

Jun 11th, 2024
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  1. ubuntu@ip-172-31-31-23:~/connector_demo/main$ ./test LOTTUSDT_mm
  2. file name -> LOTTUSDT_mm.config
  3. API 0x5ddc6dd0ba40
  4. api keys: mx0vglRsnmcTEgpmkD ef47dd75fb8b41eebf145056dc98032f
  5. run forever balance 0x5ddc6dd0ba40
  6. {"type": "SPOT", "maker_commission": 0, "taker_commission": 0, "balances": [{"asset": "PNK", "free": 590.52, "locked": 295.25, "wallet": 0, "update_time": 140732730283680}, {"asset": "ORDITT", "free": 288.29, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time": 140732730283680}, {"asset": "MCC", "free": 54153.6, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time": 140732730283680}, {"asset": "LOTT", "free": 5476.11, "locked": 3650.7, "wallet": 0, "update_time": 140732730283680}, {"asset": "SHC", "free": 89.56, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time": 140732730283680}, {"asset": "RSR", "free": 39554.1, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time": 140732730283680}, {"asset": "USDT", "free": 207.761, "locked": 95.7465, "wallet": 0, "update_time": 140732730283680}]}
  7. get balance indicator 0x5ddc6dd0bb68
  8. add_balance_getter 0x5ddc6dd0bb68 mm_bot
  9. balance indicator: 0x5ddc6dd0bb68 0x5ddc6dd0ba40
  10. {"asset": "PNK", "free": 590.52, "locked": 295.25, "wallet": 0, "update_time": 139000528489408}
  11. {"asset": "ORDITT", "free": 288.29, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time": 139000528489408}
  12. {"asset": "MCC", "free": 54153.6, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time": 139000528489408}
  13. {"asset": "LOTT", "free": 5476.11, "locked": 3650.7, "wallet": 0, "update_time": 139000528489408}
  14. {"asset": "SHC", "free": 89.56, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time": 139000528489408}
  15. {"asset": "RSR", "free": 39554.1, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time": 139000528489408}
  16. {"asset": "USDT", "free": 207.761, "locked": 95.7465, "wallet": 0, "update_time": 139000528489408}
  17. {"params":["spot@private.account.v3.api","spot@public.limit.depth.v3.api@PNKUSDT@20","spot@private.orders.v3.api"],"method":"SUBSCRIPTION"}
  18. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-32 ] MESSAGE: get_timestamp() - last_upd > cooldown: upd = 8243105135625120802
  19. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-32 ] MESSAGE: new mid price: 0.026780
  20. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-32 ] MESSAGE: start orders calculating
  21. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-32 ] DEBUG base balance: {"asset": "PNK", "free": 590.52, "locked": 295.25, "wallet": 0, "update_time": 139000528489408}
  22. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-32 ] DEBUG quote balance: {"asset": "USDT", "free": 207.761, "locked": 95.7465, "wallet": 0, "update_time": 139000528489408}
  23. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-32 ] MESSAGE: calculating completed
  24. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-32 ] DEBUG : OrderEvent: delta=1.71796e+11, symbol="PNKUSDT", type="LIMIT_GRID", asks: [(0.02812, 295.257); (0.02813, 295.257); (0.02814, 295.257); ], bids: [(0.02545, 397.522); (0.02544, 397.678); (0.02543, 397.834); ]
  25. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-32 ] INFO : OrderEvent: delta=1.71796e+11, symbol="PNKUSDT", type="LIMIT_GRID", asks: [(0.02812, 295.257); (0.02813, 295.257); (0.02814, 295.257); ], bids: [(0.02545, 397.522); (0.02544, 397.678); (0.02543, 397.834); ]
  26. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-32 ] MESSAGE: LIMIT GRID
  27. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-32 ] DEBUG in _process_limit_grid: 0.02812
  28. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-32 ] DEBUG in _process_limit_grid: 295.257
  29. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-32 ] DEBUG in _process_limit_grid: 0.02813
  30. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-32 ] DEBUG in _process_limit_grid: 295.257
  31. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-32 ] DEBUG in _process_limit_grid: 0.02814
  32. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-32 ] DEBUG in _process_limit_grid: 295.257
  33. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-32 ] DEBUG in _process_limit_grid: 0.02545
  34. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-32 ] DEBUG in _process_limit_grid: 397.522
  35. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-32 ] DEBUG in _process_limit_grid: 0.02544
  36. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-32 ] DEBUG in _process_limit_grid: 397.678
  37. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-32 ] DEBUG in _process_limit_grid: 0.02543
  38. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-32 ] DEBUG in _process_limit_grid: 397.834
  39. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-32 ] DEBUG @#*&* : {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "price": 0.025430, "quantity": 397.830000, "type": LIMIT", "side": BUY"}
  40. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-32 ] DEBUG @#*&* : {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "price": 0.025440, "quantity": 397.670000, "type": LIMIT", "side": BUY"}
  41. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-32 ] DEBUG @#*&* : {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "price": 0.025450, "quantity": 397.520000, "type": LIMIT", "side": BUY"}
  42. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-32 ] DEBUG @#*&* : {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "price": 0.028140, "quantity": 295.250000, "type": LIMIT", "side": SELL"}
  43. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-32 ] DEBUG @#*&* : {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "price": 0.028130, "quantity": 295.250000, "type": LIMIT", "side": SELL"}
  44. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-32 ] DEBUG @#*&* : {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "price": 0.028120, "quantity": 295.250000, "type": LIMIT", "side": SELL"}
  45. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-32 ] MESSAGE: csize: 4
  46. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-32 ] DEBUG ! cancel: {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718096522093, "type": LIMIT, "side": SELL, "status": "NEW", "price": 0.028010, "quantity": 295.250000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 1718099792546}
  47. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-32 ] DEBUG ! cancel: {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718096522092, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "NEW", "price": 0.025340, "quantity": 399.240000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 1718099792546}
  48. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-32 ] DEBUG ! cancel: {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718096522095, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "NEW", "price": 0.013320, "quantity": 750.750000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 1718099792546}
  49. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-32 ] DEBUG ! cancel: {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718096522094, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "NEW", "price": 0.006660, "quantity": 1501.500000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 1718099792546}
  50. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-32 ] DEBUG ! new: {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "price": 0.025430, "quantity": 397.830000, "client_order_id": 1718099792524, "type": LIMIT", "side": BUY"}
  51. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-32 ] DEBUG ! new: {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "price": 0.025440, "quantity": 397.670000, "client_order_id": 1718099792525, "type": LIMIT", "side": BUY"}
  52. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-32 ] DEBUG ! new: {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "price": 0.025450, "quantity": 397.520000, "client_order_id": 1718099792526, "type": LIMIT", "side": BUY"}
  53. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-32 ] DEBUG ! new: {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "price": 0.028140, "quantity": 295.250000, "client_order_id": 1718099792527, "type": LIMIT", "side": SELL"}
  54. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-32 ] DEBUG ! new: {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "price": 0.028130, "quantity": 295.250000, "client_order_id": 1718099792528, "type": LIMIT", "side": SELL"}
  55. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-32 ] DEBUG ! new: {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "price": 0.028120, "quantity": 295.250000, "client_order_id": 1718099792529, "type": LIMIT", "side": SELL"}
  56. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] INFO : WebSocketEvent: delta=1.7181e+11, event_time=1718099793006", type="ACCOUNT_ORDER", event: {"stream": ACCOUNT_ORDER, "event_time": 139000107882800, "order": {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718096522093, "type": LIMIT, "side": SELL, "status": "CANCELED", "price": 0.028010, "quantity": 295.250000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 267}}
  57. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] MESSAGE: limit
  58. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] DEBUG Event order: : {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718096522093, "type": LIMIT, "side": SELL, "status": "CANCELED", "price": 0.028010, "quantity": 295.250000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 267}
  59. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] DEBUG old order: : {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718096522093, "type": LIMIT, "side": SELL, "status": "NEW", "price": 0.028010, "quantity": 295.250000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 1718099792546}
  60. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] MESSAGE: erase
  61. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] MESSAGE: limit/market orders size: 9
  62. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] MESSAGE: ! PNKUSDT
  63. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] MESSAGE: In fill event risk checker
  64. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] DEBUG : {"ask_price": 0.02693, "ask_quantity": 92.31, "bid_price": 0.02664, "bid_quantity": 113.3}
  65. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] DEBUG ready for going to execution: OrderEvent: delta=1.71796e+11, symbol="PNKUSDT", type="LIMIT_GRID", asks: [], bids: [(0.01998, 500.501); (0.01332, 750.751); (0.00666, 1501.5); ]
  66. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] INFO : OrderEvent: delta=1.71796e+11, symbol="PNKUSDT", type="LIMIT_GRID", asks: [], bids: [(0.01998, 500.501); (0.01332, 750.751); (0.00666, 1501.5); ]
  67. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] MESSAGE: LIMIT GRID
  68. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] DEBUG in _process_limit_grid: 0.01998
  69. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] DEBUG in _process_limit_grid: 500.501
  70. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] DEBUG in _process_limit_grid: 0.01332
  71. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] DEBUG in _process_limit_grid: 750.751
  72. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] DEBUG in _process_limit_grid: 0.00666
  73. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] DEBUG in _process_limit_grid: 1501.5
  74. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] DEBUG @#*&* : {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "price": 0.019980, "quantity": 500.500000, "type": LIMIT", "side": BUY"}
  75. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] MESSAGE: csize: 7
  76. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] DEBUG ! cancel: {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792527, "type": LIMIT, "side": SELL, "status": "PENDING", "price": 0.028140, "quantity": 295.250000, "update_time": 1}
  77. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] DEBUG ! cancel: {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792526, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "PENDING", "price": 0.025450, "quantity": 397.520000, "update_time": 1}
  78. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] DEBUG ! cancel: {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792528, "type": LIMIT, "side": SELL, "status": "PENDING", "price": 0.028130, "quantity": 295.250000, "update_time": 1}
  79. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] DEBUG ! cancel: {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792524, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "PENDING", "price": 0.025430, "quantity": 397.830000, "update_time": 1}
  80. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] DEBUG ! cancel: {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792525, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "PENDING", "price": 0.025440, "quantity": 397.670000, "update_time": 1}
  81. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] DEBUG ! cancel: {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792529, "type": LIMIT, "side": SELL, "status": "PENDING", "price": 0.028120, "quantity": 295.250000, "update_time": 1}
  82. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] DEBUG ! cancel: {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718096522092, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "NEW", "price": 0.025340, "quantity": 399.240000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 1718099792546}
  83. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] DEBUG ! new: {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "price": 0.019980, "quantity": 500.500000, "client_order_id": 1718099792530, "type": LIMIT", "side": BUY"}
  84. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] DEBUG ? cancel: {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718096522093, "type": LIMIT, "side": SELL, "status": "NEW", "price": 0.028010, "quantity": 295.250000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 139000291511360}
  85. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] DEBUG ? cancel: {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718096522092, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "NEW", "price": 0.025340, "quantity": 399.240000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 139000283118656}
  86. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] INFO : WebSocketEvent: delta=1.7181e+11, event_time=1718099793017", type="ACCOUNT_ORDER", event: {"stream": ACCOUNT_ORDER, "event_time": 139000107905168, "order": {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718096522092, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "CANCELED", "price": 0.025340, "quantity": 399.240000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 269}}
  87. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] MESSAGE: limit
  88. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] DEBUG Event order: : {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718096522092, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "CANCELED", "price": 0.025340, "quantity": 399.240000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 269}
  89. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] DEBUG old order: : {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718096522092, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "NEW", "price": 0.025340, "quantity": 399.240000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 1718099792546}
  90. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] MESSAGE: erase
  91. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] MESSAGE: limit/market orders size: 9
  92. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] MESSAGE: ! PNKUSDT
  93. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] DEBUG ? cancel: {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718096522095, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "NEW", "price": 0.013320, "quantity": 750.750000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 139000274725952}
  94. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] DEBUG ? cancel: {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718096522094, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "NEW", "price": 0.006660, "quantity": 1501.500000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 139000266333248}
  95. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] INFO : WebSocketEvent: delta=1.7181e+11, event_time=1718099793033", type="ACCOUNT_ORDER", event: {"stream": ACCOUNT_ORDER, "event_time": 139000107901152, "order": {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718096522095, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "CANCELED", "price": 0.013320, "quantity": 750.750000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 263}}
  96. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] MESSAGE: limit
  97. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] DEBUG Event order: : {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718096522095, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "CANCELED", "price": 0.013320, "quantity": 750.750000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 263}
  98. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] DEBUG old order: : {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718096522095, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "NEW", "price": 0.013320, "quantity": 750.750000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 1718099792546}
  99. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] MESSAGE: erase
  100. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] MESSAGE: limit/market orders size: 8
  101. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] MESSAGE: ! PNKUSDT
  102. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] INFO : WebSocketEvent: delta=1.7181e+11, event_time=1718099793035", type="ACCOUNT_ORDER", event: {"stream": ACCOUNT_ORDER, "event_time": 139000107901424, "order": {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718096522094, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "CANCELED", "price": 0.006660, "quantity": 1501.500000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 263}}
  103. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] MESSAGE: limit
  104. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] DEBUG Event order: : {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718096522094, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "CANCELED", "price": 0.006660, "quantity": 1501.500000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 263}
  105. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] DEBUG old order: : {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718096522094, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "NEW", "price": 0.006660, "quantity": 1501.500000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 1718099792546}
  106. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] MESSAGE: erase
  107. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] MESSAGE: limit/market orders size: 7
  108. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] MESSAGE: ! PNKUSDT
  109. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] DEBUG ? cancel: ORDER_NOT_FOUND (MEXC_SPOT: Unknown order sent)
  110. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] ERROR cancel order error: ORDER_NOT_FOUND (MEXC_SPOT: Unknown order sent)
  111. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] DEBUG ? cancel: ORDER_NOT_FOUND (MEXC_SPOT: Unknown order sent)
  112. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] ERROR cancel order error: ORDER_NOT_FOUND (MEXC_SPOT: Unknown order sent)
  113. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] DEBUG ? cancel: ORDER_NOT_FOUND (MEXC_SPOT: Unknown order sent)
  114. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] ERROR cancel order error: ORDER_NOT_FOUND (MEXC_SPOT: Unknown order sent)
  115. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] DEBUG ? new: {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792530, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "NEW", "quantity": 397.670000, "update_time": 1718099793044}
  116. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] DEBUG ? new: {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792530, "type": LIMIT, "side": SELL, "status": "NEW", "quantity": 295.250000, "update_time": 1718099793044}
  117. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] DEBUG ? cancel: ORDER_NOT_FOUND (MEXC_SPOT: Unknown order sent)
  118. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] ERROR cancel order error: ORDER_NOT_FOUND (MEXC_SPOT: Unknown order sent)
  119. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] DEBUG ? new: {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792530, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "NEW", "quantity": 397.830000, "update_time": 1718099793044}
  120. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] DEBUG ? new: {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792530, "type": LIMIT, "side": SELL, "status": "NEW", "quantity": 295.250000, "update_time": 1718099793043}
  121. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] DEBUG ? cancel: {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792525, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "NEW", "price": 0.025440, "quantity": 397.670000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 138998966119488}
  122. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] DEBUG ? cancel: ORDER_NOT_FOUND (MEXC_SPOT: Unknown order sent)
  123. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] ERROR cancel order error: ORDER_NOT_FOUND (MEXC_SPOT: Unknown order sent)
  124. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] DEBUG ? cancel: ORDER_NOT_FOUND (MEXC_SPOT: Unknown order sent)
  125. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] ERROR cancel order error: ORDER_NOT_FOUND (MEXC_SPOT: Unknown order sent)
  126. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] DEBUG ? new: {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792530, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "NEW", "quantity": 500.500000, "update_time": 1718099793069}
  127. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] DEBUG ? new: {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792530, "type": LIMIT, "side": SELL, "status": "NEW", "quantity": 295.250000, "update_time": 1718099793064}
  128. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] INFO : WebSocketEvent: delta=1.7181e+11, event_time=1718099793081", type="ACCOUNT_ORDER", event: {"stream": ACCOUNT_ORDER, "event_time": 139000107901152, "order": {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792529, "type": LIMIT, "side": SELL, "status": "NEW", "price": 0.028120, "quantity": 295.250000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 263}}
  129. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] MESSAGE: limit
  130. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] DEBUG Event order: : {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792529, "type": LIMIT, "side": SELL, "status": "NEW", "price": 0.028120, "quantity": 295.250000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 263}
  131. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] DEBUG old order: : {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792529, "type": LIMIT, "side": SELL, "status": "PENDING", "price": 0.028120, "quantity": 295.250000, "update_time": 1}
  132. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] MESSAGE: limit/market orders size: 8
  133. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] MESSAGE: ! PNKUSDT
  134. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] INFO : WebSocketEvent: delta=1.7181e+11, event_time=1718099793081", type="ACCOUNT_ORDER", event: {"stream": ACCOUNT_ORDER, "event_time": 139000107918160, "order": {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792527, "type": LIMIT, "side": SELL, "status": "NEW", "price": 0.028140, "quantity": 295.250000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 265}}
  135. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] MESSAGE: limit
  136. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] DEBUG Event order: : {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792527, "type": LIMIT, "side": SELL, "status": "NEW", "price": 0.028140, "quantity": 295.250000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 265}
  137. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] DEBUG old order: : {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792527, "type": LIMIT, "side": SELL, "status": "PENDING", "price": 0.028140, "quantity": 295.250000, "update_time": 1}
  138. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] MESSAGE: limit/market orders size: 8
  139. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] MESSAGE: ! PNKUSDT
  140. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] INFO : WebSocketEvent: delta=1.7181e+11, event_time=1718099793081", type="ACCOUNT_ORDER", event: {"stream": ACCOUNT_ORDER, "event_time": 139000107918160, "order": {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792525, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "NEW", "price": 0.025440, "quantity": 397.670000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 269}}
  141. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] MESSAGE: limit
  142. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] DEBUG Event order: : {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792525, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "NEW", "price": 0.025440, "quantity": 397.670000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 269}
  143. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] DEBUG old order: : {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792525, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "PENDING", "price": 0.025440, "quantity": 397.670000, "update_time": 1}
  144. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] MESSAGE: limit/market orders size: 8
  145. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] MESSAGE: ! PNKUSDT
  146. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] INFO : WebSocketEvent: delta=1.7181e+11, event_time=1718099793081", type="ACCOUNT_ORDER", event: {"stream": ACCOUNT_ORDER, "event_time": 139000107882800, "order": {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792525, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "CANCELED", "price": 0.025440, "quantity": 397.670000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 269}}
  147. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] MESSAGE: limit
  148. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] DEBUG Event order: : {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792525, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "CANCELED", "price": 0.025440, "quantity": 397.670000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 269}
  149. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] DEBUG old order: : {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792525, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "NEW", "price": 0.025440, "quantity": 397.670000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 269}
  150. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] MESSAGE: erase
  151. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] MESSAGE: limit/market orders size: 7
  152. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] MESSAGE: ! PNKUSDT
  153. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] INFO : WebSocketEvent: delta=1.7181e+11, event_time=1718099793081", type="ACCOUNT_ORDER", event: {"stream": ACCOUNT_ORDER, "event_time": 139000107918160, "order": {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792524, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "NEW", "price": 0.025430, "quantity": 397.830000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 269}}
  154. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] MESSAGE: limit
  155. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] DEBUG Event order: : {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792524, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "NEW", "price": 0.025430, "quantity": 397.830000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 269}
  156. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] DEBUG old order: : {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792524, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "PENDING", "price": 0.025430, "quantity": 397.830000, "update_time": 1}
  157. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] MESSAGE: limit/market orders size: 7
  158. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] MESSAGE: ! PNKUSDT
  159. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] INFO : WebSocketEvent: delta=1.7181e+11, event_time=1718099793081", type="ACCOUNT_ORDER", event: {"stream": ACCOUNT_ORDER, "event_time": 139000107882800, "order": {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792528, "type": LIMIT, "side": SELL, "status": "NEW", "price": 0.028130, "quantity": 295.250000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 267}}
  160. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] MESSAGE: limit
  161. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] DEBUG Event order: : {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792528, "type": LIMIT, "side": SELL, "status": "NEW", "price": 0.028130, "quantity": 295.250000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 267}
  162. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] DEBUG old order: : {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792528, "type": LIMIT, "side": SELL, "status": "PENDING", "price": 0.028130, "quantity": 295.250000, "update_time": 1}
  163. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] MESSAGE: limit/market orders size: 7
  164. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] MESSAGE: ! PNKUSDT
  165. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] INFO : WebSocketEvent: delta=1.7181e+11, event_time=1718099793091", type="ACCOUNT_ORDER", event: {"stream": ACCOUNT_ORDER, "event_time": 139000107901152, "order": {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792530, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "NEW", "price": 0.019980, "quantity": 500.500000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 261}}
  166. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] MESSAGE: limit
  167. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] DEBUG Event order: : {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792530, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "NEW", "price": 0.019980, "quantity": 500.500000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 261}
  168. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] DEBUG old order: : {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792530, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "PENDING", "price": 0.019980, "quantity": 500.500000, "update_time": 1}
  169. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] MESSAGE: limit/market orders size: 7
  170. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] MESSAGE: ! PNKUSDT
  171. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] DEBUG ? new: {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792530, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "NEW", "quantity": 397.520000, "update_time": 1718099793083}
  172. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] INFO : WebSocketEvent: delta=1.7181e+11, event_time=1718099793127", type="ACCOUNT_ORDER", event: {"stream": ACCOUNT_ORDER, "event_time": 139000107918160, "order": {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792526, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "NEW", "price": 0.025450, "quantity": 397.520000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 267}}
  173. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] MESSAGE: limit
  174. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] DEBUG Event order: : {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792526, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "NEW", "price": 0.025450, "quantity": 397.520000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 267}
  175. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] DEBUG old order: : {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792526, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "PENDING", "price": 0.025450, "quantity": 397.520000, "update_time": 1}
  176. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] MESSAGE: limit/market orders size: 7
  177. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-33 ] MESSAGE: ! PNKUSDT
  178. balance indicator: 0x5ddc6dd0bb68 0x5ddc6dd0ba40
  179. {"asset": "PNK", "free": 0.02, "locked": 885.75, "wallet": 0, "update_time": 139000528489408}
  180. {"asset": "ORDITT", "free": 288.29, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time": 139000528489408}
  181. {"asset": "MCC", "free": 54153.6, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time": 139000528489408}
  182. {"asset": "LOTT", "free": 5476.11, "locked": 3650.7, "wallet": 0, "update_time": 139000528489408}
  183. {"asset": "SHC", "free": 89.56, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time": 139000528489408}
  184. {"asset": "RSR", "free": 39554.1, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time": 139000528489408}
  185. {"asset": "USDT", "free": 207.644, "locked": 95.8636, "wallet": 0, "update_time": 139000528489408}
  186. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] MESSAGE: get_timestamp() - last_upd > cooldown: upd = 1718099792979
  187. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] MESSAGE: previous mid price: 0.026780
  188. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] MESSAGE: new mid price: 0.026780
  189. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] MESSAGE: start orders calculating
  190. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] DEBUG base balance: {"asset": "PNK", "free": 0.02, "locked": 885.75, "wallet": 0, "update_time": 139000528489408}
  191. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] DEBUG quote balance: {"asset": "USDT", "free": 207.644, "locked": 95.8636, "wallet": 0, "update_time": 139000528489408}
  192. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] MESSAGE: calculating completed
  193. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] DEBUG : OrderEvent: delta=1.71796e+11, symbol="PNKUSDT", type="LIMIT_GRID", asks: [(0.02812, 295.257); (0.02813, 295.257); (0.02814, 295.257); ], bids: [(0.02545, 397.522); (0.02544, 397.678); (0.02543, 397.834); ]
  194. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] INFO : OrderEvent: delta=1.71796e+11, symbol="PNKUSDT", type="LIMIT_GRID", asks: [(0.02812, 295.257); (0.02813, 295.257); (0.02814, 295.257); ], bids: [(0.02545, 397.522); (0.02544, 397.678); (0.02543, 397.834); ]
  195. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] MESSAGE: LIMIT GRID
  196. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] DEBUG in _process_limit_grid: 0.02812
  197. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] DEBUG in _process_limit_grid: 295.257
  198. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] DEBUG in _process_limit_grid: 0.02813
  199. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] DEBUG in _process_limit_grid: 295.257
  200. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] DEBUG in _process_limit_grid: 0.02814
  201. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] DEBUG in _process_limit_grid: 295.257
  202. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] DEBUG in _process_limit_grid: 0.02545
  203. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] DEBUG in _process_limit_grid: 397.522
  204. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] DEBUG in _process_limit_grid: 0.02544
  205. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] DEBUG in _process_limit_grid: 397.678
  206. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] DEBUG in _process_limit_grid: 0.02543
  207. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] DEBUG in _process_limit_grid: 397.834
  208. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] DEBUG @#*&* : {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "price": 0.025440, "quantity": 397.670000, "type": LIMIT", "side": BUY"}
  209. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] MESSAGE: csize: 2
  210. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] DEBUG ! cancel: {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718096522092, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "NEW", "price": 0.025340, "quantity": 399.240000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 1718099792546}
  211. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] DEBUG ! cancel: {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792530, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "NEW", "price": 0.019980, "quantity": 500.500000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 261}
  212. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] DEBUG ! new: {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "price": 0.025440, "quantity": 397.670000, "client_order_id": 1718099792531, "type": LIMIT", "side": BUY"}
  213. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] DEBUG ? cancel: ORDER_NOT_FOUND (MEXC_SPOT: Unknown order sent)
  214. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] ERROR cancel order error: ORDER_NOT_FOUND (MEXC_SPOT: Unknown order sent)
  215. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] DEBUG ? cancel: {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792530, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "NEW", "price": 0.019980, "quantity": 500.500000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 139000081792064}
  216. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] DEBUG ? new: {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792531, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "NEW", "quantity": 397.670000, "update_time": 1718099803508}
  217. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] INFO : WebSocketEvent: delta=1.7181e+11, event_time=1718099803529", type="ACCOUNT_ORDER", event: {"stream": ACCOUNT_ORDER, "event_time": 139000107901424, "order": {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792530, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "CANCELED", "price": 0.019980, "quantity": 500.500000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 261}}
  218. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] MESSAGE: limit
  219. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] DEBUG Event order: : {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792530, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "CANCELED", "price": 0.019980, "quantity": 500.500000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 261}
  220. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] DEBUG old order: : {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792530, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "NEW", "price": 0.019980, "quantity": 500.500000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 261}
  221. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] MESSAGE: erase
  222. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] MESSAGE: limit/market orders size: 7
  223. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] MESSAGE: ! PNKUSDT
  224. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] MESSAGE: In fill event risk checker
  225. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] DEBUG : {"ask_price": 0.02693, "ask_quantity": 92.31, "bid_price": 0.02664, "bid_quantity": 113.3}
  226. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] DEBUG ready for going to execution: OrderEvent: delta=1.71796e+11, symbol="PNKUSDT", type="LIMIT_GRID", asks: [], bids: [(0.01998, 500.501); (0.01332, 750.751); (0.00666, 1501.5); ]
  227. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] INFO : OrderEvent: delta=1.71796e+11, symbol="PNKUSDT", type="LIMIT_GRID", asks: [], bids: [(0.01998, 500.501); (0.01332, 750.751); (0.00666, 1501.5); ]
  228. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] MESSAGE: LIMIT GRID
  229. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] DEBUG in _process_limit_grid: 0.01998
  230. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] DEBUG in _process_limit_grid: 500.501
  231. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] DEBUG in _process_limit_grid: 0.01332
  232. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] DEBUG in _process_limit_grid: 750.751
  233. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] DEBUG in _process_limit_grid: 0.00666
  234. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] DEBUG in _process_limit_grid: 1501.5
  235. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] DEBUG @#*&* : {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "price": 0.006660, "quantity": 1501.500000, "type": LIMIT", "side": BUY"}
  236. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] DEBUG @#*&* : {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "price": 0.013320, "quantity": 750.750000, "type": LIMIT", "side": BUY"}
  237. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] DEBUG @#*&* : {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "price": 0.019980, "quantity": 500.500000, "type": LIMIT", "side": BUY"}
  238. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] MESSAGE: csize: 7
  239. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] DEBUG ! cancel: {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792531, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "PENDING", "price": 0.025440, "quantity": 397.670000, "update_time": 1}
  240. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] DEBUG ! cancel: {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792527, "type": LIMIT, "side": SELL, "status": "NEW", "price": 0.028140, "quantity": 295.250000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 265}
  241. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] INFO : WebSocketEvent: delta=1.7181e+11, event_time=1718099803529", type="ACCOUNT_ORDER", event: {"stream": ACCOUNT_ORDER, "event_time": 139000107882800, "order": {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792531, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "NEW", "price": 0.025440, "quantity": 397.670000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 269}}
  242. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] MESSAGE: limit
  243. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] DEBUG Event order: : {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792531, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "NEW", "price": 0.025440, "quantity": 397.670000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 269}
  244. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] DEBUG old order: : {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792531, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "PENDING", "price": 0.025440, "quantity": 397.670000, "update_time": 1}
  245. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] MESSAGE: limit/market orders size: 10
  246. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] MESSAGE: ! PNKUSDT
  247. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] DEBUG ! cancel: {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792526, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "NEW", "price": 0.025450, "quantity": 397.520000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 267}
  248. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] DEBUG ! cancel: {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792528, "type": LIMIT, "side": SELL, "status": "NEW", "price": 0.028130, "quantity": 295.250000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 267}
  249. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] DEBUG ! new: {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "price": 0.006660, "quantity": 1501.500000, "client_order_id": 1718099792532, "type": LIMIT", "side": BUY"}
  250. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] DEBUG ! new: {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "price": 0.013320, "quantity": 750.750000, "client_order_id": 1718099792533, "type": LIMIT", "side": BUY"}
  251. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] DEBUG ! new: {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "price": 0.019980, "quantity": 500.500000, "client_order_id": 1718099792534, "type": LIMIT", "side": BUY"}
  252. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] DEBUG ! cancel: {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718096522092, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "NEW", "price": 0.025340, "quantity": 399.240000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 1718099792546}
  253. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] DEBUG ! cancel: {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792529, "type": LIMIT, "side": SELL, "status": "NEW", "price": 0.028120, "quantity": 295.250000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 263}
  254. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] DEBUG ! cancel: {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792524, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "NEW", "price": 0.025430, "quantity": 397.830000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 269}
  255. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] DEBUG ? cancel: {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792531, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "NEW", "price": 0.025440, "quantity": 397.670000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 138998924155968}
  256. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] INFO : WebSocketEvent: delta=1.7181e+11, event_time=1718099803557", type="ACCOUNT_ORDER", event: {"stream": ACCOUNT_ORDER, "event_time": 139000107918160, "order": {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792531, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "CANCELED", "price": 0.025440, "quantity": 397.670000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 269}}
  257. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] MESSAGE: limit
  258. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] DEBUG Event order: : {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792531, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "CANCELED", "price": 0.025440, "quantity": 397.670000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 269}
  259. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] DEBUG old order: : {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792531, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "NEW", "price": 0.025440, "quantity": 397.670000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 269}
  260. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] MESSAGE: erase
  261. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] MESSAGE: limit/market orders size: 9
  262. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] MESSAGE: ! PNKUSDT
  263. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] DEBUG ? cancel: {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792526, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "NEW", "price": 0.025450, "quantity": 397.520000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 139000098577472}
  264. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] DEBUG ? cancel: {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792527, "type": LIMIT, "side": SELL, "status": "NEW", "price": 0.028140, "quantity": 295.250000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 139000081792064}
  265. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] DEBUG ? cancel: {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792528, "type": LIMIT, "side": SELL, "status": "NEW", "price": 0.028130, "quantity": 295.250000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 139000266333248}
  266. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] DEBUG ? cancel: ORDER_NOT_FOUND (MEXC_SPOT: Unknown order sent)
  267. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] ERROR cancel order error: ORDER_NOT_FOUND (MEXC_SPOT: Unknown order sent)
  268. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] INFO : WebSocketEvent: delta=1.7181e+11, event_time=1718099803563", type="ACCOUNT_ORDER", event: {"stream": ACCOUNT_ORDER, "event_time": 139000107882800, "order": {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792524, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "CANCELED", "price": 0.025430, "quantity": 397.830000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 269}}
  269. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] MESSAGE: limit
  270. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] DEBUG Event order: : {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792524, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "CANCELED", "price": 0.025430, "quantity": 397.830000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 269}
  271. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] DEBUG old order: : {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792524, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "NEW", "price": 0.025430, "quantity": 397.830000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 269}
  272. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] MESSAGE: erase
  273. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] MESSAGE: limit/market orders size: 8
  274. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] MESSAGE: ! PNKUSDT
  275. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] DEBUG ? cancel: {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792524, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "NEW", "price": 0.025430, "quantity": 397.830000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 139000291511360}
  276. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] INFO : WebSocketEvent: delta=1.7181e+11, event_time=1718099803566", type="ACCOUNT_ORDER", event: {"stream": ACCOUNT_ORDER, "event_time": 139000107871616, "order": {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792527, "type": LIMIT, "side": SELL, "status": "CANCELED", "price": 0.028140, "quantity": 295.250000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 265}}
  277. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] MESSAGE: limit
  278. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] DEBUG Event order: : {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792527, "type": LIMIT, "side": SELL, "status": "CANCELED", "price": 0.028140, "quantity": 295.250000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 265}
  279. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] DEBUG old order: : {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792527, "type": LIMIT, "side": SELL, "status": "NEW", "price": 0.028140, "quantity": 295.250000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 265}
  280. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] MESSAGE: erase
  281. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] MESSAGE: limit/market orders size: 7
  282. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] MESSAGE: ! PNKUSDT
  283. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] INFO : WebSocketEvent: delta=1.7181e+11, event_time=1718099803567", type="ACCOUNT_ORDER", event: {"stream": ACCOUNT_ORDER, "event_time": 139000107918160, "order": {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792528, "type": LIMIT, "side": SELL, "status": "CANCELED", "price": 0.028130, "quantity": 295.250000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 267}}
  284. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] MESSAGE: limit
  285. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] DEBUG Event order: : {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792528, "type": LIMIT, "side": SELL, "status": "CANCELED", "price": 0.028130, "quantity": 295.250000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 267}
  286. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] DEBUG old order: : {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792528, "type": LIMIT, "side": SELL, "status": "NEW", "price": 0.028130, "quantity": 295.250000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 267}
  287. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] MESSAGE: erase
  288. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] MESSAGE: limit/market orders size: 6
  289. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] MESSAGE: ! PNKUSDT
  290. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] DEBUG ? cancel: {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792529, "type": LIMIT, "side": SELL, "status": "NEW", "price": 0.028120, "quantity": 295.250000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 139000283118656}
  291. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] DEBUG ? new: {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792534, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "NEW", "quantity": 1501.500000, "update_time": 1718099803564}
  292. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] DEBUG ? new: {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792534, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "NEW", "quantity": 750.750000, "update_time": 1718099803562}
  293. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] INFO : WebSocketEvent: delta=1.7181e+11, event_time=1718099803571", type="ACCOUNT_ORDER", event: {"stream": ACCOUNT_ORDER, "event_time": 139000107882800, "order": {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792526, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "CANCELED", "price": 0.025450, "quantity": 397.520000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 267}}
  294. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] MESSAGE: limit
  295. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] DEBUG Event order: : {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792526, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "CANCELED", "price": 0.025450, "quantity": 397.520000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 267}
  296. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] DEBUG old order: : {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792526, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "NEW", "price": 0.025450, "quantity": 397.520000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 267}
  297. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] MESSAGE: erase
  298. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] MESSAGE: limit/market orders size: 5
  299. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] MESSAGE: ! PNKUSDT
  300. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] INFO : WebSocketEvent: delta=1.7181e+11, event_time=1718099803575", type="ACCOUNT_ORDER", event: {"stream": ACCOUNT_ORDER, "event_time": 139000107901424, "order": {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792529, "type": LIMIT, "side": SELL, "status": "CANCELED", "price": 0.028120, "quantity": 295.250000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 263}}
  301. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] MESSAGE: limit
  302. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] DEBUG Event order: : {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792529, "type": LIMIT, "side": SELL, "status": "CANCELED", "price": 0.028120, "quantity": 295.250000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 263}
  303. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] DEBUG old order: : {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792529, "type": LIMIT, "side": SELL, "status": "NEW", "price": 0.028120, "quantity": 295.250000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 263}
  304. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] MESSAGE: erase
  305. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] MESSAGE: limit/market orders size: 4
  306. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] MESSAGE: ! PNKUSDT
  307. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] DEBUG ? new: {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792534, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "NEW", "quantity": 500.500000, "update_time": 1718099803568}
  308. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] INFO : WebSocketEvent: delta=1.7181e+11, event_time=1718099803580", type="ACCOUNT_ORDER", event: {"stream": ACCOUNT_ORDER, "event_time": 139000107901152, "order": {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792533, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "NEW", "price": 0.013320, "quantity": 750.750000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 263}}
  309. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] MESSAGE: limit
  310. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] DEBUG Event order: : {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792533, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "NEW", "price": 0.013320, "quantity": 750.750000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 263}
  311. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] DEBUG old order: : {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792533, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "PENDING", "price": 0.013320, "quantity": 750.750000, "update_time": 1}
  312. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] MESSAGE: limit/market orders size: 4
  313. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] MESSAGE: ! PNKUSDT
  314. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] INFO : WebSocketEvent: delta=1.7181e+11, event_time=1718099803583", type="ACCOUNT_ORDER", event: {"stream": ACCOUNT_ORDER, "event_time": 139000107901424, "order": {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792532, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "NEW", "price": 0.006660, "quantity": 1501.500000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 263}}
  315. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] MESSAGE: limit
  316. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] DEBUG Event order: : {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792532, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "NEW", "price": 0.006660, "quantity": 1501.500000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 263}
  317. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] DEBUG old order: : {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792532, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "PENDING", "price": 0.006660, "quantity": 1501.500000, "update_time": 1}
  318. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] MESSAGE: limit/market orders size: 4
  319. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] MESSAGE: ! PNKUSDT
  320. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] INFO : WebSocketEvent: delta=1.7181e+11, event_time=1718099803584", type="ACCOUNT_ORDER", event: {"stream": ACCOUNT_ORDER, "event_time": 139000107901152, "order": {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792534, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "NEW", "price": 0.019980, "quantity": 500.500000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 261}}
  321. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] MESSAGE: limit
  322. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] DEBUG Event order: : {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792534, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "NEW", "price": 0.019980, "quantity": 500.500000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 261}
  323. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] DEBUG old order: : {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792534, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "PENDING", "price": 0.019980, "quantity": 500.500000, "update_time": 1}
  324. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] MESSAGE: limit/market orders size: 4
  325. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-43 ] MESSAGE: ! PNKUSDT
  326. balance indicator: 0x5ddc6dd0bb68 0x5ddc6dd0ba40
  327. {"asset": "PNK", "free": 885.77, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time": 139000528489408}
  328. {"asset": "ORDITT", "free": 288.29, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time": 139000528489408}
  329. {"asset": "MCC", "free": 54153.6, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time": 139000528489408}
  330. {"asset": "LOTT", "free": 5476.11, "locked": 3650.7, "wallet": 0, "update_time": 139000528489408}
  331. {"asset": "SHC", "free": 89.56, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time": 139000528489408}
  332. {"asset": "RSR", "free": 39554.1, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time": 139000528489408}
  333. {"asset": "USDT", "free": 207.878, "locked": 95.6296, "wallet": 0, "update_time": 139000528489408}
  334. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] MESSAGE: get_timestamp() - last_upd > cooldown: upd = 1718099803475
  335. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] MESSAGE: previous mid price: 0.026780
  336. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] MESSAGE: new mid price: 0.026780
  337. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] MESSAGE: start orders calculating
  338. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] DEBUG base balance: {"asset": "PNK", "free": 885.77, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time": 139000528489408}
  339. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] DEBUG quote balance: {"asset": "USDT", "free": 207.878, "locked": 95.6296, "wallet": 0, "update_time": 139000528489408}
  340. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] MESSAGE: calculating completed
  341. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] DEBUG : OrderEvent: delta=1.71796e+11, symbol="PNKUSDT", type="LIMIT_GRID", asks: [(0.02812, 295.257); (0.02813, 295.257); (0.02814, 295.257); ], bids: [(0.02545, 397.522); (0.02544, 397.678); (0.02543, 397.834); ]
  342. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] INFO : OrderEvent: delta=1.71796e+11, symbol="PNKUSDT", type="LIMIT_GRID", asks: [(0.02812, 295.257); (0.02813, 295.257); (0.02814, 295.257); ], bids: [(0.02545, 397.522); (0.02544, 397.678); (0.02543, 397.834); ]
  343. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] MESSAGE: LIMIT GRID
  344. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] DEBUG in _process_limit_grid: 0.02812
  345. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] DEBUG in _process_limit_grid: 295.257
  346. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] DEBUG in _process_limit_grid: 0.02813
  347. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] DEBUG in _process_limit_grid: 295.257
  348. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] DEBUG in _process_limit_grid: 0.02814
  349. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] DEBUG in _process_limit_grid: 295.257
  350. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] DEBUG in _process_limit_grid: 0.02545
  351. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] DEBUG in _process_limit_grid: 397.522
  352. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] DEBUG in _process_limit_grid: 0.02544
  353. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] DEBUG in _process_limit_grid: 397.678
  354. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] DEBUG in _process_limit_grid: 0.02543
  355. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] DEBUG in _process_limit_grid: 397.834
  356. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] DEBUG @#*&* : {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "price": 0.025430, "quantity": 397.830000, "type": LIMIT", "side": BUY"}
  357. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] DEBUG @#*&* : {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "price": 0.025440, "quantity": 397.670000, "type": LIMIT", "side": BUY"}
  358. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] DEBUG @#*&* : {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "price": 0.025450, "quantity": 397.520000, "type": LIMIT", "side": BUY"}
  359. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] DEBUG @#*&* : {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "price": 0.028140, "quantity": 295.250000, "type": LIMIT", "side": SELL"}
  360. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] DEBUG @#*&* : {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "price": 0.028130, "quantity": 295.250000, "type": LIMIT", "side": SELL"}
  361. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] DEBUG @#*&* : {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "price": 0.028120, "quantity": 295.250000, "type": LIMIT", "side": SELL"}
  362. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] MESSAGE: csize: 4
  363. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] DEBUG ! cancel: {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792534, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "NEW", "price": 0.019980, "quantity": 500.500000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 261}
  364. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] DEBUG ! cancel: {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792533, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "NEW", "price": 0.013320, "quantity": 750.750000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 263}
  365. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] DEBUG ! cancel: {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792532, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "NEW", "price": 0.006660, "quantity": 1501.500000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 263}
  366. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] DEBUG ! new: {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "price": 0.025450, "quantity": 397.520000, "client_order_id": 1718099792537, "type": LIMIT", "side": BUY"}
  367. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] DEBUG ! new: {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "price": 0.025440, "quantity": 397.670000, "client_order_id": 1718099792536, "type": LIMIT", "side": BUY"}
  368. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] DEBUG ! new: {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "price": 0.025430, "quantity": 397.830000, "client_order_id": 1718099792535, "type": LIMIT", "side": BUY"}
  369. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] DEBUG ! cancel: {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718096522092, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "NEW", "price": 0.025340, "quantity": 399.240000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 1718099792546}
  370. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] DEBUG ! new: {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "price": 0.028140, "quantity": 295.250000, "client_order_id": 1718099792538, "type": LIMIT", "side": SELL"}
  371. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] DEBUG ! new: {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "price": 0.028130, "quantity": 295.250000, "client_order_id": 1718099792539, "type": LIMIT", "side": SELL"}
  372. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] DEBUG ! new: {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "price": 0.028120, "quantity": 295.250000, "client_order_id": 1718099792540, "type": LIMIT", "side": SELL"}
  373. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] DEBUG ? cancel: ORDER_NOT_FOUND (MEXC_SPOT: Unknown order sent)
  374. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] ERROR cancel order error: ORDER_NOT_FOUND (MEXC_SPOT: Unknown order sent)
  375. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] DEBUG ? cancel: {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792533, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "NEW", "price": 0.013320, "quantity": 750.750000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 139000106970176}
  376. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] DEBUG ? cancel: {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792534, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "NEW", "price": 0.019980, "quantity": 500.500000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 139000090184768}
  377. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] DEBUG ? cancel: {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792532, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "NEW", "price": 0.006660, "quantity": 1501.500000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 139000257940544}
  378. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] DEBUG ? new: {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792540, "type": LIMIT, "side": SELL, "status": "NEW", "quantity": 295.250000, "update_time": 1718099813502}
  379. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] DEBUG ? new: {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792540, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "NEW", "quantity": 397.830000, "update_time": 1718099813502}
  380. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] DEBUG ? new: {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792540, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "NEW", "quantity": 397.670000, "update_time": 1718099813500}
  381. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] DEBUG ? new: {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792540, "type": LIMIT, "side": SELL, "status": "NEW", "quantity": 295.250000, "update_time": 1718099813509}
  382. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] INFO : WebSocketEvent: delta=1.7181e+11, event_time=1718099813519", type="ACCOUNT_ORDER", event: {"stream": ACCOUNT_ORDER, "event_time": 139000107901424, "order": {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792532, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "CANCELED", "price": 0.006660, "quantity": 1501.500000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 263}}
  383. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] MESSAGE: limit
  384. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] DEBUG Event order: : {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792532, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "CANCELED", "price": 0.006660, "quantity": 1501.500000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 263}
  385. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] DEBUG old order: : {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792532, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "NEW", "price": 0.006660, "quantity": 1501.500000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 263}
  386. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] MESSAGE: erase
  387. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] MESSAGE: limit/market orders size: 9
  388. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] MESSAGE: ! PNKUSDT
  389. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] INFO : WebSocketEvent: delta=1.7181e+11, event_time=1718099813519", type="ACCOUNT_ORDER", event: {"stream": ACCOUNT_ORDER, "event_time": 139000107901152, "order": {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792533, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "CANCELED", "price": 0.013320, "quantity": 750.750000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 263}}
  390. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] MESSAGE: limit
  391. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] DEBUG Event order: : {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792533, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "CANCELED", "price": 0.013320, "quantity": 750.750000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 263}
  392. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] DEBUG old order: : {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792533, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "NEW", "price": 0.013320, "quantity": 750.750000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 263}
  393. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] MESSAGE: erase
  394. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] MESSAGE: limit/market orders size: 8
  395. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] MESSAGE: ! PNKUSDT
  396. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] INFO : WebSocketEvent: delta=1.7181e+11, event_time=1718099813520", type="ACCOUNT_ORDER", event: {"stream": ACCOUNT_ORDER, "event_time": 139000107901424, "order": {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792534, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "CANCELED", "price": 0.019980, "quantity": 500.500000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 261}}
  397. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] MESSAGE: limit
  398. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] DEBUG Event order: : {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792534, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "CANCELED", "price": 0.019980, "quantity": 500.500000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 261}
  399. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] DEBUG old order: : {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792534, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "NEW", "price": 0.019980, "quantity": 500.500000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 261}
  400. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] MESSAGE: erase
  401. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] MESSAGE: limit/market orders size: 7
  402. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] MESSAGE: ! PNKUSDT
  403. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] INFO : WebSocketEvent: delta=1.7181e+11, event_time=1718099813524", type="ACCOUNT_ORDER", event: {"stream": ACCOUNT_ORDER, "event_time": 139000107869168, "order": {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792538, "type": LIMIT, "side": SELL, "status": "NEW", "price": 0.028140, "quantity": 295.250000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 265}}
  404. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] MESSAGE: limit
  405. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] DEBUG Event order: : {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792538, "type": LIMIT, "side": SELL, "status": "NEW", "price": 0.028140, "quantity": 295.250000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 265}
  406. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] DEBUG old order: : {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792538, "type": LIMIT, "side": SELL, "status": "PENDING", "price": 0.028140, "quantity": 295.250000, "update_time": 1}
  407. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] MESSAGE: limit/market orders size: 7
  408. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] MESSAGE: ! PNKUSDT
  409. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] INFO : WebSocketEvent: delta=1.7181e+11, event_time=1718099813525", type="ACCOUNT_ORDER", event: {"stream": ACCOUNT_ORDER, "event_time": 139000107918160, "order": {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792535, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "NEW", "price": 0.025430, "quantity": 397.830000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 269}}
  410. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] MESSAGE: limit
  411. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] DEBUG Event order: : {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792535, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "NEW", "price": 0.025430, "quantity": 397.830000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 269}
  412. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] DEBUG old order: : {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792535, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "PENDING", "price": 0.025430, "quantity": 397.830000, "update_time": 1}
  413. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] MESSAGE: limit/market orders size: 7
  414. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] MESSAGE: ! PNKUSDT
  415. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] DEBUG ? new: {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792540, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "NEW", "quantity": 397.520000, "update_time": 1718099813522}
  416. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] INFO : WebSocketEvent: delta=1.7181e+11, event_time=1718099813529", type="ACCOUNT_ORDER", event: {"stream": ACCOUNT_ORDER, "event_time": 139000107882800, "order": {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792536, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "NEW", "price": 0.025440, "quantity": 397.670000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 269}}
  417. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] MESSAGE: limit
  418. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] DEBUG Event order: : {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792536, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "NEW", "price": 0.025440, "quantity": 397.670000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 269}
  419. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] DEBUG old order: : {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792536, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "PENDING", "price": 0.025440, "quantity": 397.670000, "update_time": 1}
  420. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] MESSAGE: limit/market orders size: 7
  421. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] DEBUG ? new: {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792540, "type": LIMIT, "side": SELL, "status": "NEW", "quantity": MESSAGE: ! PNKUSDT
  422. 295.250000, "update_time": 1718099813522}
  423. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] INFO : WebSocketEvent: delta=1.7181e+11, event_time=1718099813532", type="ACCOUNT_ORDER", event: {"stream": ACCOUNT_ORDER, "event_time": 139000107901424, "order": {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792540, "type": LIMIT, "side": SELL, "status": "NEW", "price": 0.028120, "quantity": 295.250000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 263}}
  424. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] MESSAGE: limit
  425. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] DEBUG Event order: : {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792540, "type": LIMIT, "side": SELL, "status": "NEW", "price": 0.028120, "quantity": 295.250000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 263}
  426. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] DEBUG old order: : {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792540, "type": LIMIT, "side": SELL, "status": "PENDING", "price": 0.028120, "quantity": 295.250000, "update_time": 1}
  427. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] MESSAGE: limit/market orders size: 7
  428. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] MESSAGE: ! PNKUSDT
  429. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] MESSAGE: In fill event risk checker
  430. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] DEBUG : {"ask_price": 0.02693, "ask_quantity": 92.31, "bid_price": 0.02664, "bid_quantity": 113.3}
  431. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] DEBUG ready for going to execution: OrderEvent: delta=1.71796e+11, symbol="PNKUSDT", type="LIMIT_GRID", asks: [], bids: [(0.01998, 500.501); (0.01332, 750.751); (0.00666, 1501.5); ]
  432. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] INFO : OrderEvent: delta=1.71796e+11, symbol="PNKUSDT", type="LIMIT_GRID", asks: [], bids: [(0.01998, 500.501); (0.01332, 750.751); (0.00666, 1501.5); ]
  433. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] MESSAGE: LIMIT GRID
  434. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] DEBUG in _process_limit_grid: 0.01998
  435. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] DEBUG in _process_limit_grid: 500.501
  436. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] DEBUG in _process_limit_grid: 0.01332
  437. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] DEBUG in _process_limit_grid: 750.751
  438. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] DEBUG in _process_limit_grid: 0.00666
  439. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] DEBUG in _process_limit_grid: 1501.5
  440. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] DEBUG @#*&* : {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "price": 0.006660, "quantity": 1501.500000, "type": LIMIT", "side": BUY"}
  441. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] DEBUG @#*&* : {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "price": 0.013320, "quantity": 750.750000, "type": LIMIT", "side": BUY"}
  442. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] DEBUG @#*&* : {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "price": 0.019980, "quantity": 500.500000, "type": LIMIT", "side": BUY"}
  443. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] MESSAGE: csize: 7
  444. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] DEBUG ! cancel: {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792540, "type": LIMIT, "side": SELL, "status": "NEW", "price": 0.028120, "quantity": 295.250000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 263}
  445. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] DEBUG ! cancel: {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718096522092, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "NEW", "price": 0.025340, "quantity": 399.240000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 1718099792546}
  446. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] DEBUG ! new: {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "price": 0.019980, "quantity": 500.500000, "client_order_id": 1718099792543, "type": LIMIT", "side": BUY"}
  447. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] DEBUG ! new: {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "price": 0.006660, "quantity": 1501.500000, "client_order_id": 1718099792541, "type": LIMIT", "side": BUY"}
  448. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] DEBUG ! new: {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "price": 0.013320, "quantity": 750.750000, "client_order_id": 1718099792542, "type": LIMIT", "side": BUY"}
  449. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] DEBUG ! cancel: {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792535, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "NEW", "price": 0.025430, "quantity": 397.830000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 269}
  450. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] DEBUG ! cancel: {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792539, "type": LIMIT, "side": SELL, "status": "PENDING", "price": 0.028130, "quantity": 295.250000, "update_time": 1}
  451. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] DEBUG ! cancel: {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792537, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "PENDING", "price": 0.025450, "quantity": 397.520000, "update_time": 1}
  452. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] DEBUG ! cancel: {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792538, "type": LIMIT, "side": SELL, "status": "NEW", "price": 0.028140, "quantity": 295.250000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 265}
  453. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] DEBUG ! cancel: {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792536, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "NEW", "price": 0.025440, "quantity": 397.670000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 269}
  454. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] INFO : WebSocketEvent: delta=1.7181e+11, event_time=1718099813541", type="ACCOUNT_ORDER", event: {"stream": ACCOUNT_ORDER, "event_time": 139000107918160, "order": {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792537, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "NEW", "price": 0.025450, "quantity": 397.520000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 267}}
  455. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] MESSAGE: limit
  456. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] DEBUG Event order: : {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792537, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "NEW", "price": 0.025450, "quantity": 397.520000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 267}
  457. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] DEBUG old order: : {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792537, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "PENDING", "price": 0.025450, "quantity": 397.520000, "update_time": 1}
  458. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] MESSAGE: limit/market orders size: 10
  459. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] MESSAGE: ! PNKUSDT
  460. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] INFO : WebSocketEvent: delta=1.7181e+11, event_time=1718099813542", type="ACCOUNT_ORDER", event: {"stream": ACCOUNT_ORDER, "event_time": 139000107882800, "order": {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792539, "type": LIMIT, "side": SELL, "status": "NEW", "price": 0.028130, "quantity": 295.250000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 267}}
  461. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] MESSAGE: limit
  462. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] DEBUG Event order: : {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792539, "type": LIMIT, "side": SELL, "status": "NEW", "price": 0.028130, "quantity": 295.250000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 267}
  463. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] DEBUG old order: : {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792539, "type": LIMIT, "side": SELL, "status": "PENDING", "price": 0.028130, "quantity": 295.250000, "update_time": 1}
  464. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] MESSAGE: limit/market orders size: 10
  465. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] MESSAGE: ! PNKUSDT
  466. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] DEBUG ? cancel: {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792538, "type": LIMIT, "side": SELL, "status": "NEW", "price": 0.028140, "quantity": 295.250000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 139000073399360}
  467. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] DEBUG ? cancel: {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792539, "type": LIMIT, "side": SELL, "status": "NEW", "price": 0.028130, "quantity": 295.250000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 139000266333248}
  468. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] DEBUG ? cancel: {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792540, "type": LIMIT, "side": SELL, "status": "NEW", "price": 0.028120, "quantity": 295.250000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 139000081792064}
  469. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] DEBUG ? cancel: {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792536, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "NEW", "price": 0.025440, "quantity": 397.670000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 139000291511360}
  470. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] DEBUG ? cancel: ORDER_NOT_FOUND (MEXC_SPOT: Unknown order sent)
  471. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] ERROR cancel order error: ORDER_NOT_FOUND (MEXC_SPOT: Unknown order sent)
  472. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] DEBUG ? cancel: {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792535, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "NEW", "price": 0.025430, "quantity": 397.830000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 139000283118656}
  473. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] DEBUG ? cancel: {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792537, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "NEW", "price": 0.025450, "quantity": 397.520000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 139000274725952}
  474. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] INFO : WebSocketEvent: delta=1.7181e+11, event_time=1718099813570", type="ACCOUNT_ORDER", event: {"stream": ACCOUNT_ORDER, "event_time": 139000107918160, "order": {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792539, "type": LIMIT, "side": SELL, "status": "CANCELED", "price": 0.028130, "quantity": 295.250000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 267}}
  475. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] MESSAGE: limit
  476. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] DEBUG Event order: : {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792539, "type": LIMIT, "side": SELL, "status": "CANCELED", "price": 0.028130, "quantity": 295.250000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 267}
  477. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] DEBUG old order: : {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792539, "type": LIMIT, "side": SELL, "status": "NEW", "price": 0.028130, "quantity": 295.250000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 267}
  478. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] MESSAGE: erase
  479. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] MESSAGE: limit/market orders size: 9
  480. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] MESSAGE: ! PNKUSDT
  481. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] INFO : WebSocketEvent: delta=1.7181e+11, event_time=1718099813571", type="ACCOUNT_ORDER", event: {"stream": ACCOUNT_ORDER, "event_time": 139000107901152, "order": {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792540, "type": LIMIT, "side": SELL, "status": "CANCELED", "price": 0.028120, "quantity": 295.250000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 263}}
  482. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] MESSAGE: limit
  483. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] DEBUG Event order: : {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792540, "type": LIMIT, "side": SELL, "status": "CANCELED", "price": 0.028120, "quantity": 295.250000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 263}
  484. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] DEBUG old order: : {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792540, "type": LIMIT, "side": SELL, "status": "NEW", "price": 0.028120, "quantity": 295.250000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 263}
  485. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] MESSAGE: erase
  486. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] MESSAGE: limit/market orders size: 8
  487. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] MESSAGE: ! PNKUSDT
  488. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] DEBUG ? new: {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792542, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "NEW", "quantity": 750.750000, "update_time": 1718099813568}
  489. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] INFO : WebSocketEvent: delta=1.7181e+11, event_time=1718099813575", type="ACCOUNT_ORDER", event: {"stream": ACCOUNT_ORDER, "event_time": 139000107909168, "order": {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792538, "type": LIMIT, "side": SELL, "status": "CANCELED", "price": 0.028140, "quantity": 295.250000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 265}}
  490. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] MESSAGE: limit
  491. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] DEBUG Event order: : {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792538, "type": LIMIT, "side": SELL, "status": "CANCELED", "price": 0.028140, "quantity": 295.250000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 265}
  492. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] DEBUG old order: : {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792538, "type": LIMIT, "side": SELL, "status": "NEW", "price": 0.028140, "quantity": 295.250000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 265}
  493. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] DEBUG ? new: {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792542, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "NEW", "quantity": 1501.500000, "update_time": 1718099813571}
  494. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] MESSAGE: erase
  495. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] MESSAGE: limit/market orders size: 7
  496. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] MESSAGE: ! PNKUSDT
  497. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] INFO : WebSocketEvent: delta=1.7181e+11, event_time=1718099813577", type="ACCOUNT_ORDER", event: {"stream": ACCOUNT_ORDER, "event_time": 139000107882800, "order": {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792536, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "CANCELED", "price": 0.025440, "quantity": 397.670000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 269}}
  498. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] MESSAGE: limit
  499. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] DEBUG Event order: : {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792536, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "CANCELED", "price": 0.025440, "quantity": 397.670000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 269}
  500. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] DEBUG old order: : {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792536, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "NEW", "price": 0.025440, "quantity": 397.670000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 269}
  501. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] MESSAGE: erase
  502. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] MESSAGE: limit/market orders size: 6
  503. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] MESSAGE: ! PNKUSDT
  504. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] INFO : WebSocketEvent: delta=1.7181e+11, event_time=1718099813580", type="ACCOUNT_ORDER", event: {"stream": ACCOUNT_ORDER, "event_time": 139000107918160, "order": {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792535, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "CANCELED", "price": 0.025430, "quantity": 397.830000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 269}}
  505. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] MESSAGE: limit
  506. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] DEBUG Event order: : {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792535, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "CANCELED", "price": 0.025430, "quantity": 397.830000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 269}
  507. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] DEBUG old order: : {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792535, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "NEW", "price": 0.025430, "quantity": 397.830000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 269}
  508. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] MESSAGE: erase
  509. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] MESSAGE: limit/market orders size: 5
  510. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] MESSAGE: ! PNKUSDT
  511. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] INFO : WebSocketEvent: delta=1.7181e+11, event_time=1718099813585", type="ACCOUNT_ORDER", event: {"stream": ACCOUNT_ORDER, "event_time": 139000107882800, "order": {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792537, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "CANCELED", "price": 0.025450, "quantity": 397.520000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 267}}
  512. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] MESSAGE: limit
  513. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] DEBUG Event order: : {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792537, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "CANCELED", "price": 0.025450, "quantity": 397.520000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 267}
  514. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] DEBUG old order: : {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792537, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "NEW", "price": 0.025450, "quantity": 397.520000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 267}
  515. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] MESSAGE: erase
  516. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] MESSAGE: limit/market orders size: 4
  517. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] MESSAGE: ! PNKUSDT
  518. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] INFO : WebSocketEvent: delta=1.7181e+11, event_time=1718099813587", type="ACCOUNT_ORDER", event: {"stream": ACCOUNT_ORDER, "event_time": 139000107901152, "order": {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792542, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "NEW", "price": 0.013320, "quantity": 750.750000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 263}}
  519. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] MESSAGE: limit
  520. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] DEBUG Event order: : {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792542, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "NEW", "price": 0.013320, "quantity": 750.750000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 263}
  521. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] DEBUG old order: : {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792542, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "PENDING", "price": 0.013320, "quantity": 750.750000, "update_time": 1}
  522. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] MESSAGE: limit/market orders size: 4
  523. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] MESSAGE: ! PNKUSDT
  524. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] DEBUG ? new: {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792542, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "NEW", "quantity": 500.500000, "update_time": 1718099813578}
  525. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] INFO : WebSocketEvent: delta=1.7181e+11, event_time=1718099813591", type="ACCOUNT_ORDER", event: {"stream": ACCOUNT_ORDER, "event_time": 139000107901424, "order": {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792541, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "NEW", "price": 0.006660, "quantity": 1501.500000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 263}}
  526. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] MESSAGE: limit
  527. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] DEBUG Event order: : {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792541, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "NEW", "price": 0.006660, "quantity": 1501.500000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 263}
  528. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] DEBUG old order: : {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792541, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "PENDING", "price": 0.006660, "quantity": 1501.500000, "update_time": 1}
  529. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] MESSAGE: limit/market orders size: 4
  530. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] MESSAGE: ! PNKUSDT
  531. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] INFO : WebSocketEvent: delta=1.7181e+11, event_time=1718099813601", type="ACCOUNT_ORDER", event: {"stream": ACCOUNT_ORDER, "event_time": 139000107901152, "order": {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792543, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "NEW", "price": 0.019980, "quantity": 500.500000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 261}}
  532. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] MESSAGE: limit
  533. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] DEBUG Event order: : {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792543, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "NEW", "price": 0.019980, "quantity": 500.500000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 261}
  534. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] DEBUG old order: : {"symbol": "PNKUSDT", "coid": 1718099792543, "type": LIMIT, "side": BUY, "status": "PENDING", "price": 0.019980, "quantity": 500.500000, "update_time": 1}
  535. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] MESSAGE: limit/market orders size: 4
  536. [ 2024-06-11-09-56-53 ] MESSAGE: ! PNKUSDT
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