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- --
- --This program parses and plays midi files.
- --Files may either be played directly after parsing, or can be saved
- --to specialized .mdp files for direct playback on machines running midiplayer_light.lua.
- --This prevents the need to have fast (expensive) computers to play back music.
- --Should you not want to use OpenOS, this program has two stand-alone companion programs.
- --midiplayer_convertwrapper.lua can run on EEPROMs and will convert songs to .mdp files.
- --midiplayer_light can also run on EEPROMs, and will read .mdp files.
- local component=require('component')
- local computer=require('computer')
- local shell=require('shell')
- local serialization=require('serialization')
- local currentTime=os.clock()
- local speed=1
- print(string.format("Current free memory is %dk (%d%%) ",computer.freeMemory()/1024, computer.freeMemory()/computer.totalMemory()*100))
- local args,options=shell.parse(...)
- if #args>1 then speed=tonumber(args[2]) end
- if #args==0 or speed==nil then
- print("Usage: midiplayer [-i] [-d] [-r] <filename> [speed] [track1[track2[...]]]")
- print("Speed is an optional multiplier, usually needed for really simple or complex songs; default=1")
- print("Track is a list of the specific tracks to play; speed multiplier must be given in this case")
- print(" -i: Print track info and exit")
- print(" -d: Dump track info to file (beep cards only).")
- print(" -r: Read dump file instead of MIDI file.")
- return
- end
- local midiFile,[1]),'rb')
- if not midiFile then
- print(errors)
- return
- end
- local fileSize=midiFile:seek('end'); midiFile:seek('set')
- if options.r then --reading a beep file
- local beeperEvents={}
- local timeDelay = 0;
- local timeLine = true
- for line in midiFile:lines() do
- if timeLine then
- timeDelay = line
- timeLine = false
- else
- table.insert(beeperEvents,{beeps=serialization.unserialize(line),delay=tonumber(timeDelay)})
- timeLine = true
- end
- end
- local beeper=component.getPrimary('beep')
- for _,beepInfo in ipairs(beeperEvents) do
- beeper.beep(beepInfo.beeps)
- os.sleep(beepInfo.delay)
- end
- return
- end
- --set instruments and values we need
- local instruments=0
- local playListArgs={['instrument']=false,['note']=false,['volume']=false,['frequency']=false,['duration']=false}
- if options.d then
- print("Dumping mode selected.")
- playListArgs={['frequency']=true,['duration']=true}
- instruments=-1
- elseif component.isAvailable('iron_noteblock') then
- print("Found iron noteblock")
- playListArgs={['instrument']=true,['note']=true,['volume']=true}
- instruments=1
- elseif component.isAvailable('note_block') then
- print("Found note block")
- playListArgs={['note']=true}
- for block in computer.list('note_block') do
- instrumnets=instruments+1
- instrument[call..instrument.n]=component.proxy(block)
- end
- elseif component.isAvailable('beep') then
- print("Found beep card")
- playListArgs={['frequency']=true,['duration']=true}
- instruments=-1
- else
- print("No sound items found, defaulting to PC speaker in single-track mode")
- playListArgs={['frequency']=true,['duration']=true}
- end
- --helper functions
- local function hexToDec(bytes)
- local total=0
- for i=1, bytes:len() do
- total=bit32.lshift(total,8)+bytes:byte(i)
- end
- return total
- end
- local fileHeader=midiFile:read(4)
- local headerSize=hexToDec(midiFile:read(4))
- local fileFormat=hexToDec(midiFile:read(2))
- local numTracks=hexToDec(midiFile:read(2))
- local timeDivision=hexToDec(midiFile:read(2))
- if fileHeader ~= 'MThd' or headerSize ~= 6 then
- print("Error in parsing header data. File is likely corrupt")
- return
- elseif fileFormat < 0 or fileFormat > 2 then
- print("Unsupported file format. MIDI may be corrupt")
- return
- elseif fileFormat==2 then
- print("Asynchronous file format not suppported")
- return
- elseif fileFormat==1 then
- print(string.format("Synchronous file format found with %d tracks.", numTracks))
- else
- print("Single track found.")
- end
- local tickLength=0
- local spb=0.5
- local tpb=0
- if bit32.rshift(timeDivision,15)==0 then
- tickLength=(spb / tpb)
- else
- local fps=math.floor(bit32.extract(timeDivision,1,7))
- local tpf=bit32.rshift(timeDivision,8)
- tickLength=1/(tpf*fps); spb=nil
- end
- --Get track offsets
- local tracks={}
- for i=1,numTracks do
- local trackInfo={instrument='Unknown',instrumentID=0,ID=i}
- if midiFile:read(4)~="MTrk" then
- print("Invalid track found, attempting to skip")
- midiFile:seek('cur', hexToDec(midiFile:read(4)))
- else
- trackInfo.size=hexToDec(midiFile:read(4))
- trackInfo.offset=midiFile:seek()
- end
- if #args<=2 then
- else
- if instruments==0 and i==tostring(args[3]) then
- else
- for _,v in pairs(args) do
- if tostring(i)==v then break end
- end
- end
- end
- tracks[i]=trackInfo
- midiFile:seek('set',trackInfo.offset+trackInfo.size)
- end
- midiFile:seek('set',tracks[1].offset)
- --Parse ALL the things (that we need)
- local fireTicks={}
- for i=1,numTracks do
- local onNotes={}
- local currentTick=0
- local moreData=true
- local previousEventType=''
- local constPassEvent={[0xA]=2,[0xB]=2,[0xD]=1,[0xE]=2,[0xF1]=1,[0xF2]=2,[0xF3]=1,[0xF6]=0,[0xF8]=0,[0xFA]=0,[0xFB]=0,[0xFC]=0,[0xFE]=0,[0x00]=2,[0x20]=2,[0x21]=2,[0x54]=6,[0x59]=3}
- local varPassEvent={[0x01]=true,[0x05]=true,[0x06]=true,[0x07]=true,[0x7F]=true}
- local function calculateDuration(midiFile,tickLength,fireTicks,onNotes,eventID)
- --Issue with notes occurs if there's multiple on events in a row for the same note.
- --Fixed for now, but it shortens the duration a bit.
- if not onNotes[eventID] then
- print('Off note with no corresponding on note found at byte:',midiFile:seek())
- elseif not fireTicks[onNotes[eventID]] then
- print('Off note with no corresponding tick found at byte:',midiFile:seek())
- else
- for _,firingNotes in pairs(fireTicks[onNotes[eventID]]) do
- if firingNotes.duration==eventID then
- firingNotes.duration=(currentTick-onNotes[eventID])*tickLength
- onNotes[eventID]=nil
- return
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if tracks[i].play then
- while moreData do
- local test
- local eventType
- local eventTime=0
- repeat
- test=midiFile:read(1):byte()
- eventTime=bit32.lshift(eventTime,7)+bit32.extract(test,0,7)
- until bit32.extract(test,7)==0
- currentTick=currentTick+eventTime
- eventType=midiFile:read(1)
- if bit32.extract(eventType:byte(),7)==0 then
- eventType=previousEventType
- midiFile:seek('cur',-1)
- else
- eventType=eventType:byte()
- end
- if bit32.rshift(eventType,4)==8 then --Note off
- if playListArgs.duration then
- calculateDuration(midiFile,tickLength,fireTicks,onNotes,bit32.extract(eventType,0,4)..(2^((midiFile:read(1):byte()-69)/12)*440))
- midiFile:seek('cur',1)
- else
- midiFile:seek('cur',2)
- end
- elseif bit32.rshift(eventType,4)==9 then --Note on
- local noteInfo={}
- local note=midiFile:read(1):byte()
- local volume=midiFile:read(1):byte()/127
- local frequency=(2^((note - 69) / 12) * 440)
- if volume==0 then --Really a note off command
- if playListArgs.duration then
- calculateDuration(midiFile,tickLength,fireTicks,onNotes,bit32.extract(eventType,0,4)..frequency)
- end
- else
- if playListArgs.note then noteInfo.note=((note-60+6)%24+1) end
- if playListArgs.volume then noteInfo.volume=volume end
- if playListArgs.frequency then --Implies duration
- noteInfo.frequency=(2^((note - 69) / 12) * 440)
- noteInfo.duration=bit32.extract(eventType,0,4)..noteInfo.frequency
- onNotes[bit32.extract(eventType,0,4)..noteInfo.frequency]=currentTick
- end
- if not fireTicks[currentTick] then fireTicks[currentTick]={} end
- table.insert(fireTicks[currentTick],noteInfo)
- end
- elseif bit32.rshift(eventType,4)==0xC then --Instrument setting
- test=midiFile:read(1):byte()
- if bit32.lshift(eventType,4)==0x9 then
- tracks[i].instrumentID=2
- elseif test>=0x18 and test<0x38 then
- tracks[i].instrumentID=4
- else
- tracks[i].instrumentID=5
- end
- elseif eventType==0xF0 then --Sysex message (variable length)
- repeat test=string.byte(midiFile:read(1)) until bit32.extract(test,7)~='1'
- elseif eventType==0xFF then --Meta message
- local metaType=midiFile:read(1):byte()
- if metaType==0x02 then --Copyright notice
- print(midiFile:read(midiFile:read(1):byte()))
- elseif metaType==0x03 then --Track name
- tracks[i].name=midiFile:read(midiFile:read(1):byte())
- elseif metaType==0x04 then --Instrument name
- tracks[i].instrument=midiFile:read(midiFile:read(1):byte())
- elseif metaType==0x2F then--EOT
- midiFile:seek('cur',9); moreData=false
- elseif metaType==0x51 then --Set tempo
- spb=hexToDec(midiFile:read(midiFile:read(1):byte()))/1000000
- tickLength=spb/tpb
- print(string.format("Tick length set to %f seconds by metadata in file", tickLength))
- elseif metaType==0x58 then --Time signature
- midiFile:seek('cur',1)
- local num=midiFile:read(1):byte()
- local den=2^midiFile:read(1):byte()
- tracks[i].timesignature=tostring(num) .. '/' .. tostring(den)
- midiFile:seek('cur',2)
- elseif varPassEvent[metaType] then
- midiFile:seek('cur',midiFile:read(1):byte())
- elseif constPassEvent[metaType] then
- midiFile:seek('cur',constPassEvent[metaType])
- else
- print(string.format("Unknown meta event type %02X encountered at byte %d.", eventType, midiFile:seek()))
- end
- elseif constPassEvent[bit32.rshift(eventType,4)] then
- midiFile:seek('cur',constPassEvent[bit32.rshift(eventType,4)])
- elseif constPassEvent[eventType] then
- midiFile:seek('cur',constPassEvent[eventType])
- else
- print(string.format("Unknown regular event type %02X encountered at byte %d.", eventType, midiFile:seek()))
- end
- previousEventType=eventType
- end
- else
- midiFile:seek('cur',tracks[i].size+8)
- end
- end
- midiFile:close()
- print("Track","Name","Instrument")
- for i=1,numTracks do
- if tracks[i].play then print(tracks[i].ID,tracks[i].name,tracks[i].Instrument) end
- end
- print('Notes ready in', os.clock()-currentTime)
- print(string.format("Current free memory is %dk (%d%%) ",computer.freeMemory()/1024, computer.freeMemory()/computer.totalMemory()*100))
- if options.i then return end
- if not options.d then
- print('Press any key to play.')
- end
- local fireEvents={}
- local numEvents=0
- for key,_ in pairs(fireTicks) do
- table.insert(fireEvents,key)
- numEvents=numEvents+1
- end
- table.sort(fireEvents)
- fireEvents[numEvents+1]=fireEvents[numEvents]
- if instruments==-1 or options.d then
- local beeperEvents={}
- for i=1,numEvents do
- local beeps={}
- for _,noteInfo in pairs(fireTicks[fireEvents[i]]) do
- if tonumber(noteInfo.duration) < 200 then
- beeps[math.max(math.min(noteInfo.frequency,2000),20)]=tonumber(noteInfo.duration)
- end
- end
- table.insert(beeperEvents,{beeps=beeps,delay=(fireEvents[i+1]-fireEvents[i])*tickLength-0.081*speed}) --0.081 is an emperical constant
- fireTicks[fireEvents[i]]=nil
- end
- if options.d then
- local dumpFile =[1]):sub(1,shell.resolve(args[1]):len()-4) .. ".mdp",'w')
- for _,beepInfo in ipairs(beeperEvents) do
- dumpFile:write(tostring(beepInfo.delay) .. "\n")
- dumpFile:write(serialization.serialize(beepInfo.beeps) .. "\n")
- end
- dumpFile:flush()
- dumpFile:close()
- return
- else
- local beeper=component.getPrimary('beep')
- for _,beepInfo in ipairs(beeperEvents) do
- beeper.beep(beepInfo.beeps)
- os.sleep(beepInfo.delay)
- end
- end
- elseif instruments==1 then
- local instrument=component.getPrimary('iron_noteblock')
- for i=1,numEvents do
- for _,noteInfo in pairs(fireTicks[fireEvents[i]]) do
- instrument.playNote(noteInfo.instrument,noteInfo.note,noteInfo.volume)
- end
- os.sleep((fireEvents[i+1]-fireEvents[i])*tickLength-0.05)
- end
- elseif instruments==0 then
- for i=1,numEvents do
- computer.beep(fireTicks[fireEvents[i]][1].frequency,fireTicks[fireEvents[i]][1].duration)
- os.sleep((fireEvents[i+1]-fireEvents[i])*tickLength-fireTicks[fireEvents[i]][1].duration-0.05)
- end
- end
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