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- #include <Crypt.au3>
- #include <WindowsConstants.au3>
- #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>
- ; En
- $LngEnc = 'Encrypt'
- $LngDec = 'Decrypt'
- $LngEnPs = 'Enter the password'
- $LngEnPt = 'Enter the path or drag a file into the input field'
- $LngSet1 = 'Disabled'
- $LngSet2 = 'Auto Encoding'
- $LngSet3 = 'Auto decoding'
- $LngMs1 = 'Message'
- $LngMs2 = 'The path does not exist'
- $LngMs3 = 'No password'
- $LngNFL='In a new file'
- $LngScf='Successfully'
- $LngFlr='Failure'
- $UserIntLang = DllCall('kernel32.dll', 'int', 'GetUserDefaultUILanguage')
- If Not @error Then $UserIntLang = Hex($UserIntLang[0], 4)
- ; Ru
- ; если русская локализация, то русский язык
- If $UserIntLang = 0419 Then
- $LngEnc = 'Кодировать'
- $LngDec = 'Декодировать'
- $LngEnPs = 'Введите пароль'
- $LngEnPt = 'Введите путь или перетащите файл в поле ввода'
- $LngSet1 = 'Отключено'
- $LngSet2 = 'Автокодирование'
- $LngSet3 = 'Автодекодирование'
- $LngMs1 = 'Сообщение'
- $LngMs2 = 'Путь не существует'
- $LngMs3 = 'Отсутствует пароль'
- $LngNFL='В новый файл'
- $LngScf='Успешно'
- $LngFlr='Неудачно'
- EndIf
- Global $LastPath=''
- $Gui = GUICreate($LngEnc & ' / ' & $LngDec, 350, 110, -1, -1, -1, $WS_EX_ACCEPTFILES)
- If Not @compiled Then GUISetIcon('shell32.dll', 48)
- $StatusBar=GUICtrlCreateLabel('', 160, 60, 150, 17)
- $NewFile = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox($LngNFL, 10, 60, 120, 17)
- GUICtrlSetState(-1, 1)
- $Open = GUICtrlCreateButton('...', 313, 30, 26, 23)
- GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 16)
- $key = GUICtrlCreateInput($LngEnPs, 10, 5, 330, 22)
- GUICtrlSetFont(-1, -1, -1, 2)
- $Path = GUICtrlCreateInput($LngEnPt, 10, 30, 304, 22)
- GUICtrlSetFont(-1, -1, -1, 2)
- $Auto = GUICtrlCreateCombo('', 10, 80, 140, 23, 0x3)
- GUICtrlSetData(-1, $LngSet1 & '|' & $LngSet2 & '|' & $LngSet3, $LngSet1)
- $enc = GUICtrlCreateButton($LngEnc, 160, 80, 80, 24)
- $dec = GUICtrlCreateButton($LngDec, 250, 80, 90, 24)
- GUISetState()
- GUIRegisterMsg(0x0111, "WM_COMMAND")
- _Crypt_Startup()
- While 1
- $msg = GUIGetMsg()
- Switch $msg
- Case -13
- If @GUI_DropId = $Path Then GUICtrlSetData($Path, @GUI_DragFile)
- Switch GUICtrlRead($Auto)
- Case $LngSet2
- _Enc(1)
- Case $LngSet3
- _Enc(0)
- EndSwitch
- Case $enc
- _Enc(1)
- Case $dec
- _Enc(0)
- Case $Open
- If $LastPath='' Then $LastPath=@DesktopDir
- $OpenFile = FileOpenDialog('', $LastPath , '(*.*)', 3, '', $Gui)
- If @error Then ContinueLoop
- GUICtrlSetFont($Path, -1, -1, 0)
- GUICtrlSetData($Path, $OpenFile)
- $LastPath=StringLeft($OpenFile, StringInStr($OpenFile, "\", 0, -1)-1)
- Switch GUICtrlRead($Auto)
- Case $LngSet2
- _Enc(1)
- Case $LngSet3
- _Enc(0)
- EndSwitch
- Case -3
- _Crypt_Shutdown()
- Exit
- EndSwitch
- WEnd
- Func _Enc($type)
- Local $aPath, $ED, $i, $key0, $n, $NewFile, $Path0, $PathN
- $key0 = GUICtrlRead($key)
- $Path0 = GUICtrlRead($Path)
- If Not FileExists($Path0) Then Return MsgBox(0, $LngMs1, $LngMs2)
- If $key0 = '' Then Return MsgBox(0, $LngMs1, $LngMs3)
- If $type Then
- $ED = 'E'
- Else
- $ED = 'D'
- EndIf
- $aPath = StringRegExp($Path0, '^(.*\\[^\\]*?)(\.[^.]+)?$', 3)
- $n = UBound($aPath)
- $i = 0
- Do
- $i += 1
- If $n = 2 Then
- $PathN = $aPath[0] & '_' & $i & $ED & '.' & $aPath[1]
- Else
- $PathN = $aPath[0] & '_' & $i & $ED
- EndIf
- Until Not FileExists($PathN)
- If $type Then
- $yes=_Crypt_EncryptFile($Path0, $PathN, $key0, $CALG_RC4)
- Else
- $yes=_Crypt_DecryptFile($Path0, $PathN, $key0, $CALG_RC4)
- EndIf
- If GUICtrlRead($NewFile)=4 Then
- If $yes And FileMove($PathN, $Path0, 9) Then
- $i=$LngScf
- Else
- $i=$LngFlr
- EndIf
- Else
- If $yes Then
- $i=$LngScf
- Else
- $i=$LngFlr
- EndIf
- EndIf
- GUICtrlSetData($StatusBar, $i)
- AdlibRegister('_StatusBarAR', 2000)
- EndFunc
- Func _StatusBarAR()
- GUICtrlSetData($StatusBar, '')
- AdlibUnRegister('_StatusBarAR')
- EndFunc
- Func WM_COMMAND($hWnd, $msg, $wParam, $lParam)
- Local $nID = BitAND($wParam, 0x0000FFFF)
- Switch $nID
- Case $key
- Switch GUICtrlRead($nID, 1)
- Case $LngEnPs
- GUICtrlSetData($nID, '')
- GUICtrlSetFont($nID, -1, -1, 0)
- Case ''
- GUICtrlSetData($nID, $LngEnPs)
- GUICtrlSetFont($nID, -1, -1, 2)
- EndSwitch
- Case $Path
- Switch GUICtrlRead($nID, 1)
- Case $LngEnPt
- GUICtrlSetData($nID, '')
- GUICtrlSetFont($nID, -1, -1, 0)
- Case ''
- GUICtrlSetData($nID, $LngEnPt)
- GUICtrlSetFont($nID, -1, -1, 2)
- EndSwitch
- EndSwitch
- EndFunc
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