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- //*********************************************************
- // -Touch Texture Switch- *
- //*********************************************************
- // by Alphons van der Heijden (SL: Alphons Jano)
- //Creator: Bobbyb30 Swashbuckler
- //Attribution: None required, but it is appreciated.
- //Created: December 16, 2009
- //Last Modified: March 17, 2010
- //License: Public Domain
- //Released: Wednesday, December 16, 2009
- //Status: Fully Working/Production Ready
- //Version: 1.0.1
- //Disclaimer: These programs are distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without
- // even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
- //Name: Touch Texture Switch.lsl
- //Purpose: To change texture on touch
- //Description: This script will change the texture on a prim when touched between the two given texture and then sleep.
- //Directions: Add script to prim. Change UUIDs in script and save.
- //Compatible: Mono & LSL compatible
- //Other items required: None
- //Notes: Lagless, timerless, Originally written for EternalSailorJupiter Korobase
- // : llSetTexture has a .2 second delay, so there is automatically a .2 second delay built in.
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //global variables you may change
- string texture1 = "38717371-a0d5-c262-3098-5a8d47568c13";//UUID of texture 1 (or inventory name if in inventorY)
- string texture2= "724646e0-c18a-84fe-f174-77d8435f0988";//UUID of texture2
- float time = 0.0;//time to sleep in seconds
- integer side = 1;//which side to change texture on
- /////////////
- //don't change below
- integer currentstate;//the state its in either TRUE or FALSE
- switch(string texture)
- {
- llSetTexture(texture, side);
- currentstate = ~currentstate;//swith states
- llSleep(time);
- }
- default
- {
- touch_start(integer total_number)
- {
- if(currentstate)
- switch(texture1);
- else
- switch(texture2);
- }
- }
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