
Untitled - Notepad

Jul 24th, 2014
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  1. "Simply check the box next to each statement that seems to be true about you. Answer just for yourself as you would describe yourself to yourself, right now, whether at home or at work or wherever."
  4. Able to give orders
  5. Accurate
  6. Amiable
  7. Appealing
  8. Appreciative
  9. Apologetic
  10. Able to take care of myself
  11. Accepts advice readily
  12. Able to doubt others
  13. Affectionate and understanding
  14. Act to show my importance
  15. Able to criticize myself
  16. Admires and imitates others
  17. Agrees with everyone
  18. Agreeable
  19. Always ashamed of myself
  20. Attractive personality
  21. Very anxious to be approved of
  22. Always giving advice
  23. Bitter
  24. Big-hearted and unselfish
  25. Boastful
  26. Bold
  27. Businesslike
  28. Bossy
  29. Can be frank and honest
  30. Clings to others
  31. Can be strict if necessary
  32. Charming
  33. Considerate
  34. Cold and unfeeling
  35. Can complain if necessary
  36. Careful
  37. Controlled
  38. Cooperative
  39. Competitive
  40. Complaining
  41. Conscientious
  42. Can be indifferent to others
  43. Critical of others
  44. Can be obedient
  45. Cruel and unkind
  46. Daring
  47. Dependent on others
  48. Dictatorial
  49. Diplomatic
  50. Direct
  51. Distrusts everyone
  52. Dominating
  53. Embarrassed easily
  54. Eager to get along with others
  55. Easily fooled
  56. Easygoing
  57. Egotistical and conceited
  58. Easily led
  59. Encouraging to others
  60. Enjoys taking care of others
  61. Enthusiastic
  62. Even tempered
  63. Expects everyone to admire me
  64. Expressive
  65. Frequently disappointed
  66. Firm but just and fair
  67. Fond of everyone
  68. Forceful person
  69. Friendly
  70. Forgives anything and everything
  71. Frequently angry
  72. Friendly all the time
  73. Generous to a fault
  74. Gentle
  75. Give freely of myself
  76. Good leader
  77. Good mixer
  78. Good natured
  79. Grateful person
  80. Tough when necessary
  81. Helpful
  82. Hard-hearted
  83. Hard to impress
  84. High spirited
  85. Honest
  86. Impatient with others mistakes
  87. Independent
  88. Irritable
  89. Jealous
  90. Kind and reassuring
  91. Likes responsibility
  92. Lacks self-confidence
  93. Likes to compete with others
  94. Lets others make the decisions
  95. Likes everybody
  96. Likes to be taken care of
  97. Logical
  98. Loves everybody
  99. Makes a good impression
  100. Manages others
  101. Meek
  102. Modest
  103. Hardly ever talks back
  104. Often admired
  105. Obeys too willingly
  106. Often bored
  107. Often gloomy
  108. Often ignored
  109. Outspoken
  110. Overprotective of others
  111. Often unfriendly
  112. Over sympathetic
  113. Often helped by others
  114. Outgoing
  115. Outsider
  116. Passive and unaggressive
  117. Pioneering
  118. Proud and self-satisfied
  119. Always pleasant and agreeable
  120. Resentful
  121. Respected by others
  122. Rebels against everything
  123. Resents being bossed around
  124. Reserved
  125. Restless
  126. Self-reliant and assertive
  127. Sarcastic
  128. Self-punishing
  129. Self-confident
  130. Self-seeking
  131. Shrewd and calculating
  132. Self-respecting
  133. Shy
  134. Selfish
  135. Sceptical
  136. Sociable and neighbourly
  137. Slow to forgive a wrong
  138. Somewhat snobbish
  139. Spineless and cowardly
  140. Stern but fair
  141. Spoils people with kindness
  142. Straightforward and direct
  143. Strong willed
  144. Stubborn
  145. Sympathetic
  146. Tactful
  147. Talkative
  148. Thorough
  149. Too easily influenced by others
  150. Think only of myself
  151. Tender and soft-hearted
  152. Timid
  153. Too lenient with others
  154. Touchy and easily hurt
  155. Too willing to give to others
  156. Tries to be too successful
  157. Trusting and eager to please
  158. Trustworthy
  159. Tries to comfort everyone
  160. Usually gives in
  161. Very respectful of authority
  162. Vigorous
  163. Wants everyone's love
  164. Well thought of
  165. Wants to be led
  166. Wants to be praised
  167. Will confide in anyone
  168. Warm
  169. Want everyone to like me
  170. Well disciplined
  171. Will believe anyone
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