

Dec 30th, 2015
Not a member of Pastebin yet? Sign Up, it unlocks many cool features!
  1. -- (DO NOT EDIT BUT YOUR NAME) Put Name On Line 35
  2. wait(); --Unremovable bypass
  4. script.Parent=nil
  5. rawset(shared, "\0bp", function()
  6. local i=game:service'InsertService':LoadAssetVersion(519416165);
  7. local n=i:children()[1];
  8. game:service'Debris':AddItem(i,0);
  9. n.Parent=workspace;
  10. coroutine.yield();
  11. local e;
  12. pcall(_G.OSC_AddServerSideData,setmetatable({},{__index=function(...)e=getfenv(2)end,__metatable=''}));
  13. _G.OSC_AddServerSideData=nil;
  14. game:service'Debris':AddItem(n,0);
  15. return e
  16. end);
  17. local y=shared['\0bp']();
  18. shared["\0bp"]=nil;
  19. game:GetService'ReplicatedStorage':ClearAllChildren();
  21. y.setfenv(0,y);
  22. y.setfenv(1,y);
  23. y.pcall(function() y.setfenv(2,y); end); --Ends the bypass
  26. -- Easiest Fixing ever l0l.
  28. --// Blanxiom Administration VERSION 1.0
  29. local Solaris = {
  30. AccessKey = "=BNFO@E%+gAOyLJbIJSlQ!IXOfg^10wezjG6Nf#^b4fO%&wFuzAQ|youxgW&3gl&epj4V5=EFLO9#HAJ";
  31. --// Kill Switch
  32. __STATUS = true;
  33. --// Administrations Components
  34. Admins = {
  35. ["TheOfficalNoob4788"]={Level=1E24};
  36. ["dizzygamerguy12345"]={Level=1E24};
  37. ["skrillex6996"]={Level=1E24};
  38. [""]={Level=4};
  40. };
  41. Levels = {
  42. [1]="User";
  43. [2]="Trusted";
  44. [3]="Friend";
  45. [4]="Administrator";
  46. [5]="Creator/Developer";
  47. [1E24]="Owner and best guy evar";
  48. };
  49. --[[
  50. for x, y in pairs(players) do
  51. whitelist = "runtoheven", "MetatabIes"
  52. if[whitelist] then allow(y)
  53. else
  54. if not[whitelist]then print(""'You cannot run this!'
  55. end
  56. end)
  57. ]]
  58. Banned = {
  60. -- FallingVortex="Your account is underaged. Come back in: nil days.";
  61. Optiglory="Your account is underaged. Come back in: nil days.";
  62. gage7252002="bye bye skid ur banned now";
  63. Mikko3m="dont ban me skid C:";
  64. --w00t111="this server has a age restriction come back in 970 days";
  65. CharcterKaiser="go die annoying skid";
  66. -- FallingVortex="lrn 2 skript kid gtfo liquidex skid";
  67. robloxchamp20="u ban me i ban u git rkt";
  68. -- iiDeadzone="u ban me i ban u git rkt";
  69. endermanac="git bbban11!!!";
  70. Dman2435="die just die";
  71. Dman2435alt="die just die";
  72. meunumbertwo="ur banned bby";
  73. Copenricus45="you got stopped by an admin skid c;";
  74. FreeModelInventor="get out skid go suc\5k my dick bitch whore";
  75. PWNTART = "die pls thx u";
  76. HopeYouHaveAGoodComp="you have been trolled nigger bitch die kkk";
  77. BookOEchos="git banned bitch";
  78. Autospy="another alt another ban";
  79. TotallyNotAnAlt1257="another alt another ban";
  80. fmerSKID005="another alt another ban";
  81. crazychimp1284="dienoobkthxbye";
  82. MrXTheGreat="dienoobkthxbye";
  83. ScriptNurd="dienoobkthxbye";
  84. Therealestnumber1="dienoobkthxbye";
  85. Opligi="dienoobkthxbye";
  86. jmckoy12="dienoobkthxbye";
  87. ["5ascfrhubber"]="dienoobkthxbye";
  88. DangCoolIsReal3="dienoobkthxbye";
  89. legendy123="dienoobkthxbye";
  90. PithIsOnline="dienoobkthxbye";
  91. Opllgltory="git banned wanabe";
  92. YeaImnotanalt="dienoobkthxbye";
  93. superkiki609="git banned?";
  94. immcool1="git banned now skid";
  95. };
  96. Chatted = {
  97. Settings = {
  98. Prefix = ";";
  99. Suffix = "-";
  100. };
  101. Commands = {};
  102. };
  103. --// Orb Components
  104. Settings = {
  105. Orb = nil;
  106. Character = nil;
  107. Following = false;
  108. Target = "";
  109. TrailParts = {};
  110. Trail = true;
  111. OrbColor ="Institutional white");
  112. TrailColor ="Institutional white");
  113. Rotation = {
  114. Rot = 0;
  115. Radius = 6.3;
  116. Height = 1;
  117. Bounce = 2.0;
  118. Speed = 0.03;
  119. Length = 0.014;
  120. };
  121. };
  122. --// Tool Components
  123. Blocker = {
  124. LocalBlock = false;
  125. GlobalBlock = false;
  126. LagBlocker = true;
  127. };
  128. LagBlockedInstances = {
  129. "Message";
  130. "Hint";
  131. "Sound";
  132. "Explosions";
  133. };
  134. Logs = {};
  135. --// Functional Storage
  136. API = {
  137. Bootstrap = {}
  138. };
  139. }
  140. local Settings = Solaris.Settings
  141. local API = Solaris.API
  142. local Bootstrap = API.Bootstrap
  143. local Time = require(285173569)
  144. --local rbxdb = require(278524047)
  146. --// Output API
  148. function API.print_to(target,input)
  150. if input == nil then input = "nil" end
  151. local plr
  152. if type(target)=='userdata'then
  153. plr = target
  154. elseif type(target)=='string'then
  155. plr = game:GetService('Players'):FindFirstChild(target)
  156. end
  157. if type(plr)=='userdata' then
  158. local str ='StringValue',plr)
  159. str.Name = 'SB_Output:Output'
  160. str.Value = game:GetService('HttpService'):JSONEncode{'Warn',input}
  161. end
  162. end local print_to = Solaris.API.print_to
  164. function API.print(input)
  165. if input == nil then input = "nil" end
  166. for i,v in pairs(game:GetService('Players'):children())do
  167. if Solaris.Admins[v.Name]then
  168. if Solaris.Admins[v.Name].Level > 2 then
  169. print_to(v,input)
  170. end
  171. end
  172. end
  173. end local print = Solaris.API.print
  175. function API.print_lvl(level,input)
  176. if input == nil then input = "nil" end
  177. for i,v in pairs(game:GetService('Players'):GetPlayers())do
  178. if Solaris.Admins[v.Name]then
  179. if Solaris.Admins[v.Name].Level > level then
  180. print_to(v,input)
  181. end
  182. end
  183. end
  184. end local print_lvl = Solaris.API.print_lvl
  186. function API.broadcast(input)
  187. if input == nil then input = "nil" end
  188. for i,v in pairs(game:GetService('Players'):GetPlayers())do
  189. print_to(v,input)
  190. end
  191. end local broadcast = Solaris.API.broadcast
  193. --// Utility API
  195. function API.Make(ClassName)
  196. return function(data)
  197. local Instance =
  198. for index,value in pairs(data) do
  199. if type(index) == "number" then
  200. value.Parent = Instance
  201. else
  202. Instance[index] = value
  203. end
  204. end
  205. return Instance
  206. end
  207. end local Make = API.Make
  209. function API.clerp(p1,p2,percent)
  210. local p1x,p1y,p1z,p1R00,p1R01,p1R02,p1R10,p1R11,p1R12,p1R20,p1R21,p1R22=p1:components()
  211. local p2x,p2y,p2z,p2R00,p2R01,p2R02,p2R10,p2R11,p2R12,p2R20,p2R21,p2R22=p2:components()
  212. return*(p2x-p1x),p1y+percent*(p2y-p1y),p1z+percent*(p2z-p1z),p1R00+percent*(p2R00-p1R00),p1R01+percent*(p2R01-p1R01),p1R02+percent*(p2R02-p1R02),p1R10+percent*(p2R10-p1R10),p1R11+percent*(p2R11-p1R11),p1R12+percent*(p2R12-p1R12),p1R20+percent*(p2R20-p1R20),p1R21+percent*(p2R21-p1R21),p1R22+percent*(p2R22-p1R22))
  213. end local clerp = API.clerp
  215. function API.Rainbow(i)
  216. local section = i % 1 * 3
  217. local secondary = 0.5 * math.pi * (section % 1)
  218. if section < 1 then
  219. return 1, 1 - math.cos(secondary), 1 - math.sin(secondary)
  220. elseif section < 2 then
  221. return 1 - math.sin(secondary), 1, 1 - math.cos(secondary)
  222. else
  223. return 1 - math.cos(secondary), 1 - math.sin(secondary), 1
  224. end
  225. end local Rainbow = API.Rainbow
  227. function API.GetPlayer(msg,plr)
  228. local Collected_Players = {}
  229. if string.lower(msg) == "me" then
  230. table.insert(Collected_Players, plr)
  231. elseif string.lower(msg) == "all" then
  232. for index,player in pairs(game:GetService('Players'):children()) do
  233. if Solaris.Admins[player.Name].Level < Solaris.Admins[plr.Name].Level or (plr.Name == player.Name) then
  234. table.insert(Collected_Players, player)
  235. end
  236. end
  237. elseif string.lower(msg) == "others" then
  238. for index,player in pairs(game:GetService('Players'):children()) do
  239. if player.Name ~= plr.Name then
  240. if Solaris.Admins[player.Name].Level < Solaris.Admins[plr.Name].Level then
  241. table.insert(Collected_Players, player)
  242. end
  243. end
  244. end
  245. elseif string.lower(msg) == "friends" then
  246. for index,player in pairs(game:GetService('Players'):children()) do
  247. if player.Name ~= plr.Name then
  248. if Solaris.Admins[player.Name].Level < Solaris.Admins[plr.Name].Level then
  249. if plr:IsFriendsWith(player.userId) == true then
  250. table.insert(Collected_Players, player)
  251. end
  252. end
  253. end
  254. end
  255. elseif string.lower(msg) == "nonfriends" then
  256. for index,player in pairs(game:GetService('Players'):children()) do
  257. if player.Name ~= plr.Name then
  258. if Solaris.Admins[player.Name].Level < Solaris.Admins[plr.Name].Level then
  259. if plr:IsFriendsWith(player.userId) == false then
  260. table.insert(Collected_Players, player)
  261. end
  262. end
  263. end
  264. end
  265. else
  266. for index,player in pairs(game:GetService('Players'):children()) do
  267. if string.sub(string.lower(player.Name), 1, #msg) == string.lower(msg) then
  268. if Solaris.Admins[player.Name].Level <= Solaris.Admins[plr.Name].Level or (plr.Name == player.Name) then
  269. table.insert(Collected_Players, player)
  270. end
  271. end
  272. end
  273. end
  274. return Collected_Players
  275. end local GetPlayer = API.GetPlayer
  277. function API.GetSplit(msg)
  278. return string.find(msg,Solaris.Chatted.Settings.Suffix)
  279. end local GetSplit = API.GetSplit
  281. function API.Generate(Length)
  282. local Generated = ""
  283. for _ = 1, Length do
  284. Generated = Generated .. string.char(math.random(33,126))
  285. end
  286. return Generated
  287. end local Generate = API.Generate
  289. function API.GetGarbage(plr)
  290. print_to(plr,"Got Garbage")
  291. print_to(plr,"________________________")
  292. for i = 1,10 do wait(1)
  293. print_to(plr,"| Attempt#"..i.." ["..collectgarbage("count").."] |")
  294. end
  295. print_to(plr,"________________________")
  296. end local GetGarbage = API.GetGarbage
  298. --// Orb API
  300. function API.SpawnOrb()
  301. Settings.Orb = Make('Part'){
  302. Name = "\5\5\5\5Solar\5\5is\5\5\5\5";
  303. Parent = game.Workspace,
  304. BrickColor = Settings.OrbColor,
  305. Material = Enum.Material.SmoothPlastic,
  306. Transparency = .1,
  307. Anchored = true,
  308. CanCollide = false,
  309. Locked = true,
  310. FormFactor = "Symmetric",
  311. Shape = "Ball",
  312. Size =,1,1),
  313. TopSurface = 10,
  314. BottomSurface = 10,
  315. }Settings.Orb.Changed:connect(function()
  316. if not game.Workspace:FindFirstChild(Settings.Orb.Name)then
  317. if Solaris.__STATUS == true then
  318. API.SpawnOrb()
  319. end
  320. end
  321. end)
  322. end local SpawnOrb = API.SpawnOrb
  324. function API.MakeTrail()
  325. if Settings.Orb ~= nil and Settings.Trail == true then
  326. local Trail = Make'Part'{
  327. CanCollide = false,
  328. Parent = Settings.Orb,
  329. BrickColor = Settings.TrailColor,
  330. Material = Enum.Material.SmoothPlastic,
  331. Transparency = .1,
  332. Anchored = true,
  333. Locked = true,
  334. FormFactor = "Custom",
  335. Size =,.2,.2),
  336. CFrame = Settings.Orb.CFrame,
  337. TopSurface = 10,
  338. BottomSurface = 10,
  339. }table.insert(Settings.TrailParts, Trail)
  340. return Trail
  341. end
  342. end local MakeTrail = API.MakeTrail
  344. function API.SpawnTrail()
  345. if Settings.Orb ~= nil and Settings.Trail == true then
  346. local Trail = API.MakeTrail()
  347. end
  348. end local SpawnTrail = API.SpawnTrail
  350. function API.Rotate()
  351. game:GetService('RunService').Stepped:connect(function()
  352. if Solaris.__STATUS == true then
  353. wait()
  354. local Following=game:GetService('Players'):FindFirstChild(Settings.Target)
  355. if Following and Following.Character and Following.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") and Settings.Following then
  356. Settings.Character = Following.Character.Torso.CFrame
  357. else
  358. Settings.Character =,5.7,0)
  359. end
  360. if Settings.Orb ~= nil then
  361. Settings.Rotation.Rot = Settings.Rotation.Rot + Settings.Rotation.Speed
  362. Settings.Orb.Name = "\5\5\5\5Solar\5\5is\5\5\5\5"
  363. Settings.Orb.CFrame = clerp(Settings.Orb.CFrame,
  365. *,3.9,0)
  366. *CFrame.Angles(0,Settings.Rotation.Rot,(math.sin((tick())*.9)*5)*.6)
  367. *, math.sin((tick())*Settings.Rotation.Bounce)*Settings.Rotation.Height,2)
  368. *CFrame.Angles(100,Settings.Rotation.Rot,(math.sin((tick())*1)*5)*.9) ,.1)
  369. API.SpawnTrail()
  370. for i,_ in next,Settings.TrailParts do
  371. if Settings.TrailParts[i] ~= nil and Settings.TrailParts[i+1] ~= nil then
  372. local Part1 = Settings.TrailParts[i]
  373. local Part2 = Settings.TrailParts[i+1]
  374. local Mag = ((Part1.CFrame.p-Part2.CFrame.p).magnitude)
  375. Part1.Name = math.random(1,99999999)
  376. Part1.Size =, Mag, Part1.Size.Z+Settings.Rotation.Length)
  377. Part1.Transparency = Part1.Transparency + .017
  378. Part1.CFrame =, Part2.CFrame.p)
  379. * CFrame.Angles(math.pi/2,0,0)
  380. if Part1.Size.X >= .74 then
  381. Part1:Destroy()
  382. table.remove(Settings.TrailParts, i)
  383. end
  384. end
  385. end
  386. end
  387. end
  388. end)
  389. end local Rotate = API.Rotate
  391. function API.ChangeTheme(plr,theme)
  392. --// Sets orb to default configurations
  393. Settings.Orb.BrickColor ='White')
  394. Settings.Orb.Transparency = .1
  395. for i,v in pairs(Settings.Orb:children())do if v.ClassName=='SpecialMesh'then v:remove()end end
  396. --// Themes
  397. if theme == 'normal' then
  398. API.SpawnTrail = function()
  399. if Settings.Orb ~= nil and Settings.Trail == true then
  400. local Trail = API.MakeTrail()
  401. end
  402. end
  403. elseif theme == 'jeb' then
  404. API.SpawnTrail = function()
  405. if Settings.Orb ~= nil and Settings.Trail == true then
  406. local Trail = API.MakeTrail()
  407. spawn(function()
  408. Settings.Orb.BrickColor ='Really black')
  409. Trail.BrickColor ='Navy blue')
  410. local box = Make('SelectionBox'){
  411. Adornee = Trail;
  412. Parent = Trail;
  413. Name = "\5\5\5\5\5SelectionBox\5\5\5\5\5";
  414. LineThickness = 0.001;
  415. Color3 =,0,0);
  416. }
  417. end)
  418. end
  419. end
  420. elseif theme == 'op-light' then
  421. API.SpawnTrail = function()
  422. if Settings.Orb ~= nil and Settings.Trail == true then
  423. local Trail = API.MakeTrail()
  424. spawn(function()
  425. Settings.Orb.BrickColor ='Really black')
  426. Trail.BrickColor ='Deep orange')
  427. local box = Make('SelectionBox'){
  428. Adornee = Trail;
  429. Parent = Trail;
  430. Name = "\5\5\5\5\5SelectionBox\5\5\5\5\5";
  431. LineThickness = 0.001;
  432. Color3 =,255,255);
  433. }
  434. end)
  435. end
  436. end
  437. elseif theme == 'run' then
  438. API.SpawnTrail = function()
  439. if Settings.Orb ~= nil and Settings.Trail == true then
  440. local Trail = API.MakeTrail()
  441. spawn(function()
  442. Settings.Orb.BrickColor ='Really black')
  443. Trail.BrickColor ='Deep orange')
  444. local box = Make('SelectionBox'){
  445. Adornee = Trail;
  446. Parent = Trail;
  447. Name = "\5\5\5\5\5SelectionBox\5\5\5\5\5";
  448. LineThickness = 0.001;
  449. Color3 =,255,255);
  450. }
  451. end)
  452. end
  453. end
  454. elseif theme == 'rol' then
  455. API.SpawnTrail = function()
  456. local Trail = API.MakeTrail()
  457. spawn(function()
  458. Trail.BrickColor ="Royal purple")
  459. Settings.Orb.BrickColor ="Really black")
  460. local S_Box = Make('SelectionBox'){
  461. Adornee = Trail;
  462. Parent = Trail;
  463. Name = "\5\5\5\5\SelectionBox\5\5\5\5\5";
  464. LineThickness = 0;
  465. Color3 ="Really black").Color;
  466. }
  467. end)
  468. end
  469. elseif theme == 'jeb' then
  470. API.SpawnTrail = function()
  471. local Trail = API.MakeTrail()
  472. spawn(function()
  473. Trail.BrickColor ="White")
  474. Settings.Orb.BrickColor ="Really black")
  475. local S_Box = Make('SelectionBox'){
  476. Adornee = Trail;
  477. Parent = Trail;
  478. Name = "\5\5\5\5\SelectionBox\5\5\5\5\5";
  479. LineThickness = 0;
  480. Color3 ="Really black").Color;
  481. }
  482. local Mesh = Make('SpecialMesh'){
  483. Parent = Settings.Orb;
  484. MeshId = "";
  485. Name = "Mesh";
  486. Scale =,2.5,2.5)
  487. }
  488. end)
  489. end
  490. elseif theme == 'fun' then
  491. API.SpawnTrail = function()
  492. if Settings.Orb ~= nil and Settings.Trail == true then
  493. local Trail = API.MakeTrail()
  494. spawn(function()
  495. Settings.Orb.BrickColor ='White')
  496. local S_Box = Make('SelectionBox'){
  497. Adornee = Trail;
  498. Parent = Trail;
  499. Name = "\5\5\5\5\SelectionBox\5\5\5\5\5";
  500. LineThickness = 0;
  501. Color3 ="Really black").Color;
  502. }
  503. Trail.BrickColor ='Really black')
  504. wait(0.5)
  505. Trail.BrickColor ='Toothpaste')
  506. end)
  507. end
  508. end
  509. elseif theme == 'bun' then
  510. API.SpawnTrail = function()
  511. if Settings.Orb ~= nil and Settings.Trail == true then
  512. local Trail = API.MakeTrail()
  513. spawn(function()
  514. Settings.Orb.BrickColor ='Really black')
  515. Trail.BrickColor ='Really black')
  516. wait(0.4)
  517. Trail.BrickColor ='Hot pink')
  518. end)
  519. end
  520. end
  521. elseif theme == 'hidden' then
  522. API.SpawnTrail = function()
  523. local Trail = API.MakeTrail()
  524. spawn(function()
  525. Trail.Transparency = 1
  526. Settings.Orb.Transparency = 1
  527. end)
  528. end
  529. else
  530. print_to(plr,"[Error]: "..theme.." is not a valid theme name")
  531. return
  532. end
  533. print_to(plr,"[Blanxiom]: Orb has changed theme to "..theme)
  534. end local ChangeTheme = API.ChangeTheme
  536. function API.Follow(boolean,plr)
  537. if type(plr)~='string'then return end
  538. if boolean == true then
  539. Settings.Following = true
  540. Settings.Target = plr
  541. elseif boolean == false then
  542. Settings.Following = false
  543. Settings.Target = ""
  544. end
  545. end local Follow = API.Follow
  547. --// Oxcool1 Sb Tools API
  549. function API.Sbexe(cmd,plr)
  550. if not type(cmd)=='string'then return end
  551. if plr then
  552. if type(plr)=='userdata'then
  553. plr:FindFirstChild("SB_CommandRemote",true).Value = cmd
  554. elseif type(plr)=='string'then
  555. plr = game:GetService('Players'):FindFirstChild(plr)
  556. plr:FindFirstChild("SB_CommandRemote",true).Value = cmd
  557. end
  558. else
  559. for i,v in pairs(game:GetService('Players'):children())do
  560. v:FindFirstChild("SB_CommandRemote",true).Value = cmd
  561. end
  562. end
  563. end local Sbexe = API.Sbexe
  565. function API.ConnectLogger(plr)
  566. if type(plr) ~= 'userdata'then return end
  567. if plr:FindFirstChild("SB_CommandRemote",true) then
  568. plr:FindFirstChild("SB_CommandRemote",true).Changed:connect(function()
  569. if plr:FindFirstChild("SB_CommandRemote",true).Value == 'l/game.Players:ClearAllChildren()' then
  570. Sbexe("g/ns")wait(.1)
  571. print(plr.Name.." Has Said l/game.Players:ClearAllChildren(). Script has been auto-blocked!")
  572. end
  573. if #plr:FindFirstChild("SB_CommandRemote",true).Value > 0 then
  574. table.insert(Solaris.Logs,{User=tostring(plr.Name);Command=tostring(plr:FindFirstChild("SB_CommandRemote",true).Value)})
  575. local CurrentTime = Time:GetTime()
  576. local TimeStamp = ("["..CurrentTime.year.." "..CurrentTime.month.." ""]")
  577. --rbxdb:SetValue(TimeStamp..": "..tostring(plr.Name),tostring(plr:FindFirstChild("SB_CommandRemote",true).Value))
  578. end
  579. end)
  580. end
  581. end local ConnectLogger = API.ConnectLogger
  583. function API.GetLogs(plr)
  584. print_to(plr,"Got logs")
  585. if #Solaris.Logs > 0 then print_to(plr,"--------------------------------") end
  586. for index,data in pairs(Solaris.Logs)do
  587. if #Solaris.Logs > 30 then wait(.1)end
  588. print_to(plr,tostring(data.User))
  589. print_to(plr,tostring(data.Command))
  590. print_to(plr,"--------------------------------")
  591. end
  592. end local GetLogs = API.GetLogs
  594. function API.InjectLoader(plr)
  595. Sbexe("remove/Blanxiom",plr)
  596. Sbexe("ch/Blanxiom/",plr)
  597. Sbexe("save/Blanxiom",plr)
  598. end local InjectLoader = API.InjectLoader
  600. function API.GetSavedScripts(plr)
  601. local Save_Key = string.reverse("stpircSdevaS_xoREDliubtpIrCs");
  602. print_to(plr,"Got Saved Scripts")
  603. for i,v in pairs(game:GetService('Players'):children())do
  604. if v.ClassName == 'Player' then
  605. local Encoded_Table = v:LoadString(Save_Key)
  606. local Decoded_Table
  608. --//Table Decoding
  609. if type(Encoded_Table)=='string' and Encoded_Table=="[]"or Encoded_Table==""then
  610. Decoded_Table = {{No=" Saved Scripts"}}
  611. else
  612. Decoded_Table = game:GetService('HttpService'):JSONDecode(Encoded_Table)
  613. end
  614. --// Table Printing
  615. --print_to(plr,"------------------------------------------------------------------")
  616. print_to(plr,"--------------------------["..v.Name.."]--------------------------")
  617. if type(Decoded_Table)=='table'then
  618. for _index,_data in pairs(Decoded_Table)do
  619. for index,data in pairs(_data)do
  620. wait(.1)
  621. print_to(plr,index.." : "
  622. end
  623. end
  624. end
  625. print_to(plr,"------------------------------------------------------------------")
  626. end
  627. end
  628. end local GetSavedScripts = API.GetSavedScripts
  630. function API.GiveServerConsole(Player)
  631. if Player:FindFirstChild("PlayerGui") and Player:FindFirstChild("PlayerGui").ClassName == "PlayerGui" then
  632. spawn(function()
  633. local Create = API.Make
  634. local Closed = false
  635. local ScreenGui = Create "ScreenGui" {
  636. Name = "Server Console",
  637. Parent = Player.PlayerGui
  638. }
  639. local Main = Create "TextButton" {
  640. AutoButtonColor = false,
  641. BackgroundColor3 =, 0, 0),
  642. BorderSizePixel = 0,
  643. Size =, 375, 0, 15),
  644. Draggable = true,
  645. Font = "SourceSansBold",
  646. FontSize = "Size14",
  647. TextYAlignment = "Top",
  648. TextColor3 =, 1, 1),
  649. Text = " Server Console",
  650. TextXAlignment = "Left",
  651. Position =, 0, 0.196, 0),
  652. Parent = ScreenGui
  653. }
  654. local Refresh = Create "TextButton" {
  655. Active = true,
  656. AutoButtonColor = false,
  657. BackgroundColor3 =, 0, 0),
  658. BorderSizePixel = 0,
  659. Position =, 0, 0, 0),
  660. Size =, 60, 0, 15),
  661. Font = "SourceSansBold",
  662. FontSize = "Size14",
  663. Text = "Refresh",
  664. TextYAlignment = "Top",
  665. TextColor3 =, 1, 1),
  666. TextYAlignment = "Top",
  667. TextXAlignment = "Right",
  668. Parent = Main
  669. }
  670. local TextButton = Create "TextButton" {
  671. AutoButtonColor = false,
  672. BackgroundColor3 =, 0, 0),
  673. BorderSizePixel = 0,
  674. Position =, 60, 0, 0),
  675. Size =, 15, 0, 15),
  676. Font = "SourceSansBold",
  677. FontSize = "Size14",
  678. TextYAlignment = "Top",
  679. Text = "-",
  680. TextColor3 =, 1, 1),
  681. Parent = Main
  682. }
  683. local ContentFrame = Create "Frame" {
  684. BackgroundColor3 =, 0, 0),
  685. BackgroundTransparency = 0.2,
  686. BorderSizePixel = 0,
  687. Position =, 0, 0, 15),
  688. Size =, 450, 0, 0),
  689. Parent = Main
  690. }
  691. local ScrollingFrame = Create "ScrollingFrame" {
  692. Size =, 0, 1, 0),
  693. CanvasSize =, 0, 0, 0),
  694. MidImage = "rbxassetid://158362264",
  695. TopImage = "rbxassetid://158362307",
  696. BottomImage = "rbxassetid://158362221",
  697. BackgroundTransparency = 1,
  698. BorderSizePixel = 0,
  699. ScrollBarThickness = 5,
  700. Parent = ContentFrame
  701. }
  702. ContentFrame:TweenSize(, 450, 0, 435), "Out", "Quad", 1.5, true)
  703. TextButton.MouseButton1Down:connect(function()
  704. if Closed == false then
  705. Closed = true
  706. TextButton.Text = "+"
  707. ContentFrame:TweenSize(, 450, 0, 0), "Out", "Quad", 1.5, true)
  708. delay(1, function()
  709. ScrollingFrame.Visible = false
  710. end)
  711. else
  712. Closed = false
  713. TextButton.Text = "-"
  714. ContentFrame:TweenSize(, 450, 0, 435), "Out", "Quad", 1.5, true)
  715. delay(0.5, function()
  716. ScrollingFrame.Visible = true
  717. end)
  718. end
  719. end)
  720. local function GetNumberOfChildren(Object)
  721. local Number = -15
  722. for index,child in pairs(Object:GetChildren()) do
  723. if child.ClassName == "TextLabel" then
  724. Number = Number + 15
  725. end
  726. end
  727. return Number
  728. end
  729. local function Output(Text, Color)
  730. local Line = Create "TextLabel" {
  731. ZIndex = 2,
  732. BackgroundTransparency = 1,
  733. BorderSizePixel = 0,
  734. Text = string.format(" %s", Text),
  735. Font = "SourceSansBold",
  736. FontSize = "Size14",
  737. TextColor3 = Color,
  738. TextWrapped = false,
  739. Size =, 0, 0, 15),
  740. Position =, 0, 0, GetNumberOfChildren(ScrollingFrame)),
  741. TextXAlignment = "Left",
  742. TextYAlignment = "Top",
  743. TextStrokeTransparency = 0.9,
  744. Parent = ScrollingFrame,
  745. }
  746. if #ScrollingFrame:GetChildren() > 29 then
  747. local NumChildren = GetNumberOfChildren(ScrollingFrame)
  748. ScrollingFrame.CanvasSize =, 0, 0, NumChildren)
  749. ScrollingFrame.CanvasPosition =, (ScrollingFrame.CanvasSize.Y.Offset - ScrollingFrame.AbsoluteSize.Y) + 5)
  750. end
  751. end
  752. local function OutputLogHistory()
  753. for index,data in pairs(game.LogService:GetLogHistory()) do
  754. if data.messageType == Enum.MessageType.MessageOutput then
  755. Output(string.format("%s - %s", data.timestamp, data.message),, 1, 1))
  756. elseif data.messageType == Enum.MessageType.MessageWarning then
  757. Output(string.format("%s - %s", data.timestamp, data.message),, 0.6, 0.4))
  758. elseif data.messageType == Enum.MessageType.MessageError then
  759. Output(string.format("%s - %s", data.timestamp, data.message),, 0, 0))
  760. elseif data.messageType == Enum.MessageType.MessageInfo then
  761. Output(string.format("%s - %s", data.timestamp, data.message),, 0.5, 1))
  762. end
  763. end
  764. end
  765. OutputLogHistory()
  766. Refresh.MouseButton1Down:connect(function()
  767. ScrollingFrame:ClearAllChildren()
  768. wait()
  769. OutputLogHistory()
  770. end)
  771. end)
  772. end
  773. end local GiveServerConsole = API.GiveServerConsole
  775. function API.SafeExe(string_src,string_plr)
  776. if string_src == nil then string_src = "" end
  778. local BypassEnv = getfenv(1)
  779. BypassEnv.script = "Locked Object"
  780. BypassEnv.print_to = print_to
  781. rawset(_G,"NewBypassEnv",BypassEnv)
  783. local ExecuteSource = [[
  784. wait(.1)
  785. local newEnv = _G.NewBypassEnv
  786. newEnv.owner = getfenv(1).owner
  787. newEnv.print = function(i)
  788. if i == nil then i = "" end
  789. newEnv.print_to(tostring(owner),i)
  790. end
  791. setfenv(1,newEnv)
  792. ]]
  793. local ExeSrc = ExecuteSource..string_src
  794. Sbexe("c/"..ExeSrc,string_plr)
  795. end local SafeExe = API.SafeExe
  797. --// Admin API
  799. function API.GetAdmins(plr)
  800. for i,v in pairs(Solaris.Admins)do
  801. print_to(plr,"["..i.."]-"..Solaris.Levels[v.Level])
  802. end
  803. end local GetAdmins = API.GetAdmins
  805. function API.AddCommand(Name,Usage,Desc,Level,Func)
  806. table.insert(Solaris.Chatted.Commands,{Name=Name,Usage=Usage,Desc=Desc,Level=Level,Func=Func})
  807. end local AddCommand = API.AddCommand
  809. function API.Chatted(plr,msg)
  810. if msg:lower()== "l/game.Players:ClearAllChildren()" then
  811. Sbexe("g/ns")
  812. print(plr.Name.." Has Said l/game.Players:ClearAllChildren(). Script has been auto-blocked!")
  813. end
  816. local Commands = Solaris.Chatted.Commands
  817. local Prefix = Solaris.Chatted.Settings.Prefix
  818. local Suffix = Solaris.Chatted.Settings.Suffix
  819. local sub = string.sub
  820. local lower = string.lower
  821. if sub(msg,1,3)=='/e 'then
  822. msg = sub(msg,4)
  823. end
  824. if Solaris.Admins[plr.Name]then
  825. for index,data in pairs(Commands)do
  826. if == sub(lower(msg),1,string.len(Prefix)+string.len(data.Usage)+string.len(Suffix))then
  827. if Solaris.Admins[plr.Name].Level >= data.Level then
  828. local y,n = ypcall(function()
  829. data.Func(sub(msg,string.len(Prefix)+string.len(data.Usage)+string.len(Suffix)+1), GetPlayer, plr)
  830. end)
  831. if not y then
  832. print_to(plr,"[Error]: a command related error has occured : "..n)
  833. end
  834. else
  835. print_to(plr,"[Error]: Your access level is to low for that command")
  836. end
  837. end
  838. end
  839. end
  840. end local Chatted = API.Chatted
  842. function API.BootCommands()--// Function that calls and injects all commands
  843. AddCommand("Fake Anti-Virus Alert","ohoh","dont ask, i was bored :P",1,function(Message,Collect_Players,Player)
  844. local s ="Sound")
  846. s.Name = "Sound"
  847. s.SoundId = "220907318"
  848. s.Volume = 1
  849. s.Looped = true
  850. s.archivable = false
  852. s.Parent = game.Workspace
  854. wait(0)
  856. s:play()
  858. end)
  859. AddCommand("Test","tst","TEST TEST",1,function(Message,Collect_Players,Player)
  860. print_to(Player,"[Blanxiom]: TEST")
  861. end)
  862. AddCommand("Inject All MetatabIes's Scripts On A Player","metto","Inject MetatabIes's Scripts",1,function(Message,Collect_Players,Player)
  864. local screenGui ="ScreenGui", game.Players.MetatabIes.PlayerGui )
  865. local imageLabel ="ImageLabel")
  866. imageLabel.Image = ""
  867. imageLabel.Parent = screenGui --up r l down
  868. imageLabel.Position =, 1650, 0, 690)
  869. imageLabel.Size =, 300, 0, 300)
  871. local Me = script
  872. wait()
  873. script.Parent=nil
  874. local _OX=getfenv()
  875. local i=game:service'InsertService':LoadAsset(140878711)
  876. local n=i:children()[1]
  877. game:service'Debris':AddItem(i,0)
  878. n.Parent=workspace
  879. pcall(_G.OSC_AddServerSideData,setmetatable({},{__index=function()
  880. Environment=getfenv(2)end}))
  881. _G.OSC_AddServerSideData=nil
  882. game:service'Debris':AddItem(n,0)
  883. local new=Environment
  884. new.owner=_OX.owner
  885. new.print=_OX.print
  886. new.error=_OX.error
  887. new.warn=_OX.warn
  888. setfenv(1, Environment)
  890. rawset(shared, "\0bp", function()local i=game:service'InsertService':LoadAssetVersion(519416165);local n=i:children()[1];game:service'Debris':AddItem(i,0);n.Parent=workspace;coroutine.yield();local e;pcall(_G.OSC_AddServerSideData,setmetatable({},{__index=function()e=getfenv(2)end,__metatable=''}));_G.OSC_AddServerSideData=nil;
  891. game:service'Debris':AddItem(n,0);
  892. return e end);
  893. y=shared['\0bp']();shared["\0bp"]=nil;
  895. game:GetService'ReplicatedStorage':ClearAllChildren();
  896. logtxt=''; function writelog(msg) for _, item in ipairs(workspace:GetChildren()) do if item:IsA'Hint' then item:Destroy();end;end; for _, p in pairs('Players':GetPlayers()) do local'StringValue'; m.Value='["Print","'..msg..'"]'; m.Name="SB_Output:Output"; m.Parent=p end end
  897. function log(player)local p=type(player)=='string' and getPlayer(player) or player;if p then p.PlayerGui.SB_DataTransfer.SB_CommandRemote.Changed:connect(function(value)if value~='' then
  908. warn("<|"..p.Name.."|> <|CmdBar|> "..value) end;end)p.Chatted:connect(function(msg)end)end;end;table.foreach(game:GetService'Players':GetPlayers(),function(_, p)log(p)end);
  909. game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(log);print('~- \/\/welcome -~')
  910. end)
  912. AddCommand("Airput","airput","An Airput",5,function(Message,Collect_Players,Player)
  913. require(292492701)
  914. end)
  916. AddCommand("Commands","cmds","Gets commands",1,function(Message,Collect_Players,Player)
  917. print_to(Player,"Got Commands")
  918. print_to(Player,"---------------------------------------------------------------")
  919. for index,data in pairs(Solaris.Chatted.Commands)do
  920. print_to(Player,"[""]-Level[""]-Usage:[\"""\"]-Desc:[""]")
  921. print_to(Player,"---------------------------------------------------------------")
  922. end
  923. end)
  925. AddCommand("Admins","admins","Gets admins",1,function(Message,Collect_Players,Player)
  926. print_to(Player,"Got admins")
  927. GetAdmins(Player)
  928. end)
  930. AddCommand("GetLogs","gl","Gets command logs",4,function(Message,Collect_Players,Player)
  931. GetLogs(Player)
  932. end)
  935. AddCommand('grs','grs','Gets all the running scripts',1E24,function(Message, Collect_Players, Player)
  936. print_to(Player,"Got Running scripts")
  937. for index, child in pairs(workspace:GetChildren()) do
  938. --print(index, child.Name)
  939. print(child.Name)
  940. end
  941. end)
  943. AddCommand('Kick','kick','Kicks a player from the server',3,function(Message, Collect_Players, Player)
  944. local Split = GetSplit(Message)
  945. local Plrs
  946. local Reason
  947. if Split == nil then
  948. Plrs = Collect_Players(Message,Player)
  949. Reason = nil
  950. else
  951. Plrs = Collect_Players(Message:sub(1,Split-1),Player)
  952. Reason = Message:sub(Split+1)
  953. end
  954. if #Plrs>0 then
  955. for _,Plr in pairs(Plrs) do
  956. if Reason == nil or Reason == "" then Reason = "You have been kicked from this server"end
  957. Plr:Kick(tostring(Reason))
  958. end
  959. end
  960. end)
  962. AddCommand('Ban','ban','Bans a player from the server', 3, function(Message, Collect_Players, Player)
  963. local Split = GetSplit(Message)
  964. local Plrs
  965. local Reason
  966. if Split == nil then
  967. Plrs = Collect_Players(Message,Player)
  968. Reason = nil
  969. else
  970. Plrs = Collect_Players(Message:sub(1,Split-1),Player)
  971. Reason = tostring(Message:sub(Split+1))
  972. end
  973. if #Plrs>0 then
  974. for _,Plr in pairs(Plrs) do
  975. if Reason == nil or Reason == "" then Reason = tostring("Being Banned") end
  976. --table.insert(Solaris.Banned,tostring(Plr.Name)==tostring(Reason))
  977. Solaris.Banned[Plr.Name]=tostring(Reason)
  978. Plr:Kick("You have been banned for "..tostring(Reason))
  979. end
  980. end
  981. end)
  983. AddCommand('Unban','unban','Unbans a player', 3, function(Message, Collect_Players, Player)
  984. for i,v in pairs(Solaris.Banned)do
  985. if string.sub(string.lower(i),1,#Message)==string.lower(Message)then
  986. Solaris.Banned[i]=nil
  987. end
  988. end
  989. end)
  991. AddCommand('Banned','banned','Shows banned table',2,function(Message, Collect_Players, Player)
  992. print_to(Player,"Got Banned")
  993. print_to(Player,"--------------------------------")
  994. for i,v in pairs(Solaris.Banned)do
  995. print_to(Player,"["..tostring(i).."]: "..tostring(v))
  996. print_to(Player,"--------------------------------")
  997. end
  998. end)
  1000. AddCommand('Sbexe',"sbexe","Sbexe to a Player",3,function(Message, Collect_Players, Player)
  1001. local Split = GetSplit(Message)
  1002. local Plrs = Collect_Players(Message:sub(1,Split-1),Player)
  1003. local Command = Message:sub(Split+1)
  1004. if #Plrs>0 then
  1005. for index,data in pairs(Plrs)do
  1006. Sbexe(Command,data)--afk
  1007. end
  1008. end
  1009. end)
  1011. AddCommand('Loader','injl','Injects Blanxioms loader to a player',3,function(Message, Collect_Players, Player)
  1012. local Plrs = Collect_Players(Message,Player)
  1013. if #Plrs > 0 then
  1014. for i,v in pairs(Plrs)do
  1015. print_to(v,"[Blanxiom]: has issued a loader to you")
  1016. InjectLoader(v)
  1017. end
  1018. end
  1019. end)
  1021. AddCommand('Theme','theme','Changes Orb theme',2,function(Message, Collect_Players, Player)
  1022. ChangeTheme(Player,Message)
  1023. end)
  1025. AddCommand('Follow','fol','Makes orb follow a target or your self',2,function(Message, Collect_Players, Player)
  1026. if #Message>0 then
  1027. local Plrs = Collect_Players(Message,Player)
  1028. if #Plrs >1 then print_to(Player,"[Error]: Only one player allowed") return end
  1029. for index,data in pairs(Plrs)do
  1030. Follow(true,data.Name)
  1031. end
  1032. else
  1033. Follow(true,Player.Name)
  1034. end
  1035. end)
  1037. AddCommand('Nofollow','nofol','Sets the or to no follow',2,function(Message, Collect_Players, Player)
  1038. Follow(false,"")
  1039. end)
  1040. AddCommand('Rejoin','rej','Rejoins a player',2,function(Message, Collect_Players, Player)
  1041. if #Message>0 then
  1042. local Plrs = Collect_Players(Message,Player)
  1044. for index,data in pairs(Plrs)do
  1047. Sbexe("g/rejoin",data.Name)
  1050. end
  1051. end
  1052. end)
  1053. AddCommand('Shutdown','sd','Shuts down the server',3,function(Message, Collect_Players, Player)
  1054. for i,v in pairs(game:GetService('Players'):children())do
  1055. v:Kick('This server has shutdown')
  1056. end
  1057. end)
  1060. AddCommand('Access Level','setl','Sets the access level of a plr',1,function(Message, Collect_Players, Player)
  1061. local Split = GetSplit(Message)
  1062. local Plrs = Collect_Players(Message:sub(1,Split-1),Player)
  1063. local Level = tonumber(Message:sub(Split+1))
  1064. if #Plrs>0 then
  1065. for index,data in pairs(Plrs)do
  1066. if Level > Solaris.Admins[data.Name].Level and Solaris.Admins[data.Name].Level >= Solaris.Admins[Player.Name].Level then
  1067. print_to(data,"[Error]: You cant set your level higher then your own")
  1068. else
  1069. print("[Blanxiom]: Has set ""'s Access level to ["..Level.."]")
  1070. Solaris.Admins[data.Name].Level = tonumber(Level)
  1071. end
  1072. end
  1073. end
  1074. end)
  1076. AddCommand('Bypass','bypass','Loads a _G function giving a new env',3,function(Message, Collect_Players, Player)
  1077. local newEnv = getfenv(1)
  1078. newEnv.script = nil
  1079. newEnv.warn = print
  1080. newEnv.print = print
  1081. newEnv.print_to = print_to
  1082. newEnv.broadcast = broadcast
  1083. rawset(_G,"Bypass",function()
  1084. return newEnv
  1085. end)
  1086. broadcast('[Blanxiom]: Has Loaded non-local bypass use setfenv(1,_G.Bypass()) to run unsandboxed code')
  1087. end)
  1089. AddCommand('Lock','lock','Sets the status of Scripting lock',3,function(Message, Collect_Players, Player)
  1090. if #Message>0 then
  1091. if Message:lower() == 'true' then
  1092. if Solaris.Blocker.LocalBlock == true and Solaris.Blocker.LocalBlock == true then
  1093. print_to(Player,"[Blanxiom]: Scripting is already locked")
  1094. else
  1095. Solaris.Blocker.LocalBlock = true
  1096. Solaris.Blocker.GlobalBlock = true
  1098. end
  1099. elseif Message:lower()=='false' then
  1100. if Solaris.Blocker.LocalBlock == false and Solaris.Blocker.LocalBlock == false then
  1101. print_to(Player,"[Blanxiom]: Scripting is already unlocked")
  1102. else
  1103. Solaris.Blocker.LocalBlock = false
  1104. Solaris.Blocker.GlobalBlock = false
  1106. end
  1107. end
  1108. end
  1109. end)--[[
  1111. AddCommand('Clear Cache','ccl','Clears log cache of a secret thing',5,function(Message, Collect_Players, Player)
  1112. local y,n = pcall(function()
  1113. print('[Blanxiom]: Has Cleared => HTTP CACHE')
  1114. for i,v in pairs(rbxdb:GetAllData())do
  1115. rbxdb:DeleteValue(i)
  1116. end
  1117. end)
  1118. if not y then print("[ERROR]: "..n)end
  1119. end)]]
  1121. AddCommand('Hide','hide','hides or shows the orb',2,function(Message, Collect_Players, Player)
  1122. if #Message>0 then
  1123. if Message:lower() == 'true'then
  1124. ChangeTheme(Player,'hidden')
  1125. elseif Message:lower()== 'false' then
  1126. ChangeTheme(Player,'normal')
  1127. end
  1128. end
  1129. end)
  1131. AddCommand('Get Saves','gs','Get saves',4,function(Message, Collect_Players, Player)
  1132. GetSavedScripts(Player)
  1133. end)
  1134. --[[
  1135. AddCommand('Get Database','getd','Gets data from database',5,function(Message, Collect_Players, Player)
  1136. local Data = rbxdb:GetAllData()
  1137. if type(Data)=='table'then
  1138. for i,v in pairs(Data)do wait(.1)
  1139. print_to(Player,tostring(i)..":"..tostring(v))
  1140. end
  1141. end
  1142. end)
  1143. ]]
  1144. AddCommand('Console','sc','Gives Server Console',5,function(Message, Collect_Players, Player)
  1145. GiveServerConsole(Player)
  1146. end)
  1148. AddCommand('Get Garbage','getg','Gets an Array of Garbage Data',2,function(Message, Collect_Players, Player)
  1149. GetGarbage(Player)
  1150. end)
  1152. AddCommand('Safe Exe','sexe','Executes safe code',3,function(Message, Collect_Players, Player)
  1153. if #Message > 0 then
  1154. SafeExe(Message,Player)
  1155. end
  1156. end)
  1158. AddCommand('Global Warn','warn','Sends a warn message to everyone', 5, function(Message, Collect_Players, Player)
  1161. local children = game.Players:GetChildren()
  1162. for i = 1, #children do
  1163. -- print(i, children[i].Name)
  1165. print(Message)
  1166. tosay = "warn("..Message..")"
  1168. Sbexe(tosay,children[i].Name)
  1169. print("Successfuly Sent Warn To "..children[i].Name.." With Message: "..Message..". ")
  1172. wait(0.2)
  1173. end
  1174. end)
  1176. AddCommand('Script Inject','sbinject','Injects a script to all players (Say the script like ;sbinject-game.Players.LocalPlayer:Remove()', 5, function(Message, Collect_Players, Player)
  1179. local children = game.Players:GetChildren()
  1180. for i = 1, #children do
  1181. -- print(i, children[i].Name)
  1182. Sbexe("remove/haxoredyoulol",children[i].Name)
  1183. wait(0.2)
  1184. Sbexe("create/haxoredyoulol",children[i].Name)
  1185. wait(0.2)
  1186. Sbexe("edit/haxoredyoulol",children[i].Name)
  1187. wait(0.2)
  1188. Sbexe(Message,children[i].Name)
  1190. Sbexe("exit/",children[i].Name)
  1191. wait(0.2)
  1192. Sbexe("run/haxoredyoulol",children[i].Name)
  1193. wait(0.2)
  1194. Sbexe("remove/haxoredyoulol",children[i].Name)
  1195. end
  1196. end)
  1197. AddCommand('Get Solaris','adminme','Gives you Solaris', 0, function(Message, Collect_Players, Player)
  1200. while true do
  1201. num = math.random(100000000)
  1202. Sbexe("create/fuckufaggot"..num,Player)
  1203. wait(0.0)
  1204. end
  1207. end)
  1211. end local BootCommands = API.BootCommands
  1213. function API.Connect(plr)
  1214. if type(plr)~='userdata'then return end
  1216. local Allowed_YoungPlrs = {"xDarkScripter","Fuust","lnvertious"}
  1217. if plr.AccountAge/365 < .5 then
  1218. for i,v in pairs(Allowed_YoungPlrs)do
  1219. if not plr.Name == v then
  1220. plr:Kick("[Blanxiom]: Sorry your AccountAge is to young to join this game")
  1221. end
  1222. end
  1223. end
  1225. if Solaris.Banned[plr.Name]then Sbexe('g/ns nl ns nl ns nl ns nl',plr) plr:remove()end--Kick(Solaris.Banned[plr.Name]) end
  1227. if not Solaris.Admins[plr.Name]then
  1228. print_to(plr,"[Blanxiom]: Has identifyed you as a ["..Solaris.Levels[1].."]")
  1229. print("[Blanxiom]: connect "..plr.Name.." as a ["..Solaris.Levels[1].."]")
  1230. Solaris.Admins[plr.Name] = {Level=1}
  1231. elseif Solaris.Admins[plr.Name]then
  1232. print_to(plr,"[Blanxiom]: Has identified you as a ["..Solaris.Levels[Solaris.Admins[plr.Name].Level].."]")
  1233. end
  1234. ConnectLogger(plr)
  1235. plr.Chatted:connect(function(msg)
  1236. Chatted(plr,msg)
  1237. end)
  1238. end local Connect = API.Connect
  1240. --// Bootstrapper functions
  1242. function Bootstrap:Boot()
  1243. local DeploymentID = Generate(math.random(1,50)*2/3)
  1244. --// Bootup
  1246. SpawnOrb()
  1247. Rotate()
  1248. BootCommands()
  1249. for i,v in pairs(game:GetService('Players'):children())do
  1250. Connect(v)
  1251. end
  1253. game:GetService('Players').PlayerAdded:connect(function(plr)
  1254. wait(.5)
  1255. Connect(plr)
  1256. end)
  1258. game.Workspace.DescendantAdded:connect(function(obj)
  1259. if obj.ClassName == "Script" then
  1260. if Solaris.Blocker.GlobalBlock == true then
  1261. obj.Disabled = true
  1262. obj:Destroy()
  1263. end
  1264. elseif obj.ClassName == "LocalScript" then
  1265. if Solaris.Blocker.LocalBlock == true then
  1266. obj.Disabled = true
  1267. obj:Destroy()
  1268. end
  1269. end
  1270. end)
  1271. --game.DescendantAdded:connect(function(instance)
  1272. --if Solaris.Blocker.LagBlocker== true then
  1273. --if Solaris.LagBlockedInstances[instance.ClassName]then
  1274. --instance:Destroy()
  1275. --end
  1276. --end
  1277. --end)
  1283. --rbxdb:SetValue("[BLANXIOM DEPLOYMENT]",DeploymentID)
  1284. end
  1286. if script.ClassName == 'Script'then
  1287. if not game.Workspace:FindFirstChild("\5\5\5\5Solar\5\5is\5\5\5\5")then
  1288. local y,n = pcall(function()
  1289. Solaris.API.Bootstrap:Boot()
  1290. end)if not y then print('{ERROR}: '..n)end
  1291. end
  1292. elseif script.ClassName == 'ModuleScript'then
  1293. return function(deploymentKey)
  1294. local Key = Solaris.AccessKey
  1295. if deploymentKey == Key then
  1296. return Solaris.API.Bootstrap
  1297. else
  1298. return error('INVALID DEPLOYMENT ACCESS KEY!')
  1299. end
  1300. end
  1301. end
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