

Oct 13th, 2011
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  1. azelphur@darth-vader:~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Steam$ wine Steam.exe
  2. fixme:process:SetProcessShutdownParameters (00000100, 00000000): partial stub.
  3. fixme:toolhelp:CreateToolhelp32Snapshot Unimplemented: heap list snapshot
  4. fixme:toolhelp:Heap32ListFirst : stub
  5. fixme:alsa:AudioClient_GetMixFormat Don't know what to do with 32 channels, pretending there's only 2 channels
  6. fixme:alsa:AudioClient_GetMixFormat Don't know what to do with 10000 channels, pretending there's only 2 channels
  7. fixme:alsa:AudioClient_GetMixFormat Don't know what to do with 10000 channels, pretending there's only 2 channels
  8. fixme:alsa:AudioClient_GetMixFormat Don't know what to do with 10000 channels, pretending there's only 2 channels
  9. fixme:alsa:AudioClient_GetMixFormat Don't know what to do with 10000 channels, pretending there's only 2 channels
  10. fixme:alsa:AudioClient_GetMixFormat Don't know what to do with 10000 channels, pretending there's only 2 channels
  11. fixme:alsa:AudioClient_GetMixFormat Don't know what to do with 10000 channels, pretending there's only 2 channels
  12. fixme:alsa:AudioClient_GetMixFormat Don't know what to do with 32 channels, pretending there's only 2 channels
  13. fixme:alsa:AudioClient_GetMixFormat Don't know what to do with 10000 channels, pretending there's only 2 channels
  14. fixme:alsa:AudioClient_GetMixFormat Don't know what to do with 10000 channels, pretending there's only 2 channels
  15. err:ole:CoGetClassObject class {77f10cf0-3db5-4966-b520-b7c54fd35ed6} not registered
  16. err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {77f10cf0-3db5-4966-b520-b7c54fd35ed6} could be created for context 0x1
  17. fixme:wbemprox:wbem_locator_ConnectServer 0x1d9198, L"ROOT\\CIMV2", (null), (null), (null), 0x00000080, (null), (nil), 0x4b5c668)
  18. err:ole:CoGetClassObject class {dff32fea-3331-48da-a272-ccfc238695be} not registered
  19. err:ole:CoGetClassObject class {dff32fea-3331-48da-a272-ccfc238695be} not registered
  20. err:ole:create_server class {dff32fea-3331-48da-a272-ccfc238695be} not registered
  21. fixme:ole:CoGetClassObject CLSCTX_REMOTE_SERVER not supported
  22. err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {dff32fea-3331-48da-a272-ccfc238695be} could be created for context 0x17
  23. fixme:winhttp:WinHttpGetIEProxyConfigForCurrentUser returning no proxy used
  24. fixme:win:RegisterDeviceNotificationA (hwnd=0x100ba, filter=0x32d5e4,flags=0x00000004) returns a fake device notification handle!
  25. fixme:win:EnumDisplayDevicesW ((null),0,0x32d038,0x00000000), stub!
  26. fixme:appbar:SHAppBarMessage unknown msg: 4
  27. fixme:appbar:handle_appbarmessage SHAppBarMessage(ABM_GETSTATE): stub
  28. fixme:appbar:handle_appbarmessage SHAppBarMessage(ABM_GETAUTOHIDEBAR, hwnd=(nil), edge=3): stub
  29. fixme:appbar:handle_appbarmessage SHAppBarMessage(ABM_GETAUTOHIDEBAR, hwnd=(nil), edge=1): stub
  30. fixme:appbar:handle_appbarmessage SHAppBarMessage(ABM_GETAUTOHIDEBAR, hwnd=(nil), edge=0): stub
  31. fixme:appbar:handle_appbarmessage SHAppBarMessage(ABM_GETAUTOHIDEBAR, hwnd=(nil), edge=2): stub
  32. fixme:advapi:RegisterTraceGuidsW (0x33c2630, 0x3e5b7b8, {3dada31d-19ef-4dc1-b345-037927193422}, 1, 0x3e2d5f8, (null), (null), 0x3e5b7d0,): stub
  33. err:seh:raise_exception Unhandled exception code c0000005 flags 0 addr 0x7ee1df80
  34. err:ole:RevokeDragDrop invalid hwnd (nil)
  35. err:ole:RevokeDragDrop invalid hwnd 0x1011c
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