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- import random
- def input_number(prompt='Please enter a number: ', minimum=0, maximum=None):
- """Read a positive number with the given prompt."""
- while True:
- try:
- number = int(input(prompt))
- if (number < minimum or
- (maximum is not None and number > maximum)):
- print('Number is not within range: {} to {}'.format(minimum, maximum))
- else:
- break
- except ValueError:
- print('You need to enter a number')
- continue
- return number
- class RolledOneException(Exception):
- pass
- class Die:
- """A die to play with."""
- def __init__(self):
- self.value = random.randint(1, 6)
- def roll(self):
- """Returns the rolled dice, or raises RolledOneException if 1."""
- self.value = random.randint(1, 6)
- if self.value == 1:
- raise RolledOneException
- return self.value
- def __str__(self):
- return "Rolled " + str(self.value) + "."
- class Box:
- """Temporary score box holder class."""
- def __init__(self):
- self.value = 0
- def reset(self):
- self.value = 0
- def add_dice_value(self, dice_value):
- self.value += dice_value
- class Player(object):
- """Base class for different player types."""
- def __init__(self, name=None):
- = name
- self.score = 0
- def add_score(self, player_score):
- """Adds player_score to total score."""
- self.score += player_score
- def __str__(self):
- """Returns player name and current score."""
- return str( + ": " + str(self.score)
- class ComputerPlayer(Player):
- cpu_names=['Eliza', 'BigBlue', 'Foo', 'Bar']
- def __init__(self, number):
- """Assigns a cpu name from cpu_names, or Cpu#."""
- if number < len(self.cpu_names):
- name = self.cpu_names[number]
- else:
- name = 'Cpu{}'.format(number)
- super(ComputerPlayer, self).__init__(name)
- def keep_rolling(self, box):
- """Randomly decides if the CPU player will keep rolling."""
- while box.value < (10 + random.randint(1, 35)):
- print(" CPU will roll again.")
- return True
- print(" CPU will hold.")
- return False
- class HumanPlayer(Player):
- def __init__(self, name):
- super(HumanPlayer, self).__init__(name)
- def keep_rolling(self, box):
- """Asks the human player, if they want to keep rolling."""
- human_decision = input_number(" 1 - Roll again, 0 - Hold? ", 0, 1)
- if human_decision == 1:
- return True
- else:
- return False
- class GameManager:
- def __init__(self, humans=1, computers=1):
- """Initialises the game, optionally asking for human player names."""
- self.players = []
- if humans == 1:
- self.players.append(HumanPlayer('Human'))
- else:
- for i in range(humans):
- player_name = input('Enter name of human player no. {}: '.format(i))
- self.players.append(HumanPlayer(player_name))
- for i in range(computers):
- self.players.append(ComputerPlayer(i))
- self.no_of_players = len(self.players)
- self.die = Die()
- = Box()
- @staticmethod
- def welcome():
- """Prints a welcome message including rules."""
- print("*" * 70)
- print("Welcome to Pig Dice!" .center(70))
- print("*" * 70)
- print("The objective is to be the first to reach 100 points." .center(70))
- print("On each turn, the player will roll a die." .center(70))
- print("The die value will stored in a temporary score box." .center(70))
- print("(If the die value is 1, the player earns no points," .center(70))
- print("and the turn goes to the next player.)" .center(70))
- print("A human player has an option to either roll again," .center(70))
- print("or hold. If you hold, the score in the" .center(70))
- print("temporary box will be added to your total score." .center(70))
- print(" Good luck! " .center(70, "*"))
- print(" Remember " .center(70, "*"))
- print(" Fortune favors the brave... " .center(70, "*"))
- print(" but chance favors the smart! " .center(70, "*"))
- print()
- print("I will now decide who starts" .center(70, " "))
- print()
- def decide_first_player(self):
- """Randomly chooses a player to begin, and prints who is starting."""
- self.current_player = random.randint(1, self.no_of_players) % self.no_of_players
- print('{} starts'.format(self.players[self.current_player].name))
- def next_player(self):
- """Advanced self.current_player to next player."""
- self.current_player = (self.current_player + 1) % self.no_of_players
- def previous_player(self):
- """Changes self.current_player to previous player."""
- self.current_player = (self.current_player - 1) % self.no_of_players
- def get_all_scores(self):
- """Returns a join all players scores."""
- return ', '.join(str(player) for player in self.players)
- def play_game(self):
- """Plays an entire game."""
- self.welcome()
- self.decide_first_player()
- while all(player.score < 100 for player in self.players):
- print('\nCurrent score --> {}'.format(self.get_all_scores()))
- print('\n*** {} to play ***'.format(self.players[self.current_player].name))
- while self.keep_rolling():
- pass
- self.players[self.current_player].add_score(
- self.next_player()
- ## The previous player has won...
- self.previous_player()
- print(' {} has won '.format(self.players[self.current_player].name).center(70, '*'))
- def keep_rolling(self):
- """Adds rolled dice to box. Returns if human/cpu wants to continue.
- If either player rolls a 1, the box value is reset, and turn ends.
- """
- try:
- dice_value = self.die.roll()
- print('Last roll: {}, new box value: {}'.format(dice_value,
- # Check if human (by asking) or computer(calculating) will keep rolling
- return self.players[self.current_player].keep_rolling(
- except RolledOneException:
- print(' Rolled one. Switching turns')
- return False
- def main():
- human_players = input_number('How many human players? ')
- computer_players = input_number('How many computer players? ')
- game_manager = GameManager(human_players, computer_players)
- game_manager.play_game()
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
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