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- # - alias: Opdater flagdage
- # id: 2f0253f30f74479b90b5231ec7296d61
- # description: Opdater nedtællingen til næste officielle flagdag
- # initial_state: true
- # mode: single
- # trigger:
- # - platform: time
- # at: "05:00:00"
- # - platform: homeassistant
- # event: start
- # action:
- # service: shell_command.flagdays_update
- # # It is flagday
- # - alias: Flaget skal hejses
- # id: 3f6b25440fe54302b3165c2624431d8c
- # description: Reminder om at hejse flaget
- # initial_state: true
- # mode: single
- # trigger:
- # - platform: template
- # value_template: "{{ states('sensor.time') == state_attr('sensor.next_flag_day', 'flag_up_time') }}"
- # condition: "{{ ( state_attr('sensor.next_flag_day', 'days') | int ) == 0 }}"
- # action:
- # # Update the boolean switch whether it is a half mast
- # - service: >-
- # {%- if is_state_attr('sensor.flagdays_dk', 'half_mast_all_day', true) %}
- # input_boolean.turn_on
- # {% elif is_state_attr('sensor.flagdays_dk', 'half_mast_end_time', false) %}
- # input_boolean.turn_off
- # {% else %}
- # input_boolean.turn_on
- # {% endif %}
- # data:
- # entity_id: input_boolean.private_half_mast
- # # Send a actionable notification to my phone
- # - service: script.flag_notification
- # data:
- # message: |
- # Husk at hejse flaget i anledning af {{ state_attr('sensor.next_flag_day', 'friendly_name') }}.
- # {%- if not is_state_attr('sensor.next_flag_day', 'half_mast', 'false') %}
- # <br><br><b>HUSK</b>: Flaget skal være på halv {{ 'hele dagen.' if is_state_attr('sensor.next_flag_day', 'half_mast', 'true') else 'indtil ' + state_attr('sensor.next_flag_day', 'half_mast') + ' hvorefter det skal hejses til tops.' }}
- # {% endif %}
- # actions:
- # - action_title: "OK, flaget er hejst"
- # action_name: "flag_toggle"
- # - action_title: "Annuler"
- # action_name: "flag_cancel"
- # # On a half mast day with a end time
- # - alias: Flaget skal helt til tops
- # id: 45b26aec9e45450ebefdc46f7c6be4bd
- # description: Reminder om at hejse flaget helt til tops
- # initial_state: true
- # mode: single
- # trigger:
- # - platform: template
- # value_template: "{{ states('sensor.time') == state_attr('sensor.next_flag_day', 'half_mast') }}"
- # variables:
- # time_out: 600
- # action:
- # - service: script.flag_notification
- # data:
- # message: |
- # Det er nu tid til at flaget skal helt til tops.
- # time_offset: "{{ time_out }}"
- # actions:
- # - action_title: "OK"
- # action_name: "flag_ok_half_mast"
- # - action_title: "Annullér"
- # action_name: "flag_cancel_half_mast"
- # - wait_for_trigger:
- # - platform: event
- # event_type: mobile_app_notification_action
- # timeout:
- # seconds: "{{ time_out }}"
- # - choose:
- # - conditions: "{{ == 'flag_ok_half_mast' }}"
- # sequence:
- # - service: input_boolean.turn_off
- # data:
- # entity_id: input_boolean.private_half_mast
- # default:
- # - service: notify.mobile_app_jacobs_moto
- # data:
- # message: clear_notification
- # data:
- # tag: flag_notification
- # # Time to take the flag down
- # - alias: Flaget er hejst
- # id: 305695924c244ce4a3ddbb4710228135
- # description: Reminder om at tage flaget ned
- # mode: single
- # trigger:
- # - platform: sun
- # event: sunset
- # offset:
- # minutes: "-10"
- # action:
- # - variables:
- # time_out: "{{ trigger.offset[1:] | int }}"
- # - service: script.flag_notification
- # data:
- # message: |
- # Husk at tage flaget ned. Solen går ned kl. {{ state_attr('sensor.next_flag_day', 'flag_down_time') }}.
- # {{ '<b>OBS</b>: Hejs først flaget helt til tops inden det tages ned.' if is_state('input_boolean.private_half_mast', 'on') }}
- # time_offset: "{{ time_out }}"
- # actions:
- # - action_title: "OK, flaget er taget ned"
- # action_name: "flag_toggle"
- # - action_title: "Annullér"
- # action_name: "flag_cancel"
- # - wait_for_trigger:
- # - platform: event
- # event_type: mobile_app_notification_action
- # timeout:
- # seconds: "{{ time_out * 60 }}"
- # - choose:
- # - conditions: "{{ == 'flag_toggle' }}"
- # sequence:
- # - service: input_boolean.turn_off
- # data:
- # entity_id: input_boolean.private_half_mast
- # default:
- # - service: notify.mobile_app_jacobs_moto
- # data:
- # message: clear_notification
- # data:
- # tag: flag_notification
- # - service: input_boolean.turn_off
- # data:
- # entity_id: input_boolean.private_half_mast
- # # Receiver of the actions from the phone
- # - alias: Opdater flagets status
- # id: 0408a260c8514a17b42ae7c4167217f2
- # description: Modtager af kommandoer fra notifikationer
- # initial_state: true
- # mode: single
- # trigger:
- # - platform: event
- # event_type: mobile_app_notification_action
- # action:
- # - choose:
- # - conditions: "{{['action'] == 'flag_toggle' }}"
- # sequence:
- # - service: automation.toggle
- # data:
- # entity_id: automation.flaget_er_hejst
- # default:
- # - service: notify.mobile_app_jacobs_moto
- # data:
- # message: clear_notification
- # data:
- # tag: persistent
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