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- from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
- import urllib2
- import re
- import fnmatch
- import time
- cities = ["washingtondc", "miami", "sfbay", "newyork", "losangeles", "sandiego"] #Craigslist subdomains
- keywords = ["web*", "wordpress", "site"] # What you want to search for...
- category = "cpg" # Craigslist category key
- header = """<!DOCTYPE html>
- <html lang="en">
- <head>
- <meta charset="utf-8">
- <title>New Craigslist listings</title>
- <link href="" rel="stylesheet">
- <link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>
- </head>
- <body>
- """
- html = ""
- for city in cities:
- link = "http://" + city + ""
- url = urllib2.urlopen(link + "/" + category) # Fetches category page
- content =
- soup = BeautifulSoup(content)
- for a in soup.findAll('a',href=True): # This checks each link on the page
- if re.findall('/cpg/*', a['href']):
- for word in keywords: # This checks each keyword in the link
- matches = fnmatch.filter(str(a.contents).split(), word)
- if matches:
- listing = link + str(a['href'])
- print listing
- url = urllib2.urlopen(listing) # individual listing
- content =
- soup = BeautifulSoup(content)
- title = soup.title.string
- for match in matches:
- title = title.replace(str(match), '<b>' + str(match) + '</b>')
- body = ""
- body = str(soup.find(id="postingbody"))
- try:
- # Finds email address to reply to
- reply = soup.find("a", {"id": "replylink"})['href']
- url = urllib2.urlopen(link + reply)
- content =
- soup = BeautifulSoup(content)
- email = str(soup.find(class_='gmail')).replace(">gmail", ">Reply by email").replace(";su=", ";su=RE: ")
- email = email.replace("&body=%0A%0A", " - I can help&body=")
- email = email.replace('%0A"', '%0A%0AHello,%0A%0A%0A%0A--%0AAdam Bloom%0A571.969.ADAM (2326)"')
- except:
- email = "Contact info in post"
- title = '<h2><a href="' + listing + '">' + title + '</a> [' + city + ']</h2>'
- email = '<h5>' + email + '</h5>'
- html = html + title + unicode(body, "utf-8") + email + '<hr>'
- print "finished " + city
- f = open('C:\Users\Adam\Desktop\craigslist.html', 'w')
- html = header + html
- f.write(html.encode('utf8'))
- print "looks like we finished!"
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