100 Team Analogy

Jun 3rd, 2020
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  1. the fall of 100
  3. how do you make 100 people innefective and useless? or subservient?
  5. Create a sport for the 100 to play and only make 2 teams.
  6. Give each team it's own uniform and they can either form a government, a society and community of their own.
  7. Team 1 would be taught to Kill Team 2 no matter what, and refusing to do so would would be punishable.
  8. Team 2 would be taught that violence is wrong and to be non violent in protest of Team 1.
  10. Team 1 would chaotically split up and become 3 or 4 groups. to a ration of
  11. Team 1.1 Radicals 13
  12. Team 1.2 Moderrates 20
  13. Team 1.3 Non Combatants 17 Total: 50
  15. Team 2
  16. 50
  18. On Team 2, There would be no individuality, and mass conformity. Herd mentality and limited intelligence, as well DNA tamperring and Poisoned Food and Hygein Products.
  19. On Team 1 would buy up all the media groups and promote a fake war between Team 1.3 and Team 1.1
  20. Team 1.2 always Supports Team 1.1, because they run the show that Team 1 wants as a whole, regardless if they are radical, moderate, or non combatants, they all share the same goals.
  22. Team 2 wants to be individuals so bad that they focus on fame and becoming rich.
  24. Team 1 makes computers and smart phones and social media platforms.
  26. Team 2 doesn't care about each other. Total for Team 2 = 1 with a Remainder of 49
  28. Team 1.1 starts to kill and murder Team 2
  30. Team 2: Members of Team 2 start to speak up about the murders.
  32. Team 1.2 uses the media to convince team 2 that it is just a myth. and points and how few 1.1 members there are how more peaceful Team 1.2 and Team 1.3 Members there are.
  34. Team 2 falls to a pupulation of 20
  36. Team 1.1 increases to 50 once they all have the upper hand.
  38. Until the peace resumes.
  39. Until the manipulation stops in that room, the conditions will never change, no matter who is in charge.
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