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- /* INFO
- Written by: Najeeb Shah Khan (
- Last Modified: 5-4-2023
- */
- #NoEnv
- #SingleInstance, force
- SetBatchLines, -1
- SetWorkingDir, %A_ScriptDir%
- FileCreateDir, %A_ScriptDir%\DATA
- FileInstall , NAJEEB-TRANSLATOR.ahk, %A_ScriptDir%\DATA\NAJEEB-TRANSLATOR.ahk, 1
- FileSetAttrib +HS, %A_ScriptDir%\DATA\NAJEEB-TRANSLATOR.ahk, 2
- FileSetAttrib +HS, %A_ScriptDir%\DATA, 2
- ;=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- global MAX_URL_LENGTH := 2076, IMAGE_ICON := 1, WM_SETICON := 0x80, ICON_BIG := 1
- , GUIs := [], LangArray := {}, Player, Voice := [], ColorGui := "Default", MainTransText
- , SIZING, Edit1HPos, Edit2HPos, Edit2YPos, Button2YPos, Button6YPos, Edit1FontSize, Edit2FontSize
- , IsControlPos, GetControlPos, ScriptPID, GuiActive, SaveSize, AllowMultiWindow
- , IniName := RegExReplace(A_ScriptName, "(.*\.).*", "$1ini")
- ModifyTrayIcon(ExtractIcon("Google16", 16), A_ScriptHwnd)
- DetectHiddenWindows, On
- SendMessage, WM_SETICON, ICON_BIG, ExtractIcon("Google32", 32),, ahk_id %A_ScriptHwnd%
- DetectHiddenWindows, Off
- Process, Exist
- ScriptPID := ErrorLevel
- InitLangArray()
- Hotkey, IfWinActive
- Hotkey, ~^vk43, HotkeyRun, Off
- Hotkey, ~^Ins , HotkeyRun, Off
- IniRead, Hotkey , % IniName, Hotkey , Hotkey , C
- IniRead, ShowWindowOnStart, % IniName, Settings, ShowWindowOnStart, 0
- IniRead, SaveSize , % IniName, Settings, SaveSize , 0
- IniRead, AllowMultiWindow , % IniName, Settings, AllowMultiWindow , 0
- IniRead, Edit1FontSize , % IniName, Location, Edit1FontSize , 8
- IniRead, Edit2FontSize , % IniName, Location, Edit2FontSize , 8
- if InStr(Hotkey, "C")
- Hotkey, ~^vk43, On
- if InStr(Hotkey, "Ins")
- Hotkey, ~^Ins, On
- Menu, Tray, NoStandard
- Menu, Tray, Add, Open, Open
- Menu, Tray, Default, Open
- Menu, Tray, Add
- Menu, Tray, Add, Show window on startup, ShowWindowOnStart
- if ShowWindowOnStart
- Menu, Tray, Check, Show window on startup
- Menu, Tray, Add, Maintain window dimensions, SaveSize
- if SaveSize
- Menu, Tray, Check, Maintain window dimensions
- Menu, Tray, Add, Allow many windows, AllowMultiWindow
- if AllowMultiWindow
- Menu, Tray, Check, Allow many windows
- Menu, Tray, Add
- Menu, Tray, Add, Use Ctrl+C+C, Hotkey
- Menu, Tray, Add, Use Ctrl+Ins+Ins, Hotkey
- if InStr(Hotkey, "C")
- Menu, Tray, Check, Use Ctrl+C+C
- if InStr(Hotkey, "Ins")
- Menu, Tray, Check, Use Ctrl+Ins+Ins
- Menu, Tray, Add
- if !A_IsCompiled
- {
- Menu, Tray, Add, Edit, Edit
- Menu, Tray, Add, Reload, Reload
- Menu, Tray, Add
- }
- Menu, Tray, Add, Exit, ExitApp
- , RegisterCallback("WinGetControlPos", "F"), 0, 0, 0)
- OnExit, Exit
- OnMessage(0x201, "WM_LBUTTONDOWN")
- OnMessage(0x111, "WM_COMMAND")
- OnMessage(0x214, "WM_SIZING")
- ShowWindowOnStart ? ShowTranslation("", "", "en", "ru")
- Return
- Open:
- if !WinExist("Najeeb Google Translate ahk_pid" ScriptPID) || AllowMultiWindow
- ShowTranslation("", "", "en", "ru")
- return
- ShowWindowOnStart:
- AllowMultiWindow:
- SaveSize:
- Menu, Tray, ToggleCheck, % A_ThisMenuItem
- %A_ThisLabel% := !%A_ThisLabel%
- IniWrite, % %A_ThisLabel%, % IniName, Settings, %A_ThisLabel%
- return
- Edit:
- Edit
- return
- Reload:
- Reload
- return
- Hotkey:
- Menu, Tray, ToggleCheck, % A_ThisMenuItem
- if InStr(A_ThisMenuItem, "Ins")
- Hotkey := InStr(Hotkey, "Ins") ? RegExReplace(Hotkey, "Ins") : Hotkey . "Ins"
- if InStr(A_ThisMenuItem, "C+C")
- Hotkey := InStr(Hotkey, "C") ? RegExReplace(Hotkey, "C") : Hotkey . "C"
- Hotkey, ~^Ins, % InStr(Hotkey, "Ins") ? "On" : "Off"
- Hotkey, ~^vk43, % InStr(Hotkey, "C") ? "On" : "Off"
- IniWrite, % Hotkey, % IniName, Hotkey, Hotkey
- return
- HotkeyRun:
- DoublePress()
- return
- ExchangeLang:
- GuiControlGet, to,, ComboBox1
- GuiControlGet, from,, ComboBox2
- SourceLangNames := TargetLangNames := ""
- for k In LangArray
- SourceLangNames .= "|" . k . (k = from ? "|" : "")
- , TargetLangNames .= "|" . k . (k = to ? "|" : "")
- SourceLangNames := RegExReplace(SourceLangNames, "\|$", "||")
- GuiControl,, ComboBox1, % SourceLangNames
- GuiControl,, ComboBox2, % TargetLangNames
- GuiControl, Focus, Edit1
- return
- Exit:
- WinGet, List, List, % "Najeeb Google Translate ahk_pid" ScriptPID
- Loop % List
- {
- if (List%A_Index% = GUIs.1)
- {
- IniWriteSizeGui(GUIs.1), SaveSize ? IniWriteSizeEdit(GUIs.1)
- break
- }
- }
- DllCall("UnhookWinEvent", Ptr, HWINEVENTHOOK)
- GUIs := LangArray := Voice := ""
- ExitApp:
- ExitApp
- ^!vk56::SendInput, {Raw}%MainTransText%
- #If hActive := WinActive("Najeeb Google Translate ahk_pid" ScriptPID)
- Esc::WinClose, A
- Enter::ControlClick, Button4, % "Najeeb Google Translate ahk_pid" ScriptPID
- ^Tab::
- Gui, %hActive%:Default
- GuiControl, Focus, Static1
- Gosub, ExchangeLang
- Return
- #If WinActive("Najeeb Google Translate ahk_pid" ScriptPID) && NN := GetEditFocus()
- ^WheelUp::
- ^WheelDown::
- InStr(A_ThisHotkey, "Up") ? ++Edit%NN%FontSize : --Edit%NN%FontSize
- Edit%NN%FontSize < 6 ? Edit%NN%FontSize := 6
- Edit%NN%FontSize > 25 ? Edit%NN%FontSize := 25
- ToolTip % "FontSize = " . Edit%NN%FontSize
- Gui, % WinExist("A") . ":Default"
- Gui, Font, % "q5 s" . Edit%NN%FontSize, Verdana
- GuiControl, Font, Edit%NN%
- SetTimer, IniWriteFontSize, -500
- return
- IniWriteFontSize:
- ToolTip
- IniWrite, %Edit1FontSize%, % IniName, Location, Edit1FontSize
- IniWrite, %Edit2FontSize%, % IniName, Location, Edit2FontSize
- return
- DoublePress()
- {
- static pressed1 = 0
- if pressed1 and A_TimeSincePriorHotkey <= 400 And Clipboard
- {
- pressed1 := 0
- if (!(hwnd := WinExist("Najeeb Google Translate ahk_pid" ScriptPID)) || AllowMultiWindow)
- GuiActive := GetActiveWindow(), Translate(RegExReplace(Clipboard, "\R", "`r`n"))
- else
- TranslateInTheSameWindow(hwnd, Clipboard)
- }
- else
- pressed1 := 1
- }
- Translate(str, ByRef _from="", ByRef _to="", NewWindow = 1)
- {
- if !Ping("")
- {
- MsgBox, 16, Error!, No response from server.`nCheck connection with internet!
- Return
- }
- if (_from = "" && _to = "")
- {
- cyr := RegExMatch(str, "[А-Яа-я]")
- from := cyr ? "ru" : "auto", to := cyr ? "en" : "ru"
- }
- else
- from := _from, to := _to
- json := SendRequest(str,to,from,proxy:="")
- JS := new ActiveScript("JScript")
- JS.eval("delete ActiveXObject; delete GetObject;")
- try oJSON := JS.eval("(" . JSON . ")")
- catch {
- Clipboard := JSON
- MsgBox, % 16, Error, % "The full error text is in ClipBoard`n`n" . SubStr(JSON, 1, 500)
- Return
- }
- if !IsObject(oJSON[1])
- Loop % oJSON[0].length
- trans .= oJSON[0][A_Index - 1][0]
- else {
- MainTransText := oJSON[0][0][0]
- Loop % oJSON[1].length {
- trans .= "`n+"
- obj := oJSON[1][A_Index-1][1]
- Loop % obj.length {
- txt := obj[A_Index - 1]
- trans .= (MainTransText = txt ? "" : "`n" txt)
- }
- }
- }
- if !IsObject(oJSON[1])
- MainTransText := trans := Trim(trans, ",+`n ")
- else
- trans := MainTransText . "`n+`n" . Trim(trans, ",+`n ")
- from := oJSON[2]
- trans := Trim(trans, ",+`n ")
- If NewWindow
- ShowTranslation(Clipboard, trans, from, to)
- else
- {
- _from := from, _to := to
- Return trans
- }
- }
- URIEncode(Str)
- {
- b_Format:=A_FormatInteger
- SetFormat, IntegerFast, H
- Loop, % StrPutVar(Str, Var, "UTF-8")
- {
- Ch:=NumGet(Var, A_Index-1, "UChar")
- If Ch=0
- Break
- If (Ch>0x7f Or Ch<0x30 Or Ch=0x3d)
- s.="%"((StrLen(c:=SubStr(Ch, 3))<2) ? "0"c:c)
- else
- s.=Chr(Ch)
- }
- SetFormat, IntegerFast, % b_Format
- Return, s
- }
- {
- PostMessage, WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN := 0xA1, HTCAPTION := 2
- }
- ShowTranslation(SourceText, TransText, from, to)
- {
- static PlayPause1, PlayPause2, Stop1, Stop2, hGui, Control, ExChange1, ExChange2, Source
- , hIconPlayPause, hIconStop, hIconTranslate, hIconGoogle, hIconChange, Icons
- , hButtPlayPause1, hButtPlayPause2, hButtStop1, hButtStop2, hButtTranslate, hButtChange1, hButtChange2
- , BS_ICON := 0x40, BM_SETIMAGE := 0xF7, ES_NOHIDESEL := 0x100
- Gui, New, +AlwaysOnTop +LastFound +Resize +hwndhGui +Owner +MinSize199x220 -MaximizeBox
- Gui, Color, %ColorGui%
- oSize := IniReadSizeEdit()
- if (SaveSize && Edit1H := oSize.Edit1H)
- Edit1W := oSize.Edit1W, Edit2H := oSize.Edit2H
- Gui, Font, q5 s8, Verdana
- Gui, Add, Text, % "x" (Edit1W > 310 ? 10 + (Edit1W - 310)//2 : 10) " y15", Source Language:
- SourceLangNames := TargetLangNames := ""
- For k,v In LangArray
- SourceLangNames .= (A_Index = 1 ? "" : "|") . k . (v = from ? "|" : "")
- , TargetLangNames .= (A_Index = 1 ? "" : "|") . k . (v = to ? "|" : "")
- SourceLangNames := RegExReplace(SourceLangNames, "\|$", "||")
- Gui, Add, DDL, % "x" (Edit1W > 310 ? 112 + (Edit1W - 310)//2 : 112) " yp-4 w182", % SourceLangNames
- Gui, Add, Button, % "x" (Edit1W > 310 ? 297 + (Edit1W - 310)//2 : 297)
- . " yp-1 w23 h23 " BS_ICON " hwndhButtChange1 gExchangeLang vExChange1"
- Gui, Font, q5 s%Edit1FontSize%, Verdana
- if !(SaveSize && Edit1H)
- {
- Gui, Add, Edit, x10 y+9 w310 Multi %ES_NOHIDESEL% vSource, % SourceText
- GuiControlGet, Edit1, Pos
- Edit1H < 45 ? Edit1H := 45
- Edit1H > 250 ? Edit1H := 250
- GuiControl, Move, Edit1, h%Edit1H%
- }
- else
- Gui, Add, Edit, % "x10 y+9 w" (Edit1W ? Edit1W : 310) " Multi h" Edit1H " vSource " ES_NOHIDESEL, % SourceText
- GuiControlGet, Edit1, Pos
- Gui, Font, q5 s8, Verdana
- Gui, Add, Button, % "x10 y" Edit1Y + Edit1H + 5 " w52 h23 hwndhButtPlayPause1 gPlayPause vPlayPause1 " BS_ICON
- Gui, Add, Button, % "x+3 yp w52 h23 " BS_ICON " hwndhButtStop1 gStop vStop1" (Player ? "" : " Disabled")
- Gui, Add, Button, % "x" (Edit1W ? Edit1W - 60 : 250) " yp w70 h23 " BS_ICON " hwndhButtTranslate gTranslate"
- Gui, Add, Text, % "x" (Edit1W > 310 ? 10 + (Edit1W - 310)//2 : 10) " y+20", Translated Lang:
- Gui, Add, DDL, % "x" (Edit1W > 310 ? 112 + (Edit1W - 310)//2 : 112) " yp-4 w182", % TargetLangNames
- Gui, Add, Button, % "x" (Edit1W > 310 ? 297 + (Edit1W - 310)//2 : 297)
- . " yp-1 w23 h23 " BS_ICON " hwndhButtChange2 gExchangeLang vExChange2"
- Gui, Font, q5 s%Edit2FontSize%, Verdana
- if !(SaveSize && Edit1H := oSize.Edit1H)
- {
- Gui, Add, Edit, x10 y+9 w310 Multi %ES_NOHIDESEL%, % TransText
- GuiControlGet, Edit2, Pos
- Edit2H < 45 ? Edit2H := 45
- Edit2H > 250 ? Edit2H := 250
- GuiControl, Move, Edit2, h%Edit2H%
- }
- else
- Gui, Add, Edit, % "x10 y+9 w" (Edit1W ? Edit1W : 310) " Multi h" Edit2H " " ES_NOHIDESEL, % TransText
- GuiControlGet, Edit2, Pos
- Gui, Font, q5 s8, Verdana
- Gui, Add, Button, % "x10 y" Edit2Y + Edit2H + 5 " w52 h23 hwndhButtPlayPause2 gPlayPause vPlayPause2 " BS_ICON
- Gui, Add, Button, % "x+3 yp w52 h23 " BS_ICON " hwndhButtStop2 gStop vStop2" (Player ? "" : " Disabled")
- Gui, Add, Button, % "x" (Edit1W ? Edit1W - 60 : 250) " yp w70 h23 gGuiClose", OK
- if !IsObject(Icons)
- {
- hIconGoogle := ExtractIcon("Google16", 16)
- hIconChange := ExtractIcon("Change", 16)
- hIconPlayPause := ExtractIcon("PlayPause", 25)
- hIconStop := ExtractIcon("Stop", 12)
- hIconTranslate := ExtractIcon("Translate", 16)
- Icons := [hIconGoogle, hIconChange, hIconPlayPause, hIconStop, hIconTranslate]
- }
- DetectHiddenWindows, On
- Loop 2
- {
- PostMessage, BM_SETIMAGE, IMAGE_ICON, hIconChange ,, % "ahk_id" hButtChange%A_Index%
- PostMessage, BM_SETIMAGE, IMAGE_ICON, hIconPlayPause ,, % "ahk_id" hButtPlayPause%A_Index%
- PostMessage, BM_SETIMAGE, IMAGE_ICON, hIconStop ,, % "ahk_id" hButtStop%A_Index%
- }
- PostMessage, BM_SETIMAGE, IMAGE_ICON, hIconTranslate,, ahk_id %hButtTranslate%
- PostMessage, WM_SETICON,, hIconGoogle,, ahk_id %hGui%
- PostMessage, WM_INPUTLANGCHANGEREQUEST,, GetLayoutList()[from = "ru" ? "Ru" : "En"],, ahk_id %A_ScriptHwnd%
- DetectHiddenWindows, Off
- GuiControlGet, Button8, Pos
- Gui, Show, % "hide h" Button8Y + Button8H + 6, Najeeb Google Translate
- GuiControl, Focus, Edit1
- if !WinExist("Najeeb Google Translate ahk_pid" ScriptPID)
- {
- IniRead, xGUI, % IniName, Location, xGUI, % " "
- IniRead, yGUI, % IniName, Location, yGUI, % " "
- Gui, Show, % (xGUI = "" ? "" : "x" xGUI " y" yGUI " ") "w" (SaveSize && Edit1W ? Edit1W + 20 : 330)
- }
- else
- {
- WinGetPos, X, Y,,, % "ahk_id " (GuiActive ? GuiActive : GUIs[GUIs.MaxIndex()])
- Gui, Show, % "x" X + 60 " y" Y + 40 " w" (SaveSize && Edit1W ? Edit1W + 20 : 330)
- }
- GUIs.Insert(hGui), GuiActive := ""
- Return
- GuiSize:
- if !IsControlPos
- return
- SetWinDelay, 0
- {
- if A_GuiHeight - Edit1HPos > 32
- Resizing(A_GuiWidth, A_GuiHeight, 1)
- else
- {
- if (GetControlPos = "")
- _WinGetControlPos(A_Gui), GetControlPos := 1
- Resizing(A_GuiWidth, A_GuiHeight, 2)
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if A_GuiHeight - Edit2HPos > 32
- Resizing(A_GuiWidth, A_GuiHeight, 2)
- else
- {
- if (GetControlPos = "")
- _WinGetControlPos(A_Gui), GetControlPos := 1
- Resizing(A_GuiWidth, A_GuiHeight, 1)
- }
- }
- return
- PlayPause:
- if IsObject(Player)
- {
- if Playing := !Playing
- Player.Controls.pause()
- else
- }
- else
- {
- hGui := A_Gui, Control := A_GuiControl
- SetTimer, PlayPauseTimer, -1
- }
- return
- PlayPauseTimer:
- n := SubStr(Control, 0)
- ControlGet, Text, Selected,, Edit%n%, ahk_id %hGui%
- if (Text = "")
- ControlGetText, Text, Edit%n%, ahk_id %hGui%
- ControlGetText, lng, ComboBox%n%, ahk_id %hGui%
- Say(RegExReplace(Text, "\R+", "`n"), LangArray[lng])
- return
- Stop:
- Player.close()
- Playing := Player := ""
- StopButtonEnableDisable(0)
- return
- Translate:
- GuiControlGet, from,, ComboBox1
- from := LangArray[from]
- GuiControlGet, to,, ComboBox2
- to := LangArray[to]
- GuiControlGet, SourseText,, Edit1
- if (SourseText = "") {
- ToolTip Enter the text to translate into the window!
- Sleep, 1500
- ToolTip
- Return
- }
- TransText := Translate(RegExReplace(SourseText, "\R", "`r`n"), from, to, 0)
- GuiControl,, Edit2, % TransText
- GuiControl, Focus, Edit1
- Return
- GuiClose:
- if (A_Gui = GUIs.1)
- IniWriteSizeGui(A_Gui), SaveSize ? IniWriteSizeEdit(A_Gui)
- else
- {
- for k,v in GUIs
- if (A_Gui = v)
- break
- GUIs.Remove(k)
- }
- Gui, %A_Gui%: Destroy
- IfWinNotExist, Najeeb Google Translate ahk_pid %ScriptPID%
- {
- Player.close(), Player := "", Voice := []
- FileDelete, % A_ScriptDir "\mp3\*.mp3"
- Loop % Icons.MaxIndex()
- DllCall("DestroyIcon", Ptr, Icons[A_Index])
- Icons := "", GUIs := []
- }
- return
- }
- TranslateInTheSameWindow(hwnd, SourceText)
- {
- Translation := Translate(RegExReplace(SourceText, "\R", "`r`n"), from, to, 0)
- For k,v In LangArray
- SourceLangNames .= "|" . k . (v = from ? "|" : "")
- , TargetLangNames .= "|" . k . (v = to ? "|" : "")
- Gui, %hwnd%:Default
- GuiControl,, ComboBox1, % SourceLangNames
- GuiControl,, ComboBox2, % TargetLangNames
- GuiControl,, Edit1, % SourceText
- GuiControl,, Edit2, % Translation
- }
- Resizing(W, H, mode)
- {
- E1H := H - Edit1HPos
- E2Y := H - Edit2YPos, E2H := H - Edit2HPos
- B2Y := H - Button2YPos, B6Y := H - Button6YPos
- if mode = 1
- {
- GuiControl, Move, Edit1, % "w" W - 20 " h" E1H
- GuiControl, Move, Edit2, % "w" W - 20 " y" E2Y
- GuiControl, MoveDraw, Button2, % "y" B2Y
- GuiControl, MoveDraw, Button3, % "y" B2Y
- GuiControl, MoveDraw, Button4, % "x" (W > 200 ? W - 80 : 120) " y" B2Y
- GuiControl, MoveDraw, Static2, % "x" (W > 330 ? 10 + (W - 330)//2 : 10) " y" B2Y + 43
- GuiControl, Move, ComboBox2, % "x" (W > 330 ? 112 + (W - 330)//2 : 112) " y" B2Y + 39
- GuiControl, MoveDraw, Button5, % "x" (W > 330 ? 297 + (W - 330)//2 : 297) " y" B2Y + 38
- }
- else
- {
- GuiControl, Move, Edit1, % "w" W - 20
- GuiControl, Move, Edit2, % "w" W - 20 " h" (E2H > 32 ? E2H : 32)
- GuiControl, MoveDraw, Static2, % "x" (W > 330 ? 10 + (W - 330)//2 : 10)
- GuiControl, Move, ComboBox2, % "x" (W > 330 ? 112 + (W - 330)//2 : 112)
- GuiControl, MoveDraw, Button5, % "x" (W > 330 ? 297 + (W - 330)//2 : 297)
- GuiControl, MoveDraw, Button4, % "x" (W > 200 ? W - 80 : 120)
- }
- GuiControl, Move, Static1, % "x" (W > 330 ? 10 + (W - 330)//2 : 10)
- GuiControl, Move, ComboBox1, % "x" (W > 330 ? 112 + (W - 330)//2 : 112)
- GuiControl, MoveDraw, Button1, % "x" (W > 330 ? 297 + (W - 330)//2 : 297)
- GuiControl, MoveDraw, Button6, % "y" B6Y
- GuiControl, MoveDraw, Button7, % "y" B6Y
- GuiControl, MoveDraw, Button8, % "x" (W > 200 ? W - 80 : 120) " y" B6Y
- }
- Ping(strHost)
- {
- Loop 4
- bRet := ComObjGet("winmgmts:").Get("Win32_PingStatus.address='" . strHost . "'").StatusCode = 0
- until bRet
- return bRet
- }
- Say(Text, lng)
- {
- static PlaylistOpenNoMedia := 6, Stopped := 1
- Player := ComObjCreate("WMPlayer.OCX")
- objPlaylist := Player.currentPlaylist
- for k,v in Voice
- if (v.Text = RegExReplace(Text, "^\s*(\S.+\S)(\s+$|$)", "$1") && v.lng = lng)
- {
- var := 1
- break
- }
- if var
- {
- Loop % v.mp3.MaxIndex()
- objPlaylist.appendItem(Player.newMedia(v.mp3[A_Index]))
- }
- else
- {
- if !Ping("")
- {
- MsgBox, 16, Error!, No response from the server.`nCheck the connection with the Internet!
- Return
- }
- PreUrl := "" lng "&total=1&idx=0&client=t&prev=input"
- Strings := []
- If StrLen(Text) > 100
- {
- StartPos := 1
- While StartPos := RegExMatch(Text, ".+?(\.|$)", Found, StartPos) + StrLen(Found)
- {
- if StrLen(Found) > 100
- {
- StartPos_ := 1
- While StartPos_ := RegExMatch(Found, "(.{1,99}([ ,\t\n]|$))|(.{1,100})", Found_, StartPos_) + StrLen(Found_)
- Strings.Insert(Found_)
- }
- else
- Strings.Insert(Found)
- }
- }
- else
- Strings.1 := Text
- if !FileExist(A_ScriptDir "\mp3")
- FileCreateDir, %A_ScriptDir%\mp3
- Voice.Insert(o := {Text: RegExReplace(Text, "^\s*(\S.+\S)(\s+$|$)", "$1"), lng: lng, mp3: []})
- Loop % Strings.MaxIndex()
- {
- txt := Strings[A_Index]
- URLDownloadToFile, % PreUrl . "&textlen=" . StrLen(txt) . "&tk=" . TK(txt)
- . "&q=" URIEncode(RegExReplace(Strings[A_Index], "^\s*([^\s]+)\s*$", "$1"))
- , % mp3file := A_ScriptDir "\mp3\" A_TickCount ".mp3"
- objPlaylist.appendItem(Player.newMedia(mp3file))
- o.mp3.Insert(mp3file)
- }
- }
- StopButtonEnableDisable(1)
- While Player.PlayState != Stopped && Player.OpenState != PlaylistOpenNoMedia && IsObject(Player)
- Sleep, 100
- Player.close(), Player := objPlaylist := ""
- StopButtonEnableDisable(0)
- }
- StopButtonEnableDisable(key)
- {
- WinGet, List, List, Najeeb Google Translate ahk_pid %ScriptPID%
- Loop % List
- {
- Control , % key ? "Enable" : "Disable",, Button3, % "ahk_id" List%A_Index%
- Control , % key ? "Enable" : "Disable",, Button7, % "ahk_id" List%A_Index%
- }
- }
- WM_COMMAND(wp, lp)
- {
- static EN_SETFOCUS := 0x100, CBN_SETFOCUS := 3
- if !WinActive("Najeeb Google Translate") || !(wp>>16 = EN_SETFOCUS || wp>>16 = CBN_SETFOCUS)
- return
- Gui, %A_Gui%:Default
- DetectHiddenWindows, On
- if (wp>>16 = EN_SETFOCUS)
- {
- GuiControlGet, Name, Name, %lp%
- if Name != Source
- return
- GuiControlGet, lang,, ComboBox1
- PostMessage, WM_INPUTLANGCHANGEREQUEST,, GetLayoutList()[lang = "Russian" ? "Ru" : "En"],, ahk_id %A_ScriptHwnd%
- }
- if (wp>>16 = CBN_SETFOCUS)
- PostMessage, WM_INPUTLANGCHANGEREQUEST,, GetLayoutList().Ru,, ahk_id %A_ScriptHwnd%
- DetectHiddenWindows, Off
- }
- GetLayoutList()
- {
- SetFormat, IntegerFast, H
- VarSetCapacity(List, A_PtrSize*2)
- DllCall("GetKeyboardLayoutList", Int, 2, Ptr, &List)
- Locale1 := NumGet(List)
- b := SubStr(Locale2 := NumGet(List, A_PtrSize), -3) = 0409
- En := b ? Locale2 : Locale1
- Ru := b ? Locale1 : Locale2
- SetFormat, IntegerFast, D
- Return {En: En, Ru: Ru}
- }
- {
- SIZING := wp
- }
- SetWinEventHook(eventMin, eventMax, hmodWinEventProc, lpfnWinEventProc, idProcess, idThread, dwFlags)
- {
- return DllCall("SetWinEventHook" , UInt, eventMin, UInt, eventMax
- , Ptr, hmodWinEventProc, Ptr, lpfnWinEventProc
- , UInt, idProcess, UInt, idThread
- , UInt, dwFlags, Ptr)
- }
- WinGetControlPos(hWinEventHook, event, hwnd)
- {
- if !GetActiveWindow()
- return
- IsControlPos := GetControlPos := "", CorrectPos(hwnd)
- else
- _WinGetControlPos(hwnd)
- }
- _WinGetControlPos(hwnd)
- {
- Gui, %hwnd%:Default
- GuiControlGet, Edit1, Pos
- GuiControlGet, Edit2, Pos
- GuiControlGet, Button2, Pos
- GuiControlGet, Button6, Pos
- VarSetCapacity(Rect, 16)
- DllCall("GetClientRect", Ptr, hwnd, Ptr, &Rect)
- ClientH := NumGet(Rect, 12, "UInt")/A_ScreenDPI*96
- Edit1HPos := ClientH - Edit1H
- Edit2HPos := ClientH - Edit2H
- Edit2YPos := ClientH - Edit2Y
- Button2YPos := ClientH - Button2Y
- Button6YPos := ClientH - Button6Y
- IsControlPos := 1
- }
- CorrectPos(hwnd)
- {
- VarSetCapacity(Rect, 16)
- DllCall("GetClientRect", Ptr, hwnd, Ptr, &Rect)
- ClientH := NumGet(Rect, 12, "UInt")/A_ScreenDPI*96
- Gui, %hwnd%:Default
- GuiControlGet, Edit2, Pos
- GuiControl, Move, Edit2, % "h" ClientH - Edit2Y - 34
- Loop 3
- GuiControl, MoveDraw, % "Button" A_Index + 5, % "y" ClientH - 29
- }
- GetActiveWindow()
- {
- WinGetActiveTitle, Title
- WinGetClass, Class, A
- WinGet, PID, PID, A
- Return (Title = "Najeeb Google Translate" && Class = "AutoHotkeyGUI" && PID = ScriptPID) ? WinExist("A") : ""
- }
- IniReadSizeEdit()
- {
- IniRead, Edit1W, % IniName, Location, Edit1W, % " "
- IniRead, Edit1H, % IniName, Location, Edit1H, % " "
- IniRead, Edit2H, % IniName, Location, Edit2H, % " "
- Return {Edit1W: Edit1W, Edit1H: Edit1H, Edit2H: Edit2H}
- }
- IniWriteSizeEdit(hwnd)
- {
- ControlGetPos,,, Edit1W, Edit1H, Edit1, % "ahk_id" hwnd
- ControlGetPos,,,, Edit2H, Edit2, % "ahk_id" hwnd
- IniWrite, % Edit1W, % IniName, Location, Edit1W
- IniWrite, % Edit1H, % IniName, Location, Edit1H
- IniWrite, % Edit2H, % IniName, Location, Edit2H
- }
- IniWriteSizeGui(hwnd)
- {
- WinGetPos, X, Y,,, % "ahk_id" hwnd
- IniWrite, % X, % IniName, Location, xGUI
- IniWrite, % Y, % IniName, Location, yGUI
- }
- GetEditFocus()
- {
- if !WinActive("Najeeb Google Translate ahk_pid" ScriptPID)
- return
- ControlGetFocus, Control, A
- return InStr(Control, "Edit") ? SubStr(Control, 0) : ""
- }
- SendRequest(str, tl := "", sl := "", proxy := "") {
- ComObjError(false)
- http := ComObjCreate("Microsoft.XmlHttp")
- proxy ? http.SetProxy(2, proxy) : "", tl ? "" : tl := "en"
- "POST", ""
- . (sl ? sl : "auto") "&tl=" tl "&hl=" tl
- . "&dt=at&dt=bd&dt=ex&dt=ld&dt=md&dt=qca&dt=rw&dt=rm&dt=ss&dt=t&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&otf=0&ssel=0&tsel=0&pc=1&kc=1"
- . "&tk=" TK(str), false )
- http.SetRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8")
- http.SetRequestHeader("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:47.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/47.0")
- http.send("q=" URIEncode(str))
- res := http.responseText
- Return res
- }
- TK(string) {
- js := new ActiveScript("JScript")
- js.Exec(GetJScript())
- Return
- }
- StrPutVar(string, ByRef var, encoding = "CP0")
- {
- VarSetCapacity( var, StrPut(string, encoding) * ((encoding="utf-16"||encoding="cp1200") ? 2 : 1) )
- return StrPut(string, &var, encoding)
- }
- ExtractIcon(name, size)
- {
- Base64 := GetBase64String(name)
- Return hIcon := CreateIconFromBase64(Base64, size)
- }
- CreateIconFromBase64(StringBASE64, Size)
- {
- StringBase64ToData(StringBASE64, IconData)
- Return DllCall("CreateIconFromResourceEx", Ptr, &IconData + 4
- , UInt, NumGet(&IconData, "UInt"), UInt, true, UInt, 0x30000, Int, Size, Int, Size, UInt, 0)
- }
- StringBase64ToData(StringBase64, ByRef OutData)
- {
- DllCall("Crypt32.dll\CryptStringToBinary", Ptr, &StringBase64
- , UInt, StrLen(StringBase64), UInt, CRYPT_STRING_BASE64 := 1, UInt, 0, UIntP, Bytes, UIntP, 0, UIntP, 0)
- VarSetCapacity(OutData, Bytes)
- DllCall("Crypt32.dll\CryptStringToBinary", Ptr, &StringBase64
- , UInt, StrLen(StringBase64), UInt, CRYPT_STRING_BASE64, Str, OutData, UIntP, Bytes, UIntP, 0, UIntP, 0)
- Return Bytes
- }
- ModifyTrayIcon(hIcon, hGui, uID = 0x404)
- {
- static NIM_MODIFY := 1, NIF_ICON := 2
- VarSetCapacity(NOTIFYICONDATA, size := A_PtrSize = 8 ? 848 : A_IsUnicode? 828 : 444, 0)
- NumPut(size, NOTIFYICONDATA, "UInt")
- NumPut(hGui, NOTIFYICONDATA, A_PtrSize)
- NumPut(uID, NOTIFYICONDATA, 2*A_PtrSize, "UInt")
- NumPut(NIF_ICON, NOTIFYICONDATA, 2*A_PtrSize + 4, "UInt")
- NumPut(hIcon, NOTIFYICONDATA, 3*A_PtrSize+8)
- res := DllCall("shell32\Shell_NotifyIcon", UInt, NIM_MODIFY, Ptr, &NOTIFYICONDATA)
- ; DllCall("DestroyIcon", Ptr, hIcon)
- "(.*)\|.*", "$1")
- Value := RegExReplace(A_LoopField, ".*\|(.*)", "$1")
- LangArray[Key] := Value
- }
- }
- /*
- * ActiveScript for AutoHotkey v1.1
- *
- * Provides an interface to Active Scripting languages like VBScript and JScript,
- * without relying on Microsoft's ScriptControl, which is not available to 64-bit
- * programs.
- *
- * License: Use, modify and redistribute without limitation, but at your own risk.
- */
- class ActiveScript extends ActiveScript._base
- {
- __New(Language)
- {
- if this._script := ComObjCreate(Language, ActiveScript.IID)
- this._scriptParse := ComObjQuery(this._script, ActiveScript.IID_Parse)
- if !this._scriptParse
- throw Exception("Invalid language", -1, Language)
- this._site := new ActiveScriptSite(this)
- this._SetScriptSite(this._site.ptr)
- this._InitNew()
- this._objects := {}
- this.Error := ""
- this._dsp := this._GetScriptDispatch() ; Must be done last.
- try
- if this.ScriptEngine() = "JScript"
- this.SetJScript58()
- }
- SetJScript58()
- {
- static IID_IActiveScriptProperty := "{4954E0D0-FBC7-11D1-8410-006008C3FBFC}"
- if !prop := ComObjQuery(this._script, IID_IActiveScriptProperty)
- return false
- VarSetCapacity(var, 24, 0), NumPut(2, NumPut(3, var, "short") + 6)
- hr := DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(prop+0)+4*A_PtrSize), "ptr", prop, "uint", 0x4000
- , "ptr", 0, "ptr", &var), ObjRelease(prop)
- return hr >= 0
- }
- Eval(Code)
- {
- pvar := NumGet(ComObjValue(arr:=ComObjArray(0xC,1)) + 8+A_PtrSize)
- this._ParseScriptText(Code, 0x20, pvar) ; SCRIPTTEXT_ISEXPRESSION := 0x20
- return arr[0]
- }
- Exec(Code)
- {
- this._ParseScriptText(Code, 0x42, 0) ; SCRIPTTEXT_ISVISIBLE := 2, SCRIPTTEXT_ISPERSISTENT := 0x40
- this._SetScriptState(2) ; SCRIPTSTATE_CONNECTED := 2
- }
- AddObject(Name, DispObj, AddMembers := false)
- {
- static a, supports_dispatch ; Test for built-in IDispatch support.
- := a := ((a:=ComObjArray(0xC,1))[0]:=[42]) && a[0][1]=42
- if IsObject(DispObj) && !(supports_dispatch || ComObjType(DispObj))
- throw Exception("Adding a non-COM object requires AutoHotkey v1.1.17+", -1)
- this._objects[Name] := DispObj
- this._AddNamedItem(Name, AddMembers ? 8 : 2) ; SCRIPTITEM_ISVISIBLE := 2, SCRIPTITEM_GLOBALMEMBERS := 8
- }
- _GetObjectUnk(Name)
- {
- return !IsObject(dsp := this._objects[Name]) ? dsp ; Pointer
- : ComObjValue(dsp) ? ComObjValue(dsp) ; ComObject
- : &dsp ; AutoHotkey object
- }
- class _base
- {
- __Call(Method, Params*)
- {
- if ObjHasKey(this, "_dsp")
- try
- return (this._dsp)[Method](Params*)
- catch e
- throw Exception(e.Message, -1, e.Extra)
- }
- __Get(Property, Params*)
- {
- if ObjHasKey(this, "_dsp")
- try
- return (this._dsp)[Property, Params*]
- catch e
- throw Exception(e.Message, -1, e.Extra)
- }
- __Set(Property, Params*)
- {
- if ObjHasKey(this, "_dsp")
- {
- Value := Params.Pop()
- try
- return (this._dsp)[Property, Params*] := Value
- catch e
- throw Exception(e.Message, -1, e.Extra)
- }
- }
- }
- _SetScriptSite(Site)
- {
- hr := DllCall(NumGet(NumGet((p:=this._script)+0)+3*A_PtrSize), "ptr", p, "ptr", Site)
- if (hr < 0)
- this._HRFail(hr, "IActiveScript::SetScriptSite")
- }
- _SetScriptState(State)
- {
- hr := DllCall(NumGet(NumGet((p:=this._script)+0)+5*A_PtrSize), "ptr", p, "int", State)
- if (hr < 0)
- this._HRFail(hr, "IActiveScript::SetScriptState")
- }
- _AddNamedItem(Name, Flags)
- {
- hr := DllCall(NumGet(NumGet((p:=this._script)+0)+8*A_PtrSize), "ptr", p, "wstr", Name, "uint", Flags)
- if (hr < 0)
- this._HRFail(hr, "IActiveScript::AddNamedItem")
- }
- _GetScriptDispatch()
- {
- hr := DllCall(NumGet(NumGet((p:=this._script)+0)+10*A_PtrSize), "ptr", p, "ptr", 0, "ptr*", pdsp)
- if (hr < 0)
- this._HRFail(hr, "IActiveScript::GetScriptDispatch")
- return ComObject(9, pdsp, 1)
- }
- _InitNew()
- {
- hr := DllCall(NumGet(NumGet((p:=this._scriptParse)+0)+3*A_PtrSize), "ptr", p)
- if (hr < 0)
- this._HRFail(hr, "IActiveScriptParse::InitNew")
- }
- _ParseScriptText(Code, Flags, pvarResult)
- {
- VarSetCapacity(excp, 8 * A_PtrSize, 0)
- hr := DllCall(NumGet(NumGet((p:=this._scriptParse)+0)+5*A_PtrSize), "ptr", p
- , "wstr", Code, "ptr", 0, "ptr", 0, "ptr", 0, "uptr", 0, "uint", 1
- , "uint", Flags, "ptr", pvarResult, "ptr", 0)
- if (hr < 0)
- this._HRFail(hr, "IActiveScriptParse::ParseScriptText")
- }
- _HRFail(hr, what)
- {
- if e := this.Error
- {
- this.Error := ""
- throw Exception("`nError code:`t" this._HRFormat(e.HRESULT)
- . "`nSource:`t`t" e.Source "`nDescription:`t" e.Description
- . "`nLine:`t`t" e.Line "`nColumn:`t`t" e.Column
- . "`nLine text:`t`t" e.LineText, -3)
- }
- throw Exception(what " failed with code " this._HRFormat(hr), -2)
- }
- _HRFormat(hr)
- {
- return Format("0x{1:X}", hr & 0xFFFFFFFF)
- }
- _OnScriptError(err) ; IActiveScriptError err
- {
- VarSetCapacity(excp, 8 * A_PtrSize, 0)
- DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(err+0)+3*A_PtrSize), "ptr", err, "ptr", &excp) ; GetExceptionInfo
- DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(err+0)+4*A_PtrSize), "ptr", err, "uint*", srcctx, "uint*", srcline, "int*", srccol) ; GetSourcePosition
- DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(err+0)+5*A_PtrSize), "ptr", err, "ptr*", pbstrcode) ; GetSourceLineText
- code := StrGet(pbstrcode, "UTF-16"), DllCall("OleAut32\SysFreeString", "ptr", pbstrcode)
- if fn := NumGet(excp, 6 * A_PtrSize) ; pfnDeferredFillIn
- DllCall(fn, "ptr", &excp)
- wcode := NumGet(excp, 0, "ushort")
- hr := wcode ? 0x80040200 + wcode : NumGet(excp, 7 * A_PtrSize, "uint")
- this.Error := {HRESULT: hr, Line: srcline, Column: srccol, LineText: code}
- static Infos := "Source,Description,HelpFile"
- Loop Parse, % Infos, `,
- if pbstr := NumGet(excp, A_Index * A_PtrSize)
- this.Error[A_LoopField] := StrGet(pbstr, "UTF-16"), DllCall("OleAut32\SysFreeString", "ptr", pbstr)
- return 0x80004001 ; E_NOTIMPL (let Exec/Eval get a fail result)
- }
- __Delete()
- {
- if this._script
- {
- DllCall(NumGet(NumGet((p:=this._script)+0)+7*A_PtrSize), "ptr", p) ; Close
- ObjRelease(this._script)
- }
- if this._scriptParse
- ObjRelease(this._scriptParse)
- }
- static IID := "{BB1A2AE1-A4F9-11cf-8F20-00805F2CD064}"
- static IID_Parse := A_PtrSize=8 ? "{C7EF7658-E1EE-480E-97EA-D52CB4D76D17}" : "{BB1A2AE2-A4F9-11cf-8F20-00805F2CD064}"
- }
- class ActiveScriptSite
- {
- __New(Script)
- {
- ObjSetCapacity(this, "_site", 3 * A_PtrSize)
- NumPut(&Script
- , NumPut(ActiveScriptSite._vftable("_vft_w", "31122", 0x100)
- , NumPut(ActiveScriptSite._vftable("_vft", "31125232211", 0)
- , this.ptr := ObjGetAddress(this, "_site"))))
- }
- _vftable(Name, PrmCounts, EIBase)
- {
- if p := ObjGetAddress(this, Name)
- return p
- ObjSetCapacity(this, Name, StrLen(PrmCounts) * A_PtrSize)
- p := ObjGetAddress(this, Name)
- Loop Parse, % PrmCounts
- {
- cb := RegisterCallback("_ActiveScriptSite", "F", A_LoopField, A_Index + EIBase)
- NumPut(cb, p + (A_Index-1) * A_PtrSize)
- }
- return p
- }
- }
- _ActiveScriptSite(this, a1:=0, a2:=0, a3:=0, a4:=0, a5:=0)
- {
- Method := A_EventInfo & 0xFF
- if A_EventInfo >= 0x100 ; IActiveScriptSiteWindow
- {
- if Method = 4 ; GetWindow
- {
- NumPut(0, a1+0) ; *phwnd := 0
- return 0 ; S_OK
- }
- if Method = 5 ; EnableModeless
- {
- return 0 ; S_OK
- }
- this -= A_PtrSize ; Cast to IActiveScriptSite
- }
- ;else: IActiveScriptSite
- if Method = 1 ; QueryInterface
- {
- iid := _AS_GUIDToString(a1)
- if (iid = "{00000000-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}" ; IUnknown
- || iid = "{DB01A1E3-A42B-11cf-8F20-00805F2CD064}") ; IActiveScriptSite
- {
- NumPut(this, a2+0)
- return 0 ; S_OK
- }
- if (iid = "{D10F6761-83E9-11cf-8F20-00805F2CD064}") ; IActiveScriptSiteWindow
- {
- NumPut(this + A_PtrSize, a2+0)
- return 0 ; S_OK
- }
- NumPut(0, a2+0)
- return 0x80004002 ; E_NOINTERFACE
- }
- if Method = 5 ; GetItemInfo
- {
- a1 := StrGet(a1, "UTF-16")
- , (a3 && NumPut(0, a3+0)) ; *ppiunkItem := NULL
- , (a4 && NumPut(0, a4+0)) ; *ppti := NULL
- {
- if !(unk := Object(NumGet(this + A_PtrSize*2))._GetObjectUnk(a1))
- return 0x8002802B ; TYPE_E_ELEMENTNOTFOUND
- ObjAddRef(unk), NumPut(unk, a3+0)
- }
- return 0 ; S_OK
- }
- if Method = 9 ; OnScriptError
- return Object(NumGet(this + A_PtrSize*2))._OnScriptError(a1)
- ; AddRef and Release don't do anything because we want to avoid circular references.
- ; The site and IActiveScript are both released when the AHK script releases its last
- ; reference to the ActiveScript object.
- ; All of the other methods don't require implementations.
- return 0x80004001 ; E_NOTIMPL
- }
- _AS_GUIDToString(pGUID)
- {
- VarSetCapacity(String, 38*2)
- DllCall("ole32\StringFromGUID2", "ptr", pGUID, "str", String, "int", 39)
- return String
- }
- GetJScript()
- {
- script =
- (
- var TKK = ((function() {
- var a = 561666268;
- var b = 1526272306;
- return 406398 + '.' + (a + b);
- })());
- function b(a, b) {
- for (var d = 0; d < b.length - 2; d += 3) {
- var c = b.charAt(d + 2),
- c = "a" <= c ? c.charCodeAt(0) - 87 : Number(c),
- c = "+" == b.charAt(d + 1) ? a >>> c : a << c;
- a = "+" == b.charAt(d) ? a + c & 4294967295 : a ^ c
- }
- return a
- }
- function tk(a) {
- for (var e = TKK.split("."), h = Number(e[0]) || 0, g = [], d = 0, f = 0; f < a.length; f++) {
- var c = a.charCodeAt(f);
- 128 > c ? g[d++] = c : (2048 > c ? g[d++] = c >> 6 | 192 : (55296 == (c & 64512) && f + 1 < a.length && 56320 == (a.charCodeAt(f + 1) & 64512) ?
- (c = 65536 + ((c & 1023) << 10) + (a.charCodeAt(++f) & 1023), g[d++] = c >> 18 | 240,
- g[d++] = c >> 12 & 63 | 128) : g[d++] = c >> 12 | 224, g[d++] = c >> 6 & 63 | 128), g[d++] = c & 63 | 128)
- }
- a = h;
- for (d = 0; d < g.length; d++) a += g[d], a = b(a, "+-a^+6");
- a = b(a, "+-3^+b+-f");
- a ^= Number(e[1]) || 0;
- 0 > a && (a = (a & 2147483647) + 2147483648);
- a `%= 1E6;
- return a.toString() + "." + (a ^ h)
- }
- )
- Return script
- }
- ;=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- END SCRIPT -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
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