

Sep 17th, 2016
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  3. Wild Soul
  5. As druids are divine casters who share a link with the animals of nature, wild souls develop a similar link to the world's fey. And like the fey themselves, wild souls swear allegiance – or at least an alliance – with one of the two great courts.
  7. Requirements
  9. Alignment: Chaotic
  10. Race: Any non outsider
  11. Skills: Lore 8, Spellcraft 8
  12. Spells: Able to cast level 2 arcane spells or lesser invocations
  14. Hit dice: d4
  15. Skill points: 2+int
  17. Class Features:
  19. Spellcasting: At every wild soul level beyond 1st, you gain new spells per day and an increase in caster level (and spells known, if applicable) as if you had also gained a level in an arcane spellcasting class you belonged to before you added the prestige class. You do not, however, gain any other class benefit a character of that class would have gained. If you had more than one arcane spellcasting class before becoming a wild soul, you must decide to which class to add each level for the purpose of determining spells per day.
  21. Court: At the 1st level you select if you are unseelie or seelie. This also grants additional bonuses as you gain levels.
  23. Seelie: Friendly or neutral targets affected by your spells increase their spell-resistance to 10. Subsequent effects add an additional third of your Wild Soul levels. This effect cannot stack above 10 + the targets hitdice. The effect lasts for hours equal to your Wild Soul levels.
  25. Unseelie: Your spells decrease the spell resistance by a third of your wild soul levels on hostile targets. This effect stacks up to your Wild Soul levels and lasts for hours equal to your Wild Soul levels.
  27. Damage Reduction Cold Iron: You have damage reduction equal to half your wild soul levels, overcome by cold iron.
  29. Mind Immunity: Starting at level 10, you are immune to mind effecting spells.
  31. Infinite Spells: A wild soul can tap into the magic that naturally infuses fey and magical beasts to cast spells that were not prepared ahead of time. You gain spell-like abilities which you can cast endlessly, the casterlevel for these spells when determining numeric effects (damage, duration, etc) only takes wildsoul levels into account. The spells cannot be altered by metamagic, however depending on what court you picked can have different effects. Spells are specified on a table below and counts as feats and as such cannot be replaced once picked.
  33. The DC on Infinite spells = 10 + Wild Soul + Charisma Modifier + 1 for every fey heritage feat you got.
  35. Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
  36. 1 +0 +0 +0 +2 Select Seelie/Unseelie, you gain the Fey Heritage feat , 1 Damage reduction.
  37. 2 +1 +0 +0 +3 +1 You gain immunity to sleep. Unlocks Spell level: 0-1.
  38. 3 +1 +1 +1 +3 +1 Infinite spell, Unlocks Spell level: 2-3,
  39. 4 +2 +1 +1 +4 +1 Infinite spell, Unlocks Spell level: 4, You gain Dash as the feat, 2 Damage reduction.
  40. 5 +2 +1 +1 +4 +1 Infinite spell, Unlocks Spell level: 5,
  41. 6 +3 +2 +2 +5 +1 Infinite spell, Unlocks Spell level: 6, 3 Damage reduction.
  42. 7 +3 +2 +2 +5 +1 Infinite spell, Unlocks Spell level: 7,
  43. 8 +4 +2 +2 +6 +1 Infinite spell, Unlocks Spell level: 8, 4 Damage reduction.
  44. 9 +4 +3 +3 +6 +1 Infinite spell, Unlocks Spell level: 9,
  45. 10 +5 +3 +3 +7 +2 Infinite spell, Unlocks Spell Level: 10, you gain immunity to mind spells, 5 Damage reduction.
  47. Level 0-1:
  49. * Lesser Orb of Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire and Sound
  50. * Ray of Frost
  51. * Enlarge Person
  52. * Reduce Person
  53. * Camouflage
  54. * Nightshield
  55. * Shield
  56. * Blades of Fire
  57. * Mage Armor
  58. * Detect Undead
  59. * Camoflage
  60. * Lesser Vigor
  61. * Cure Light Wounds
  63. Level 2-3:
  65. * Protection From Arrows
  66. * Blind Sight
  67. * Bladeweave
  68. * Invisibility
  69. * Body of the Sun
  70. * Healing Sting
  71. * Bulls, Cats, Bears, Eagles, Owls, Foxes
  72. * Clairaudience and Clairvoyance
  73. * Cure Moderate Wounds
  74. * Vigor
  76. Level 4:
  78. * Fireball
  79. * Call Lightning
  80. * Mestil's Acid Breath
  81. * Hypothermia
  82. * Lightning Bolt
  84. Level 5:
  86. * Vigor
  87. * Blind Sight
  88. * Displacement
  89. * Cure Moderate Wounds (seelie)
  90. * Mass Curse of Impending Blades (unseelie)
  92. Level 6:
  94. * Orb of Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire and Sound
  96. Level 7:
  98. * Shout
  99. * Greater Creeping Cold
  100. * Moon Bolt
  101. * Arc of Lightning
  102. * Flame Strike
  104. Level 8:
  106. * Freedom of Movement
  107. * Superior Resistance
  108. * Isaacs Lesser Missle Storm
  109. * Vigorous Cycle
  110. * Mass Cure Light Wounds
  111. * Cure Critical Wounds
  112. * Lesser Mind Blank
  113. * Vitrolic Sphere
  114. * Greater Dispel Magic
  115. * Rejuvenation Cocoon
  117. Level 9:
  119. * Spell Mantle, Least
  120. * Spell Breach, Lesser
  121. * Haste
  122. * Death Ward
  123. * Spell Resistance
  124. * Restoration
  125. * Slay Living
  126. * Extract Water Elemental
  127. * True Seeing
  128. * Stone Skin
  130. Level 10:
  132. * Isaacs Missile Storm (Max 5 instead of 10 missiles per target)
  133. * Lesser Disintegrate (Caps at 20d6 instead of 40d6)
  134. * Mass Cure Moderate Wounds
  135. * Inferno
  136. * Greater Heroism
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