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- ui <- fluidPage(
- theme = Config$DashboardTheme,
- # App title ----
- titlePanel(Config$DashboardTitle),
- tabsetPanel(type = "tabs",
- tabPanel("Frequency", verbatimTextOutput("Frequency")),
- tabPanel("Best of", verbatimTextOutput("Best of")),
- tabPanel("Cities by Name", verbatimTextOutput("Cities by Name")),
- tabPanel("City Map", verbatimTextOutput("City Map"))
- ),
- # Sidebar layout with input and output definitions ----
- sidebarLayout(
- # Sidebar panel for inputs ----
- sidebarPanel(
- selectInput(
- inputId = "UIFreq"
- , label = "Frequency By"
- , choices = Frequencies
- , selected = Frequencies[1]
- )
- , selectInput(
- inputId = "UIYear"
- , label = "Year"
- , choices = RiderYears$cyclingyear
- , selected = RiderYears$cyclingyear[1]
- )
- , selectInput(
- inputId = "UIQuarter"
- , label = "Quarter"
- , choices = Quarters$Quarter
- , selected = Quarters$Quarter[1]
- )
- , selectInput(
- inputId = "UIMonth"
- , label = "Month"
- , choices = Months$Months
- , selected = Months$Months[1]
- )
- ), # sidebarPanel
- mainPanel(
- fluidRow(
- # plotlyOutput("DistPlot")
- plotOutput("Plot1")
- ) # fluidRow
- ) # mainPanel
- ) # sidebarLayout
- ) # fluidPage
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