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- --[[
- There are several commands for this;
- Prefix - the symbol before saying a command, make sure it is 1 character long.
- Color - the default color when the Rainbow command isn't active.
- Body - how high up or low the parts are from the HumanoidRootPart.
- Rainbow - depicts if the parts and pointlights are changing colors or not.
- Global - if the music is in the workspace or not.
- Angle - used to create shapes with the visualizer.
- Goal - [DON'T GO OVER 1 OR BELOW 0, IT'LL LAG THE GAME] how fast the parts reach their destination point.
- Split - another command to help create shapes with the visualizer.
- Parts - how many parts there're in the visualizer.
- Disp - how far away the parts are from the player.
- Power - how much the PlaybackLoudness is divided by. (depicts how long the parts get.)
- Material - the material of the parts.
- Play - changes the SoundId of the music, ex: Play 226205163
- Don't forget the Prefix before Play.
- Pause - pauses the sound.
- Resume - resumes the sound.
- Tpos - how far it is into the sound.
- MaxDis - how far the sound reaches in distance.
- Width - The width of the bar size
- Length - The height of the bar size
- Emit - how far before the sound starts getting quiet.
- Vol - how loud the sound is.
- Pitch - defines the pitch of the sound.
- Follow - changes who the parts follow.
- Whitelist - allows other people to use the commands above, including this one.
- Made entirely by Omega_Phoenix.
- ]]--
- script.Parent = nil --So script runs when you die
- function Random(num)
- local section=num % 1 * 3;
- local secondary=0.5 * math.pi * (section % 1);
- if section < 1 then
- return 1,1 - math.cos(secondary),1 - math.sin(secondary);
- elseif section < 2 then
- return 1 - math.sin(secondary),1,1 - math.cos(secondary);
- else
- return 1 - math.cos(secondary),1 - math.sin(secondary),1;
- end
- end
- local Follow='LocalPlayer'
- local Plr=game.Players[Follow]
- local Char=Plr.Character
- local RootPart=Char.HumanoidRootPart
- local'Model')
- Parts.Parent=Char
- local Whitelist={}
- Whitelist[Plr.Name]={Name=Plr.Name,UserId=Plr.UserId}
- local Settings={
- Prefix=';',
- Color='Light blue',
- Body=.2,
- Rainbow=false,
- Global=false,
- Angle=9,
- Goal=.15,
- Split=20,
- Parts=0,
- Disposition=4,
- Power=5,
- Width=.2,
- Length=.2,
- Material='Neon',
- Colors={
- Color3.fromRGB(244,66,66),
- Color3.fromRGB(244,149,66),
- Color3.fromRGB(244,203,66),
- Color3.fromRGB(83,244,66),
- Color3.fromRGB(66,244,212),
- Color3.fromRGB(66,152,244),
- Color3.fromRGB(107,66,244),
- Color3.fromRGB(229,66,244)
- }
- }
- function Sound(Name,Looped,Pitch,Volume,ID,Parent)
- local'Sound')
- Snd.Name=Name
- Snd.SoundId='rbxassetid://'..ID
- Snd.Looped=Looped
- Snd.PlaybackSpeed=Pitch
- Snd.Volume=Volume
- Snd.EmitterSize=10
- Snd.MaxDistance=100
- Snd.Parent=game:GetService('Workspace')
- wait(1)
- Snd.Parent=game:GetService('Chat')
- return Snd
- end
- local Music=Sound('Music',true,1,1,0,RootPart)
- function cmds()
- print("Commands;")
- print("Prefix - the symbol before saying a command, make sure it is 1 character long.")
- print("Color - the default color when the Rainbow command isn't active.")
- print("Body - how high up or low the parts are from the HumanoidRootPart.")
- print("Rainbow - depicts if the parts and pointlights are changing colors or not.")
- print("Global - if the music is in the workspace or not.")
- print("Angle - used to create shapes with the visualizer.")
- print("Goal - [DON'T GO OVER 1 OR BELOW 0, IT'LL LAG THE GAME] how fast the parts reach their destination point.")
- print("Split - another command to help create shapes with the visualizer.")
- print("Parts - how many parts there're in the visualizer.")
- print("Disp - how far away the parts are from the player.")
- print("Power - how much the PlaybackLoudness is divided by. (depicts how long the parts get.)")
- print("Material - the material of the parts.")
- print("Play - changes the SoundId of the music, ex: Play 226205163")
- print("Don't forget the Prefix before Play.")
- print("Pause - pauses the sound.")
- print("Resume - resumes the sound.")
- print("Tpos - how far it is into the sound.")
- print("MaxDis - how far the sound reaches in distance.")
- print("Emit - how far before the sound starts getting quiet.")
- print("Vol - how loud the sound is")
- print("Width - Width of the bar size")
- print("Length - Length of the bar size")
- print("Pitch - defines the pitch of the sound.")
- print("Follow - changes who the parts follow.")
- print("Whitelist - allows other people to use the commands above, including this one.")
- print(" Version 1.3 <")
- print("Made entirely By // Omega_Phoenix.")
- end
- function Part(Num)
- Settings.Parts=Num
- for i,v in pairs(Parts:GetChildren()) do
- v:Destroy()
- end
- for i=1,Num do
- local'Part')
- local'PointLight')
- Light.Brightness=10
- Light.Range=10
- Light.Parent=P
- P.Transparency=0
- P.Anchored=true
- P.Name = "1092831928asan91981231eleven"
- P.CanCollide=false
- P.Material=Settings.Material
- P.Locked=true
- P.Parent=Parts
- end
- end
- Part(40)
- function ColorChange()
- while game:GetService'RunService'.RenderStepped:wait() do
- local Color=Settings.Colors[math.random(1,#Settings.Colors)]
- for i,v in pairs(Parts:GetChildren()) do
- v.Material=Settings.Material
- if Settings.Rainbow==false then
- else
- end
- end
- end
- end
- local Rad=0
- function Rot()
- while game:GetService'RunService'.RenderStepped:wait() do
- Rad=Rad+1
- if Rad>=360 then
- Rad=0
- end
- for i,v in pairs(Parts:GetChildren()) do
- v.CFrame=v.CFrame:Lerp(,RootPart.CFrame.Y+Settings.Body,RootPart.CFrame.Z)*CFrame.Angles(0,math.rad((360/Settings.Parts)*((i+(i*Settings.Angle))/Settings.Split)+Rad),0)*,0,Settings.Disposition+(v.Size.Z)),Settings.Goal)
- end
- end
- end
- function Size()
- while game:GetService'RunService'.RenderStepped:wait() do
- for i,v in pairs(Parts:GetChildren()) do
- v.Size=v.Size:Lerp(,Settings.Length,(Music.PlaybackLoudness/Settings.Power)*math.random(4,8)),Settings.Goal)
- end
- end
- end
- spawn(Rot)
- spawn(Size)
- spawn(ColorChange)
- function Chatted(Speaker,Message)
- for i,v in pairs(Whitelist) do
- if v.Name==Speaker.Name or v.UserId==Speaker.UserId then
- if Message:sub(1,4):lower():match(Settings.Prefix..'pl ') then
- Music.SoundId='rbxassetid://'..Message:sub(5)
- Music:Play()
- elseif Message:sub(1,6):lower():match(Settings.Prefix..'pause') then
- Music:Pause()
- elseif Message:sub(1,7):lower():match(Settings.Prefix..'resume') then
- Music:Resume()
- elseif Message:sub(1,6):lower():match(Settings.Prefix..'tpos ') then
- Music.TimePosition=tonumber(Message:sub(7))
- elseif Message:sub(1,6):lower():match(Settings.Prefix..'emit ') then
- Music.EmitterSize=tonumber(Message:sub(7))
- elseif Message:sub(1,5):lower():match(Settings.Prefix..'vol ') then
- Music.Volume=tonumber(Message:sub(6))
- elseif Message:sub(1,7):lower():match(Settings.Prefix..'pitch ') then
- Music.PlaybackSpeed=tonumber(Message:sub(8))
- elseif Message:sub(1,8):lower():match(Settings.Prefix..'maxdis ') then
- Music.MaxDistance=tonumber(Message:sub(9))
- elseif Message:sub(1,8):lower():match(Settings.Prefix..'prefix ') then
- Settings.Prefix=Message:sub(9)
- elseif Message:sub(1,7):lower():match(Settings.Prefix..'angle ') then
- Settings.Angle=tonumber(Message:sub(8))
- elseif Message:sub(1,7):lower():match(Settings.Prefix..'split ') then
- Settings.Split=tonumber(Message:sub(8))
- elseif Message:sub(1,6):lower():match(Settings.Prefix..'goal ') then
- Settings.Goal=tonumber(Message:sub(7))
- elseif Message:sub(1,7):lower():match(Settings.Prefix..'color ') then
- Settings.Color=Message:sub(8)
- elseif Message:sub(1,6):lower():match(Settings.Prefix..'body ') then
- Settings.Body=tonumber(Message:sub(7))
- elseif Message:sub(1,7):lower():match(Settings.Prefix..'width ') then
- Settings.Width=tonumber(Message:sub(8))
- elseif Message:sub(1,8):lower():match(Settings.Prefix..'length ') then
- Settings.Length=tonumber(Message:sub(9))
- elseif Message:sub(1,10):lower():match(Settings.Prefix..'material ') then
- Settings.Material=Message:sub(11)
- elseif Message:sub(1,7):lower():match(Settings.Prefix..'global') then
- if Settings.Global==false then
- Settings.Global=true
- Music.Parent=workspace
- else
- Settings.Global=false
- Music.Parent=RootPart
- end
- elseif Message:sub(1,5):lower():match(Settings.Prefix..'cmds') then
- cmds()
- elseif Message:sub(1,6):lower():match(Settings.Prefix..'disp ') then
- Settings.Disposition=tonumber(Message:sub(7))
- elseif Message:sub(1,7):lower():match(Settings.Prefix..'parts ') then
- Part(tonumber(Message:sub(8)))
- elseif Message:sub(1,7):lower():match(Settings.Prefix..'power ') then
- Settings.Power=tonumber(Message:sub(8))
- elseif Message:sub(1,8):lower():match(Settings.Prefix..'follow ') then
- for i,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
- if v.Name:lower():match(Message:sub(9):lower()) then
- Follow=v.Name
- Plr=game.Players[Follow]
- Char=Plr.Character
- RootPart=Char.HumanoidRootPart
- end
- end
- elseif Message:sub(1,11):lower():match(Settings.Prefix..'whitelist ') then
- for i,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
- if v.Name:lower():match(Message:sub(12):lower()) then
- Whitelist[v.Name]={Name=v.Name,UserId=v.UserId}
- end
- end
- elseif Message:sub(1,8):lower():match(Settings.Prefix..'rainbow') then
- if Settings.Rainbow==true then
- Settings.Rainbow=false
- else
- Settings.Rainbow=true
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(Plyr)
- Plyr.Chatted:connect(function(Message) Chatted(Plyr,Message) end)
- end)
- for i,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
- v.Chatted:connect(function(Message) Chatted(v,Message) end)
- end
- --[[
- Credits to // Omega_Phoenix
- --]]
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