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- --[[
- .npc portto 43359
- .quest start 1718 (the islander)
- *) use AT
- --]]
- -- OBJECT_END = 0x0006
- -- UNIT_FIELD_FLAGS = 0x0006 + 0x0035
- -- UNIT_FIELD_TARGET = 0x0006 + 0x000C
- -- UNIT_FLAG_NOT_ATTACKABLE_9 = 0x00000100;
- -- UNIT_FLAG_NOT_SELECTABLE = 0x02000000;
- local AffrayLoc = {
- {-1683, -4326, 2.79, 0},
- {-1682, -4329, 2.79, 0},
- {-1683, -4330, 2.79, 0},
- {-1680, -4334, 2.79, 1.49},
- {-1674, -4326, 2.79, 3.49},
- {-1677, -4334, 2.79, 1.66}
- };
- local AffrayDisplay = { 4968, 4969, 4970, 4971 };
- function twiggyFlathead_onAIUpdate( unit, _ )
- local ref = THE_AFFRAY[tostring( unit )]
- -- the green bastard look for Warriors witch have started the quest
- local tbl_plrs = unit:GetInRangePlayers()
- if tbl_plrs and ref.eventInProgress == false then
- for _, v in ipairs ( tbl_plrs ) do
- if v:GetPlayerClass() == "Warrior" and v:GetQuestObjectiveCompletion( 1719, 0 ) == 0 then
- if unit:GetDistance( v ) <= 90 then
- ref.eventInProgress = true
- ref.plrTarget = v
- ref.plrGuid = v:GetGUID()
- end
- end
- end
- end
- -- check if event has started and then spawn challengers
- if( ref.eventSpawned == false and ref.eventInProgress == true ) then
- local p = unit:GetUnitByGUID( ref.plrGuid )
- if p:HasQuest( 1719 ) then
- local x = p:GetX()
- local y = p:GetY()
- -- there is an AT in the center of the circle (like
- -- in all quest about step in some place) but not sure
- -- if we should have to much serverhook functions (maybe
- -- a big one with all quest like this???)
- if( (x >= -1684 and x <= -1674) and (y >= -4334 and y <= -4324) ) then
- unit:SendChatMessage( 12, 0, "The Affray has begun. "..p:GetName()..", get ready to fight!" )
- for i = 1, 6, 1 do
- local mob = unit:SpawnCreature( 6240, AffrayLoc[ i ][ 1 ], AffrayLoc[ i ][ 2 ], AffrayLoc[ i ][ 3 ], AffrayLoc[ i ][ 4 ], 35, 600000, 1899, 1, 1, 1, 0 );
- mob:SetModel( AffrayDisplay[math.random(1, 4)] )
- mob:SetByteValue( 0x7A, 0, 1 )
- mob:SetFaction( 35 )
- mob:SetFlag( 0x0006 + 0x0035, 0x00000100 + 0x02000000 )
- mob:DisableCombat( 1 )
- mob:Emote( 15, 1000 )
- ref.affrayChallenger[ i ] = mob:GetGUID()
- end
- ref.eventSpawned = true
- ref.waveTimer = 5
- ref.challengerChecker = 1
- end
- end
- elseif( ref.eventInProgress == true ) then
- ref.waveTimer = ref.waveTimer - 1
- -- check if a challenger is dead
- if( ref.challengerChecker <= 1 ) then
- for i = 1, 6, 1 do
- if( ref.affrayChallenger[ i ] ) then
- local npc = unit:GetUnitByGUID( ref.affrayChallenger[ i ] )
- if( npc == nil or ( npc:IsAlive() == false and ref.challengerDown[ i ] == false ) ) then
- unit:SendChatMessage( 12, 0, "Challenger is down!" )
- ref.challengerDown[ i ] = true
- end
- end
- end
- ref.challengerChecker = 1;
- else
- ref.challengerChecker = ref.challengerChecker - 1
- end
- -- wait twenty seconds and then activate another Challenger
- if( ref.waveTimer <= 1 ) then
- if( ref.wave < 7 and ref.affrayChallenger[ ref.wave ] and ref.eventBigWill == false ) then
- unit:SendChatMessage( 12, 0, "You! Enter the fray!" )
- local npc = unit:GetUnitByGUID( ref.affrayChallenger[ ref.wave ] )
- if( npc and npc:IsAlive() == true ) then
- npc:Emote( 15, 0 )
- npc:SetFaction( 14 )
- npc:SetUInt64Value( 0x0006 + 0x000C, ref.plrGuid );
- npc:RegisterAIUpdateEvent( 3000 )
- ref.wave = ref.wave + 1
- ref.waveTimer = 20
- end
- -- no more Challengers so spawn Big Will
- elseif( ref.wave >= 6 and ref.eventBigWill == false ) then
- local bw = unit:SpawnCreature( 6238, -1722, -4341, 6.12, 6.26, 35, 480000, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0 )
- if( bw ) then
- bw:SetFlag( 0x0006 + 0x0035, 0x00000100 + 0x02000000 )
- bw:DisableCombat( 1 )
- bw:Emote( 27, 0 )
- ref.bigWill = bw:GetGUID()
- ref.eventBigWill = true
- ref.waveTimer = 1
- --test
- bw:RegisterAIUpdateEvent( 20000 )
- bw:SetUInt64Value( 0x0006 + 0x000C, ref.plrGuid );
- end
- elseif( ref.wave >= 6 and ref.eventBigWill and ref.bigWill ) then
- local bw = unit:GetUnitByGUID( ref.bigWill )
- if( bw == nil or bw:IsAlive() == false ) then
- unit:SendChatMessage( 12, 0, "The Affray is over!" )
- ref.eventInProgress = false
- unit:Despawn( 1000, 0 ) -- reset variables
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function twiggyFlathead_onLoad( unit, _ )
- local sUnit = tostring( unit )
- THE_AFFRAY[ sUnit ] = {
- eventInProgress = false,
- eventSpawned = false,
- affrayChallenger = { nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil },
- challengerDown = { false, false, false, false, false, false },
- waveTimer = 0,
- challengerChecker = 0,
- eventBigWill = false,
- wave = 1,
- bigWill = nil,
- plrTarget = nil,
- plrGuid = nil
- }
- unit:RegisterAIUpdateEvent( 1000 )
- end
- RegisterUnitEvent( 6248, 18, twiggyFlathead_onLoad )
- RegisterUnitEvent( 6248, 21, twiggyFlathead_onAIUpdate )
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